After Xia Qing greeted him, he pulled the rope to pull up the rainproof cloth, but found that the sheep boss was standing still.

 This is not the fault of the sheep boss, because it has never done this job and does not know how to pull it. The water vapor and chill in the strong wind were getting heavier and heavier. Although Xia Qing, who had been struggling with natural disasters for ten years, was anxious, she was not panicked at all. She pulled the rope faster and called the sheep boss, "Boss, stop moving. I'll pull over here right away."

Xia Qing tightened the rope and pulled the rainproof cloth from the east side of the greenhouse to the west side of the greenhouse. He quickly fixed the rope holding the rainproof cloth. When he ran towards the sheep boss, he found that the alpha wolf was biting the rope and pulling hard, and the rainproof cloth had been pulled. It pulled up halfway.

"Your Majesty, yes, let's do it." Xia Qing was very surprised and turned to fix the rainproof cloth in the middle of the greenhouse. Then he rushed to the sheep boss and the alpha wolf, took the rope that the alpha wolf was biting and tied it up quickly. The wind and rain were coming fiercely, and Xia Qing had no time to press the rainproof cloth to make it impervious to wind and rain. He could only cover the seedlings first, and then move to the next shed.

“Boss Sheep is awesome, Queen Queen is awesome, let’s go, we’ll be next.”

Xia Qing rushed to the low-slope planting area with a wolf and a sheep and continued busy.

  The Bearded Front Team who ran over from Territory 1 to help were shocked when they saw a man, a wolf, and a sheep covering up a rain sheet in the strong wind. Two of them even lost their footing and fell on the hillside.

 Is this something that normal people, normal sheep, and normal wolves can do?

 Is this... can normal people see it?

Hushi Feng was the first to come to his senses and yelled, "Are you in such a daze? You go to the hut in groups of three and grab the rainproof cloth to cover the shelter. The rain is coming soon, hurry!"

"Yes!" The nine team members immediately divided into three groups and rushed to the hut. Hu Xiufeng bravely rushed to the low-slope planting greenhouse and called Xia Qing from a distance, "Xia Qing, let me help you."

The Husband Front team arrived, and Xia Qing felt half at ease, "Team Hu is fixing the rainproof cloth at this end, I'll go to the other end, and we'll pull it up together later."

"Okay." Hu Xiufeng forced himself to ignore the wolf that was not easy to mess with at first glance, and quickly tied the corner of the rainproof cloth. When he got up to help Xia Qing swing the rope, he found that he was coming, and both the wolf and the sheep stopped. , the sheep stood nearby and turned on the onlooker mode, and the wolf ran away without knowing where.

Can't care about wolves and sheep, the most important thing for grabbing the rainproof cloth is the most important, and the beard will speed up the movement.

  Husband Feng’s team has been doing farm work in Territory No. 1 and Territory No. 3 in the past few months. They are no longer the farming rookies they used to be. They cooperated tacitly and acted quickly.

 When dark clouds were blown up from the east by strong winds and covered the entire sky, everyone felt that the temperature was dropping rapidly.

 “It could be hail, hurry!”

Xia Qing roared, holding the last piece of rainproof cloth and rushing towards the sweet potato, potato and pumpkin sheds that had not yet been covered. She quickly observed the progress of other groups and shouted, "Chen Zheng, come over and help me and Team Hu build the last shed." The big shed, after the others have built the current shed, go and build the small sheds of Hongdeng Peanut, Dipaozi and Pasture."


 In the strong wind, everyone responded loudly and moved quickly. Regardless of the amount of chlorine contained in hailstones, vegetables must be finished if they are hit by hailstones.

When hailstones as big as walnuts hit hard, everyone didn't even bother to cry out in pain and moved faster. Anyway, they were wearing protective masks and protective clothing, so being hit by hail would only hurt.

After Xia Qing pressed down the rainproof cloth of the last greenhouse, he stood up straight in the shed. He only glanced at the pumpkin that was hit by hail without even a single intact leaf, and shouted loudly to Beard Feng, who was more than ten meters away, "Captain Hu, you go to the hut and rest, I have to go home to see the wolf."

The wind was blowing from the east now, and the sheep shed was in the west room, with the door opening to the east. When she came out in the morning, the door of the sheep shed was open. If the door had not been closed, the hail would have been falling on the sheep shed. The two gods of wealth in the sheep shed were slightly injured, but they couldn't withstand the hailstones as big as eggs.

Xia Qing held up a bamboo basket to block the hailstorm and rushed home. She found that the door of the sheep shed had been closed and she didn't know how many wolves were inside.

 Just close it, Xia Qing immediately checked other places.

The screen door on the exterior of the security door was smashed. Fortunately, the hail struck diagonally from east to west. There were no windows on the east side of her house, so the glass was not broken.

 However, the solar panels on her roof were smashed. Xia Qing immediately rushed to the roof with wooden boards and covered all the solar panels.

Xia Qing then quickly built the large shed for fermenting fertilizers. After entering the house and closing all the doors and windows, she held a piece of rainproof cloth and held up the iron umbrella she had just made to build the sheep shed.

 The roof of the sheep shed is not as strong as the main house and cannot withstand being smashed. After covering the rainproof sheet, Xia Qing held the banging iron umbrella, knocked on the door of the sheep shed, and shouted, "Are you all okay?"

After shouting, Xia Qing opened the door a small crack against the wind, and found five wolves and a sheep inside all looking at her with different expressions.

 Very good, not stupid at all.

Xia Qing silently closed the door, then used the rainproof cloth that rustled in the wind to block the violent storm, and then rushed to the chicken coop.

Although the green lantern chickens are not big, they are not stupid either. They hide in the roofed area of ​​the chicken pen, where they are not wet or hit. Xia Qing felt relieved, went home, packed a bunch of food into a basket on his back, and rushed to the hut next to the farmland.

At this moment, the hailstones changed from egg-sized to pigeon-egg-sized, and the hardness also decreased. When they hit the ground, they fell into pieces and melted into the heavy rain, mixed with smashed grass blades and leaves, and flowed toward the river.

If Husband Feng's team hadn't arrived in time, most of Xia Qing's crops would have been washed away by the heavy rain and flowed to the river, running to Zhao Ze's territory, just like these grass leaves.

Hushi Feng's team was indeed tasked with guarding Territory No. 3, but the agreement Xia Qing and Yang Jin made at the beginning was to resist foreign enemies and protect the security of the territory, which did not include dealing with strong winds, heavy rain, hail, or even heavy rain.

Xia Qing understood in her heart that the Husband Feng Team worked hard to protect Territory No. 3 in order to repay her kindness for "taking in" Luo Pei to treat his injuries in the territory.

But Xia Qing cannot regard herself as a "benefactor" because she took Luo Pei in to treat her injuries because Yang Jin gave her enough benefits. If someone comes to help today, she should express her gratitude both emotionally and rationally. In years of natural disasters, providing delicious food is the best way to express gratitude.

  When Xia Qing arrived at the hut with food, she found that only three people were there, and the others were still patrolling the shed in the heavy rain.

Guan Tong in the room took the iron umbrella from Xia Qing, and Chen Cheng shared the latest news with Xia Qing, "Thanks to our quick action, the crops were not hit by hail. The crops in Territory No. 4 were hit. Zhao Ze was there just now The Lord's channel was crying for help, but no one else said a word, they must be busy. "

"If you hadn't come quickly, I would have cried right now." Xia Qing put the backpack on the ground and opened the rainproof cloth, "You must not have eaten at this early hour. I brought food from home. It's hot." It’s ready to eat as soon as it’s hot.”

 Guan Tong put together the 30-pound iron umbrella and placed it by the wall. "Sister Qing, did you also hold this umbrella?"

Xia Qing put the big iron pot filled with water on the shelf, and while putting the firewood under the shelf, he replied, "I just repaired the hatchet two days ago and had some materials left, and I remembered the first time we entered No. 49 Mountain I tried to get one of those iron umbrellas you use when digging bamboo shoots, but I didn’t expect it to come in handy so quickly.”

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