Zhang San yawned lazily, "The aquatic one is for Luo Pei's detoxification, and the terrestrial one is for wolves to regulate their stomachs. One herb with roots and leaves is worth 10,000 points. I'm not in a hurry, take my time. Look for it slowly.”

 For Brother Luo and Sick Wolf? Xia Qing solemnly replied, "I will try my best to let the wolves understand the importance of these two herbs and let them search for them as soon as possible. Does Third Brother have these two herbs? Dry ones are fine. Let the wolves smell them. They should Can be found faster.

 If there is, do you still need to look for it? Zhang San replied weakly, "Only pictures."

Xia Qing understood and started talking about the next deal, "Third brother, if the wolf pack can find more than six herbs, can I use the extra herbs to exchange with you for the interior wall panels of the physical storage room? Or the wolf pack will give you When the green light meat comes over seventy pounds, I will exchange it with you."

 Zhang San nodded, "Ten trees, if they are fresh and can be planted with roots, five. The Green Lantern Python doesn't want them."

 The cost of interior wall panels is 100,000 square meters? This is quite high. However, interior wall panels that can reduce energy consumption and improve storage room security are indeed worth the price.

“Okay, thank you, Third Brother. The meat from Green Dengmang is really not tasty, so I’ll keep it for myself.” Xia Qing carefully packed the medicine bottles and asked, “Can I take the interior wall panels back and install them first?”

“Okay, let’s talk to Ji Li.” Since Zhang San agreed to the exchange, he was not afraid that Xia Qing would default on his debt.

As he was about to leave, Xia Qing felt heartbroken when he saw his idol yawning. Why are you worried? Idols wearing white coats are almost useless.

 Change his skin color and put a big needle in his hand, and he can cosplay the zombie doctor from Plants vs. Zombies.

 After the idol turned into a zombie, who did she exchange supplies with? Xia Qing searched the food in his territory and found one that he could get. "Third brother, I went to the evolutionary forest to perform a mission a while ago and got a green light water chestnut. Now I can cook it and eat it." Will it be delivered to you later?”

 Zhang San was not very interested, "The water chestnuts are not delicious, are there any others?"

 Xia Qing…

The green light is still picky about food, and there is indeed a reason why the idol is so thin.

Xia Qing and Yan Long carried the three wolves out of the operating room. Xia Qing took a look at the standardized greenhouse full of plants in Territory No. 7 and suspected that Zhang San had anorexia. Otherwise, how could he become so thin and virtuous by guarding so many vegetables and meat.

Returning to the entrance of the abandoned cave and putting down the wooden plank, Yanlong asked, "Is that alpha wolf with a missing ear a brain evolver?"

The wolf was standing on the top of the cave, staring here. Xia Qing did not dare to call it missing ears, for fear that the wolf would pounce on her and give her a claw. "It is very smart, it should be."

Yanlong continued, "What Lord Zhang gave you is an atlas, which is used by humans to train evolved beasts to find plants. Show it to the wolf and it will understand."

Although Yanlong's voice was calm, Xia Qing still felt the urgency from her words. Perhaps Yanlong came forward to help him carry the wolf this time because he hoped that he could help find herbs.

It seems that Yanlong and Luo Pei have a good relationship. Maybe they were comrades who fought together.

After Yanlong left, Xia Qing opened the old sheets covering the wooden board, revealing three wolves lying together. Xia Qing pulled the wolf's hind legs to remove the splints, "My Queen, the wolf's hind legs have grown back."

 Look, you made the right choice by exchanging herbs and stones with me.

After the display, Xia Qing lifted the wolf with the broken leg and put it aside, then pointed at the cylindrical protective gear that made the waist of the injured wolf half shorter than before. "This wolf's injury is also getting better, but he still needs to drink medicine." , and go back for a review in twenty days.”

Then, Xia Qing carefully picked up the broken-waisted wolf and put it aside. Then he gently stroked the sick wolf's deflated belly and numerous ribs with his hands, and said in a heavy tone, "This wolf's gastrointestinal damage is damaged and requires at least some medication." Three months. Humans don’t have this medicine, so the Queen has to go to the evolutionary forest to find it.”

Xia Qing picked up the sick wolf and placed it next to the broken-waisted wolf, then took out the picture and a medicine bottle that Zhang San gave her from her backpack, and showed it to the wolves standing not far away, "My Queen found this Two kinds of herbs can be used to treat wolves. "

After showing each picture, Xia Qing placed the medicine bottle next to the sick wolf's belly, took out a box of thumbtacks from Territory No. 7, and nailed the pictures firmly to the thick wooden board.

 The wooden board has two sides, and pictures of various forms of plants are nailed to each side. Then Xia Qing used two big stones to firmly erect the board in the cave. "If the Queen sees these two herbs, dig them up, including the roots."

At the entrance of the cave, he found a grass that was about the same height as the terrestrial herb. Xia Qing dug it out of the soil and showed it to the wolf, "This is how it should be, with the roots. With your clever mind, the Queen, , should be found soon, right?”

The alpha wolf glanced at the grass in Xia Qing's hand, then went to sniff the three anesthetized companions lying on the ground. The other wolves were all playing around, and only the wolf with the brain-evolved injury kept staring at the grass in Xia Qing's hand. look.

Xia Qing changed the target and showed the grass to Brain Evolution Hurt Wolf, "The two herbs on the board must be dug up by the roots. You can go there when you are well, but you must pay attention to safety. There are places where herbs grow. Aggressive evolved beast."

After the introduction, Xia Qing wrapped the sick wolf in an old sheet and hugged him, "Your Majesty, I have brought this sick wolf back to the territory. You must pay attention to safety when looking for medicine."

 The sick wolf has a weak intestines and stomach. At this stage, it can only eat cooked meat and cannot stay in the cave to recuperate.

Xia Qing brought the sick wolf back to the territory, and the sheep boss ran over. Xia Qing stopped and pulled back the old sheets to reveal the sick wolf's head, "I brought your friend back. He can't move now. You protect him at home while I go to work in the fields."

 Farming, there is endless work to do. When the seedlings are weak, they need to be fertilized, when they are infested with insects, they need to be exterminated, when they are short of water, they need to be watered, and after watering, they need to be weeded and the soil loosened.

Last week, Mr. Yang and Guan Tong watered the farmland and terraces. Now, except for the cotton field with tall plants and the spinach field that Xia Qing takes care of, a layer of grass has grown in other fields and needs to be weeded as soon as possible.

 Otherwise, the grass in the vegetable field will drown the vegetable seedlings in a few days.

There are twenty-five terraced fields on the hillside of Territory No. 3, each about fifty square meters, totaling about 1.7 acres. There are five greenhouses in the cultivated land at the foot of the mountain, totaling five acres.

Xia Qing has been in the territory for half a year. Excluding several small sheds scattered in the cultivated land and the three pieces of pasture belonging to the sheep boss, she has cultivated a total of 6.7 acres of land.

This number of acres of wasteland is the second largest among Territories 1 to 10—excluding Territory 8, which never interacts with others. The last one is the second territory, which is not serious about farming and only likes to dig insects.

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