After the agricultural products fair on the first day, the lords dispersed their activities. Some went to purchase supplies, while others gathered with relatives and friends. In order to ensure the safety of the lords, the safety zone arranged free hotels and escorts for the lords.

Xia Qing kept the exchanged treasures in the hotel, and went out with her backpack on her back without applying for protection from the **** team. Protection is actually also supervision. Xia Qing wants to do a lot when she returns to the safe zone this time, and there are some things she doesn't want people to know.

Xia Qing’s first stop was Weapons Street. She entered an inconspicuous knife shop and put her machete on the counter. "Uncle Huo, do you think this knife can be repaired?"

The shop owner with a sinister face raised his swollen eyes and glared at Xia Qing, "You are actually still alive? It's strange, it's strange."

Level 4 power evolved person Huo Lei made a living by forging cold iron tools before the natural disaster, and he continued to do so after the natural disaster. Xia Qing's machetes, slingshots, steel balls, daggers and even kitchen knives were all bought or exchanged from his store. When her father just passed away, Xia Qing had trouble even having enough to eat. She shamelessly came here to help Huo Lei with a sledgehammer for two months before replacing the machete in her hand.

"I went out to farm. I'm pretty lucky. This is the grain I harvested a few days ago. You can try it." Xia Qing smiled and took out two sealed two-pound bags of wheat and mung beans, and placed them on the counter, on top of the sealed bags. There is a piece of paper with Xia Qing's current phone number written on it.

Huo Lei swept the grain into the counter drawer with his big hand, and then started to look at the knife, "Caught by an evolved animal?"

Xia Qing nodded, "Yes, do you think it can still be repaired?"

"The scratches are too deep. It's not easy to repair them. Let's get a new one." Huo Lei turned around and went into the back room, took out a long box with knives and put it on the counter. "Open it and take a look."

Xia Qing couldn’t take his eyes away when he opened the lid of the box. There are three dark black knives in the box, large, medium and small. Xia Qing, who has been practicing for several months, can tell at a glance that this set of knives is more than two grades higher than her machete.

Xia Qing discussed with Huo Lei, "I want all three, can you give me an internal employee price?"

Huo Lei, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, started to curse, "You are nothing but an internal employee! I won't sell you two thousand points or even one point less."

 Such a good knife, selling it for 2,000 yuan is definitely a bargain price. Xia Qing immediately took out his card to swipe his points and thanked him sincerely, "Thank you, Uncle Huo."

Huo Lei glared, "Thank you, I opened the door for business, do you need your thanks? Get out of here after buying, don't bother me here."


Xia Qing quickly inserted the smallest knife into his waist, put the other two into the knife box and put them into his backpack, turned around and left.

Huo Lei looked at her back with a cigarette in his mouth and said fiercely, "Bring me rice next time you come back."

Xia Qing turned around and smiled, "Okay, I will go get the rice seedlings tomorrow and deliver them to you after I harvest them."

After the door of the knife shop closed with a clang, Huo Lei, who was holding a cigarette holder in his mouth, smiled. His fleshy face was more frightening when he smiled than when he didn't smile. The young man who poked his head out of the back room was frightened and shouted tremblingly, "Master, the temperature has reached..."

“What the hell! My stool isn’t even warm yet!” Huo Lei cursed and walked toward the back room with his straw sandals.

Xia Qing, who was walking on the street, listened to the commotion in the knife shop with a slight smile on her face. Uncle Huo's knife shop is hot all year round and is the warmest place in the entire safety zone. She went to the hardware and carpentry shop to buy some necessary tools and farm tools. After returning everything to the hotel, she went to Xu Juan's appointment.

 This path was chosen by Xia Qing a long time ago.

“Brother Jie, look, isn’t that Xia Qing?”

"You just saw her? I saw her when the lord entered the city in the morning. She was carrying a bag weighing several dozen kilograms. I don't know how many good things were packed in it. Brother Jie, we can't let her go!" "Yes, five We must avenge our revenge from months ago!"

Zhao Jie took a deep breath and said, "Go and call a few more people, I won't believe you!"

Xia Qing, who was walking under the lamp with the crowd, pretended not to hear what Zhao Jie and his group said, and went straight to the restaurant. This restaurant is a gathering place for ordinary evolved people who live outside the safe zone. Everyone earns points by going on missions and often comes here to treat themselves to a meal.

Xia Qing opened the door and entered the store. The sultry heat and noise, along with the aroma of the food, immediately hit her face.

 “Xia Qing, here!”

Xia Qing passed through two groups of people who were sizing her up silently, walked into the private room, and shut out the noise in the store, "Sister Juan, has she become rich recently?"

"If you hadn't come back once in a while, I wouldn't have wanted to have a private room." Xu Juan poured a cup of hot tea for Xia Qing, "Why didn't you call Shi Du over to get together?"

Shi Du also often goes on missions, and of course he knows Xu Juan.

Xia Qing took a sip of the filtered tea and put it down. "Sister Juan wanted to invite him as well, so she called her in the mission hall."

Xu Juan laughed out loud, "You are still so straightforward. Are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Xia Qing responded, and suddenly heard a very familiar voice coming from the private room next door. It was Jiang Quan, the director of the Huisan Territory Management Department, who was having a lively chat with Huiyi Base at today's agricultural products fair. Here comes Secretary Wang.

“Our new materials are insufficient and we cannot achieve full territory signal coverage like the main base.” Jiang Quan’s voice was filled with envy.

 Secretary Wang’s voice had more smile lines than in the afternoon, “We only cover 25 kilometers outside the safe zone. Other areas are the same as Huisan Base, and you have to use walkie-talkies or satellite phones to connect.”

“The General Institute has made new breakthroughs in the research of new materials, and the general base will be fully covered by the end of the year.” Jiang Quan’s voice was tentative, “Secretary Wang, have you started planning for a new material production plant?”

 Secretary Wang Tai Chi replied, "Our department is only responsible for territorial work. I really don't know the progress of other work at the base."

Xia Qing picked up the tea cup and thought about the new material they were talking about. It should be able to hold rodent insects. I wonder if such a material will be sold publicly.

"Try this pheasant meat. I caught it on a mission two days ago." After a large pot of hot chicken stew was served, Xu Juan immediately asked Xia Qing to eat.

Xia Qing took a chopstick and put it into his mouth, "It's delicious."

Xu Juan saw Xia Qing eating deliciously, took a sip of tea and mentioned Feng Wen, "Feng Wen followed Tang Rui after she spent her brother's pension. Tang Rui should have ordered her to find you. Qinglong Team and Tang The story of the family fighting for territory in the north of the safety zone has become a hot topic in the safety zone. "

Xia Qing saw Feng Wen wearing high heels and spraying perfume in the afternoon, so she guessed that she had found a man with good conditions as a meal ticket, but she did not expect that she would choose Tang Rui.

Tang Rui is Tang Zhengsu's son. He is famous for being playful and lustful. He changes girlfriends faster than he changes clothes. I really don't know what Feng Wen thinks.

Xu Juan smiled and ate the meat, "Feng Wen is dreaming of marrying into the Tang family. She has been living in vain all these years."

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