Chapter 427: Single Face vs. Zhang San

The planting greenhouse in Territory No. 3 is fifty meters long and six meters wide, with a total indoor area of ​​300 square meters. Excluding the corners and aisles, the planting area is 250 square meters, less than half an acre of land, but for a place with only one person, one sheep, and one wolf For Territory 3, the vegetables grown are enough to eat.

 This 250 square meters was divided by Xia Qing into 25 small vegetable plots running north to south. Each small vegetable bed is 1.6 meters wide, and adjacent vegetable beds are separated by a 0.3-meter field. The reason why the vegetable borders are so narrow is to make it easier to squat on the ridges to weed and apply fertilizer later.

After tidying up the vegetable patch, Xia Qing leaned against the big sheep with his back and his feet against the big paws of the sick wolf. Ignoring the voice of Zhou Xun in the lord channel who clamored to search the territories to find the suspect who blew up the helicopter, he wrote something in a small notebook. Draw a picture and consider what should be grown in this greenhouse.

Five types of vegetables, including eggplants, beans, cucumbers, pumpkins and peppers, have been planted twice this year. The five types of fresh vegetables and dried vegetables stored in the underground vegetable storage room of Xia Qing's family are enough to last for a long time. They will not be used this winter. Planted.

Spinach is the first thing to be planted. In January, she will run out of the special nutrient solution in her hand and needs to use freshly squeezed spinach juice to make nutrient solution.

Xia Qing now only has 1,200 Gaoyi element spinach seeds left. She can plant 400 seeds this time and plant the rest next spring when the weather gets warmer.

Among the 100 ordinary green spinach seeds given by Zhang San, because they were not irrigated with pollution-free spring water and not protected with Yishi, only 28 of them matured in the end, including 13 green spinach and 15 yellow spinach. 7,500 green spinach seeds and 7,500 green spinach seeds were harvested. 8800 yellow light seeds.

 In order to deceive others, 400 ordinary green light spinach seeds need to be planted, and the remaining seeds are used to exchange materials or seeds with other territories.

 The second thing to plant is Perilla odorifera.

Perilla is a plant that does not have high requirements for fertilizer and water. Even if it is planted in ordinary soil, the growth rate of the element per crop is about 3‰. It is a plant species with high stability, so it is planted in large quantities by base planting centers and becomes The main raw material for making No. 3 compressed rations.

The green-light perilla in Xia Qing's territory grows in a planting area with high-yield element soil. The increase in the elemental content is only about 1.2‰. Most of them are still green-light when they set seeds, so Xia Qing harvested nearly 10,000 green-light seeds. She generously allocated 2,000 seeds and planned to plant three vegetable beds.

 She planted so many perillas for no other reason than to make her companion, the sheep boss, happy. In order to "save her" this morning, the sheep boss dared to fight Yanlong, a strong human being, and even called in powerful "foreign aid", which moved Xia Qing very much.

The third vegetable to be planted is alfalfa. The reason for planting is the same as the second one - for the sheep to eat!

 Compared with Perilla, the stability of green clover is much worse. In spring, someone in Territory No. 4 was peeping from a tree at Territory No. 3 and was discovered by Xia Qing. Zhao Ze used 20 green alfalfa plants to apologize to Xia Qing.

At that time, Xia Qing planted alfalfa in the planting area and took good care of it. The measured content of the chlorine element at that time was about 4.3‰. After two rains, a total of 18 plants survived to set seeds, but only 1 plant had a green light of 4.8‰, and the remaining 17 plants turned into a yellow light. The content of the chlorine element was between Between 5.5-7.5‰.

 Luckily, the remaining green alfalfa produced 3,000 alfalfa seeds.

Alfalfa is a perennial plant. The remaining green alfalfa has passed through the seed stage and juvenile stage and entered the mature stage. In principle, as long as this alfalfa is not seriously damaged, the content of the element will not increase rapidly. It will be in the green light period for a long time to come.

 So, Xia Qing can still get about 3,000 seeds from this green alfalfa tree next fall.

With a stroke of her pen, she planted 1,500 grains in the greenhouse for the sheep boss.

 The fourth plant, Xia Qing originally planned to plant wheatgrass. Unfortunately, there were too many things going on during this period, and she couldn't spare the time to go to the evolutionary forest to look for edible wheatgrass seeds. And the two wheatgrass plants she planted in flower pots died without producing seeds for some unknown reason.

I hope Xin Yu will kill Xu Pin quickly, and hope that Liehuo's people will get out of this territory quickly, so that Xia Qing can go to the evolutionary forest before killing Xue, collect edible ice grass seeds, and then go to No. 50 Mountain to collect peanuts. Dig it back. Thinking of peanuts, Xia Qing gently stepped on the big paw of the hero's sick wolf. Then he turned on his mobile phone to check the location of the red squirrel, and found that the injured little guy was still hiding in the sheep shed.

"Third brother, are you there?" Li Si spoke coldly while Zhou Xun was cursing.

Xia Qing put down her pen and listened.


Although the idol only said one word, Xia Qing could tell that he was in a good mood. He was probably very satisfied with the 400 kilograms of advanced evolved green light python meat that he sent over. Xia Qing, an ashes fan, grinned.

An unfamiliar voice asked in a familiar tone, announcing his home address, "Third brother, I'm single. Are you free now? I'll come find you and let's have lunch together."

Xia Qing raised her eyebrows. The single partner of the Fire Team should have a good relationship with Zhang San. No wonder the Fire Team sent her here.

Unexpectedly, Zhang San's voice became calmer, "You have become more shameless after going to Liehuo."

“Third brother has indeed not changed at all.” Dan Ying’s voice was full of laughter, “Does yesterday’s beef still suit your taste? I also brought twenty kilograms of advanced evolutionary green light meat, which is not artificially bred, and will I send it to you now?”

 Twenty pounds?

 Xia Qinghehe.

 Zhang San also hehe, "I have no interest in eating meat, nor am I interested in wasting time eating with you, nor am I interested in participating in your big projects."

Zhang San refused so bluntly in the lord channel, which made Shan Ying feel embarrassed and his voice became weak, "Third brother, it's okay to be willful, but if you refuse to cooperate with me because of your willfulness, let the people who could have been saved continue to Being tortured and driven crazy by the elements is too much.”

 Zhang San’s voice was deep, “Are you teaching me how to do something?”

Shan Ying was very angry and confronted Zhang San, "I don't dare, I don't have the qualifications. I'm just kindly reminding you based on the most basic conscience of a human being."

“Goodwill? OK. As long as you come up with 30,000 Gaoyi Element Green Light spinach seeds to promote planting within ten days, enhance the resistance of the whole people, and show your conscience with actions, I will agree to discuss cooperation with you.”

 “Well said!” Xia Qing clapped her hands.

What the hell, you don’t promote the highly stable spinach seeds, yet you still have the nerve to stand on the moral high ground and criticize my idol!

Shan Ying's voice was cold, "Third brother, these are two different things. Don't mix them up. We are a private research base with no state funding. If we lose our main business income, how can we buy materials, conduct research, and promote our technology?" A major research project in the country? You clearly know that if any of our projects are put on hold, it will be a huge loss to the country and the people!”

  Thanks to book friends xxErin, @Ran@宁, 7923, October’s First Quarter Moon, and Xue Haiyu for their rewards, and thank you all for your subscription support. Today is a day off, I wish you all a good time.

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