Chapter 324 Farming is a science

  Relatively speaking, Xia Qing had less difficulties in this regard than the other lords. One is because she has cultivated very little farmland, and the other is because she still has fertilizers in stock.

Her inventory includes 1,500 kilograms of vermicompost, 500 kilograms of crab shell fertilizer, as well as Xia Qing's own fermented chicken manure and sheep manure, plant ash left over from burning grass and cooking, and fermented plant stem and leaf fertilizer. Enough for her to grow wheat and rapeseed.

In addition, Sun Zhe said that he would ship two hundred kilograms of vermicompost to Xia Qing at the end of this month. Xia Qing also ordered two thousand kilograms of crab shell fertilizer from Zhong Tao a few days ago. And today she asked Ji Li about buying fertilizer for No. 7 territory...

 Xia Qing was just thinking when she received a call from Zhang San.

“Xia Qing, are you short of fertilizer?”

“Yes.” Xia Qing told her idol about the destruction of Sun Zhe’s vermicompost production line and the increase in fertilizer prices.

Zhang San has no way to trade fertilizers with Xia Qing, "I have special green light fertilizers here. They are all used for breeding. The price is too high, so it is not suitable for you to use."

Xia Qing quickly asked, "Third brother, do you have compost bacterial powder? The price of bacterial powder in Territory No. 9 is getting higher and higher, and there is no way to use it."

 Zhang San didn’t understand the situation and asked, “Shouldn’t two kilograms of green lanterns be exchanged for one bag?”

Although green vegetables or wild vegetables cost about 50 points per pound, it is not difficult for the lords to test and select one or two pounds in the territory, so changing the bacteria powder is not a pain. But now Territory No. 9 does not agree to exchange green light vegetables. As long as points are used, the price of mushroom powder has increased from 100 to 150. The last time Qifu exchanged, it rose to 200 points per bag.

Lords need fertilizer for farming, but it is not easy for anyone to earn points. This price, let alone other lords who were not wealthy, even Xia Qing could not afford it.

Farming continues to require fertilizer investment. She has saved enough fertilizer for this autumn sowing, but there is still a gap for greenhouse planting in winter and next spring sowing.

Therefore, Xia Qing needs to find high-quality and low-price bacterial powder to replace the high-quality and high-priced bacterial powder in Territory No. 9. The quality of the low-priced bacteria powder sold in the safety zone was unknown, so Xia Qing did not dare to try it easily.

 She believes that with her idol’s ability, making fungus powder is just like playing. It just depends on whether he is willing or not.

 Zhang San did not disappoint his fans, "How many do you need? I will take the time to get some in the next two days."

Xia Qing was moved, "Thirty pounds is enough. Third brother, how many points do you think I need to make up?"

 Zhang San responded lazily, "No need to make up, this thing is worthless."

 Look, look! What is a high-quality idol? This is! The depth of Xia Qing's pink pit reaches directly to the center of the Blue Star Earth!

 After hanging up the phone, Xia Qing heard that everyone was discussing how to return corn stalks to the fields on the Lord's channel.

Qi Fu advocated crushing the straw directly and returning it to the fields, while Shi Quan advocated fermenting and decomposing the straw before returning it to the fields. Both of these methods were introduced in the farming knowledge radio, and each has its own pros and cons.

Planting expert Li Si appeared at the right time and ended the discussion with a cool and professional voice, "It is recommended to use corn straw after fermentation and decomposition, because the organic acids produced by returning the straw directly to the field will accelerate the dissolution and removal of calcium, magnesium and other elements in the soil. The soil in our cultivated land is already slightly acidic, and any increase in acidity is not conducive to plant growth."

Zhao’s mother seized the opportunity and asked, “Fourth sister, is it better to grow wheat in alkaline soil or acidic soil?”

Li Si replied, “The ideal pH value for growing wheat is 6.1 to 7.5, and wheat yields the highest within this range.”

 The median value of pH is 7. The pH range of wheat is equivalent to neutral or slightly acidic. Xia Qing immediately wrote down this important knowledge.

Zhao’s mother asked again, “Fourth sister, how do you test the acidity and alkali of this land?”

Li Si replied, "The pH value of soil in different areas is different. If you want to know, you can send the soil to me for testing, free of charge." Hearing that Li Si wanted to test the soil composition of Territory No. 4, Xia Qing asked He frowned.

Zhao’s mother arrived in the territory later, so she didn’t understand the situation. When they first arrived in the territory, they all bought pH test paper with Zhong Tao to test the pH of the soil in the territory. Xia Qing knew that Zhao Ze also bought it.

Why didn't he say anything? Could it be that he forgot to test and lost it?

I have to say that Xia Qing's intuition is still very keen. Zhao Ze, who was eating corn cakes in Territory No. 4, wanted to stick his head under the table.

Zhao's mother, who didn't know anything about it, quickly thanked her, "Okay, okay. I'll ask Zhao Ze to send it over later. We are lucky to be able to farm next to you, Third Brother and Captain Luo."

Xia Qing then asked, "Fourth sister, do you know the pH range of the soil for growing rapeseed?"

As for how to grow rapeseed, it was not mentioned in the books collected by Xia Qing, nor in the "Planting Encyclopedia" issued by the base, nor was it mentioned in the farming knowledge broadcast. Xia Qing seized the opportunity today and quickly consulted experts.

 John Si gave an accurate answer, “5 to 8.”

 This pH range is wider than that of wheat. Every piece of farmland in her territory can be planted. Xia Qing took note of it carefully.

After hearing Xia Qing's question about rapeseed, Kuang Qingwei went online, "Sister, do you know? You need to supplement boron fertilizer to grow rapeseed. Without boron, rapeseed is not only prone to lodging, but also only flowers but no seeds. I got some seaweed and Do you want an organic boron fertilizer made from brown algae, mixed with water and irrigated? One acre of land is enough.”

Xia Qing did not answer immediately, but asked, "Is our soil deficient in boron? Does Brother Qing know what the boron content should be in the land where **** is grown?"

Xia Qing used her own Yi element detector to test the soil in her territory. She remembered that the soil contained boron, and the content was not low, it seemed to be 72 mg/kg, but Xia Qing could not say this directly.

Because the iridium element detector is a high-precision instrument, she cannot disclose that she has such an instrument, which will cause trouble.

 Kuang Qingwei could not answer Xia Qing's question accurately, so he turned to Li Si for advice.

Li Si replied, "The total boron content measured in Territory No. 9 is 70mg/kg, but the effective boron content is only 0.1mg/kg. The effective boron content for growing rapeseed, radish and sugar beet should be above 0.5mg/kg, and supplementation is required. Boron fertilizer. The situation in Territory No. 3 needs specific testing.”

Xia Qing, who has a valuable treasure, does not want to hand over the soil in the territory to Li Si for inspection. "Thank you, Fourth Sister. Our territories are not far apart, and the elemental composition must be similar. Brother Qing, I will give you two kilograms of boron fertilizer."

Xia Qing placed the order without asking the price, because no matter how many points he had, he had to use this fertilizer. Otherwise, her rapeseed will be white.

Furthermore, Kuang Qingwei promised that all the goods given to her would be at the purchase price. Xia Qing openly asked about the price. How should Kuang Qingwei respond?

Two pounds of boron fertilizer is not much for Xia Qing.

In addition to the half a kilogram of rapeseed seeds awarded to her by the Territory Management Department, Zheng Kui told Xia Qing when she came last time that rapeseed seeds would be sold publicly at the autumn agricultural products fair, and Xia Qing could also buy half a kilogram.

According to the germination rate of Huangdeng seeds of less than 50%, one pound of rapeseed seeds cannot even be planted in one acre of land, and two pounds of boron fertilizer cannot be used.

Xia Qing plans to use the remaining boron fertilizer on radishes next spring. If Li Si hadn't told her, Xia Qing wouldn't have understood that the radishes she grew were too small because they were deficient in boron.

 Originally, boron is also divided into full boron and effective boron. It turns out that a lack of available boron will reduce the yields of crops that require boron.

 Farming is really a science.

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