In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 197: Which medicine is so expensive? !

 The wolf had no time to talk to Xia Qing and stared at the mouth of the valley. Xia Qing first heard the rustling of grass leaves and dead branches, and then saw Yanlong's figure.

With Yanlong's ability, he shouldn't have made such a loud noise. She probably walked like this on purpose so that the wolves and Xia Qing would find her.

"Sister Yan, here." Xia Qing raised her hand to greet Yanlong, and then said to the alpha wolf, "Your Majesty, this human being is my companion. She is here to help carry the plank."

After Yanlong and the alpha wolf looked at each other for a few seconds, the alpha wolf took the lead and squatted on the roof of the cave. The other three wolves retreated and stood behind the alpha wolf.

Yanlong then entered the valley and came to Xia Qing. He turned his back to the wolves and calmly explained the current situation to Xia Qing. past."

Of course Yanlong didn’t know that District 3 of No. 49 Mountain was Xia Qing’s territory, so he greeted Luo Pei.

"Okay." Xia Qing covered the three wolves on the wooden board with old grass-green sheets, and he and Yanlong carried the three wolves, weighing more than 500 kilograms in total, out of the valley and through the evolutionary forest in the third area of ​​No. 49 Mountain.

This evolutionary forest is Xia Qing’s territory. She knows where to go safely, so she leads the way. Yanlong knew that Xia Qing often followed the Bearded Feng team to clean up the evolutionary forest, so she was not surprised to see that she was very familiar with this place.

The two of them carried the wolves to the door of the operating room in Territory No. 7, and Zhang San’s two assistants carried the three wolves in. Xia Qing thanked Yanlong, "Sorry to trouble you, Sister Yan. You can go and do your work. I'll just wait here."

“I’m fine too.” Yanlong moved two chairs and sat in the corridor with Xia Qing. Yanlong didn't speak, and Xia Qing wasn't a talkative person. They just listened quietly to the noises coming from the operating room.

 Huo Zhun, who was sitting in the surveillance room of Territory No. 7, looked at the two women with short hair, one red and one brown, on the surveillance screen, and marveled, "Sitting next to Yanlong, she can still be so calm. This little girl has such a good psychological quality."

Ji Li, who was stroking the little cat, reminded, "Xia Qing has never seen Yanlong's fighting state. In her eyes, Yanlong is no different from other women."

Huo Zhun touched his chin, "Do you think she knows the identity of our lord?"

Ji Li shook his head, "She didn't know, otherwise she wouldn't be in the current state."

Huo Zhun chuckled, "I'm so lucky to be in the same group as Lord Zhang, with territories three, four, five, six and ten. I don't know how many people want to squeeze in."

Ji Li snorted, "Squeeze in and end up like Li Si?"

Huo Zhun became more energetic when he mentioned Li Si, "Should we follow the lord to take a tour of Territory No. 9?"

Ji Li replied, "Team Agni has paid a large fine. Li Si will be back soon. The lord will definitely wait until Li Si comes back before going."

 Sure, how could the lord let go of watching other people jumping around? Huo Zhun leaned back in his chair and shook his head and sighed, "No one can be offended, but Lord Zhang."

 His mind is smaller than a needle.

 An hour and a half later, the door of the operating room opened, and Zhang San walked out, taking off his gloves and mask.

Xia Qing was shocked to see that his idol's already pale and thin face had actually become thinner than when he underwent surgery on the brain-evolved wolf, almost without any flesh at all. Not only was he thin, he also had dark circles under his eyes and was obviously tired, which made him look quite scary.

 Fortunately, Xia Qing is not a fan of good looks, otherwise she would definitely have lost her fandom the moment the idol took off her mask.

The idol is so haggard, where have he been for the past half month? Xia Qing didn't dare to ask, so she followed him to the dispensing room full of bottles and cans.

Zhang San is in poor condition and his voice is weak, but the action of dispensing medicine is still as pleasant as last time. "The leg bone of the wolf with a broken leg has grown well. I have removed the splint. Don't worry about it. The waist is injured." That one is recovering well. I'll change its protective gear and you'll bring it back for a review twenty days later. The parasite-infected wolf's internal organs are severely damaged and will require medication for at least three months to improve its hearing. , Xia Qing clearly heard that the idol's tone was brisk when he said "three months".

 Why are idols happy because they are three months old? That's of course because the wolf needs to be recuperated for three months, so he only has green light meat to eat for three months!

Xia Qing was also happy and immediately expressed his admiration like a torrent of water, "Third brother can not only perform surgical operations, but also treat internal injuries. You are really amazing!"

 How did the idol learn so many skills in just thirty or forty years? Could it be that he is an advanced brain evolver? The physical fitness of advanced evolvers is much stronger than that of ordinary people, so it stands to reason that they would not be haggard like this.

Zhang San snorted coldly, "There's no point in saying nice things. Not a single point should be less for the testing fee and medicine fee."

Xia Qing immediately sat up straight, "Then it's necessary. Let the third brother treat the wolf himself. Of course, no points will be lost."

Zhang San snorted with satisfaction and placed the prepared twelve large and small medicine bottles on the table in front of Xia Qing.

During natural disasters, supplies are in short supply, and the most commonly used device for filling medicine has long been replaced by small sealed bags. But Zhang San used glass bottles. His dispensing room was filled with transparent, colorless glass bottles of various sizes and shapes. The medicine prescribed to Xia Qing was also in glass bottles. Each medicine bottle had a sticker on it. A note with scrawled labels.

 What a luxury! But Xia Qing likes it, because after using these medicines, she can use the glass bottles to store other things, which is pleasing to the eye.

 Zhang San warned, "This transparent bottle is the potion you want. The others belong to the wolf. Use it according to the instructions on the label."

Xia Qing thanked her sincerely, "Thank you, third brother."

 Zhang San leaned against the medicine shelf weakly, "The medicine plus testing fee is 60,000 points."

 Sixty thousand? Which medicine is so expensive? !

Zhang San raised his awl-like chin and pointed at the bottle in Xia Qing's hand, "Your bottle is the most expensive, worth 10,000 points, and then there's the medicine for wolves to regulate their stomachs."

 Xia Qing…

Before Xia Qing could say that she had no points and wanted to use food to pay off the debt, Zhang San pulled out a stack of paper from the shelf and handed it to Xia Qing.

 Seeing the picture on the paper, Yanlong's serious face, sitting next to Xia Qing, showed surprise.

Zhang San rolled her eyes at Yanlong and then said to Xia Qing, "I know you are poor and don't have the points to pay for medical expenses. Take these photos back to the wolves and try to find a way for them to find the two herbs above. Both roots and leaves are needed, the fresher the better.”

Such a thick stack of paper with only two kinds of herbs? Xia Qing took it over and looked through it, and then he understood why there were so many pictures. Because the seedling stage, maturity stage, flowering stage, and fruiting stage of herbs are all clearly displayed on the pictures. Each stage is also divided into top view, bottom view, plan view, etc. Some pictures also have roots in perspective, or are paired with real growth scenes. The environment allows people to see its size and where it grows.

One of the herbs actually grows in the water. There are also several snakes and other aquatic evolved creatures swimming in the water. None of them seem to be easy to mess with.

 Can the wolves dig up the herbs in the water?

   Does Third Brother think too highly of this group of old, weak and disabled wolves whose territory has been taken away by pythons or bears?

Xia Qing started to bargain with the idol, "Third brother is so thoughtful. With these pictures, as long as this grass is within the range of wolves' activities, they should be able to find it, but can it be harvested? Or how long will it take to deliver it?" , I can’t guarantee it.”

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