Chapter 428 P3 Laboratory

Zhang San's voice was calm, and everyone could hear his displeasure, "Whether you were stupid because you overdosed on elements in the laboratory, or you were really fooled by the fire phoenix and became lame, it has nothing to do with me. If you can't reach it, My request is not to come over to discuss cooperation with me. Tan Junjie, are you there?"

Tan Junjie responded, “Yes.”

Zhang San's faint voice was full of murderous intent, "Zhang San, the No. 7 Territory, officially and publicly reported to the relevant departments of the Huisan Base: The laboratory in the No. 7 Territory is a P3 laboratory officially established with national approval. According to natural disasters During this period, P3 laboratory safety management regulations: Any organism that approaches the laboratory and surrounding restricted areas without permission is considered a threat to laboratory safety and can be killed directly.”

“In other words: If any creature enters Territory No. 7 without the permission of Lord No. 7 or its agent, we have the right to kill it directly and hold the relevant persons legally responsible.”


Xia Qing took a breath of air. Territory No. 7 is the P3 laboratory? ! What the hell, what on earth is the idol researching in his territory that he needs to build such a high-level laboratory!

  Not just her, the entire territory was shocked and trembling.

Tan Junjie responded solemnly, "Received. Tan Junjie, leader of the Sixth Danger Investigation Squadron, immediately reported it to the Base Management Department and Territory Management Department."

Shan Ying didn't believe it at all, "Third brother said that your laboratory is P2 level. It's not reliable at all. There are only 40 P3 laboratories in the 43 existing bases in our country, and without exception they are all in the safe zone. Who? Are you allowed to establish a P3 laboratory in the territory?”

Zhang San has become petty and no longer talks to Shan Ying. "Tan Junjie, Lord No. 7 and Zhang San, the head of the national P3 laboratory, formally lodged a protest with the Territory Management Department: Protesting against Team Liehuo and Sufeng Team for sending people to provoke without authorization. The evolved bear on Mountain No. 50 is trying to cause a human-bear war to achieve its own selfish interests. Please send someone from the Lord Management Department to investigate immediately and punish Li Huo and Su Feng severely to serve as a warning to others."

“Idol!! Boss and second brother, did you hear that, this man is my idol!!” Xia Qing excitedly patted the head of the sheep boss.

The sheep boss narrowed his eyes and kicked Xia Qing onto the sick wolf.

Xia Qing was still giggling, and pushed the sick wolf's head hard with his forehead, "Second brother! We will be digging green lantern peanuts soon!"

The sick wolf who was held down by Xia Qing grinned and stuck out his tongue, laughing happily with her.

 In Territory No. 2, Zhou Xun shrank his neck in fear and did not dare to raise his eyes to look at Xu Pin beside him. Xu Pin didn't care about Zhou Xun at all and immediately called Tang Zhengsu.

In the lord channel, Tan Junjie asked seriously, "Lord No. 7, do you have any evidence?"

 Zhang San answered calmly, “No.”

Before Territory No. 2 and Territory No. 9 could speak out, Yang Jin came online, "I have evidence."

Xia Qing became even happier and kicked the sheep boss, "Boss, did you hear that? Boss Yang, who has the same name as you, is as capable as you. We are about to earn points!"

Tan Junjie asked seriously, "Yang Jin, can your evidence be submitted to the investigation team?"

Yang Jin responded, "Yes, but I am not in the territory now. I will contact you as soon as I return."

After Yang Jin answered on the walkie-talkie, Li Huo's Danying and Sufeng's Xu Pin called him one after another. Yang Jin just watched quietly and did not answer the call.

 The third person to call him was Xia Qing, and Yang Jin immediately answered the call.

“Team Yang, will Xu Pin leave the territory for the evidence in your hand?”

Yang Jin answered with certainty, "No, he is very timid. He will definitely not leave the territory before the Sufeng Team's relief convoy arrives at the second territory. You want to snipe Xu Pin? It is very difficult. He is around The two bodyguards, one is a level 6 speed evolver and the other is a level 6 hearing evolver, both of whom have very high combat capabilities.”

Xia Qing replied, "It's not about sniping. Can you tell me your plan? I want to see if there is any way for us to cooperate."

Yang Jin told the truth, "In this incident, Li Huo used Su Feng as a gun. The evidence I have can cut Su Feng severely, but it cannot hurt Li Huo. Therefore, I plan to use the evidence I have to make Li Huo and Su Feng If the wind dog bites the dog, kill them again to make up for the loss of weeds."

Xia Qing asked, "Xu Pin is now Su Feng's brain, right? If we kill him and put the blame on Li Huo, we might be able to get Tang Zheng Su to bite Li Huo hard. Captain Yang, can you cooperate?"

Yang Jin smiled, "Of course." After hanging up Yang Jin's phone, Xia Qing contacted Xin Yu and told her plan. After hearing this, Xin Yu only had one question, "What is Yang Jin's limit speed? I need to accurately calculate the throw." The height and timing of the bomb.”

 After discussing the plan, Xia Qing took the sheep boss and the sick wolf out to the breeding greenhouse to feed chickens, fish, rabbits, and insects, and then went home to cook.

At this time, there was silence in the Lord's channel, and no one dared to open their mouths to break the silence.


Xia Qing felt her phone vibrate. When she took it out and looked at it, her hands couldn't help but tremble. The person who sent her a message on the morning of New Year's Day this year to inform her of important information about the territory took the initiative to contact her for the first time!

  She looked at the phone number carefully and found that she had made a mistake. The first nine digits of this number were the same as that person's, but the last digit of this person's number was 98 and that person's was 89.

 So, not the same person.

Xia Qing opened the message and found that the content only had six words:

 The third brother is really awesome, hehe.

Xia Qing was silent for a few seconds and put away her phone. No need to ask, there is only one person who would send this message to her in this tone: Tang Huai.


The phone rang again, Xia Qing took it out and looked at it: Hey, I finally got your phone number, guess who I am?

 After a while: Why was Mr. Yang angry this morning?

 A few seconds later: What are you busy with? You don’t have your phone? See reply.

Xia Qing put her phone back in her pocket and lowered her head to check the germination status of the wheat.

 “Beep, beep—beep, beep—”

 The familiar car horn sounded, and Xia Qing stood up and patted the dirt on his gloves.

Kuang Qingwei jubilantly reminded everyone in the lord channel, "Everyone, the patrol car has arrived, and we need to prepare for the exchange of supplies quickly."

Zhao Ze, who had been holding back for several days, immediately went online, "Thank you, Brother Qing. I exchanged 500 leek roots and am plowing the ground. Brother Qi, can you just plant the leek roots directly?"

Chive root is a new vegetable variety that the Territory Management Department vigorously promoted through radio broadcasts a few days ago. Chives do not have high requirements for light and temperature, and are very suitable for cultivation in greenhouses.

Furthermore, the transaction price of the management department is also very reasonable: 200 yellow-light leek roots cost one pound of yellow-light corn, and 200 green-light leek roots cost three kilograms of yellow-light corn.

Therefore, most of the lords who stayed in their territories for the winter chose to exchange the harvested grain for a certain amount of leek roots to plant in the greenhouse.

Qi Fu replied, "You cannot plant directly. Remove the bad roots first and soak them in water for two hours before planting."

Xia Qing asked, "Brother Qi, how much water should you use?"

 Qi Fu replied, "It will be done if you don't freeze your hands."

What is unexpected is that Li Si is still in the mood to answer planting questions online, "With the current temperature, soaking in purified water at 25-30 degrees is the best. In order to sterilize and promote rooting, it is best to soak in rooting water. If you don’t have rooting water, you can use green light willow water or white vinegar water instead.”

  1, 2, 3…

Xia Qingmo, who was rushing home, counted to 3. The person who came online was not his assistant Xiao Liu, but his idol Zhang San.

Zhang San lazily grabbed the business of Territory No. 9, "I have a newly developed rooting powder, which can be used by mixing it with water. Which of you needs it?"

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