Xia Qing's outdoor level three protective clothing and helmet have completely changed their appearance now. They look similar to the clothes everyone wore when escaping in the early years of the natural disaster before protective clothing was invented.

Since Zhang San is interested in the pumpkin vines that have evolved to become sticky, he might also be interested in the sticky chestnut leaves. So Xia Qing told Zhang San the most important characteristics of the evolved chestnut tree. As long as the idol is interested, it will be easy.

 Zhang San was really interested, "Does the chestnut tree belong to you or to the Blue Dragon Team?"

Xia Qing answered simply and neatly, "It has been mine for the past few years. I signed the contract at that time."

Zhang San immediately took the bait, "You give me a green light chestnut sapling, which is worth twenty pounds of green light chestnuts. The roots should be as complete as possible, and there should be more soil."

“Okay third brother, I will dig it for you tomorrow.” Xia Qing smiled like a sheep boss.

Zhang San continued to discuss the terms of the transaction, "This year and the next four years, you will give me 400 kilograms of green light chestnuts every year. The shortfall will be made up with yellow light chestnuts. Four kilograms of yellow light chestnuts are equal to one kilogram of green light. If the harvest is not good, you can How about extending it to the fifth or sixth year until the weight reaches 2,000 pounds?”

 The idol is really awesome! Xia Qing immediately felt at ease, "Of course, thank you third brother. This year's green light saplings have weighed 20 kilograms, and there are still 380 kilograms left..."

Zhang San was in a happy mood, "It's not 380. You also exchanged 80 kilograms of grain seeds. However, your chestnuts are of good quality. You can exchange them for insect-proof spray for 16 kilograms. You sent 32 kilograms, which is an extra 16 kilograms. In total, you are now I should be given 384 pounds, but you can give me 260 pounds of green chestnuts, and use yellow chestnuts to make up the rest.”

 An idol is worthy of being an idol. Not only does she have great pharmaceutical skills, but she also calculates the accounts so clearly. She can also take care of the needs of her fans and not poach all her green light projects.

Xia Qing promised, "Okay third brother, 260 pounds of green light and 496 pounds of yellow light. I will send it to you tomorrow."

"You don't have to wait until tomorrow. I'll send someone to move here now. Daya will go there together and use equipment to check your muscles and bones." Zhang San's voice was still lazy, but Xia Qing could hear the obvious solemnity and warning. , "The medicine I'm giving you this time is specially designed for advanced evolved people in the army. If you leak this, you'll be doomed."

Although he didn't know what the idol was talking about, Xia Qing, who didn't want to finish, immediately solemnly promised, "Third brother, don't worry, I will never tell anyone, not even the sheep boss and the wolves. Thank you, third brother." you."

 Zhang San was very satisfied with Xia Qing's attitude and responded lazily, "No need to thank you, it's a fair deal. Just take good care of your chestnut grove."

 After hanging up the phone, Xia Qing rubbed his face and showed a silly smile. She was a little lord without a strong background, and thanks to the green light chestnuts she collected, she was about to use a potion specially designed for advanced evolutions in the army. How could she not be happy?

By the time Xia Qing rushed to the northern isolation zone with more than 700 kilograms of chestnuts on her back, Ji Li and Daya had already arrived carrying two large boxes.

“Brother Ji, Brother Ya, I’ve been pretending to be chestnuts for a while and I’m late.” Xia Qing took the initiative to say hello and put the chestnuts on the ground. “Two bags of yellow lights and one bag of green lights have been marked.”

When Ji Li was inspecting the chestnuts, Daya patted the box next to him, blinked quickly, and signaled to Xia Qing, "Here are the small interior wall panels and brackets you asked for. I thought they were gone, but who knew that they were gone when I checked the warehouse yesterday?" Once I find it, I’ll bring it over and teach you how to install it.”

Judging by what Daya said, the exchange of potions between himself and Zhang San was hidden even from Ji Li. Xia Qing had no expression in front of outsiders, so nothing could be seen from her face. She directly picked up a box and said, "Then I'll trouble Brother Ya."

Ji Li discussed with Daya, "Brother Ya will go pack Xia Qing's things, and I'll ask someone to come over and move the chestnuts?"

Daya nodded cheerfully, "Okay, let Xia Qing take me back later." "Of course." Xia Qing used a flashlight to illuminate the road, "Brother Ya, watch your step."

Daya arrived at Xia Qing’s house and found that there was no wolf in the yard. He was a little disappointed, but immediately turned into a surprise after entering the room, because there was a wolf and a sheep lying in the room, "Is this the one with an injured waist? It looks really clean, and its fur is smooth."

 Can it not be smooth? Freshly washed. Xia Qing nodded, "That's the one. The one infected with parasites is much better. It's patrolling the territory right now."


He had nothing to say, so he just said: envy!

After proactively greeting the wolf and the sheep, Daya carefully opened the box, "This box contains interior wall panels and brackets. You can assemble them and use them as a safe. This box contains ultrasonic testing equipment. The third brother asked me to check it for you." Arms, legs and lumbar spine.”

Only using ultrasound to examine her limbs and lumbar vertebrae, it was impossible to see that she had other evolutionary abilities. Xia Qing's heart immediately returned to her stomach, and she started to help Daya, install ultrasound equipment, and take the wheat in the box. Seed out and set aside.

 Rice seeds cannot be obtained until the rice is harvested in November.

 Assembling a safe? Daya didn't need to teach him this. After Xia Qing installed a storage room with him, he already knew how to use brackets and interior wall panels.

After checking Xia Qing's physical condition, Daya exported the test results and put the equipment into the box. "The third brother said that you should put this box here first, and you have to check it during the medication. You put it in the basement and don't let anyone see it." ”

 The medicine to treat physical injuries is not effective just once. It needs to be used for six months, one medicine every ten days, and a bath. Xia Qing immediately thanked him, "Brother Ya, don't worry, my yard is guarded by a pack of wolves. It's absolutely safe. Thank you for your hard work, Brother Ya."

 Zhang San even hid it from Ji Li, but asked Daya to come over and test her. What does this mean? This shows that Xia Qing’s previous guess was correct: Daya is Zhang San’s person, and he is someone he trusts!

Daya is easy to talk to, "That's right. If you find something delicious in the future, just remember to give some to Third Brother evenly."

 After Daya left, Xia Qing carried the instrument into the underground storage room. Seeing that the chestnut shelves had only been filled in the afternoon, and now half of the chestnut shelves were empty, I couldn’t be happier to be smiling.

There are fewer chestnuts, but she has eighty more kilograms of high-quality grains and body damage repair medicine specially provided by the army!

Zhang San is satisfied with this transaction, and Xia Qing is even more satisfied. She had a grin on her face as she went through her nightly training routine.

 Early the next morning, when Xia Qing inspected the territory, he found that the green rice in the field had begun to ear.

Her hundred green light rice seedlings were exchanged with Zhang San in June. Although Xia Qing protected them like eyeballs, five of them died, and now there are still ninety-seven. Because the green-light rice is planted more than half a month earlier than the yellow-light rice exchanged from the safety zone, the heading is of course earlier than the yellow-light rice.

  Thank you book friends for the first quarter moon in October and Yaoyaoqiqiqi for your rewards. Thank you all for your subscription support. The second update will be sent out today.

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