After swinging a sledgehammer for three months at the Huo Family Knife Shop, Xia Qing watched the owner of the knife shop, Uncle Huo, making an umbrella knife. At that time, she liked this kind of weapon suitable for power evolved people, but she was poor and had no money. Buy with points.

  The umbrella surface of a real umbrella knife is made up of sharp blades. There is a mechanism on the top of the umbrella. When facing an enemy, you can turn the umbrella handle up and down to throw the blades out like a knife. An umbrella knife may not pose any danger to the enemy, but the rain of knives formed by a group of people using umbrella knives is definitely a killer weapon.

Although Xia Qing watched Uncle Huo's process of making an umbrella knife, she only saw it and did not grasp the essence of making an umbrella knife. But based on the basic principles of the umbrella knife, it was still possible for her to create an iron umbrella with an iron cover that could be opened and closed.

However, because it was the first time to build it, Xia Qing’s umbrella still had some flaws. Listening to the members of the Bearded Feng team praising her like a flower, Xia Qing pointed out the shortcomings of the umbrella truthfully, "It was my first time to make an iron umbrella. The surface of the umbrella was small and thick. It was too heavy. In a few days, it would be broken." I’ll change the umbrella cover when it’s empty.”

 The iron umbrella weighs more than 30 kilograms, which is indeed heavy for ordinary people, but for people with power evolution, it is nothing at all. Guan Tong was very pleased with this umbrella that could withstand attacks when opened and could be used as an iron rod when closed. "When Sister Qing strikes iron again, can I come over and learn from you? I'll pay the tuition."

Someone came over to light a fire and swing a sledgehammer for himself. Of course Xia Qing welcomed him, "There is no tuition fee. If you are free, come over. But I have only studied for a few months and my skills are not very good. You can't learn from me." What."

 Guan Tong replied sincerely, "If I can learn Sister Qing's technique, it will be enough for me."

 Hu Hufeng and others returned to the hut one after another and reported to Xia Qing the situation of each greenhouse. The hailstorm and heavy rain came so fast that the rainproof cloth was closed hastily and the gutters were not repaired, so several sheds were flooded. But it's not raining now, and a little water in the fields won't kill the crops.

 But the apple trees and jujube trees that were not covered by the rain shelter were all smashed bare.

Hush Feng handed the big jujubes he picked up to Xia Qing, feeling very sorry, "It took a lot of effort to grow these jujubes. They should be ripe in another month, but a hailstorm destroyed them all."

The two insect-eating green jujube trees planted in the spring of summer have done well this year, growing more than a hundred dates. Every time she inspects the territory, she will wonder what the jujube tastes like.

Today, there is no need to think about it. "It's lucky if you can pick it up if you dropped it and didn't smash it. Let's cook a few and try to see if the dates have a meaty taste."

 Seeing Xia Qing being so open-minded, Hu Xiufeng grinned.

Xia Qing took out the casserole from the bamboo basket, added some boiling water and put it on the fire. He cut a few potatoes and put them in to boil. "The wolves caught some geese today. I took one and stewed the goose legs." , let’s eat goose stew with potatoes this morning.”

Xia Qing can still get one of the geese caught by the wolf? Hu Hufeng didn't know whether to say envy or envy.

Chen Cheng, the evolved sense of smell, immediately went over to light the fire. "I smelled meat just now. Sister Qing, is this goose a green light? It smells so good."

 Foods with a high content of phosphorus elements will have a strange smell when smelled and eaten. People with evolved sense of smell have particularly sensitive noses and can judge the grade of food through the smell.

Xia Qing nodded, "It's a green light. After the test was found, I exchanged the goose meat for the pesticides in Territory No. 7. The only thing left was this goose leg. The meat was a little short, so I had to use potatoes."

Hushi Feng saw that Xia Qing was still taking things out, so he quickly tried to dissuade her, "Xia Qing, stop working so hard, this is enough to eat."

Xia Qing responded casually and took out sealed bags of fried noodles from the backpack. The heat and the aroma of noodles quickly filled the entire hut.

The tea soup she used to entertain the Bearded Feng team today was still easy and filling. In addition to tea soup, Xia Qing also brought a lot of barbecued meat and compressed rations. Then he put the stewed goose leg and potato pieces on the small table, and today's breakfast was complete. "This is rabbit meat jerky. I roasted it blindly." , everyone, try how it tastes."

Ten people per small table, standing room only, but there is delicious food and no one cares about it. After taking a sip of the hot tea soup and eating a piece of tender stewed goose meat, everyone felt like they were about to be sublimated.

The hailstorm this morning was well worth it.

"This is really delicious." Chen Cheng drank most of the bowl in one go. On the day when the wolves entered Territory No. 3, Luo Pei returned from Territory No. 3 to Territory No. 1. Chen Cheng wanted to try it when he smelled this smell from him. Taste it.

After finishing the meal, Xia Qing felt that the dates boiled in the pot should be ripe, so she poured them into a small basin and served them on the table, "I tested them both when I was washing them. They were both green, but they were not ripe. I don't know how they taste. "

"I'll go first." Chen Zheng, the evolutionary man of smell, picked up a cooked date that turned yellow-green with chopsticks, blew it into his mouth and took a bite. His eyes lit up. "It's delicious! Sister Qing, try it quickly." "Taste it." Xia Qing invited everyone to eat together, and he also took one and put it in his mouth, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

This date not only has no meaty taste, but also has an indescribable sweetness. Although the sweetness is not as strong as that of strawberry, it is more delicious than the Dimin fruit in the evolutionary forest.

If this date is ripe, it will definitely taste better, but it’s a pity that we can’t eat it this year.

With two dates per person, in the blink of an eye there was only steaming water left in the basin. Dajiang asked in a low voice, "Sister Qing, do you sell these dates? I want to buy a few and take them back to my girlfriend to try."

Chen Cheng also came over and said, "Sister Qing, I also want to buy some and take them home for my mother to try."

Hushi Feng glared, "There are only a few dates in Territory No. 3. If you buy two of them and that one buys two of Xia Qing, how many will be left?"

"You guys buy two each, I still have a lot left." Xia Qing didn't say no money, and directly offered a very reasonable price, "Fifteen points for one jujube, two for each person. This is a family price, don't miss this opportunity If you want to buy it again, you have to wait until next August.”

 According to the public transaction price on the Lord Channel, Green Light Seeds cost twenty points each. Xia Qing is not only Green Light Seeds, but also delicious Green Light Food. Fifteen points each is really very low.

However, Xia Qing said it was a family price, so everyone did not politely push it aside. Each person bought two and happily put them in their pockets.

Husband Feng was the last one to buy it. He whispered, "I don't have a girlfriend. I'll buy two and give them to my cat to try."

 Xia Qing…

 Damn it, I don’t want to sell it!

Chen Cheng complained, "Captain, cats eat meat."

“Lao Wu is an evolved cat. If you don’t try such good food, how will you know it won’t eat it?” Hu Feng added after finishing his sentence, “I will eat it if it doesn’t eat it.”

Xia Qing handed the jujube to Hu Feng, "Captain Hu named the cat Lao Wu?"

“Hmm.” Hu Xiufeng mentioned his cat, his expression was the same as when Ji Li mentioned the cat, “I think the name you gave the evolved sheep is quite majestic, so I named it according to this style.”

"It sounds really nice." Xia Qing secretly burst into tears. When she first saw the little civet in white boots, she recognized it and named it Xiao Lao Wu.

Unexpectedly, after going round and round, Xiao Laowu’s name was confirmed, but the cat was not hers.

Hushi Feng comforted Xia Qing, "Princess will definitely give birth to kittens next year. You can get more spinach next year and exchange one with Third Brother."

Guan Tong interrupted, "Sister Qing has a wolf now, why should she keep a cat? The wolf is much more majestic than the cat."

Chen Cheng also likes wolves more, "That's right. It was so windy just now, and the wolf disappeared in a flash. I saw that its speed was no slower than Boss Yang, so it must be a speed evolver."

Xiaojiang asked in a low voice, "Sister Qing, will the wolf let you ride?"

 Xia Qing…

 Do you think it’s possible? (End of chapter)

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