In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 40: Mini tiller with eleven functions

Chapter 40: Mini-tiller with eleven functions

After some haggling, Xia Qing used thirty spinach leaves to pay the deposit for the cat and two household machines, and successfully "exchanged" the farm machine and diesel through Minglu.

Xia Qing took out the spinach. Firstly, she wanted to exchange green light spinach seeds for supplies from other territories. Secondly, she had a pistol and a strong security team, which directly improved the security of the territory by two levels. A few spinach plants were not afraid of being missed.

If someone dares to come over and steal the food, it will serve as a warning to the monkeys.

  After Xia Qing's transaction was successful, there was a fierce competition in the Lord's channel for Zhang San's supplies and the evolved kitten that did not exist yet. Xia Qing lay on the bed and listened to relieve his boredom.

More than an hour later, Husband Feng, who had won a little milk cat, turned off the pager and said, "I didn't expect that farming would be quite interesting."

The team members beside him whispered, "Brother Feng, Zhang San in No. 7 is definitely not easy."

In these disaster years when most people don’t even have enough to eat, those who are willing to raise cats with fish and meat are certainly extraordinary. Hu Feng knew who Zhang San was, but he couldn't reveal it. He only told the team members, "No matter where he comes from, as long as he doesn't deal with the Tang family, he won't be our enemy."

"Yes." The team member smiled and saluted, "Brother Feng, what if a cat with a size of three only gives birth to one cub?"

Hushi Feng glared, "Then you give me one!"

In Territory No. 2, Tang Heng analyzed the information he got tonight, "Luo Pei was sent out by Yang Jin to detoxify. There is no problem in saving his life, but his ability will definitely be ruined. If he stays in the Qinglong team, he will be ostracized. Hu Feng is Luo Pei. He came out to defend Luo Pei's retreat, which was reasonable. Xia Qing only had a woman and an evolved sheep in the third land. It was also reasonable that she wanted to change the cultivator. However, the green light purple was found in the newly added buffer forest in the third land. And spinach is really enviable.”

Tang Huai yawned, "You think there are no new discoveries in other fields? Just wait and see, the first thing to happen must be the No. 3 land that is everywhere."

Tang Heng felt that the matter was not that simple. "No fool can survive until now. I suspect that Xia Qing wants to use two green vegetables in exchange for Zhang San's protection."

Tang Huai stopped mid-yawn, "If her spinach suits that person's taste again, that person might actually send someone to protect her."

"If that's the case, we'd better not touch Xia Qing's red-light evolved sheep. There's no benefit in offending Zhang San. We have to find a way to calm him down as soon as possible." Thinking of the three taels of mutton they sent over, Tang Heng became more and more suspicious. Heavy, "The people from the inspection team must have spoiled the mutton!"

Tang Huai slumped on the chair, "Even if it is, what can we do? The Tang family is looking for trouble everywhere, and they can't retaliate against the top, so they can take it out on little minions like us. Let's go to sleep."

After Tang Heng lay down, he whispered, "Brother, let's check the territory tomorrow. Once we have the green light plants, I don't believe Zhang San won't change them. He has all good things..."

Tang Huai was not interested, "I want to carry out a mission, you can take the people there yourself."

Early the next morning, Su Ming drove his fiery red rotary tiller and parked under the road sign of Land No. 3, shouting excitedly, "Sister Qing, this is what Land No. 1 asked us to deliver, and there are two more." An accessory box will arrive soon.”

The main body of the multi-functional tiller is a small crawler-type tractor head. Although it is only 1.6 meters tall, it has a fiery red body with black tracks, plus two majestic large lights in front of the machine head, making it look very cool. .

Xia Qing recognized it at a glance. It was a machine driven and maintained by specialized personnel in the greenhouse of the safe zone planting center.

She could only take a look at this kind of machine from a distance when she went to work in the planting center, and never had the chance to touch it. Now, she has one of her own!

Xia Qing was shocked again when Huzi and Cao Xianyun came over with two huge accessory boxes and assembled them one by one according to the instructions.

Because the "multi-function" of the mini-tiller is far more than the plow, furrowing knife, rotary tiller, ridging machine, backfill knife, weeding wheel, air-fed spray box, and bulldozer that can smooth the road as Yang Jin said Shovels, digging shovels for digging holes, harvesters and planters for harvesting potatoes!

Eleven functions, more functions than the one she saw at the planting center. As long as there is enough diesel, this machine is worth ten strong men. Xia Qing's eyes shone brightly, and she couldn't wait to test drive it immediately. Not only Xia Qing's eyes were shining, but Su Ming and the other three were also the same. Su Ming smiled and discussed with Xia Qing, "Sister Qing, why don't you let Huzi install the accessories and let's try them one by one?"

“Okay, I’ll thank you for the hard work.” Xia Qing only knows how to drive a car, but he still drives wildly without a license. Although the mini tiller comes with a manual, she doesn't feel like she can master the driving instructions just by reading the manual.

“It’s not hard, not hard at all.” Su Ming grabbed the driver’s seat and couldn’t wait to greet him, “Huzi, get on the digging shovel quickly!”

  Driving an excavator is almost everyone’s childhood dream.

“Now that the dozer blade and rotary blade have been installed, let’s try these two first.” Cao Xianyun reminded Xia Qing, “Sister Qing, your sheep is rushing over.”

Xia Qing had already heard the movement, but the location of the sheep boss and the sound he made were beyond the hearing range of ordinary people, so she pretended not to notice it. After receiving Cao Xianyun's reminder, Xia Qing turned around and rushed to the sheep boss, and then had a cordial and friendly exchange with each other about the extra machines in the territory and the three intruders.

Su Ming was very surprised when he saw that the grumpy sheep boss didn't fight with Xia Qing, so he turned around and walked away arrogantly, "Old Cao, what did Sister Qing say? That stubborn sheep is so obedient?"

Cao Xianyun couldn't say Xia Qing's words at all. He simply urged Su Ming with a cold face, "What are you talking about? If you don't know how to drive, just get down and I'll get up."

"Have you forgotten who drove it here? I'm better than you with my eyes closed." Su Ming couldn't care less about watching Xia Qing and the sheep boss, and immediately turned the key to start the tiller.

After the churning sound of the mini-tiller was heard in Territory No. 3, Zhou Xun, the fifth-level visual evolver who was lying in Territory No. 2 to monitor, whispered to Tang Huai beside him, "The investigation team sent the mini-tiller and two large boxes in. It’s No. 3, and I can’t see what’s going on inside through the grass wall.”

Land No. 2 and Land No. 3 are separated by a ten-meter-wide straight dirt road running from east to west. On both sides of the south side of the road, there are dense grass walls as high as a person and more than three meters wide to isolate them from prying eyes from outsiders.

Therefore, Xia Qing, who has a geographical advantage, can look at the situation in Territory No. 2 from the buffer forest **** on the north side, but Tang Huai and others who live in the lower place cannot see the situation in Territory No. 3 through the grass wall.

 Detection relies on more than just vision.

Tang Huai, the fifth-level auditory evolver, clearly heard the conversation in No. 3, including how Xia Qing coaxed the sheep boss. "Nothing unusual, call it a day."

Hide in the big tree in the buffer forest of Territory No. 1 and stare at Tang Huai and Zhou Xun, the visual evolution human Hu Xiufeng took out his mobile phone to send a message to Wei Chengdong.

Wei Chengdong put away his cell phone, "Brother Luo, Tang Huai and the others left the territory and headed east. They should have gone hunting in the Evolution Mountain Forest to the east."

 Lying on the operating bed, Luo Pei calmly ordered, "Let's begin."

In Territory No. 3, the generator in the second-floor basement of the deserted village on the southwest side started running, but the noise of the generator was completely covered by the churning sound of the mini-tiller, and the four people whirling around the mini-tiller could not hear it at all.

 After the lighting intensity in the operating room reached the standard, the team doctors began to perform organ detoxification surgery on Luo Pei, a key part of the treatment.

 (End of this chapter)

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