Xia Qing heard no movement, which once again confirmed that the sick wolf's hearing was better than Xia Qing's. This is a normal phenomenon, because the hearing of wolves or dogs is inherently better than that of humans.

Xia Qing pretended not to see the red squirrel and continued picking cotton. After the sick wolf realized that the red squirrel was not a threat, he lay down and continued to warm his belly.

The red squirrel saw that Xia Qing and the wolf ignored it, and moved forward little by little to the roof to stare at the cotton.

 Come to buy cotton for free again?

Xia Qing stood up and said, "Second brother, you guard the cotton here and don't let the red squirrel steal it. I'll go get something."

Xia Qing quickly brought two peanuts and two chestnuts, sat down and continued picking cotton. Seeing that Xia Qing and the sick wolf ignored it, the red squirrel moved to a place three meters away from Xia Qing and the sick wolf and stopped moving forward. At this distance, even if Xia Qing and Sick Wolf suddenly burst into action, they would not be able to catch it.

Xia Qing felt that the time was ripe and placed a light yellow cotton flower next to her, "This is for you."

 Lay the bait first to let the red squirrel know the benefits of cotton before proceeding with the next exchange.

 The red squirrel squatted on the spot, motionless. Xia Qing thought the red squirrel was afraid of catching it, so she moved a few steps forward. Then she found that the red squirrel was almost standing next to the light yellow cotton, still staring at the cotton in her hand.

Now Xia Qing understood: This guy doesn’t like cotton that is light yellow and has a fishy smell!

Xia Qing picked a white one and put it next to it, and said to the red squirrel: "This is for you."

The sick wolf thought that Xia Qing was telling it, so he got up and walked to the cotton, pressed the cotton with his big paws, and continued to lie down to warm his belly. Xia Qing didn't say anything. She picked another white cotton flower and put it on the other side. She pointed at the red squirrel and then at the cotton. "Red squirrel, this white cotton flower is for you."

After Xia Qing moved his position again, the hiding red squirrel stared at the white cotton for a while, then rushed over, picked up the cotton and ran away.

After the red squirrel ran away, Xia Qing began to count silently: one, two, three...

 Not even a minute later, the little guy came back, swaying his big fluffy tail, rubbing his little paws and continuing to stare at the snow-white cotton in Xia Qing's hand.

Want to continue having **** for free? I don’t want the smelly one, but I really want the white and tasteless one? No matter how beautiful the tail is, it’s impossible!

  The wolf who used the stone for medical expenses was recovering from his injuries in her territory, and he had to turn in edible meat every day. Xia Qing picked off a white cotton flower and took out a peanut with hemp shells. "Do you want this cotton? If you want, use peanuts in exchange."

Xia Qing found that after she took out the peanuts, the red squirrel stared at them instead. Xia Qing simply peeled the peanuts, ate them, and threw the shells on the roof.

When the red squirrel saw Xia Qing eating peanuts, he jumped up and down for a while and ran away.

Xia Qing finished picking the cotton with a smile, fastened the insect-proof net, and went downstairs with the sick wolf. The red squirrel never showed up until she returned to the house.

 Failed to exchange cotton for peanuts, which meant that today's transaction failed, but Xia Qing did not feel disappointed. It is impossible for every animal to become very smart after evolution, otherwise there will really be no room for human survival on Blue Star.

It doesn't matter that the red squirrel didn't bring the peanuts. Xia Qing planned to explore the cave every day. After discovering that there were peanuts in the hole, he would follow it to collect peanuts.

 As long as the locator is there, the red squirrel is her forager.

Xia Qing took out the yellow lantern rabbit that she had just received in the morning from the refrigerator, cut it in half and chopped it into pieces. After stewing it in a pot with pollution-free spring water, she sent a message to Yang Jin: Is Captain Yang free recently? I have a business I want to talk to you about.

Yang Jin has not been seen since he came out of the evolutionary forest. "Answer." A very slight message, like a drop of water, sounded from the snow-white tent covered in vast white snow, seven thousand miles north of Huisan Base.

Yang Jin took out his mobile phone from his pocket, with a smile on his scruffy beard. After drinking a few sips of boiled snow water, Yang Jin directly dialed Xia Qing's number, "Xia Qing, have you made any new discoveries recently? "

 There was a sound of wind flapping the tarp over Yang Jin's side, it must be in the outdoor tent. The fact that the news was so loud meant that Yang Jin was not at Huisan Base. However, since he has called, it means that it is easier to talk now. Xia Qing replied briefly, "I discovered the green light chestnut tree. The content of the element is more than two thousandths and the taste is very good. The third brother of Territory No. 7 said I can sell it for at least four hundred points. I want to cooperate with you to cultivate green light chestnut saplings."

Yang Jin understood, "The chestnut tree was found in District 3 of No. 49 Mountain?"

Xia Qing nodded, "Yes, the leaves of edible chestnut trees have evolved to be very sticky, which can stick to insects and form a symbiotic relationship with evolved wasps. An adult chestnut tree can produce about one hundred kilograms of chestnuts a year."

Yang Jin, who had explored Mountain No. 49, remembered the forest with wasps in the valley. At that time, his goal was to find pollution-free spring water, but he did not notice that it turned out to be a chestnut tree.

At that time, were there chestnuts hanging on it? Yang Jin held the Yishi protective shell with a smile in his tired eyes, "When this tree is planted, it will not only provide food, but also serve as a protective wall. How many do you have?"

 How many pills? Ah.

Xia Qing suppressed her lips and replied calmly, "This evolved chestnut is more than double the size before the natural disaster, weighing more than thirty pounds per pound. I now have twenty-five pounds of green lights and more than six hundred and fifty pounds of yellow lights."

Yang Jin smiled, his voice was slightly hoarse, and his smile was very pleasant. "With this business, you can earn back the points you used to buy the mountain."

Not only that, she also changed medicine worth 800,000 yuan to treat physical injuries. Xia Qing was in a great mood, "In other words, you agree to cooperate with me?"

Hearing her use the word "you" again, Yang Jin firmly shook the Yishi protective case and said, "Of course, we will discuss it in detail after I go back. This matter cannot involve the team, and it must be done by Territory No. 1, otherwise The league must step in."

Xia Qing was happy, "Then you are busy, I will talk to Brother Luo."

 Luo Pei is the lord of Territory No. 1.

Yang Jin disagreed, "Brother Luo, it's not appropriate to bother yourself now. We'll talk about it later when I get back."

"Okay." Xia Qing asked again, "If you still need to collect herbs for treatment, you can give me the picture and I will talk to the wolves."

"I've just gathered the last herb. The wolves can't get here." Yang Jin didn't hide it from her. "This herb grows deep in the evolutionary forest north of Bai Qi Base. I'll use it in a few days." Bring back."

  白…白七? ! Yang Jin is now deep in the evolutionary forest north of the safety zone of the northernmost base in China? !

Xia Qing was shocked, "I remember the radio saying that there is the territory of evolved tigers and evolved brown bears."

Yang Jin smiled, "Well, there are not only tigers and bears, but also snow wolves, snow foxes and roe deer. The roe deer are still silly after evolving, and now there is one standing outside my tent, tilting its head to watch the fun. ”

Wang Liang, who was in the tent, glanced at the aggressive and evolved "silly" roe deer, who was as tall as one person outside the tent, and then looked at the boss with a rippling smile on his face, looking at the roof of the tent wordlessly.

Xia Qing thought of the silly roe deer and couldn't help but laugh after hanging up the phone.

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