The thing that Xia Qing hates most about Team Sufeng is that they use any means to achieve their goals.

There is a grudge between Sufeng and Qinglong. No matter how they fight, it should be between them. The lords who work hard to farm the land should not be involved.

Xia Qing suppressed her anger and asked, "Where is Qian Lin?"

"It has been silenced." Chen Zheng explained, "Since Su Feng used this kind of medicine, he must have thought of a way to escape guilt. There is no use keeping Qian Lin. Captain Xie will seize this opportunity and join forces with the military. , get rid of the Jiang Xiong team first.”

"This operation is led by the military responsible for territorial protection. It will take place this afternoon or evening without going through the base management department." Chen Zheng said in a low voice, "If the arrest goes smoothly, the case of Zhang Xi's invasion of Territory No. 3 will also be Transferred to the Military Department for review.”

 It is beneficial for Xia Qing to transfer this case to the military department for trial. Because the Territory Management Department was under the orders of Deputy Base Chief Tang Zhengrong, and Team Jiangxiong was Sufeng's follower, Tang Zhengrong would definitely instruct the Territory Management Department to minimize the major issue and only punish the two Zhang Xi who invaded the territory. "

 Killing Jiang Xiong's team will mean that Sufeng will have fewer accomplices and reduce the threat to Xia Qing's important trading partner, the wolf pack. However, Sufeng's team cannot be so cheap.

Xia Qing asked, "Qian Lin sprinkled the medicine in the valley between No. 49 and No. 50 mountains, right?"

 Chen Zheng nodded.

"The exit of this valley is on the edge of territory No. 7 and No. 15. After catching Jiang Xiong's team, ask Team Hu to mention this matter on the Lord's channel. Make sure that the third brother hears it." With Zhang San Such a petty person, after Su Feng did such an immoral thing, there was no way he would be allowed to heal Kou Fanming who was struck by lightning.

Kou Fanming followed Tang Zhengsu before the natural disaster, and now he is a core member of the Sufeng team. His inability to regain his fighting strength was a great loss to Tang Zhengsu.

Chen Zheng smiled and said, "Our boss said the same thing."

Xia Qing was surprised, "Captain Yang is back?"

“Captain Xie finally got in touch with our boss last night. They will be back today and Brother Luo will be able to take medicine tonight.” Chen Zheng mentioned that Yang Jin was coming back with a smile on his face.

Xia Qing was also happy and even started planning to find Wei Chengdong and enter his photo into the surveillance system to prevent him from triggering the camera's alarm function when he came to get spring water at night.

But today, Xia Qing still has important things to do. She wants to take a trip to Valley No. 2 in District 3 of No. 49 Mountain before the autumn harvest begins.

Unlike Valley No. 1, which extends further to the northeast and seems to tear apart Mountain No. 49, Valley No. 2 is formed by the water flowing down from the top of the mountain. Therefore, the farther to the northwest, the shallower the depth of the valley.

Moreover, the width and streams of Valley No. 2 are smaller than those of Valley No. 1, and the vegetation is not as dense as Valley No. 1. Xia Qing stood on the hillside and looked down, but couldn't see any big fruit trees. This was why she explored Valley No. 1 first.

 There are no large fruit trees, which does not mean that there are no fruit-bearing shrubs and herbs in the valley, so you still need to explore it.

 For this exploration, Xia Qing decided to form a team with his companion, Sick Wolf. Once a plant is found that can be collected, Xia Qing can safely collect it with a sick wolf standing by to keep watch.

 One person and one wolf entered the No. 2 Valley from the Wild Boar Valley and headed northeast. Xia Qing paid attention to the surroundings and found that the red squirrel did not follow him. He speculated that there should be no nuts that it likes to eat in this valley.

 After walking more than fifty meters, Xia Qing's eyes lit up, "Second brother, look, is that Gong Ju?"

 In the stone crevice five meters in front, two clusters of snow-white multi-petaled flowers bloomed. The location where it grows is so hidden that you can't even see it from the hillside.

Of course the sick wolf would not give an answer because it did not recognize the chrysanthemum. After Xia Qing confirmed that the air here did not contain toxins, he walked quietly on gravel washed dry by the stream for three meters and observed carefully.

The two clusters of chrysanthemums bloomed beautifully and were of the right color. Xia Qing, who was wearing a protective mask, seemed to smell the fragrance of the chrysanthemums.

However, Xia Qing was not in a hurry to pick it.

Although she and the sick wolf were sprayed with insect repellent and were not afraid of the buzzing bees on the flowers, judging from experience, this dense plant was a favorite habitat for venomous snakes.

Since venomous snakes could not be found with the eyes, Xia Qing pointed at the chrysanthemum and asked his companion, "Second brother, are there any snakes near this chrysanthemum?"

Snakes have a fishy smell, and Xia Qing can't smell it, but wolves have a very keen sense of smell and can certainly smell it.

When the patient heard Xia Qing's question, he put away his tongue and closed his mouth, staring at the chrysanthemum with a serious face.

 Looking like a sick wolf, it should be a poisonous snake.

"Second brother, step back and let me do it!" Xia Qing stepped forward and struck the grass and stones around the chrysanthemum with her long knife. Three big snakes jumped out of the grass and attacked Xia Qing's eyes!

After seeing the appearance of the three snakes clearly, Xia Qing turned the knife, put away the blade and slapped the snakes horizontally with the back of the knife, without directly killing them.

Based on the two symmetrical triangular dark spots on the snake's body, Xia Qing determined that it was a snake, which was the main medicine in Zhang San's prescription.

Shi Du wanted to catch the aquilaria snake with low element content and raise it, but he failed to catch it several times in the evolutionary forest. Today, Xia Qing encountered it.

After being slapped away, one snake jumped up and attacked again, while the other two fled away. Xia Qing raised his foot to step on an escaping snake, stretched out his hand to pinch the attacking snake, and put them all into the bag. He quickly caught up with the third snake and stuffed it into the bag.

 There is no time for testing now, we will wait until we get out.

Poisonous snakes also have territories. After collecting the poisonous snakes hiding near the chrysanthemums, the territory will be safe and it will be an exciting moment.

Xia Qing took out the chlorine element detector. Although the test result was a yellow light, the chlorine element content was only 7 parts per thousand, which was already quite good.

In order to save seeds, Xia Qing did not pick off all the chrysanthemums. After the remaining chrysanthemums bloomed and produced seeds, she came back to harvest the chrysanthemum seeds so that they could be planted next year.

Continuing to walk forward, Xia Qing found several more clusters of white tribute chrysanthemums, but unfortunately they were all red. Going further, Xia Qing made new discoveries: sixteen yellow-damp beech plants, twenty green-damp Atractylodes plants, and thirteen yellow-damp Atractylodes plants.

 The prices of Pediculus and Gongju are not high, but Atractylodes atractylodes, especially Atractylodes root that is more than three years old, can be sold for 200 points per kilogram.

It is estimated that before the natural disaster, Valley No. 2 was used by local people to grow medicinal materials.

 In the tenth year of the natural disaster, there are medicinal materials with low levels of phosphorus, indicating that Valley No. 2 is very suitable for the growth of these three medicinal materials. The fruits of Atractylodes macrocephala are ready to be collected. The flowering period of Atractylodes macrocephala has just passed and the fruits are not yet mature, so they can be collected together with the seeds of Gongju.

After the autumn harvest, Xia Qing will take the time to clear away the weeds, shrubs and wild sycamores in the valley to leave more space for medicinal herbs to grow. Next year, she will sow herbal seeds to turn Valley No. 2 back into a medicinal valley.

After returning to the territory, Xia Qing was even happier after testing and found that the element content of the agaricids she captured was less than 10 parts per thousand. She directly turned on the intercom and contacted Shidu.

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