In Territory No. 2, Xu Pin grabbed Tang Heng who was about to grab the walkie-talkie. Tang Huai was still coughing heartbreakingly. The blood on his leg soaked into the bandage and began to spread on the ground. It was obvious that the wound had collapsed again.

Tang Zhengsu's face was frighteningly dark, and he walked towards Tang Huai step by step.

Tang Heng, who was suppressed by Xu Pin, roared, "Tang Zhengsu, if something happens to my brother, I will make your whole family pay for it with their lives."

Just as Tang Zhengsu was about to turn around, Tang Huai started laughing.

 “Heh, heh-cough, cough-heh-bah!”

Tang Huai struggled to sit up, vomited a mouthful of blood, and looked at Tang Zhengsu with contempt with bloodshot eyes. His voice was hoarse, "Tang Laoer, you are still a coward and a coward after you have evolved. Come on, kill me if you dare." Young Master, if you have the guts, just do it like this!"

"Brother..." Tang Heng was anxious to death, fearing that if he continued to provoke him, Tang Zhengsu would really kill him.

"Come on, cough cough - if you have the guts, cough -" Tang Huai coughed, preventing Tang Zhengsu from hurting his younger brother.

Tang Zhengsu took another step toward Tang Huai and heard the voice of Zhou Zhaoping, the former secretary of the board of directors of Zhonglian Group, on the intercom, "Director Tang, can you trade your purple sweet potatoes in Territory No. 8?"

Tang Zhengbo responded mildly, "Although I don't have many purple sweet potatoes, if Brother Zhou wants to exchange them, of course he can, but he can only exchange them for three kilograms at most."

Zhou Zhaoping smiled and said, "Thank you very much. I have half a green light evolution ginseng here. You can take it to replenish Mr. Tang's blood."

Tang Zhengsu stopped, his face darkened.

“Heh-cough, cough, cough…” Tang Huai coughed and laughed, mocking Tang Zhengsu for being a coward.

Yang Jin also spoke, "Director Tang, can I exchange Green Lantern Angelica for your purple sweet potato in Territory No. 1?"

Tang Zhengbo was still gentle and said in an unhurried voice, "Okay, we can only exchange three kilograms at most."

Yang Jin responded, “Thank you very much.”

Li Si also came online, "Territory No. 12, what is the stability and evolution rate of your Green Light Purple Sweet Potato?"

“For open-air planting, if calculated based on the concentration and duration of the second rain this year, the evolution rate of aggressive pests is 35%.” Tang Zhengbo answered.

 Hearing this probability, all the ordinary lords’ thoughts of exchange were suppressed.

Li Si proposed an exchange, "Can Territory No. 9 be exchanged for three kilograms of sweet potatoes, using two special blood replenishers from the Agni Team?"

"Okay." Tang Zhengbo, who was holding the walkie-talkie, looked at Tang Zhengsu who was standing by the window. His voice was still unhurried, as if he couldn't hear his eldest son's cough and couldn't see the murderous look on Tang Zhengsu's face.

"Third Brother, Brother Zhou, Captain Yang, and Fourth Sister, thank you for helping Tang Huai when he was injured. I, Tang Zhengbo, will keep this kindness in my heart and will definitely repay it in the future."

Xia Qing, who was carrying a bundle of steel skeletons, turned his head slightly, and Liangzi, a level six auditory evolver of the Huxufeng team, spoke, "Did you hear that? When Tang Zhengbo was talking, someone on the intercom was coughing, as if he was injured. "

"Our ears are not as good as yours." Chen Cheng greeted Xia Qing warmly, "Sister Qing, the sweet potatoes are ripe."


Xia Qing placed the steel frame on the ground, dusted off the dirt on the protective clothing, and invited everyone to eat a piece of roasted sweet potato before they started working. Liangzi and Chen Zheng shared a piece of roasted sweet potato that was steaming and fragrant, and continued, "There must be a reason why Tang Zhengbo took out the purple sweet potato at this moment."

Xia Qing, who was peeling sweet potatoes, nodded. Not only did she hear someone coughing, she also heard that the person coughing was Tang Huai. She was so sure because when she met Tang Huai before, his voice was hoarse due to trauma.

Tang Zhengbo took out the green light purple sweet potato at this time, probably to increase his negotiating power with Tang Zhengsu in the second territory.

 The weight of this weight is not light.

Xiaojiang was eating sweet sweet potatoes and asked, "Why is the green light purple potato with an aggressive killing evolution rate of 35% so interesting to everyone?"

Everyone in Huzi Feng's team looked at Xia Qing. They were all main combatants. Although they had taken over the task of protecting Territory No. 3, they didn't know as much about agricultural planting as Xia Qing, who specialized in farming.

Xia Qing, who listens to the Farming Knowledge Broadcast on time every day, explained, "Purple sweet potatoes, like carrots and cabbage, are susceptible to the elements. If plants susceptible to the elements are not grown in an environment that is isolated from the elements, the probability of evolution of aggressive insects is 70%. Or so, so the purple sweet potato in Territory No. 12 is already considered to be a very good performer among the plants susceptible to the element."

Ojiang took a bite of the fragrant sweet potato and asked, "Is there a big difference between purple potatoes and sweet potatoes? Why do we need to spend energy to study them?"

Er Yong, who has a cook father, can answer this question, "Purple sweet potatoes have a very high anthocyanin content. Natural anthocyanins can balance metabolism, delay aging, and improve visual sensitivity. Do you think it is worth studying?" "

 Hearing that purple sweet potato can improve visual sensitivity, Xia Qing, a level 9 visual evolver, was even more excited.

 After installing the steel frame, plastic film, and straw curtains of the second greenhouse, Hu Feng’s team left the No. 3 territory. Xia Qing sent a message directly to Yang Jin:

Team Yang, when you cultivate purple potato seedlings next year, can I exchange 40 green light sweet potato seedlings for 10?

About half an hour later, Xia Qing received Yang Jin’s reply:

Can. Tang Huai was injured by Tang Zhengsu and was sent to Territory No. 7. Xu Pin will set off tomorrow morning and take a helicopter to the lake north of No. 60 Mountain.

There are giant pythons and snakes in that lake. Xu Pin led the team there, which should be related to snakes. If Xu Pin goes there, Yang Jin will definitely go there too.

If they fight there, they will definitely alarm the wolves on Mountain 60 and the bears on Mountain 61. We don’t know what kind of chain reaction it will cause.

Xia Qing took a deep breath, replied "received", and was about to put away her phone when she saw the locator APP on the red squirrel, which sent out a message reminder.

The red squirrel left District 3 of No. 49 Mountain.

Xia Qing no longer bothered to clean up the debris in the greenhouse, and immediately ran home, packed up enough equipment, and rushed to Area 3 of No. 49 Mountain to wait for the return of the red squirrel.

Forty minutes later, a red dot representing a red squirrel appeared on Xia Qing’s mobile phone locator. Soon, Xia Qing saw a red figure appear on a tall pine tree more than 20 meters away. Its mouth was bulging, and its muddy little paws were holding two peanuts!

 After the red squirrel put down the peanuts, he quickly ran eastward. Xia Qing's running speed increased a lot, but she was quickly left behind by the red squirrel.

Xia Qing was not in a hurry and waited quietly for more than 50 minutes at the place where he had been followed before the red squirrel returned.

This time, it not only carried peanuts, but also injuries.

The snow-white fur on its belly was dyed red with blood. If such a serious injury is not treated in time, the food it has worked so hard to accumulate in six storage rooms will have no value.

After the red squirrel stumbled into the tree hole, Xia Qing threw the inhaled anesthetic into the tree hole and quickly blocked the hole.

 After the anesthesia took effect, Xia Qing took the little guy out of the tree hole and checked the injury on its abdomen. (End of chapter)

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