Five to seven days after the rice heads, it is time to bloom. As mentioned in the Farming Knowledge Broadcast, management during this period is extremely important for the stable and high yield of rice.

 The focus of management is to protect roots, leaves and resist high temperatures. In other words, she needs to fertilize the rice in the past few days, check the insect-proof net and spray insecticide to prevent flowers from attracting insects, and also prevent the leaves and rice ears from being sunburned by the high temperature at noon.

The green light rice seedlings given to Zhang San are very precious. The area of ​​green light rice she can sow next year depends entirely on how many rice seeds the ninety-seven green light rice plants can produce, so management must keep up.

“We should fertilize and water the farmland.” Xia Qing walked out of the rice shed and rubbed the head of the second wolf dog waiting for her. Walking a few steps further, Xia Qing was surprised to find that the corn had also begun to ear.

 According to what was said in the Farming Knowledge Broadcast, after the evolution of corn, it only takes one month from earing to harvest. This is the result of natural evolution, and it also requires top dressing.

  Rice and corn in the heading stage should all be top-dressed with nitrogen fertilizer; mung beans are also in the critical period of flowering and growing pods, so it’s time to top-dress them; vegetables on hillsides and in greenhouses on farmland should also be watered and top-dressed.

 Fermented animal manure is a good nitrogen fertilizer. Xia Qing now has four kinds of fermented animal manure: green light chicken manure, green light sheep manure, red light earthworm manure and red light wolf manure.

 Except for vermicompost, the other three types are collected and fermented by Xia Qing. The soil insecticide exchanged with Zhang San is used together with the high-efficiency compost bacterial powder exchanged with Li Si. It can not only completely ferment, but also kill insects and eggs, so it can be used with confidence.

The green chicken manure had to be used first with the green spinach. The red goose manure was also mixed in. Because the quantity was small, Xia Qing ignored it.

Since wolves and sheep go to the toilet in the same place, Xia Qing can only pile the two types of dung together and use them in the green light rice and other green light vegetable fields.

There is only one sheep, an occasional two, three or four wolves, and eleven chickens in her territory. These animals cannot produce much manure at all. Therefore, to apply a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer to crops such as rice, corn, and mung beans in the fields, she also had to use the vermicompost she exchanged with Sun Zhe.

The vermicompost in the warehouse is enough for this time, but we need to order another batch as soon as possible. In November, Xia Qing will plant overwintering wheat and prepare a greenhouse to grow vegetables, which requires a lot of fertilizer.

Xia Qing, who never procrastinates when doing things, immediately took out his mobile phone and called Sun Zhe, "Sun Zhe, I want to exchange for 1,500 kilograms of vermicompost. Do you think I can deliver it someday? Do you want points or materials?"

Sun Zhe's voice was obviously tired, "Sister Qing, I still have 300 jins here. If you are not in a hurry, you can have 1,500 jins in twenty days. If you are in a hurry, you can start from Territory No. 49 Yes, but the price they sell is twice as high as mine, and it costs one point per pound.”

Sun Zhe has been actively expanding production in the past six months. The last time we contacted him, he happily said that the output has reached one thousand kilograms per day, which can supply dozens of territories with fertilizer.

But Xia Qing just ordered 1,500 kilograms today, and it will actually take 20 days to deliver the goods. Listening to Sun Zhe's voice, you knew it wasn't that there were too many orders, but that something was wrong.

Xia Qing asked, "It's OK in twenty days. I haven't used up what I bought last time. I bought it this time for sowing wheat in autumn. How are you doing there?"

When Sun Zhe was in the safe zone, he worked in the construction team with deputy captain Xia Qing for several years. Although there is no longer a superior-subordinate relationship, when Xia Qing asked, Sun Zhe still honestly talked about the problems he faced.

"The new lord of Territory No. 49, Jiang Yansheng, is the nephew of the management minister of our base lord. Not only did he poach most of the workers from me at a high price, but he also let those who didn't leave to do things. The greenhouses that produce vermicompost in my territory only There is still one left that can be used.

"This year's production will definitely not be able to increase. We are trying to find ways and means. When Sister Qing returns to the green water next spring, she will definitely not be short of fertilizer." Although Sun Zhe was hit, he has not been crushed yet, " I have an idea and want to hear my sister’s opinion.”Xia Qing sat under the tree, her voice as calm and steady as when she was in the construction team, “Say.”

Sun Zhe asked, "Territory No. 49 has a backer, so I can only avoid the limelight for now. So I plan to sell most of the earthworms and supporting equipment, and first withdraw some points to survive this period. What do you think, Sister Qing?" "

 Doing this is very embarrassing and frustrating.

 But facing the current situation, Sun Zhe, who is at the bottom of society, has no power or wealth, can only accept it and feel aggrieved.

If Xia Qing were Lord No. 48, she would give in first. Then when Jiang Yansheng relaxed his vigilance, he would find an opportunity to put some materials on the people or materials in Territory No. 49, so that all the earthworms in Territory No. 49 would die.

However, Xia Qing could not talk to Sun Zhe on the phone. He only told Sun Zhe the news he had found out, "Jiang Quan from the Lord's Management Department is a close associate of the deputy base director. After the last agricultural product fair, Jiang Quan was discovered I got together with Secretary Wang from the Lord Management Department of Huiyi Base. I heard that he spoke very tactfully. Logically speaking, I shouldn't let my nephew come out and torment me in such a high-profile manner. There must be something going on here to avoid the limelight for the time being. Okay, who are you going to sell it to?”

Sun Zhe replied, "I heard that Mr. Luo of the Qinglong Team has opened thousands of acres of land in Territory No. 1. He must need fertilizer. The Qinglong Team will not bully ordinary people like me. Even if the business cannot be negotiated, they will not Jizzi. If they agree, I want my parents to go to Territory 1 and teach them how to make vermicomposts. If I can ensure their safety, I won’t be afraid of anything.”

Sun Zhe was a lord and was protected by the "Law of Lords". Even if Jiang Yansheng tried another dirty trick, as long as Sun Zhe did not leave the territory, the Jiang family would not dare to touch him.

The only ones who need vermicompost are lords. As far as Xia Qing knows, among the lords, the only ones who have a large demand are No. 1 and No. 12, who are engaged in large-scale land reclamation. Compared with Tang Zhengbo, Luo Pei is more reliable.

Xia Qing agreed, “Territory No. 1 is indeed a very good partner.”

Regardless of whether Sun Zhe and Luo Pei can reach an agreement, Xia Qing feels that there are still more channels for purchasing fertilizers to ensure continuous fertilizer production next year.

  She turned on the walkie-talkie and contacted Kuang Qingwei, the "second-rate dealer" in this territory, "Brother Qing, are you there?"

Kuang Qingwei quickly replied, "Here you are, Xia Qing, it's very early today. What's going on?"

Xia Qing rarely turns on the intercom in the morning. It was really early today. She didn’t explain anything and asked directly, “Brother Qing, do you have any channels to buy fertilizer? I want to buy a thousand kilograms of manure.”

Kuang Qingwei replied, "There are two types of vermicompost and miscellaneous manure. The price of vermicompost has doubled because Territory No. 48 suffered serious losses in the rain and production was reduced. We can only buy vermicompost from Territory No. 49, one point One pound. Miscellaneous feces are all kinds of animal dung, and they are also fermented. Four points per pound.”

Xia Qing asked, "Is the miscellaneous manure brought from other places?"

Kuang Qingwei replied, "No. It's a business for the team alliance in our base. The team carries the dung from the Evolution Forest. It's said to be of good quality, but I haven't gotten the goods yet. They are now taking orders first and then delivering them all. After that It’s been more than a month to plant winter wheat, and there is a huge shortage of fertilizers. They don’t have to worry about selling their manure, so they set such a high price.”

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