Chapter 41 Discovering the snoop

The mini tiller is simply a large multi-functional toy vehicle for children, which four older children in their twenties couldn't put down. After the four people tried each accessory in turn, they confirmed that this machine is really, really easy to use, but it also consumes a lot of fuel.

 Based on the soil condition of her land, the fuel consumption of using two plows to plow one acre of land is about three to four liters, which is much higher than the energy consumption of a sheep plow. Xia Qing happily decided to use sheep power for plowing in the future, and use micro-tillers for other large-scale farm work. She would do the chores herself.

After sending away Su Ming and the others who wanted to stay with her as drivers, Xia Qing drove her beloved tiller and used a bulldozer to carve out a smooth path home, and stopped in front of the shelf building in the east courtyard.

The mini tiller is the most valuable machine Xia Qing currently owns. In order to properly store the machine, she converted the room in the southwest corner of the first floor of the shelf building in the east courtyard into a garage.

After Xia Qing made two trips back and forth to move the accessories back, she opened the garage door and neatly stacked the accessories in the innermost part of the garage. Then she drove the tiller in and put it away. After closing the garage door tightly, she stepped back and looked at her modification results with great satisfaction.

Xia Qing used the red bricks, stones, steel bars and other building materials collected from the three villages that could still be used to repair the frame building with only the main structure poured into it into a two-story building with walls, windows and doors. storehouse. Because it was cobbled together with limited building materials, her large warehouse looked similar to Howl's Moving Castle.

Of course, just from the outside, the interior decoration of her warehouse is far worse than that of Har's house. The interior is only sprayed with insect repellent and moisture-proof charcoal. There is no loading and unloading at all, and it is completely original **** color.

This castle is a good place for people to live, so it is suitable for storing supplies.

 At the same time that Xia Qing turned off the mini-tiller, the generator on the second floor of the basement in the southwest village was also turned off. With sufficient power stored in the battery, the lights in the operating room stayed on for another eight hours before going out, and it was already early morning.

  While Xia Qing was driving the mini-tiller in her dreams, the sheep boss stood in front of the garage with his sheep head lowered, not knowing what he was thinking.

The next day at dawn, Xia Qing took a walk in the territory and caught more than a dozen evolved grubs. She crushed eight evolved beetles and fluttering moths that were attacking her, and dug out two small mice from the soil. After taking a walk and going home for dinner, Xia Qing sent the sheep boss to inspect the territory, then ran to open the garage door and drive out the micro tiller.

Today, she will build a road from her home to the reservoir and farmland.

Does the micro-tiller consume fuel? Don't worry, she has two hundred liters of diesel.

 Ran out of diesel? Not afraid, she can use supplies to change oil.

Xia Qing happily backed the tiller out of the garage and parked it. When she got out of the car, closed the garage door and spread insect repellent, she heard the rapid hooves of the sheep boss.

 No, the sheep boss is coming for the machine!

Xia Qing turned around immediately, but still couldn't get past the sheep boss. This guy had already climbed onto the mini-cultivation machine, occupied the driver's seat, and squinted his eyes as if he would never give in.

Seeing that it was not here to fight the mini-tiller, Xia Qing felt relieved and asked in a funny way, "You were lying on the hillside watching us test drive yesterday, and you didn't go home to sleep last night and stared at the garage door. Is that the idea? Your hoof is only divided in two and you can’t hold the steering wheel. How can you drive a machine?”

The sheep boss didn’t listen and still firmly occupied the driving seat.

Xia Qing changed her tone and said, "Boss, please stop making trouble. Come down here and I'll pick toon buds for you to eat?"


 The sheep boss immediately jumped off the mini-tiller and stood in front of Xia Qing.    Xia Qing…

Well, it seems that this foodie is not trying to occupy the tiller, but wants to use the tiller to control her.

She has eaten enough toon sprouts and can feed the sheep boss more. After spring, the nitrate and nitrite content of toona buds will increase, making them unpalatable.

There are already five types of edible vegetables in the territory - Chinese toon sprouts, spinach leaves, perilla, leeks and spring onions. Xia Qing, who has been eating coarse grains for ten years, has become picky about food.

Afraid that evolved rodents would chew up the mini-tiller, Xia Qing drove the machine back to the warehouse and took the sheep boss to pick toon buds before returning home and driving the mini-tiller out to build roads.

Hearing the sound of machinery coming from Territory No. 3, Su Ming and the other three who were passing by on inspection were full of envy. Wei Chengdong, who was on the ground floor of the deserted village, laughed and said, "Turn on the generator and charge the battery for a while."

 The distance from Xia Qing's small building to the stone bridge across the river due north is 470 meters. Xia Qing used a digging shovel to smooth out the path she had made, and then compacted it. This process was so healing, and Xia Qing felt physically and mentally comfortable.

After half an hour of rest, the well-fed and drunk sheep boss came back. He raised his head and stood in front of the tiller, with a look on his face that said, "If you don't let me get on the machine, I will fight."

Xia Qing was not angry when she saw it, because she was looking for someone to share the joy of driving. She has the territory to herself, but she can share it with the sheep. So, Xia Qing turned off the mini-tiller and asked Boss Sheep to sit in the driver's seat first. Then, while she was talking, she removed the small iron box containing wrenches and pliers from the track cover on the right side of the driver's seat of the mini-tiller, and neatly placed it on A large wooden couch is placed on the iron cover that can bear the weight of the sheep boss, and a hay mat is spread on it.

After the couch was installed, Boss Yang moved directly to occupy a more comfortable seat without Xia Qing's persuasion. Xia Qing happily turned on the engine and continued to drive the mini-tiller to build roads. The big sheep lay on its exclusive seat and chewed the cud. Everyone and the sheep were very satisfied.

The people in Territory No. 2 were no longer interested in the faint sound of the mini-tiller, but the people in Territory No. 4 on the east side were very interested. They actually climbed to the tallest pine tree in the buffer forest on the north side of Territory No. 4 and looked at the fields in Territory No. 3. situation.

 Found a cat-sized machine moving slowly about 1.5 kilometers away. Zhao Chong, who was on the tree, took out his telescope and adjusted the focus. He first saw the digging shovel of the mini-cultivation machine, and then moved the telescope backward slightly. He was so frightened that he screamed and fell directly from a tree more than ten meters high. The scream reached No. 3.

This was not Zhao Ze's voice. Xia Qing put away her gun and took out her walkie-talkie and contacted Tan Junjie, "Team Tan, I am Xia Qing in Territory No. 3. Someone just used a telescope to spy on my territory from the big tree in the buffer forest of Territory No. 4. He was so frightened that he fell down from the tree when he was discovered."

Tan Junjie immediately replied seriously, "Received, we will investigate immediately."

“Thank you, Team Tan.” Xia Qing put away the walkie-talkie and continued to build the road.

 Why use walkie-talkies? The walkie-talkie call will be heard by people on the same channel, and Xia Qing just wants to make this matter a big deal. Besides, satellite phone calls are not cheap, so Xia Qing can save money.

After repairing the road from her home to the stone bridge across the river she had paved herself, while building a straight road to the farmland and reservoir, Xia Qing received a call back from Tan Junjie, "The buildings in No. 4 have been If Zhao Chong is caught, he will be dealt with according to the Territory Law. How did you find him peeking? "

According to the provisions of the "Territory Law", if a lord is caught snooping into other territories, he will be fined 500 points, the lord's material discount exchange preferential measures will be cancelled, and the tax-free period will be reduced from five years to three years. If an employee in the lord's territory is caught snooping into other territories, in addition to the above-mentioned punishment for the lord, the employee will be kicked out of the territory and fined 500 points. Those with insufficient points will be compensated with forced labor and will not be allowed to compete for jobs in the safe zone for life. Level A and B positions.

 In troubled times, heavy codes must be used. Five hundred points is equivalent to two years' income of an ordinary person who dare not venture out of the safe zone. In years of natural disasters when people don’t have enough to eat, ordinary people have no savings at all. The forced labor projects that do not collect enough points are repairing protective walls or cleaning up evolutionary forests, which is basically equivalent to a death sentence for ordinary people.

Xia Qing was very satisfied with Tan Junjie's work efficiency and calmly replied, "I noticed the reflection from his telescope lens."

 (End of this chapter)

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