Xia Qing explained, "This wolf is just recuperating in my territory. When it recovers, it may return to the evolutionary forest, so we won't apply for the certificate yet."

Evolved beasts, especially large beasts that can pose a threat to human safety, if you want to bring them into a safe zone, you must apply for a domesticated animal identity certificate and have the domesticated animal number stamped on a prominent position on the body.

 Tamed animals that have obtained identity certificates and are registered in the register belong to the personal property of the tamer. Others may not rob or hunt them, otherwise they will be held legally responsible.

In contrast, if a domesticated animal injures a person or damages a public facility, the domesticated animal will bear corresponding legal liability.

Therefore, Xia Qing did not want to apply for a domesticated animal certificate for the sick wolf before confirming that it would stay in the territory. Otherwise, one day when its companion wailed, it would follow him. If the wolf pack it belonged to had a conflict with a certain team, they would find Xia Qing according to the number and make her bear legal responsibility.

 Maybe, Xia Qing wants to add her own territory, so she has to be careful.

 Sheep boss?

 It can't be done.

 Because when applying for a domestic animal identification certificate, you need to show to the relevant departments that the animal is obedient to its owner. In the eyes of the sheep boss, Xia Qing is its little brother, and it simply cannot pass the test.

When Xia Qing was about to return to his territory, he heard someone reporting to Xie Yu on the phone:

"Qian Lin's team and the two teams lurking in secret caught them all and found several illegal drugs used to trap wild beasts from their bodies. Their plan of action tonight is for Qian Lin to stimulate the wolves to go crazy and attack the territory, and then the two teams lurking in secret will A small team took advantage of the chaos to sneak into Territory No. 1 and blow up the building where Brother Luo lived. "

 Xie Yu calmly ordered, "Find out the purpose of the medicinal powder and dispose of it thoroughly."


After seeing Xie Yu hang up the phone, Xia Qing said hello to him and returned to his territory.

 In the first nine years of severe natural disasters, animal swarms and natural disasters occurred frequently. Teams belonging to the same base needed to divide work and cooperate to defend the safe zone. Therefore, although there are frictions and battles between the teams, the two sides will not really kill each other and damage the other's main combat power.

 But in the tenth year after the natural disaster, mankind entered the stage of recovery and expansion of production. Although the fight against the natural disaster has not yet been completely successful, impatient people have begun to seize the fruits of victory.

If you want to grab more cakes that are already on the table, you have to remove more chairs. The teams began to fight and kill each other. The Sufeng team, ranked first in the Huisan base, took the first stab at the second-ranked Qinglong team.

 Since this sword strike, only Xia Qing knew that the two sides had fought openly and covertly no less than ten times this year, each with their own injuries. When Yang Jin comes back with the herbal medicine and completely removes the poison from Luo Pei, Qinglong will be even more ruthless.

Xia Qing wished that Qinglong could be more ruthless and cut off Tang Zhengsu's claws and teeth, and then she could take revenge.

 “Sister Qing.”

Xia Qing took a few steps and was stopped by Xie Yu again.

Xie Yu shook his cell phone full of words, walked to Xia Qing, and said with a smile, "Xu Pin gave Tang Huai a task to mess with you and Hu Feng, and drag you to Su Feng."

 That’s why Tang Huai took the initiative to give himself an oil press in exchange? Just his exaggerated acting skills...

Xia Qing nodded, indicating that he understood.

 After Xia Qing returned to the territory, Jing Kuan and the others did not evacuate immediately. Instead, they followed Xie Yu's order and guarded the No. 3 territory all night.

Before Xia Qing entered the village, she received a message from Xie Yu: Territory No. 1 has entered into a cooperative relationship with Tang Zhengbo. Sister Qing can have a slightly better attitude towards Tang Huai, so that Tang Zhengsu and Xu Pin think that Tang Huai is still alive. Use value to keep him in the second territory.

Let Tang Huai continue to stay in Territory No. 2, which will be beneficial to Tang Zhengbo, Territory No. 1 and Xia Qing himself. Because if Su Feng were someone else, he might not be as "disengaged" as Tang Huai.

After replying to Xie Yu, Xia Qing called to the sheep boss and the sick wolf who were lying on the haystack next to the chicken pen, "Someone will protect our territory tonight. Can you two go back to the house and sleep?"

 The sheep boss immediately stood up and followed Xia Qing back. The sick wolf was still lying on the haystack. Xia Qing went over and rubbed the patient's furry head, "Are you going to sleep here tonight?"

 The sick wolf stared at Xia Qing with its eyes that glowed slightly in the night, and pressed its head on the haystack.

Xia Qing understood, "If you want to sleep here, sleep here. Should you wear protective clothing or take it off?"

 The sick wolf rolled half a circle on the hay, with its belly facing up, and stretched out its two front paws towards Xia Qing. Xia Qing took off the shoes on its front paws, and the sick wolf stretched out its back paws and asked Xia Qing to take them off.

After taking off its shoes, it did not ask Xia Qing to take off its protective clothing, so Xia Qing ignored it and took the sheep boss home to sleep.

 The next morning, Xia Qing was woken up by a red squirrel.

Xia Qing opened her eyes and sat up, staring at the red squirrel drinking water through the gap in the curtains she deliberately left.

Red squirrels, like cats, dogs, and wolves, drink water by licking it with their tongues. After drinking the water, it was not in a hurry to leave. It squatted on Xia Qing's windowsill and competed with the two soybeans Xia Qing placed.

The soybeans harvested by Xia Qing were so hard that the red squirrel couldn't chew them with its teeth, so it simply stretched its neck to swallow the soybeans, and then began to dip its face and tail in the spring water.

The red squirrel is small, so it looks cute no matter what it does. Xia Qing couldn't help but want to catch this little guy and rub it.

After seeing enough, Xia Qing got up from the bed and started a busy day.

 The missing Qian Lin team? It has nothing to do with her, she is a lord who farms honestly, and she doesn’t know anything about what is happening outside.

Early in the morning, Tang Huai was full of energy and asked Hu Feng what the wolf howling was about last night.

Hush Feng was beaming with joy, "What else could the wolf howling be like? Of course it was the wolf howling."

“Have you found your escaped domesticated wolf?”

Hu Hufeng asked back, "Aren't you talking nonsense? If it hadn't been found, could you have heard the wolf howling so clearly last night?"

Tang Huai pouted, I believe you, you have a furry wolf, it must be Xia Qing's wolf back!

"Xia Qing, are you there?" Tang Huai stopped talking to Hu Feng and began to call Xia Qing enthusiastically, "I heard your chicken started crowing again. How many roosters are there? Can we exchange them?"

Xia Qing pretended not to hear, turned off the walkie-talkie, and went out to inspect the territory.

When Chen Zheng saw Xia Qing coming out, he told her the information he got last night, "They initially planned to use the flammability of the evolved cotton to cause a fire in Territory Three, and then wait for Territory One to send people to help. At that time, he found another opportunity to enter territory No. 1. After Sister Qing cleaned up the area, they changed their plan to lure the wolf to attack the territory. "

Xia Qing asked, "Why did Sufeng let Qian Lin lead the team for such an important task?"

“Because Qian Lin is familiar with the medicine usage of Jiang Xiong Team. By the way, the wolf howling sound in the tweeter was Qian Lin’s idea, and the recording was of the wolf captured by Jiang Xiong Team.”

Xia Qing asked, "Is that wolf still alive?"

Chen Zheng was very angry, "He's dead. The potion Qian Lin used to lure the wolves to attack the territory last night was made with wolf blood. If Sister Qing hadn't asked the second wolf to persuade the wolves to retreat, they would have been killed if they moved forward again. If you smell wolf blood, you will definitely become angry and take revenge on humans.”

Thanks to book friend Yaoyaoqiqiqi for the reward, thank you all for your subscription support, good morning.

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