In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 33: The reason why Luo Pei left the safe zone

Chapter 33 The reason why Luo Pei left the safe zone

Huzi fixed a bicycle wheel with no rubber tires and only the hub on a thick wooden board about the width of his hand and more than two meters long, and then nailed the wooden board into the reservoir so that the water surface did not cover the wheel hub. Then connect the two iron pipes with a tee joint into a long straight pipe and fix it on the reservoir dam. Then pass a nylon rope with many round plastic pieces through the iron pipe. Use this nylon rope to connect the hub and the wheel in the water. The rear hubs of the bicycles are connected in series, and finally the bicycle is set up and firmly fixed on the shore.

Huzi got on the bike and stepped on the pedals of the bicycle. Xia Qing saw that the water in the reservoir was driven by the paddle on the nylon rope into the iron pipe, and flowed out through the three-way outlet. She really let her go. Eyes, "Sister Qing pedals like riding a bicycle, and the water will flow up along the tee pipe. The faster you pedal, the faster the water will flow out. It is much more convenient to use this than using a bucket to water the ground. ”

"I understand, this is very useful." Xia Qing, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but nod and praise, "Who came up with such a good idea? It's so smart!"

 It is difficult to obtain oil and electricity after a natural disaster, so the redemption points are very high. This type of water tanker driven purely by human power is perfect for her.

After receiving Xia Qing's praise, Huzi's face turned red and he didn't dare to raise his head. "There are also water hammer pumps that do not use oil or electricity and only rely on the kinetic energy of flowing water to pump water upwards. But that device is more complicated than this and requires many parts." It’s hard to disassemble, and it’s afraid of being bitten by evolved rodents when placed near the water, and the water hammer pump doesn’t pump water as fast as this one.”

Xia Qing couldn't imagine what a water hammer pump looked like, but when he heard that many parts were difficult to disassemble, he knew that the water hammer pump was not suitable for current use. "It's easy to install this water pump when it's in use, then dismantle it and carry it home." It is better than water hammer pump.”

"I heard Captain Tan say that Sister Qing wants Mr. Sheep to tread water." Seeing that Xia Qing really liked it, Huzi took out a pair of pedals that had been modified to look like shoes that sheep could wear and a large car seat, and quickly changed to on the bicycle, and then adjusted the seat to the lowest position. "The sheep is very energetic and smart. If Sister Qing can let it sit on the bicycle, it will definitely learn to pedal."

The sheep lying far away under the chun tree on the high **** chewed cud leisurely, and Xia Qing's eyes lit up by the reservoir.

Huzi reminded Xia Qing, "Although this frame is the strongest I have picked, it can't stop Boss Yang from going crazy. Sister Qing, please be patient."

Xia Qing smiled and nodded.

Zhong Tao was also cheerful, "In my opinion, don't connect long pipes to the three-way water outlet. It's only three to four hundred meters from here to your land. Let's put some soil and build a canal to pass through it."

Xia Qing couldn't trouble them. "I can repair the ditch myself. It can be done in half a day."

Zhong Tao was no longer polite and chatted with Xia Qing while Huzi was adjusting the water tanker. "Captain Luo of the Qinglong team has also left the safe zone and is here. Have you seen him?"

"I know he's coming, but I haven't had a chance to meet him yet." Zhong Tao came from the safe area and was well-informed. Xia Qing took the opportunity to ask him for information, "Why doesn't Captain Luo stay in the safe area?"

"Yeah." Zhong Tao mentioned Luo Pei with an angry look on his face, "After the rain, high-risk evolutionary plants and birds appeared in the eastern evolutionary forest. When Captain Luo led the mission to clean up, he was tricked by some **** and was killed. Synthetic poison.”

 Synthetic poisons are synthetic poisons made from purified excessive amounts of chlorine elements and various toxins. When synthetic poisons enter the bodies of evolving animals and humans, they will cause serious damage to the body and the toxins are difficult to remove. It can be said that killing synthetic poisons is the most vicious means of harming people after the great evolution of Blue Star biology, and its production and use has long been strictly prohibited by the state.

At the current moment of natural disaster, the advanced visual evolution sharpshooter Luo Pei is the strongest combat force in Huisan Base to resist the attacks of evolved flying beasts. No matter who the person who poisoned Luo Pei was, no matter what the purpose was, he should be cut into pieces.

Xia Qing's body was tense and his eyes were sharp, "Since Captain Luo was poisoned, why didn't he stay in the safe area to detoxify?" Zhong Tao became even more angry when he mentioned this, "Captain Luo needs a lot of non-polluting ingredients to detoxify and synthesize the poison. Water, I don’t know which **** **** is spreading rumors, saying that in order to treat Captain Luo’s injuries, the base diverted all the non-polluted water from the hospital, and that was not enough. It also diverted all the water from the planting center to cultivate high-quality evolved grains in the safe zone. Tens of thousands of **** were incited and rushed to attack the Qinglong Team headquarters to get Boss Yang to give an explanation and kill Captain Luo! "

His grandma’s!

Xia Qing held back the curse, "Did someone from Sufeng do it?"

"Who else besides those bastards?" Zhong Tao became more and more angry as he scolded, "When ordinary people couldn't break through the defense of the Qinglong Team, the **** of the Sufeng Team pretended to rush forward to maintain order and wanted to break the door, but they were defeated by Boss Yang. I killed a few of them with my own hands before scaring them away. Damn it, those **** gave the **** uncontaminated water to Captain Luo, you really don’t know this? All used for bathing..."

“It’s installed, Brother Tao, let’s go back.” Listening to Zhong Tao’s words becoming more and more outrageous, Huzi quickly adjusted the waterwheel and asked Zhong Tao to go back.

Xia Qing exchanged the evolved animals he caught for reagents, and gave them two small bundles of evolved perilla as a thank you gift before sending them out of the territory.

Zhong Tao didn’t need to tell the rest, Xia Qing could guess it. Team Sufeng didn't want Luo Pei to heal his injuries and spread rumors to cause dissatisfaction and riots in the safe zone, so Luo Peicai left the safe zone.

Of course, Luo Pei's departure from the safe zone was not to give up treatment, but to facilitate treatment.

With the ability of the Qinglong team, they will definitely be able to find unpolluted water for Luo Pei's detoxification. Xia Qing has no doubt about this, but he also guesses that they will pay a huge price for this.

One is ebbing and the other is increasing. To weaken the Qinglong team is to strengthen the Sufeng team.

 The stronger the Sufeng team becomes, the harder it will be to avenge Xia Qing's father.

Xia Qing coaxed Mr. Yang and his camel with soil to build a dirt road that was level with the farmland. Then, after building a canal on the dirt road leading to the farmland, he inserted the shovel deeply into the soil. The enemy of your enemy is someone you can cooperate with.

 In the afternoon, Tan Junjie came to Xia Qing's territory to pick up exchange supplies. Xia Qing handed him toona buds and perilla and asked about Luo Pei's situation, "Captain Tan, is Captain Luo's injury feeling better?"

During this period, Luo Pei occasionally said a word or two when the lord was chatting at night. Xia Qing could not tell his current situation from his voice. Since Tan Junjie has a good relationship with Yang Jin, Xia Qing thinks that he should have visited Luo Pei in No. 1.

Tan Junjie answered vaguely, "His injury needs to be nursed back to health slowly."

This means that it will not get better in the short term. People who have synthesized poisoning must be treated as soon as possible. The longer it is delayed, the greater the damage to the body of the poisoned person. It seems that the uncontaminated water found by the Azure Dragon Team is not enough.

 (End of this chapter)

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