Chapter 403: Accidental Injury

 In the whistling cold wind, Xia Qing listened carefully. No one in Territory No. 2 gave a response in the Lord's channel, and Tang Huai's screams in the territory were louder than the others.



The danger investigation team successively opened the safety catches of the guns, loaded the bullets, and prepared to deal with emergencies.

Hearing Evolver Cao Xianyun, who had immediately jumped out of the patrol car and ran to the street sign in Territory 2 to listen, returned and reported, "Captain, it should be Tang Huai who brought out a batch of weapons, but people in the territory think that the distribution is uneven. It caused looting and caused Tang Huai to be stabbed."

"Just a cut?" Huzi didn't quite believe it. "He screamed so miserably, why did it sound like he was losing control and going crazy."

Cao Xianyun replied, "It's not that he lost control. I heard Tang Huai yelling and cursing, and his thinking was very clear."

 Tan Junjie nodded, pressed the intercom and asked again, "Territory No. 2, Tang Heng, please report the situation."

Immediately afterwards, Tang Zhengbo from Territory No. 12 also asked eagerly on the Lord Channel, "Tang Huai, what happened?"

“Captain Tan, dad, people in the territory were fighting for weapons and cut my brother’s femoral artery. He is in urgent need of medical help.” In the background of Tang Huai’s screams, Tang Heng’s request for help seemed extremely urgent.

“Tang Huai, be quiet, take the people to a safe place first.” Tang Zhengbo calmly ordered his son, “Tang Heng, Dr. Sun is on the way, you need to stop your brother’s bleeding first.”

 Tan Junjie immediately pressed the button, "The investigation team applied to enter Territory No. 2, please ask the agent of Territory No. 2 for approval."

"Approved. Team Tan, come in quickly and capture these beasts, otherwise I will fight with them, these **** beasts..." Tang Huai gasped and cursed, his voice was weak and hoarse, probably due to excessive blood loss.

 After watching the investigation team drive into Territory No. 2, Xia Qing turned around and went home.

Although there is no evidence, Xia Qing feels that Tang Huai's injury should have been intentional.

Tomorrow morning, two major events will happen in Territory No. 2: First, Tang Zhengsu and Xu Pin enter the territory, and second, refugees from Territory No. 2 go out hunting. Tang Huai is inexperienced and emotionally unstable. He is easily led by others and cannot deal with such a complicated situation.

 So, it is a good way to avoid the immediate trouble by being "accidentally injured" and losing mobility. As for whether Tang Huai would get into trouble because of this injury, Xia Qing was not worried at all.

 Although Territory No. 2 was blacklisted by Zhang San, Territory No. 12 was not. Tang Zhengbo must have Zhang San's special medicine in his hand. Tang Huai is an evolver and his resistance is stronger than ordinary people. As long as he is not directly cut by a weapon carrying super evolutionary bacteria, he will definitely not be infected by the evolved bacteria.

Xia Qing went home and soaked dried toon sprouts, took out the frozen meat from the refrigerator, and cooked pumpkin meat porridge for the sick wolf. She ate green onion egg pancakes and fragrant beef jerky.

The smell of Green Lantern Beef Jerky was so fragrant. Xia Qing took a bite and narrowed her eyes happily.

 The old sheep who was eating grass was not interested in the smell of dried meat and just kept busy with his rice. After finishing half a bowl of meat porridge and eating a boiled egg, Sick Wolf was attracted by the smell and came to Xia Qing's table, looking at her eagerly.

Xia Qing broke off a piece of dried meat as big as a fingernail, soaked it in warm water, and handed it to the sick wolf, "There is salt in this dried meat. You can't eat more. It's okay to taste it."

The sick wolf swallowed the beef jerky in one bite without even tasting it, and continued to look at Xia Qing longingly. Putting the last bit of dried meat into his mouth, Xia Qing spread his hands and said, "No more. If you still want to eat the dick, go and discuss it with the broken-back man. Pick a green light wild boar from the valley in the third district and kill it. I'll give it to you." How about roasting it into jerky?"

 Sick Wolf sniffed Xia Qing's hand, and disappointment flowed out of his eyes. It was obvious that it preferred the taste of beef jerky to the wild boar in the valley.

This shows that it is not stupid, and Xia Qing likes it too.

"I hope that the third brother's green lantern cow will give birth to two calves next year, so that we can exchange for a green lantern cow." Xia Qing rubbed the sick wolf's chin with the back of his hand to stop him from being too disappointed, and then took his own The dishes and chopsticks go to the kitchen.

The sick wolf shook its tail, turned around, picked up his rice bowl and followed Xia Qing, and the sheep boss also followed with his rice bowl in his mouth.

Xia Qing put his own rice bowl in the sink, took the rice bowls of the sick wolf and the sheep boss and put them next to him, and continued to mutter, "If that cow fails to live up to expectations and only gives birth to one, we will have to wait until the year after next. Because someone has already reserved the first calf for next year with the materials that make Third Brother’s heart beat.”

A wolf and a sheep stood at the door of the kitchen, listening to Xia Qing continue to talk.

"Except for the chickens in the greenhouse and the green chestnuts that will be harvested next fall, we have no food that can make the third brother excited. Second brother, next time you see the Queen or someone with a broken waist, you can talk to them and let them stop. Help us catch some high-quality green-light animals from the evolutionary forest. It's best to live or die..."

 After washing the dishes and completing the indoor training program, Xia Qing said hello to the sheep boss lying on the tatami, and went outside for weight-bearing running training and patrolled the territory. The sick wolf, who has strong night vision, follows naturally.

 First stop, the greenhouse.

In order not to disturb the rest of the chickens, Xia Qing did not turn on the lights. After taking the sick wolf in to check that there was no problem with the temperature and humidity, Xia Qing quietly left.

 The second stop is the planting greenhouse on the buffer forest.

Through night vision goggles, Xia Qing saw that the leaves on the sweet potato vines had lost their activity due to cold shrinkage. This phenomenon shows that although the cold resistance of evolved sweet potatoes has increased, they are still unable to grow in a natural environment close to zero.

Xia Qing took out her mobile phone, recorded today's temperature and changes in sweet potatoes on "Planting Encyclopedia", took photos of the conditions of the sweet potato vines and saved them, and then told the sick wolf, "If the sweet potato leaves look like this, the sun will not shine tomorrow." It’s impossible to recover. Let’s come over at dawn tomorrow morning. You and Boss Sheep will clean up the sweet potato vines, and I’ll make sweet potato porridge for you after harvesting. It’s more delicious than pumpkin porridge.”

 The sick wolf shook its tail and rubbed Xia Qing's leg with its body.

Xia Qing patted the sick wolf's back, which had grown some flesh, and said, "Let's go, the third stop."

Hurrying to the southern end of the territory, Xia Qing stopped and listened carefully.

  It is now nine o'clock in the evening, and the chaos in Territory No. 2 can still be heard in the howling cold wind. Although he couldn't hear what they were saying clearly, Xia Qing could distinguish the voices of Tan Junjie, Tang Heng and Zhou Xun. Tang Huai must have been carried away for treatment by now.

Tan Junjie did not come out, indicating that Tang Heng could not control the refugees in the territory. Looking at this situation, the note Xia Qing gave to Tan Junjie will not be delivered to the allies of the Lords Alliance until tomorrow morning.

In addition to the fill-in lights, Xia Qing also told the allies not to leave the territory tomorrow. However, after hearing Tang Huai's scolding and Tang Heng's cry for help in the Lord Channel, except for Territory No. 15, other ordinary Lords will definitely not leave their territories tomorrow.

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