Chapter 437 Invasion of Domesticated Beasts

Although neither the Bearded Feng Team nor the surveillance system issued any danger warnings, Xia Qing immediately paid attention to the two wolves' movements being so consistent.

She endured the pain and drowsiness all over her body. She first drank a bottle of super nutrient solution, and then gave one bottle each to the sheep boss and the five wolves to replenish energy and cope with possible unexpected situations.

 Then, Xia Qing cheered up and checked the status of the territory on his mobile phone. The surveillance cameras at the north gate, south gate, high slope, low slope, in the field and at home did not sound an alarm, and everything looked normal through the cameras. However, the cameras in her territory cannot cover all areas of the territory, and the problem may occur outside the monitored area.

At this moment, the broken-waisted wolf and the sick wolf, who had just finished taking a bath, slowly raised their heads, turned their ears and looked around, obviously noticing something was wrong. Only the two idiots, the sheep boss and the broken leg wolf, still slept soundly after taking the nutrient solution, and the broken leg wolf even snored.

Xia Qing asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, have you discovered the intruder?"

The alpha wolf flicked the missing piece of its ear, stood up and walked outside. As soon as it stood up, the wolf immediately stopped snoring. He raised his head and looked at it for two seconds, and found that nothing was wrong with him. Then he lay down and snored again. .

Xia Qing endured the pain and patted his companion, "Boss, wake up."

The sheep boss reluctantly opened his eyes and stared at Xia Qing unhappily.

Xia Qing explained to it, "An intruder has appeared. The Queen and I have to go out to inspect the territory. You are the first to take a bath, so you are in the best physical condition and the home needs you to protect it. Boss, you are Blue Star The best evolved sheep in the world is the most responsible boss. He can definitely protect our home, our food and your wolf friends, right?"

After hearing this, Mr. Yang immediately stood up with his head held high and looked around, looking very reliable.

"I knew the boss was the most powerful. I'll leave the house to you. If something happens, just scream loudly and I can hear you." Xia Qingsai gave it a compressed ration, put on a protective mask and a sniper rifle, and followed the alpha wolf despite the pain. Go outside.

After leaving the house and being enveloped by the cold air of the night, Xia Qing felt much more awake, and the pain in her body seemed to have eased. She forced herself to keep up with her, who was taking a bath later than her, but who seemed not to be affected at all. Go and make an announcement on the intercom to the two people closest to her.

"Xiao Jiang, Er Yong. The alpha wolf heard unusual movements in the territory. He and I went out to check. We need your support. We'll meet at the east end of the village." Xia Qing's combat power is currently insufficient. The alpha wolf seems to be fine. My body is also very uncomfortable, and I may not be able to cope with danger, so I need support.

 “Received.” Er Yong, who was located in the northern buffer forest, replied.

 “Received.” Xiao Jiang, who was located near the Nanhuang Caoqiang, replied.

Xia Qing's house is in the northwest corner of the deserted village, so when she leaves the village to go to the fields, she often goes to the right, but this time the wolf went left and left the deserted village along the road built by Xia Qing. Join Xiao Jiang and Er Yong who are coming over.

The wolf didn't seem to see them. After leaving the village, he walked straight to the grass wall on the east side of the territory. Xia Qing, Xiao Jiang and Er Yong followed closely behind.

Then, the alpha wolf took the three humans to the east wall of the territory. There was a hole as big as a basketball in the iron mesh wall. Here, it is not within the scope of monitoring.

Xiao Jiang immediately stepped forward to check, "The incision is very new. It was just made. It should be a fuse device!" After using his hearing and vision to observe that there was no one and no other large animals nearby, Xia Qing immediately ordered, "Er Yong, use it first." The stone blocked the entrance of the cave, and Xiao Jiang woke up Chen Cheng and Chen Zheng and used the scent to track the direction of the intruder. "Her Majesty, where did the intruder go?"

The wolf had a clear direction. He led the three humans to the edge of the reservoir and stared at the water. The temperature is now minus six degrees, and the water near the shore has begun to freeze, but there is still water flowing in the middle.

 What are the intruders doing in the water on such a cold day?

Wearing night vision goggles, Xia Qing endured the pain and squatted next to the alpha wolf, staring quietly at the water.

When the wolf showed its fangs, Xia Qing spotted a black shadow more than twenty centimeters long. It moved slowly in the ice water, raised its little head out of the water for a few breaths, and then sank again.

 Water rat! It's still such a big one. Thunder and lightning have already emptied the reservoir. This must be tonight's intruder!

 Soon, another water mouse appeared on the other side of the reservoir. If you look closely, you can see that these two water mice are carrying something on their backs. These are not ordinary water mice, they are domesticated animals.

No wonder Eryong and Xiaojiang, who were guarding the east side of the territory, and the cameras didn't notice anything unusual, because this thing was crawling in the grass and now hiding in the water. The flowing water covered up their smell and the sound of their movements.

Xia Qing signaled Er Yong, who was following him, to get the fishing net. Then, Er Yong and Xiao Jiang each stared at a water mouse. Seeing that Xia Qing had discovered the water mouse, the alpha wolf stopped staring at the water and turned back to the village to rest.

If you look carefully, you will find that the Queen's legs are also shaking slightly. It was also in pain, but the dignity and responsibility of being an alpha wolf forced it to take this trip.

 Water rats live near water and have certain diving abilities, but they cannot stay in the water for long periods of time. Eryong and Xiaojiang hid on the shore, waiting for the two water rats to poke their heads out of the water again to breathe, and then they took action at the same time. Use a fishing net to catch those close to the shore, shoot them directly to kill them, and then catch them after killing them.

 “Squeak-squeak-” The huge water rat that was fished out screamed and struggled desperately.

 After confirming that the equipment they were wearing would not explode suddenly, Eryong and Xiaojiang quickly separated the equipment from the water rats and threw the equipment aside. The water rats were bundled and stuffed into a special bag for small animals.

Er Yong, who was responsible for patrolling the northern buffer forest, felt ashamed, "I really didn't hear any movement at all."

"I didn't notice it either. Fortunately, the Queen is alert." Xiao Jiang was also frightened.

"They came prepared this time and sent such a small animal to invade. Our sense of hearing and smell are not as sharp as those of evolved wolves, so it's normal that we can't detect them." After Xia Qing explained, he heard Chen Zheng reporting on the intercom, " Sister Qing, there is no abnormal smell near the gap. Someone must have used a medicine to eliminate the smell. Do you need to report it to the investigation team and enter the No. 4 territory to continue tracking? "

The one who can use water rats as tame animals in this territory and is sent to her territory in the middle of the night must be Territory No. 9. So instead of looking for the platoon, she might as well look for her idol, "No need for now, I'll contact Territory No. 7 first."

Xia Qing took out her mobile phone with some difficulty to contact Ji Li. After learning that Zhang San was still in the laboratory, she directly contacted her idol by phone, briefly explained the situation to her idol, and then asked, "Brother San, what do you think about this matter?" How to deal with it?”

 Zhang San, who was having trouble with Territory No. 9, took it very seriously, "Protect the scene and I'll send someone over immediately."

  Thanks to the first quarter moon of October, Jewelmay for the reward, and everyone for your subscription support, the second update will be sent out today.

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