Then, Xia Qing, who walked forward for less than six minutes, saw a red squirrel wagging its tail and rubbing its little paws on the tree in front.

This time, Xia Qing didn’t think it was cute at all.

 Damn it, it’s not over!

Why is it that Yang Jin is so handsome, and he uses a beauty trap on her just to get a discount? This guy actually wants to have **** with her again and again because of his cuteness?

 No way!

Xia Qing carried the sapling on her back and walked angrily under the tree.

Not long after walking, there was another cute red squirrel on the tree, wagging its tail and rubbing its little paws at her. Not far away, another one.

Xia Qing was convinced, "Let's do it tomorrow. When you go to my window sill to drink water tomorrow morning, I will put a yellow chestnut for you."

 After saying that, Xia Qing rushed forward carrying the saplings on his back, passing by a few more trees with red squirrels. After trying again and again, the red squirrel realized that it could not get chestnuts from Xia Qing, so it jumped up and down on the tree and scratched many leaves.

 After handing the sapling to Ji Li, Xia Qing heard a "bang" coming from the territory. She immediately returned to the territory and found that Guan Tong was fighting with Boss Yang, but Boss Yang still had the upper hand.

This is not to say that Guan Tong can't beat Boss Sheep, it's just that he can't beat Boss Sheep with the fourth level of strength evolution.

"Sister Qing, the three fields that have been fertilized have been watered." Dajiang explained to Xia Qing, "We were weeding, and the sheep boss suddenly stopped stepping on the water wheel and rushed over to challenge Guan Tong, and Guan Tong started to compete with him. ”

Xia Qing took off his protective mask and explained why the sheep boss was crazy, "I've been too busy these days to compete with it. Its hooves are itchy."



Finding that Xia Qing was back, Mr. Yang immediately ignored Guan Tong and rushed towards her. The sheep boss who has been practicing running with Xia Qing for more than a month has obviously become faster.

Xia Qing put down his backpack and protective mask and rushed towards the sheep boss.


 A man and a sheep collided with each other, making a loud noise that made Guan Tong grin. People who have never fought with a sheep boss don’t know that being hit by a sheep boss really hurts.

Xia Qing is not as powerful as Yang Lao. After being knocked away by the sheep boss, Xia Qing quickly adjusted his posture with force on his waist. After his feet landed firmly on the ground, he rushed towards the sheep boss again.

This time she didn't hit him hard, but grabbed the sheep boss's two spiral horns and threw it out hard.

 “Bang!” The sheep boss was thrown to the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust.


The sheep boss jumped up and rushed towards Xia Qing with dirt all over his body. One person and one sheep, the fight was fierce.

As expected, Tang Huai's voice came from the lord's intercom, "Xia Qing, what's going on? Is your sheep going crazy again?"

Xia Qing didn't turn on the intercom at all. Tang Zhengbo taught his son, "Do your own business and don't always inquire about things in other people's territories."

 In Territory No. 3, a man and a sheep had a good fight and then lay on the ground in a mess. Xiaojiang asked his eldest brother who was squatting in the greenhouse pulling weeds, "Brother, Sister Qing has finished beating, why don't we go over and ask?"

Dajiang shook his head, "Let's talk about it later. I'm afraid that if I go over now, I'll be jumped up and pushed away by the sheep boss."

Xia Qing and the sheep boss rested for a while and got up. One went home to drink water, and the other patted the dirt on his body and walked to the farmland.

Dajiang then asked, "Sister Qing, can I buy twenty kilograms of Huangdeng chestnuts?"

Xiao Jiang also came over, "The chestnuts taste very good. We want to exchange them and take them home. My brother also wants to give some to my sister-in-law."

“Sister Qing, don’t worry, we won’t say where the chestnuts were picked.” Dajiang assured Xia Qing.

Although Guan Tong has no family, he also has someone he likes who wants to buy ten catties. The main team members of the Qinglong team who often go on missions are all main players who are not short of points.

 After successfully exchanging chestnuts, the three of them returned to Territory No. 1 happily.

Looking at their backs, Xia Qing would be lying if he said he was not envious. People who still have family members after a natural disaster ten years are enviable. Xia Qing has no relatives, but she has a sheep boss and a pack of wolves with whom she can share the joy of her harvest.

Xia Qing sat by the reservoir and opened the chestnut thorns she had just cut. More than twenty thorn **** produced a total of two kilograms of green chestnuts, worth 800 points. Xia Qing, who used to work hard in the safe zone to earn five points, was quite satisfied with this harvest.

She first put the chestnuts in the hut, then took off her "ghillie suit" and picked up cotton in her bag.

 In the third rain, the cotton that entered the late growth stage was the one with the smallest loss ratio in Xia Qing's territory, except for the green light plants protected by Yishi.

Although it is the smallest, more than 700 strains have been evolved, and there are still 6,400 strains left. Xia Qing did not throw away the more than 700 cotton plants that were cleared away. Instead, like the cotton plants that evolved in the second rain, he planted them in cultivated land far away from the greenhouse to observe their next growth.

The sun has been good these days, and the cotton bolls have cracked a lot. Cotton with a low content of the chemical element is white, while cotton with a high content of the chemical element is yellow. The shade of yellow varies depending on the content of the chemical element. The lower the phosphorus content of cotton, the lighter the yellow color.

Yellow cotton looks very good, but it has a fishy smell. The taste of plant fruits or flowers with too high anhydride content will change, and a fishy smell is a very common state of change.

 Send it back to the safe zone processing center, where the fishy smell can be removed and produced into clothing for sale. Xia Qing separated the white and yellow cotton and put them in different bags.

After picking the cotton, Xia Qing went to see the cotton plants that had been cleaned up during the third rain. These plants have grown to more than three meters in height. The cotton bolls on the lower fruit branches of the plants have not yet split open, and it is still unclear what color the cotton they will produce will be.

After Xia Qing returned home with cotton and chestnuts, the chestnuts were put into the storage room. The white cotton was placed on the balcony on the second floor to dry, and the light yellow cotton was placed on the roof of the warehouse, covered with insect nets to dry.

In addition to solar panels, the roof of the warehouse also sports more than 300 cotton seedlings that Xia Qing pulled out before the third rain. The cotton bolls on these plants have also cracked a lot, and the cotton exposed ranges from white to light yellow.

It was still a little time before noon, so Xia Qing simply sat on the roof and continued picking cotton. If you ignore the faint smell of cotton, Xia Qing likes this job.

 In short, she likes to harvest, and harvesting various materials makes her happy and at ease.

The sheep boss was tired and lay down in the yard to rest. Sick Wolf followed Xia Qing to the roof, lying next to her and watching quietly. The cement roof was hot from the sun, and the sick wolf with diarrhea might feel very comfortable lying on it.

 Suddenly, the sick wolf's head tilted up and he looked to the side. Xia Qing followed its gaze and found that the red squirrel carrying the locator appeared on the big tree in the distance, rubbing its two small front paws, wagging its big tail, and staring at Xia Qing eagerly.

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