Chapter 409 Teaming up with the wolf

This speed-evolving red squirrel living in District 3 of No. 49 Mountain is considered a big one among squirrels, but its length is not more than 30 centimeters and its weight is only about 2 kilograms. When Xia Qing pulled it out of the tree hole, he felt that the little guy was light and airy.

 It is not easy for animals to survive in the evolutionary forest. Such a little thing is busy every day and has accumulated more than thirty kilograms of food.

Logically speaking, it can survive the winter by saving 20 kilograms of food, but it refuses to stop. Every day, he still digs corn and sunflower seeds from Xia Qing's yard, takes the mung beans Xia Qing puts for him from the window sill, collects food from all over the evolutionary forest, and brings it back to the cave.

As long as the weather is not too cold to leave the nest, it will not stop. Although it is not of the same kind, Xia Qing understands its obsession with food, because Xia Qing also has the same obsession.

She took off her protective gloves, took out a medical kit from her backpack to disinfect her hands, then put on sterilized gloves to check the wound on the red squirrel's abdomen.

With just one glance, Xia Qing confirmed what had injured the red squirrel.

This is a wound caused when the green light peanut's root system is triggered and the fibrous roots are suddenly ejected outward, because there are six green light peanut leaf vein needles stuck in the wound. If the red squirrel hadn't had the ability to evolve quickly, it wouldn't have just been a scratch, but the roots of the green light peanut would have directly pierced the skin and sucked the blood.

“If you weren’t my neighbor, you would be dead this time.”

Xia Qing muttered, quickly and accurately pulled out the peanut vein needle stuck in the wound, then used a knife to scrape off the blood-stained white hair near the wound, cleaned the wound, disinfected, and sutured it. The squirrel drank some of Territory No. 7’s special anti-inflammatory medicine.

She took the red squirrel home, put it on a pile of hay in the sheep shed, and told the sheep boss, "The red squirrel is injured. Protect it for a while. When it wakes up, you can go wherever you like. Don't worry about it."

If it weren’t for the red squirrel’s smell of blood, which makes it easy for small hunters to spot it, Xia Qing wouldn’t have taken it home.


Rather than using Xia Qingsai’s compressed rations as payment, the sheep boss actually agreed and lay down next to the red squirrel.

It seems that they are quite familiar with each other. Xia Qing raised his eyebrows, took out a piece of beef jerky from his pocket, and waved it in front of the sick wolf, "Second brother, how about we follow the **** smell left by the red squirrel to find where the green light peanuts grow? As long as you If you're willing to go, this beef jerky is yours."

The red squirrel has vein needles stuck in its body. Its blood must have been dripping from the place where the green light peanuts grow to the third area of ​​​​No. 49 Mountain. This is the best time for Xia Qing to find the place where the green light peanuts are grown.

 Actually, Xia Qing wants to team up with Yanlong, the advanced olfactory evolver in Territory No. 7. However, Team Agni sent people to this territory. Yanlong was responsible for protecting Zhang San and could not leave the territory at this time.

Except for Yanlong, among the evolvers Xia Qing knows, only general smell evolvers Chen Zheng and Chen Cheng can go to the evolution forest to perform tasks.

 But the red squirrel was too fast and jumped forward on the tree. The blood drops were far apart. The evolution level of the Chen brothers is low, and it takes too long to search for the smell of blood. It's two o'clock in the afternoon, only three hours until sunset, and there's not enough time.

 The wolf itself is an animal with an excellent sense of smell. The evolved wolf's sense of smell, even if it is just a general evolution, is still better than that of advanced olfactory evolved humans. Therefore, Xia Qing decided to team up with the evolved wolf with a keen sense of smell.

When the sick wolf saw the beef jerky that Xia Qing took out, it wagged its tail twice unprecedentedly, which was enough to show its love for beef jerky.

Xia Qing put protective clothing on the sick wolf, stuffed the dried meat into its side pocket, and led it to the third area of ​​No. 49 Mountain, where he found the place where the injured red squirrel returned. After the sick wolf carefully sniffed the **** smell left by the red squirrel on the branch, he raised his head slightly and relied on his sensitive nose to distinguish various smells in the air. He quickly locked on the **** smell of the red squirrel and headed northwest along Valley No. 1. .

Xia Qing followed it and moved forward at full speed.

The current temperature is around 5 degrees. Cold-blooded animals and insects have already spent the winter in hiding. Trees have also lost their leaves, revealing large and small fruits hanging on the branches.

 This is the best time for hunting and gathering, and it is the opportunity that evolutionary forests give humans to store food for the winter. If it weren't for the fact that this was the training ground for the Azure Dragon Team, there would definitely be many teams operating nearby, and they would find this evolved wolf running in protective clothing, and the human evolvers chasing behind it.

After more than half a year of hard training, Xia Qing's running speed has now reached the level of a third-level evolver, but it is still a long way behind the sick wolf.

Sick Wolf noticed that Xia Qinghe had slowed down, so he also slowed down. One wolf and one man passed through Valley No. 1 in District 3 of No. 49 Mountain and entered District 6 of No. 49 Mountain. Xia Qing did not let the sick wolf stop.

 Because she gave Yang Jin points, she can freely enter and leave all areas of Mount 49 this winter to participate in the training of the Qinglong team. Once the growing place of Green Lantern is locked, how to share it with Yang Jin will be a matter of later days.

But Xia Qing didn't expect that Green Lantern Peanuts didn't grow on Mount No. 49.

"Second brother, stop." Xia Qing stopped the sick wolf who was about to leave Hill 49, panted for a few seconds, pointed to Hill 50 across the valley, and asked the sick wolf who had returned, "Where's the smell of blood?" side?"

The sick wolf stuck out its tongue and breathed through its mouth, tilting its head slightly to look at Xia Qing. This was its gesture of approval.

Xia Qing hesitated for two seconds, then took out his mobile phone and called Hu Feng, "Captain Hu, I am now at the edge of Area 6 of Mountain No. 49, and I want to go to the evolutionary forest under the third peak of Mountain No. 50. You know No. 2 Where are the refugees in the territory now? "

Hush Feng looked at the person and the wolf on the surveillance screen. He didn't ask Xia Qing what he was going to do. He only replied, "I'll ask, two minutes."

 “Okay, thank you.”

Xia Qing hung up the phone, took out two bottles of special nutrient solution, drank one himself, then motioned the sick wolf to raise his head, and squeezed the other one into the sick wolf's mouth.

Jing Kuan’s heart ached when he saw it, “Sister Qing actually fed the evolved wolf to drink special nutrient solution…”

Guan Tongze wondered why Xia Qing appeared in the surveillance camera now, "Sunset will be in two hours. Sister Qing goes out now. Can she come back before dark? It's too dangerous to be alone in the evolutionary forest at night. ”

Although Xia Qing's marksmanship is good and his actual combat ability has improved rapidly, in the eyes of Guan Tong and others, Xia Qing is just a power evolver with good marksmanship. It is too dangerous to operate alone in the evolution forest at night.

The civet cat with a small head emerged from Hu Xiufeng's protective suit. It stared at the surveillance screen with its round eyes. It was wearing clothes and eating nutrient solution to evolve the wolf, and the human who was wiping the corners of the evolved wolf's mouth with his hand.

“Okay, let’s rest for a while.” Xia Qing finished feeding the sick wolf the nutrient solution, put the bag into his pocket, and sat on a stone to rest. The sick wolf squatted beside him, his back to Xia Qing, his ears pricked up in warning.

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