Feng Wen is indeed not smart, otherwise Xia Qing would not have chosen her as her roommate.

Feng Wen is eight years younger than her brother Feng Teng. She was pampered when her parents were alive, but after their parents died, it was her brother who raised her. Feng Wen took her brother's kindness to her for granted, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Feng Teng raised her to exchange her for money or a future, or both.

Feng Teng didn't expect that his life would be taken away by the Qinglong team before his sister was sold.

Xia Qing always talks little, and Xu Juan has long been used to it. After eating a few mouthfuls of meat, she continued to ask, "You are not really with Hu Feng, are you?"

  During the second rainstorm, when Territory No. 2 released evolutionary rats to check whether Luo Pei was in Territory No. 1, he also released many evolutionary rats into other surrounding territories. Hu Feng immediately sent all two members of the team's olfactory evolution team into Territory Three to catch mice, which attracted the attention of Territory Two. In order to cover up the truth, Hu Hufeng began to pretend to pursue Xia Qing.

Because the Qinglong team bought Mountain No. 49, Luo Pei, the third master, was still in Territory No. 1 after successfully detoxifying him. Tang Zhengbo also went to Territory No. 12, and there were still Zhang San and Li Si in that area. People, so the safe zone will pay attention to the dynamics of that territory. Xia Qing is not surprised to know that Huo Feng is "pursuing" herself.

 She answered vaguely, "Not yet."

 Not yet means that Xia Qing is a little tempted, but has not agreed yet. This stage is when the person who takes the initiative shows his courtesy. Hu Feng's "diligence" could not stop until the security team's mission was over.

Xu Juan stared at Xia Qing for a while and sighed, "They said Feng Wen has no brains, and you can't be any better. If you really want to find a man, choose Master Luo. He is a level 10 visual evolver. , is the number one sharpshooter in our base.”

Xia Qing gnawed on the chicken wings and reminded Xu Juan, "Sister Juan, please stop saying a few words. It will be troublesome if these words reach the ears of the people in the Qinglong team."

Although this is a private room, the thin walls cannot block the ears of people with advanced hearing.

Xu Juan rolled her eyes at Xia Qing, lowered her voice and continued to persuade, "You saved my life, I really hope you can live a better life. Luo Pei is a good man, and he must be interested in you, otherwise he wouldn't I’ll take you on missions again and again.”

Xia Qing was speechless and gave Xu Juan a chicken leg. "There are many female evolvers who have gone on missions with Master Luo many times. Is he interested in everyone? Sister Juan, hurry up and eat all the meat."

Xu Juan picked up the chicken legs and took a vicious bite. "Okay, let's not talk about it. You are the only one in your territory, right? It's too deserted. You might as well recruit two people to go back and work this time."

Xia Qing shook his head, "No need, I am a power evolved person, I can easily plant a few acres of land."

Xu Juan laughed and said, "You are indeed a good farmer, but you can't live just to farm, right?"

Xia Qing really thought of a need, "When life gets better, I want to hire a good cook, but such people are hard to find."

  When it comes to recruiting cooks, it’s better to ask Third Brother, he might even have a robot that can cook.

Xu Juan nodded, "Indeed. Jobs are easy to find. If a chef wants to handle food, he has to find someone who is 100% trustworthy."

After the meal, Xia Qing refused Xu Juan's invitation to go to the bar to continue having fun, and left the restaurant to go find Zhao Jie and his friends to settle accounts. When she heard the sound of a car horn, she moved a step towards the wall and pressed her hand directly on it. On the newly purchased dagger.

If someone dared to take advantage of her, she would take this opportunity to test whether the newly bought knife was sharp enough.

The car caught up with him, the window rolled down, and Feng Wen in the car waved to Xia Qing, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, get in the car quickly."

Xia Qing was too lazy to pay attention to her and continued walking forward.

Feng Wen asked the driver to stop the car, quickly caught up with her in high heels, and stood in front of Xia Qing. "It's a good thing to follow me to see Mr. Tang."

Xia Qing stared at Feng Wen coldly. Feng Wen didn't dare to compete with this brute force woman, so she directly expressed her intention, "It's a matter of territory. Hurry up. If you miss this village, you won't have this store."

 “I’m not interested.” Xia Qing continued to move forward.

Feng Wen didn't dare to stop her, so she followed her in high heels and explained in a low voice, "Master Tang wants to talk to you about cooperative development of the territory. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer."

 Xia Qing continued to walk forward. Feng Wenqi couldn't help complaining, "Why are you still so bad-tempered after being out for half a year? What's wrong with going there? You won't lose any meat."

Xia Qing stopped and stared into Feng Wen's eyes and asked directly, "Does Young Master Tang want to see me, or do you want to take me over to see Young Master Tang?"

The Tang family has never given up investigating the reason why the Qinglong team bought No. 49 Mountain, and how Luo Pei's injury was cured. Xia Qing was very close to Territory No. 1. Tang Zhengbo and Tang Huai tried several times to ask her something, but they all gave up.

Even if Tang Rui wanted to contact the lords near Mount No. 49, he would choose Zhao Ze and Kuang Qingwei instead of himself. So Xia Qing guessed that Feng Wen, who was eager to show off, took it upon herself to take him to see Tang Rui.

 She tried it, and it worked.

Feng Wen took a step closer and tried to pull Xia Qing's hand. Xia Qing took a step back and unsheathed the dagger, looking dark and cold. The driver from the Tang family who drove Feng Wen only glanced this way without moving his hands.

Feng Wen didn't dare to move and begged in a low voice, "Xia Qing, please help me this time. When I marry into the Tang family, I will never forget you."

You'd better forget about me as soon as possible. Before Xia Qing could say anything, Shi Du shouted, "Sister Qing, what a coincidence. Why don't we go back to the hotel together?"

Seeing Xia Qing being stopped, Shi Du ran over with a shout, followed by two armed guards.

"Whatever you want, rely on your own ability to fight for it. Don't bother me, otherwise I will send you to reunite with your brother with a knife." Xia Qing put away the dagger and walked with Shi Du for a while to get rid of Feng Wen, and asked him to go back first. , "You go first, I have something else to do."

Shi Du said oh, happily followed his friends and walked away.

Xia Qing didn't go far when she heard Sun Zhe calling her and stopped again.

In a black car on the roadside, Xie Yu, who had just put on his mask and was about to get out of the car, stopped and sighed, took out his mobile phone and sent a message:

If you want to catch up with someone, you have to learn to cook quickly.

There are three armored vehicles parked on the seaside of Guisan Base. The small submarine that has been in the water for two days has not surfaced. The people in the armored vehicles are getting more and more anxious.

 “Someone is coming up!” The auditory evolver guarding the beach suddenly shouted, and a dozen people immediately rushed over.

The calm sea surface rippled, Yang Jin jumped out of the water, and then used an octopus tentacle thicker than his waist to drag the two unconscious members of the Fire Team to the shore.

  The team doctor of the Agni Team who was guarding the shore immediately took away the wounded for treatment.

Yang Jin got into the armored vehicle of the Qinglong Team and took off his diving suit.

Wang Liang handed over Yang Jin's mobile phone, "Boss, where are the other members of the Fire Team?"

“A submarine was attacked by a giant octopus, and Fire Phoenix led his men to chase it.” Yang Jin drank a bag of super nutrient solution to replenish his strength before turning on his phone.

 After seeing Xie Yu’s news, he remembered that today was the first day of the Huisan Base Agricultural Products Fair, and typed a reply:

 Don't talk nonsense in front of her.

 Xie Yu: Ha, I think so.

Yang Jin raised his eyebrows. Hearing what Xie Yu said, Xia Qing was very busy. What was she busy with?

 “Buzz, buzz.”

Feeling the phone in his pocket vibrate twice, Xia Qing said to Sun Zhe, "I have something else to do. Let's discuss it in detail when we return to the hotel."

After Sun Zhe left, Xia Qing confirmed that there were no cameras around and no one could see her mobile phone screen from a high place. Then she took out her old mobile phone and found that her two mobile phone numbers had been received almost at the same time, from the same person. The same message sent by the phone number.

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