After hanging up the phone, Xia Qing felt that time was even more pressing.

Today is September 9th. She has to manage the farmland, prepare for migratory birds, pick chestnuts and form a team to pick pine nuts, so she has to hurry up.

The holes dug in the greenhouse when clearing out the evolved plants have been filled in, and the weeds have also been cleaned up. Xia Qing decided to clean up the weed roots in the territory today.

 When she is in a hurry, she needs help from her companions. Xia Qing carried a modified three-meter-wide grass-grabbing iron chop from the warehouse and called his companions with toon leaves, "Boss, shall we go and chop the grass roots?"

The sheep boss, who likes to do hard work, immediately followed and went out to work in the village.

The iron straw holding the grass is an enlarged version of the straw. Xia Qing put a leather sheath on the sheep boss and pulled it with a rope. Then she hung young toon leaves on the front. Then she stepped on the three-meter-wide iron straw and shouted, "Boss, let's go!" Set off!"

“Hey!” Mr. Yang responded excitedly, pulling the tie and running forward with Xia Qing. The stubble and grass roots left behind by the lawnmower were picked up and hung on the wire of the bamboo basket.

 When the grass on the wire is full, pull it off and pile it aside, dry it in the sun and burn it, and you're done.

 This method of weeding is most suitable for the two power evolution lords in Territory 3.

Seeing that his modification was successful, Xia Qing shouted excitedly, "Come on, boss, this one takes less effort than an iron plow. We can finish the work in one day!"

 “Hey!” The sheep boss was also very excited, pulling Tie Xiao forward.

 Listening to the noise outside, the alpha wolf opened his mouth, yawned, and closed his eyes to sleep.

Xia Qing cut about a quarter of the grass in the cultivated area of ​​Territory 3 with a lawnmower, and the rest was pulled out by her, Hushu Feng Team, Qi Fu and others. The roots of the grass have already been removed when pulling them out, so now you only need to cut off the part with the lawnmower.

This kind of work that can be done with a lot of effort is just like play in the eyes of the powerful sheep boss. After playing and playing, the work was done. It was only three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was still early before sunset.

More than two thousand acres of flat cultivated land exudes the unique fragrance of earth. Countless birds fall on the ground and peck at the insects in the soil.

  The black-feathered rooster in the chicken coop stopped working, flapping its wings and thrashing about. Xia Qing gathered the roots of the weeds into several large piles, opened the door of the chicken coop, let the chickens eat worms, and said, "Come out."

 Three-month-old chickens are already very big. There are no birds of prey circling in the sky now, and the grass on the ground has been cleared. Predators cannot hide, so it is best to let them out and wander around.

 The black-feathered rooster was the first to rush out, frightening away the small birds that were eating insects. Xia Qing sat on a pile of hay, holding a slingshot as a bodyguard for the chickens.

 If any blind bird dares to peck her precious green lantern chicken, beat it!

After being frightened a few times by Xia Qing using clods of soil as bullets, even the most arrogant and domineering evolved magpie became honest and flew far away to look for insects to eat.

After the black-feathered rooster showed off its power in a circle, it chose a place not far or near Xia Qing and used its black claws to dig through the soil to look for insects. Six yellow, white, or reed hens followed behind the black-feathered rooster, clucking and digging into the soil to make rice. The other four roosters began to fight one-on-one.

 The red lantern goose wandering around is not under Xia Qing's protection because it is not edible.

The four quarreling roosters are not under Xia Qing's protection. There is no need to raise too many roosters, just one or two.

Just as Xia Qing was choosing which chicken to eat first, the wolves came out of the village.

 The one walking at the front is the broken-waisted wolf, followed by the sick wolf, and finally the fastest wolf. Looking in the direction, the three wolves were coming to find him.

This was the first time that the Broken Waist Wolf wandered in his own territory. After taking off his waist protection, this guy didn't go crazy like the Broken Leg Wolf. He was still calm and leisurely. Seeing the wolf coming, the birds took off one after another. The red lantern geese and the dry roosters ran to join the chickens. The black-feathered rooster blocked the hen behind him, and the hair on his neck exploded, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

 It turns out that when facing a wolf, there is such a big difference between chickens with cages and chickens without cages.

But it’s right to think about it, wolves are predatory animals, let alone chickens. If faced with a strange pack of wolves, Xia Qing’s reaction as a human would probably be worse than that of a black-feathered rooster without the protection of a cage.

Xia Qing smiled and rubbed Boss Sheep's fur, "Boss, your friends are here."

The sheep boss looked up and then lay back on the grass. It's tired and doesn't want to move.

Three wolves, to be precise, two wolves and one wolf dog, walked up to Xia Qing. Xia Qing asked with a smile, "Second brother, the one with a broken waist, what do you two think?"

The second wolf dog came over, rubbed Xia Qing's legs with his thin body, and then squatted next to her. The alpha wolf lay lazily on the grass roots nearby, staring at the chickens. The Broken Waist Wolf turned to sniff the plaster on his back, then looked at Xia Qing, seemingly dissatisfied with the plaster.

The meaning of the Broken Waist Wolf was very clear. Xia Qing understood it and explained, "Your injury is not completely healed yet. After removing the protective gear, you need to wear plaster for another month. It doesn't smell too bad, right?"

 The Broken Waist Wolf looked at the first wolf quietly for a while, then stared at Xia Qing.

 In the sunlight, the fur of the alpha wolf was shiny. Xia Qing got to the point where the wolf was broken, and gestured to it and told it, "When the plaster is no longer applied, the hair here will grow back. The hair here will grow back, and it will look like the queen's hair."

The broken-waisted wolf seemed to understand. He stood up and climbed onto the haystack nearby. He lay down next to the wolf and turned around to start cleaning his fur. After wearing the protective gear for almost two months, the hair on its waist has not been combed for a long time.

The Broken Waist Wolf is a male wolf, slightly larger than the alpha wolf. It should be very powerful when it fully recovers. After the wolves recover, will they seek revenge?

Xia Qing stared at the chickens and birds that were eating worms again, imagining the scene of the battle between wolves, snakes, and bears. He was quite enthusiastic. "Boy, will the snake or the bear compete with you for territory in July? It should be the bear, right?" ?”

 The injuries suffered by wolves with broken legs and broken waists are not like those caused by snakes.

Xia Qing continued to talk, "If we fight again, can you defeat them? Do you need foreign aid? As long as you can afford the price, I can negotiate with the Qinglong Team on your behalf. The Queen and Yang Jin will definitely sweep them."

The second wolf dog and the alpha wolf did not respond, but the Broken Waist Wolf raised his head and looked at Xia Qing quietly, thoughtfully.

Seeing its interest, Xia Qing continued to talk, "You haven't seen Yang Jin, have you? Human beings are top speed evolvers. They are very powerful and very smart. They also have top-notch looks and are good at using beauty tricks. But he was killed a few days ago. The weasel vomited, hahaha—"

Xia Qing couldn't help it anymore and laughed loudly while lying on the haystack, and was kicked several times by the sheep boss in disgust.

Having been having convulsions for several days, endless convulsions!

"Xia Qing, are you here?" Tang Huai's voice sounded on the intercom.

Xia Qing, who was pushed to the ground, rubbed her sore cheeks from laughing and pressed the button, "Here."


Tang Huai asked, "What happy thing can you tell us so that everyone can have fun together?"

The crazy sheep in Territory No. 3 has been running around for a day today. Tang Huai wanted to ask this man what he was doing with the sheep, but he was afraid of being scolded by his father.

After rubbing her cheeks, Xia Qing said coldly, "What are you looking for me for?"

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