Qi Fu asked, "Lao Kuang, are you doing boron fertilizer because we can buy rapeseed?"

Kuang Qingwei, who is well-informed, replied, "Yes, I have received accurate information. At this autumn's agricultural products fair, the Territory Management Department will sell yellow lamp rapeseed seeds. Each territory can exchange or buy half a catty at a preferential price."

Hearing what Kuang Qingwei said, others followed suit and ordered boron fertilizer at a price of 30 points per pound.

 Fortunately, the amount of fertilizer is not large, otherwise they would have to consider whether to plant rapeseed flowers.

  Rapeseed flowers not only need boron fertilizer, but also other base fertilizers. Now, the lords who were already short of fertilizer were even more lacking.

Xiao Liu, assistant of Territory No. 9, seized the opportunity to go online. "The corn stalks harvested by the Lords and the grass in the fields are good raw materials for fermenting plant stems and leaves as organic fertilizer. Corn stalks are very hard, and it is difficult to completely compost them without adding high-efficiency compost powder." It’s cooked. Have you used up your compost powder?”

Xia Qing, who was washing the dishes, chuckled, "Boss, your sister and I are smart, right? We will never buy bacterial powder from Territory No. 9 again."

Kuang Qingwei responded politely, "Assistant Liu, can the price of bacterial powder be lowered? Now there are people selling bacterial powder in the safe zone. Although it is not efficient and the fermentation time is long, it only sells for 10 points per pound. When mixed with water, it can ferment 2 cubic meters. Rice fertilizer is ten times cheaper than yours.”

Now that bacteria powder is ten times cheaper, who can not be tempted?

Xia Qing wiped her hands and went to the roof of the shelf to guard the corn with the sick wolf, waiting for Xiao Liu's answer.

Assistant Xiao Liu's attitude is still professional and friendly, "Mr. Kuang, our high-efficiency bacterial powder is exclusively patented. It has a high number of viable bacteria, a short fermentation time, and has certain sterilization and deodorizing effects."

Hearing that his assistant Xiao Liu refused to lower the price, Kuang Qingwei became silent.

 Shi Zhong asked, "Lao Kuang, how effective is this bacteria powder you mentioned?"

Kuang Qingwei replied, "The team alliance uses this kind of bacterial powder to ferment animal manure. They have now begun to sell fertilizer."

Assistant Xiao Liu asked, "Has the fertilizer from the Team Alliance been completely fermented and decomposed? Have the weed seeds, germs and insect eggs in the manure been killed?"

When assistant Xiao Liu asked this question, everyone felt unsure again.

In the lord channel, a voice that was unfamiliar to everyone sounded, "Assistant Liu, I am Xie Yu from the team alliance. The manure we sell has passed professional testing by authoritative departments, and all indicators meet the new standards for fertilizer use after natural disasters. The compost raw materials contain The killing rate of grass seeds, germs and insect eggs has reached 95%. I wonder what the killing rate of the bacterial powder fermented fertilizer in your territory can be? ”

Xiao Liu openly asked about the quality of the manure of the team alliance. Xie Yu was a councilor of the team alliance and happened to hear it. Of course, he had to explain.

Assistant Xiao Liu replied, "Ours is 90%, which is not as high as your alliance's killing rate. However, the stems and leaves of plants used by the lords for compost are all grown in greenhouses. The three harmful substances listed by Mr. Xie The content is more than 80% lower than the raw materials collected from the evolutionary forest, so the 90% killing rate is sufficient. "

After indicating that there was no problem with the team alliance's fertilizer, Xie Yu was not difficult for a small assistant and responded politely: "The bacteria powder alone can achieve a 90% killing rate. The quality of the bacteria powder in your territory is indeed higher than the bacteria powder we use. . We only achieved 95% by using bacterial powder together with other killing processes.”

Just after Xie Yu finished speaking, Xu Pin in Territory No. 2 also came online, "Hello everyone, I am Xu Pin from the team alliance. As Councilor Xie said, the quality of the fermented and decomposed animal manure in our alliance is very high. If you need it, you can Order from the patrol team, you will get three points for two kilograms, and we will bear the shipping cost.”

 The lords were stunned.

what 's wrong? Why did Xu Pin, the deputy captain of the Sufeng team ranked first in the Huisan base, and Xie Yu and Luo Pei, the two deputy captains of the second-ranked Qinglong team, come to their territory?

Assistant Xiao Liu's attitude is still professional, "Dear lords, I have reported to the lords the emergence of high-quality bacterial powder competing products in the safe zone. We will adjust the price of high-efficiency composting bacterial powder, and we will notify everyone in time when the results are available."

Zhang San said lazily, "The bacterial powder can only kill 90% of the three types of harmful substances. It has no technical content and can be produced casually."

This is a direct denial of Li Si's "exclusive patent", and everyone is excited. Xia Qing patted Boss Sheep on the head, "Boss, did you hear that? This is the madman Zhang San, my idol!"

The sheep boss narrowed his eyes and kicked Xia Qing away. Fortunately, it knew it was on the roof, so it didn't use too much effort.

“Third brother, can Territory 8/Territory 1/Team Alliance cooperate with you to produce compost bacterial powder?”

  Xin Yu, Luo Pei and Xu Pin spoke almost at the same time, and they all wanted to cooperate with Zhang San. They even said the same thing.

If the territorial policy is promoted smoothly, agriculture-related industries will definitely develop rapidly, and no one with vision and ability will let this business opportunity go.

 What’s interesting is that Luo Pei was talking about “Territorial No. 1” to cooperate with Zhang San, but Xu Pin chose “Team Alliance”.

Before Zhang San could speak, assistant Xiao Liu came online, "Our lord has approved that the compost bacterial powder in Territory No. 9 will be reduced to 30 points per bag. If you need it, you can order it directly."

 The bacterial powder sold in Territory No. 9 is packed in four kilograms, which means that the price of one kilogram of bacterial powder has been reduced from the original 50 points to 7.5 points.

 This drop is painful for the lords who bought the bacterial powder of Territory No. 9 at a high price.

This decline also shows that Territory No. 9, or the Agni Team behind Territory No. 9, will not give up the compost bacterial powder business.

The Agni Team, ranked number one in Huiyi Base, showed its attitude. Whether it was Xu Pin from the Sufeng Team or Luo Pei and Xie Yu from the Qinglong Team, they had to think about it, but Xin Yu did not hesitate.

After assistant Xiao Liu finished speaking, she extended an invitation for cooperation, "Third brother, can you cooperate?"

“Yes.” Zhang San responded lazily, “Using my technology, you can increase the killing rate of three types of harmful substances in the fertilizer brought out from the evolutionary forest to more than 96%.”

Yo **** ho ho! This quality is better than Li Si’s high-efficiency bacteria powder. Doesn’t it mean it’s a special grade bacteria powder? In terms of madness, you still have to look at Lord No. 7 Zhang Sange!

Xu Pin immediately made a request, "Third brother, can the team alliance cooperate with you?"

Xin Yu followed up and asked, "Third brother, are you free now? I will go to your territory to discuss the details of cooperation with you."

Li Si came online, his voice was cold, "When did Third Brother become interested in bacterial powder research?"

"Just now." Zhang San responded lazily to Li Si, and then replied to Xin Yu, "Come here, bring a pot of edible roses with green lights."

Xin Yu: "Okay."

 Everyone...rose, green light, or edible? The things in Territory No. 8 are indeed more unique than the last.

With Xin Yu’s attitude, the lords will be able to use the special compost bacterial powder produced in Territory No. 8 by next spring at the latest, with an efficiency of killing grass seeds, insect eggs and pathogens as high as 96%.

Xia Qing used a stone to knock away two crows that landed on the roof and wanted to peck at the cover, and sighed, "The third brother is really a good person, Xin Yu is very courageous, and this battle was really enjoyable."

  In Territory No. 2, Xu Pin’s face turned black as he was ignored by Zhang San.

In Territory No. 1, Xie Yu scratched the curly hair on his head, "Brother Luo, when Xin Yu came to Huisan Base Territory, didn't he also come for Zhang San?" (End of Chapter)

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