Chapter 404 Peanuts

Tomorrow morning, Xia Qing must leave the territory because she has to deliver medicine to her sister, a wolf with a broken leg who lives in the wolf cave.

However, there is no danger on this trip, because the Wolf Cave is in District 3, No. 49. It can be reached from the north gate of her territory and through the fifty-meter isolation zone.

  No matter how arrogant the people in Territory No. 2 are and how they want to cause trouble, they would not dare to attack Mountain No. 49 in the daytime.

If they dare to step into the half foot of No. 49, Yang Jin dares to cut off the half of the foot, and then let the Sufeng team make up for the fine for breaking into the training ground privately, and pay ten times the amount to the Qinglong team for cutting off the foot. , the shattered blade.

 The iron rooster is so capable of plucking its feathers.

 The next morning, Xia Qing was awakened by the sound of a red squirrel coming to drink water.

 The chickens were sent to the greenhouse and they didn’t crow this morning, so they couldn’t disturb her sleep. This was an unexpected bonus.

Xia Qing quietly opened a corner of the curtain and looked at the red squirrel wearing a locator on the window sill, her eyes widening suddenly.

 She was busy digging soil and building a greenhouse these days, and she actually forgot one big thing—checking the red squirrel’s storage room regularly!

Xia Qing immediately opened the warm new quilt and started to get dressed.

The red squirrel was frightened and swooped up to the roof to hide. Then it cautiously looked down and found that the human in the house had not opened the window. The red squirrel sneaked back onto the window sill and continued to drink water.

 At this moment, the sky is already slightly bright.

Xia Qing went to check the greenhouse first, and then rushed to the high-slope buffer forest.

After standing quietly in the buffer forest for two minutes and confirming that there was no one within a radius of 300 meters, Xia Qing brushed his face and walked out of the north gate of the territory, quickly ran into the third area of ​​​​No. 49 Mountain, and came to the red squirrel's food storage area.

Through the camera, Xia Qing discovered that the red squirrel was under the eaves of his home, digging into the cracks in the concrete floor with its small paws, looking for corn or melon seeds that might have fallen inside.

very good.

The red squirrel took advantage of Xia Qing's absence and went to steal Xia Qing's home. Xia Qing took advantage of it not being at home to steal its six food storage rooms.

Xia Qing quickly climbed up the big pine tree and turned on the flashlight to check the red squirrel's first storage room.

 Chestnuts, corn, hazelnuts, pine nuts, seeds of unknown peanuts.

Xia Qing got down from the tree, quickly reached the cave two hundred meters away, and checked the red squirrel's second storage room, then the third and fourth storage rooms.

In the squirrel’s fifth food storage room, Xia Qing actually found a handful of peanuts mixed with grass seeds!

 She immediately took out a long-handled clip from her backpack and picked out two peanuts. After spraying deodorant near the cave to cover up the smell of his home invasion, Xia Qing rushed to No. 49 Mountain Area 3 to deliver anti-inflammatory medicine and spring water to the Broken Leg Wolf sister.

The wolf still didn’t show up, and the Broken-Waisted Wolf didn’t know where he had gone, but they must have left not long ago, because the Broken-legged Wolf’s sister was lying in the valley eating a wild boar.

 Its two hind legs were injured and it was unable to catch food on its own. This wild boar must have been left to it by a wolf with a broken leg or a wolf that had eaten it.

 A half-sized wild boar weighing more than 60 kilograms would definitely be too much for a wolf to eat. Xia Qing sat on the hillside and took out the element detector and started testing the quality of the peanuts. He waited for the broken-leg wolf and his sister to eat enough, then took the leftover wild boar meat back and cooked it for the sick wolf.

Xia Qing was relieved by the test results: both lights were red. She picked these two peanuts casually. According to this probability, the red squirrel should have collected red peanuts.

It did not collect green or yellow peanuts, probably because although the leaves on the green peanut vines withered and fell, the attack ability of its vines or roots is still there. With the ability of the red squirrel, it is impossible to break through the defense of the green light peanut and collect the fruit.

These days, Xia Qing will keep a close eye on the red squirrel. As long as it leaves the third area, she will follow it to see where it digs up the red peanuts.

 Refugees from Territory No. 2?

Xia Qing didn't want to go out of the territory to meet them, not because he was afraid, but because he thought it would be troublesome. Now there is precious green light food waving to her in the evolutionary forest, and nothing can stop her!

Through the camera, I found that the red squirrel actually dug out two melon seeds from the cement cracks in my home and was jumping up and down holding them.

Xia Qing threw the red peanuts to the wild boar that was digging for grass roots in the valley pond, and then easily jumped to the door of the wolf cave.


The broken-waisted wolf and its sister, who had just eaten, immediately put themselves into position and roared lowly at Xia Qing.

"Change the water." Xia Qing took out the water bottle and medicine from the backpack, put them away for the Broken Waist Wolf and his sister, and then, before the raptors hovering in the sky came down to grab the food, he stuffed the empty boar into the packaging bag, sealed it, and stuffed it into the bag. Bring back territory in your backpack.

After returning home, Xia Qing found out that it was a red-light wild boar. She immediately skinned and cut the meat, put it in a sealed bag and froze it, and kept it as rations for sick wolves.

 The amount of meat from this pig plus a certain amount of vegetables is enough for a sick wolf to eat for ten days.

 After breakfast, while Xia Qing was cutting sweet potato vines in the terraced fields, she heard the roar of a helicopter from the south and immediately blew a loud whistle.

The sheep boss who was pulling at the sweet potato vines and the sick wolf brother catching insects heard the whistle and immediately looked for a place to hide. This is a skill that Xia Qing trained them for hundreds of times before they mastered it.

 After the helicopter landed slowly in Territory No. 2, Xia Qing whistled again and asked her two companions to continue moving. She also continued to cut the sweet potato vines.

Using a sickle to cut off the sweet potato vines, put them into a ball and put them aside. Xia Qing said to the sheep boss who came over, "These are your rations. It's up to you whether to keep them here or take them home."

The sheep boss did nothing and stood motionless in front of Xia Qing with his eyes narrowed, as if he was ready to fight at any time.

 “Okay, got it.”

Xia Qing took out a piece of compressed rations from the pocket of the protective suit, stuffed it into Boss Sheep's bag, and praised him softly, "After I whistled, Boss Sheep immediately hid, and I couldn't even find him hiding." Where are you? It’s so awesome! Boss, why are you getting smarter and smarter? Even the boss of the Qinglong Team is defeated by you..."

The sheep boss squinted his eyes and raised his head slightly. After listening to it, he turned around and used his hoof to pull the sweet potato vines.

Xia Qing picked up the pickaxe and began to peel the sweet potatoes.

With the experience of digging potatoes and peanuts, Xia Qing's accuracy in digging roots and tubers from the soil has been improved. She no longer needs to shovel the soil with a shovel. With a swing of the pickaxe and then lifting it up, she can remove a whole sweet potato plant. dug out of the soil.

 Then, she bent down and gently shook the soil off the sweet potatoes with her hands, and the harvest was completed.

 The first sweet potato plant was Huang Deng, and there were 7 sweet potatoes, large and small. The sweet potatoes are growing a lot, but they don’t look very good, with three splits.

Xia Qing picked it up and observed it carefully, and found that the cracks on the sweet potatoes were not caused by insect bites or other trauma, but formed during the natural growth process.

Xia Qing doesn’t know why sweet potatoes crack. She has to consult experts.

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