Zhang San explained lazily, "Wolves are carnivorous animals, but that is just a wolf dog, an omnivorous animal."

Seeing Xia Qing's stunned look as expected, Zhang San felt even better, "I'll have someone prepare a recipe and send it to you later. The medical expenses this time will be directly deducted from the points of the herbs collected by the wolf."

"Thank you, Third Brother." Xia Qing thanked Zhang San and then asked Zhang San for advice, "Do you have a potion that can be sprayed on the body to avoid being attacked by insects in the evolutionary forest? I will go to the outside of the evolutionary forest for a few kilometers tomorrow."

Ji Li, who was carrying a refrigerator to send Xia Qing back to Territory No. 3, saw Xia Qing holding a wolf dog without saying a word, thinking that she was still thinking about the wolf dog, "In the first two years of the natural disaster, many domestic dogs were forced to fall into the evolutionary trap. Forest, becoming wild animals. In order to survive, it is not uncommon for domestic dogs to team up with wolves, after all, they are distant relatives.”

Xia Qing, holding the wolf dog in her arms, sighed, "This wolf wagged its tail at me several times. I thought it had a genetic mutation, but I didn't expect that its bloodline had awakened."

Bloodline Awakening?

Ji Li reacted for a while before reminding Xia Qing, "When it wag its tail at you, it means it likes you and pleases you. Wolf dogs have the bravery of wolves and the loyalty of dogs. Most evolved military dogs are descendants of wolf dogs. But They were domesticated and raised by humans, so they are dependent on humans. The one you hold grew up with wolves in the evolutionary forest. If it is successfully tamed, it will become you. If it fails, it will abandon you and return to the evolutionary forest. Don't be too extreme in your methods. Wolves are very vengeful animals. Although this wolf dog is weak now, its companions are very strong. "

Extreme means? Xia Qing lowered his head and stared into the clear eyes of the sick wolf. "I collected the supplies from the wolf pack and helped to treat the disease. I did not plan to tame it. I will not interfere whether it stays or goes after it recovers."

It's not that Xia Qing doesn't want to keep the second child who is attentive and can keep vigil at night, but it depends on whether he is willing or not. If she doesn't want to, Xia Qing doesn't dare to force her to stay, otherwise the alpha wolf will kill her thousands of times.

Ji Li saw that Xia Qing was so interested in the wolves, and thought she wanted to tame the wolves and keep them as assistants, but she did not expect that this was her plan.

 After a long while, Ji Li said, "This is good."

 Humans are smart and greedy. After the last burst of red rain began in the third rainstorm this year, the periphery of the safe zone fell into chaos. Many people pretended to be crazy and lost their minds, taking the opportunity to plunder other people's survival supplies with extremely cruel methods.

In this rainstorm, the casualties caused by the melee exceeded the casualties caused by the rain, but in the end they were all included in the "natural disasters".

 This is a natural disaster for mankind after the collapse of order.

 After returning to Territory No. 3, Xia Qing placed the two wolves in the sheep shed and handed them over to the care of the alpha wolf. Then he carried the refrigerator up to the second floor and placed it next to the element detector.

There is no other reason, just because there are wires and sockets here, so no wiring is needed.

This refrigerator is brand new and is divided into two storage spaces: the refrigerator compartment and the freezer compartment, with a total capacity of 300 liters. This function division method is the same as that of the refrigerator before the natural disaster, but the style is rigid, there is no trademark, and it is not refined enough. The outer panel is very thick, and it looks like it was produced after the natural disaster.

 The instructions for use say that this refrigerator consumes one kilowatt hour of electricity a day. The two sets of constant temperature and humidity equipment in the cellar consume a total of five degrees of electricity every day under the current temperature conditions. In addition, she also needs to charge her mobile phone, radio, and walkie-talkie, as well as light and use an electric kettle. Fortunately, she has eight solar panels, otherwise she would not be able to carry so many electrical appliances.

If it’s a rainy day, the power generated by the eight solar panels won’t be enough to power so many home appliances, so a diesel generator will be needed to supplement the power.

If it weren't for the pollution-free spring water and green spinach in the territory, Xia Qing would never dare to buy so many electrical appliances.

 It’s too luxurious.

 After turning on the power and the temperature in the refrigerator began to drop, Xia Qing took out a small piece of Yishi from the protective case and placed it in the refrigerator. In this way, the refrigerator can block harmful elements and truly have practical value.

After the atmospheric chlorine content returned to normal levels, Xia Qing took back the stones from the sweet potato field, the green rice field, the chicken coop, and the necks of the two injured wolves, and put them into protective shells. Only the Yi stone installed in the green light spinach field is still releasing the Yi element, protecting the most important plants in Xia Qing's territory.

 She, Sheep Boss, and Sick Wolf still have it. Xia Qing will never treat herself badly, nor will she treat her only partner badly. Sick wolves are weak and need special protection.

After the temperature in the refrigerator dropped, Xia Qing took the fresh rabbit meat from the underground storage room and stuffed it into the freezer. He also put the probiotics and capsules for the sick wolf and the plaster for the broken waist wolf into the freezer. After putting these things in, the refrigerator was still empty, so Xia Qing simply put a few bottles of spring water in. When the water temperature dropped, she would have ice water to drink. After finishing work on a hot day, drink a bottle of ice water to relieve the heat and cool down.

Xia Qing, who now owns another important electrical appliance, went downstairs humming a little tune, greeted the alpha wolf and the sheep boss, and began to prepare for picking chestnuts tomorrow.

 After learning that Yanlong was unavailable, Xia Qing did not plan to find anyone else.

 The territory is different from the safe zone. When you need to form a team, you cannot go to the Government Affairs Hall to issue tasks. Here, among the people Xia Qing can directly contact, although there are five olfactory evolvers, there are only two advanced olfactory evolvers: Yanlong and Chang Li.

 Why can I only choose advanced evolvers? Because the red squirrel is very smart, it rubs various things on its body every day, causing the smell of the tracking potion on its body to become weaker and weaker.

Xia Qing asked Chen Zheng, a fifth-level olfactory evolver, to try it. He could no longer track red squirrels with his sense of smell. Now Yanlong is unavailable. Chang Li, the ninth-level olfactory evolver, is the team doctor and cannot form a team.

 So, Xia Qing decided to go by herself. She has basically locked the location of the chestnut tree based on the locator on the red squirrel, which still belongs to the third area of ​​​​No. 49 Mountain.

In other words, the chestnut tree grew in her private training ground, so Xia Qing simply listed this picking activity as a training project.

The evolutionary forest after the rain is indeed very dangerous, but with Xia Qing's current strength and equipment, entering the valley will yield nothing at most, and self-protection is absolutely no problem.

 Xia Qing saw chestnut trees in the evolutionary forest when he went on a mission before. Chestnut trees are as short as five or six meters and as high as ten meters. The chestnut fruit is wrapped in a thorn ball. The spikes of the thorn ball are very hard. Some chestnut trees are even aggressive.

At that time, Xia Qing was a non-staff logistics worker. After the main team members confirmed that there was no danger, she would quickly knock down the chestnut **** with a stick, then put them into a bag, seal it, and carry it back to the safe area.

There is no need to prepare sticks. The most indispensable thing in the woods is sticks. You need to bring the potion you just exchanged with Zhang San, and you need to sharpen your pruners, maybe you can use them...


The phone rang. Xia Qing, who was thinking about what equipment to bring, picked it up and answered the call immediately, "Team Tan."

“Sister Qing, this is Jiang Hu. I borrowed the captain’s mobile phone to call you.”

Hu Zi's voice came over the phone, and Xia Qing asked, "Are you going to pick pine nuts?"

 A while ago, Huzi asked Xia Qing to go to No. 50 Mountain to pick green lantern pine towers after the rain. Xia Qing calculated that the time was almost up.

"No." Huzi said apologetically, "There is a shortage of manpower in the safe zone right now. We will be transferred there and we won't be back until the end of the month. I'll tell you the location. Can you team up with the others?"

From the end of September to the beginning of October, a large number of evolved migratory birds will fly over the Huisan base. The evolved migratory birds may attack the planting center of the safe zone. The beasts and raptors gathered by the evolved migratory birds will also prey on humans. So if you want to collect pine nuts, you must do it before this.

Xia Qing wrote down the location where Huzi said, "When we collect the pine nuts, we will give you your share."

According to the rules, the person who discovers the supplies can get 10% of the supplies, and the person who discovers the supplies and leads the way can get at least 20%.

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