Chapter 34 Dealing with Luo Pei

Xia Qing sent Tan Junjie away, climbed up the hillside and sat next to the sheep guarding the spring. He took out his phone and dialed Luo Pei's number, "Captain Luo, I found spinach in the field and wanted to send you some to try. "No, I'll go over there, it's only a few steps away."

Xia Qing did not let the members of the Qinglong team come to pick it up, nor did she ask the inspection team to hand it over. After carrying the vegetable basket through the isolation zone, she greeted Wei Chengdong who was standing outside the buffer forest at No. 1 to greet her, "Brother Dong."

Wei Chengdong is the member of Luo Pei's team who is responsible for external liaison and calculating mission points. Xia Qing often goes on missions with Luo Pei's team, so the two naturally know each other.

"We can't leave our posts without authorization, so we can only ask you to come and deliver supplies." Wei Chengdong was obviously much more haggard than before, and his smile was forced. He winked at Xia Qing and continued, "This vegetable leaf The supplies must be inspected before I can hand them over to you. Can you come with me?"

It seems that someone is eavesdropping here. Xia Qing nodded and said in a calm voice, "Yes, but only this time. From now on, the transaction will be done directly in the isolation zone, otherwise the transaction will be cancelled."

Land No. 1 has 2,000 acres of buffer forest, more than 1,900 acres of cultivated land and two deserted villages. A small river more than three meters wide flows from the west, passes through the cultivated land between the two villages, and flows to Land No. 8 in the south.

 It is obvious that the people in Territory No. 1 have no intention of farming. Except for the two or three acres planted with food, which looked normal, the rest of the land was covered with weeds as tall as a person. But as soon as he entered the village, Xia Qing found something different.

They cleaned up the village very well. With her excellent hearing, Xia Qing found a few slow breathing sounds hidden behind the courtyard wall and in the big trees she passed. This means that the Qinglong team has not given up on Luo Pei and her deal is feasible.

The courtyard where Luo Pei lives is paved with flat red bricks and empty. This should be to facilitate the movement of Luo Pei, who is visually impaired.

After Wei Chengdong invited Xia Qing into the courtyard, he explained in a low voice, "There are auditory evolvers monitoring the area at No. 2. It's inconvenient to talk in the buffer forest, but the village will be fine. I'm sorry for the inconvenience of Captain Luo coming out to greet you."

Xia Qing nodded and followed Wei Chengdong into the living room with white walls and simple furniture. When he saw the person sitting on the recliner, he was stunned.

The man's eyes were covered with white gauze, his lips were dark purple, and his exposed skin was the same dark red after poisoning as Xia Qing's. His face and hands were so thin that they were almost out of shape.

 Is this person really Luo Pei?

Luo Pei, who was sitting on the recliner, raised his head slightly and asked with a smile, "Xia Qing is here?"

His voice was as calm as the one heard on the walkie-talkie. Even though he has become numb after seeing life and death over the years, Xia Qing still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

This is Luo Pei, the No. 3 strongman of the Qinglong team and the top marksman of Huisan Base. It's Luo Pei who makes Xia Qing feel at ease whenever he goes out on a mission and sees his back carrying a sniper rifle.

Xia Qing clenched his fists and replied calmly, "Captain Luo, this is Xia Qing. I didn't know you were injured so seriously, and I'm disturbing your recovery."

"Come and sit here." Luo Pei, who was so tortured by the synthetic poison that he couldn't even stand up, still had the energy to joke, "How about it? I look like this, don't you?"

Luo Pei wants to be strong and doesn’t want people to sympathize with him. Xia Qing, who had the same skin color as him, nodded, "Well, at least it looks better than purple and green."

Luo Pei laughed louder, and Xia Qing could clearly hear his weakness, "Fortunately it's not green, otherwise I would have been laughed at. By the way, the perilla and toona buds you sent last time were very delicious. I am I wanted to exchange some more with you, but by chance you came over and found spinach in your field again? "

“I discovered it just these two days, and the content of the element is three thousandths. Because the quantity is not large, I just pinched some vegetable leaves.”

After Xia Qing finished speaking, Wei Chengdong, who was holding the basket, smiled and asked, "Xia Qing, is this bottle filled with wine? Such a big bottle must be 1.5 liters."    Luo Pei was injured in a conspiracy. Of course, the people of the Qinglong Team will strictly investigate anyone and anything that comes close to Luo Pei.

Xia Qing did not speak, but took out a piece of paper with writing on it:

 Unpolluted water.

Wei Chengdong's eyes widened and he whispered in Luo Pei's ear.

 Luo Pei used his fleshless palms to support the chair and slowly sat up. He made a gesture of invitation in the direction of Xia Qing, and then asked Wei Chengdong and the team members who had been standing beside him to carry him into the room next to him.

This room is a modified soundproof room. Not only does it have no windows, it also has soundproof panels on the walls, roof, and floor.

 After the door was closed, Wei Chengdong couldn't wait to ask, "Xia Qing, where did you get this water..."

"Chengdong." Luo Pei interrupted Wei Chengdong and said solemnly to Xia Qing with a smile, "My injury cannot be cured by a few kilograms of water. I accept your wishes. You can take the water back and keep it for drinking." , it’s more useful if you drink it than if you use it on me.”

The surprise on Wei Chengdong's face, who was holding the water bottle, turned to reluctance, but he still carefully put the water bottle back into the basket. The team members standing next to Luo Pei looked at Xia Qing quietly, as if they wanted to see through her.

Xia Qing ignored his gaze and whispered, "Captain Luo, let me test the water quality first. I only have an element detector, so I don't know if the water is suitable or not."

Seeing Xia Qing's insistence, Luo Peicai asked Wei Chengdong to measure the water quality. After a while, Wei Chengdong came back, his voice trembling with excitement, "Captain Luo, the quality of this water is very good. Xia Qing, how much of this water do you have, and how do you want to change it?"

Xia Qing asked, "How much will it take to cure Captain Luo's injury?"

Luo Pei answered directly, "In addition to infusion and scrubbing of the injured area, I also need to take a medicated bath once a day for at least four months. The medicated bath water must be changed every day and cannot be reused. It requires at least 15,000 liters of water." Contaminated spring water.”

As far as Xia Qing knows, the water volume of the four springs discovered in Huisan Base is not much greater than that in Xia Qing's territory. It is impossible to pump out 15,000 liters of water for Luo Pei. No wonder Luo Pei's body was dragged like this.

Xia Qing calculated the amount of spring water he had before nodding, "Fifteen thousand liters within four months, which is one hundred and twenty-five liters per day, can be exchanged."

This time not only Wei Chengdong, but also Luo Pei was excited. He raised his hand and slowly removed the gauze covering his eyes, stared at Xia Qing with red eyes in his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "Why did you save me?"

Luo Peiyi's evolutionary energy was mainly concentrated on his eyes, so after being poisoned by synthetic poison, his eyes were the most severely damaged. He just stared at Xia Qing for a few seconds, and his eyes shed physiological tears.

Xia Qing looked back calmly, "It's not about saving, I have conditions. I want to learn shooting from Captain Luo, and I also want weapons. In addition, Captain Luo must also ensure that the source of the water is not disclosed without my permission. Reveal it.”

 This little thing is not considered a condition. Luo Pei closed his eyes that were as painful as needle pricks, tears streaming down his eyes uncontrollably, "Including Yang Jin and Xie Yu?"

 (End of this chapter)

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