In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 354 You are the best BOSS

"Is there something wrong with what I did?"

In a luxurious mansion in Val City, Sophia picked up the wine glass and looked at Roland calmly.

It had only been three hours since King Franz received the family bucket.

With Roland and Sophia's strength, their speed was no less than that of a bird when they were rushing at full speed. Three hours was enough for them to leave the crime scene and return to their residence in Val City.

After the establishment of the Rodinia Alliance, all countries did not want to have their headquarters in other countries. The final compromise result was to let the Val City-State restore its neutral status and serve as the headquarters of the alliance.

Heads of state and politicians of various countries set up offices and purchased mansions in this city of friendship.

The world seems like a circle.

Val City-State was divided up in the Continental Congress, which laid the groundwork for the war that later swept across the entire Rodinia continent and even the surrounding areas.

Val City-State was annexed by several major countries in the Continental Congress. At that time, the Weimar Federation protested because they could not eat meat at the table.

However, a few years later, Val City-State is still there, but the more powerful Weimar Federation is gone.

The city-state of Val is not only in existence, but has even become the central city of the continent in the future.

The friendship city tacitly recognized by several major countries will surely be revitalized.

As the empress of the Vladimir Empire, it is normal for her to have a mansion in Val City.

Sophia came here after finishing her work, not to create an alibi, she didn't care about others knowing the truth.

What if they knew, would they go to the Summer Palace or the Arctic Glacier to seek revenge on her?

Even if she took the initiative to admit it, the Kingdom of Tyrol might not dare to accept it.

Friends who often kill whole families know that in order to be safe and sound after exterminating the whole family, one must have superpowers that override the supremacy of the law.

Obviously, Sophia has this superpower.

She came to Val City only because she had to attend some public occasions.

Because she didn't show up for a while, some people even thought that she couldn't lift a knife anymore.

She did hesitate because of her choice of star path, and she also became weak because of giving up the power of winter, but her weakest window period has passed.

Even if she is in the recovery period now, she is not the object that ordinary extraordinary people can touch porcelain.

Queen Sissi is the pathfinder of the Dark King. She is not weak, but not that strong either.

Killing her is nothing to Sophia.

Queen Sissi always creates a tragic character that is suppressed, and tries to leave everyone with the impression that "Sophia and I are old enemies".

However, marketing is nothing in front of absolute strength.

It will break at the first touch.

Killing this "old enemy" who has been colliding for many years, Sophia felt a little complicated, so she simply threw the problem to Roland.

She can easily joke, but Roland's mood is not so beautiful.

Killing is fun for a while, but the aftermath is a crematorium.

The Kingdom of Tyrol is at least a top kingdom in the half-step empire realm, and with the claim of the Odin Empire, it is only one step away from the threshold of the empire.

In the state of extreme mobilization, the manpower that the Kingdom of Tyrol can mobilize is not inferior to the empire in its weakening period, such as the Wende Empire.

If the successor of the kingdom discloses the truth about the death of the old king's family, it may be able to unite the Kingdom of Tyrol.

At least they will ask Sophia to give an explanation.

What will other countries think?

In short, it's a mess.

Sophia was in a good mood, and her long-lost smile returned to her calm face. Under the stimulation of alcohol, her cheeks even became more delicate.

It can be seen that she hasn't been in such a good mood for a long time.

She was in a good mood, but Roland was in a complicated mood.

It was difficult to judge the reaction of the Kingdom of Tyrol, and how to deal with the aftermath was also a mess.

But at this time, he couldn't sing against Sophia.

"This is a counterattack against the murderer, there is no problem."

Sophia was very satisfied with Roland's answer. The corners of her lips rose slightly, and her voice was a little softer than usual.

"How do you plan to deal with it? If it's difficult, you can make appropriate compensation for the matter."

Sophia also knew that it was difficult to deal with this matter, at least she couldn't handle it.

Even Roland must have a headache.

She has already put a huge amount of intensity on Roland's work, so naturally she doesn't want Roland to be too embarrassed.

Sophia was willing to give in, but Roland was not happy.

"Sophia, if someone else handles this, how much concession do you think should be made?"

Sophia tentatively said: "In the future distribution of benefits, take care of them and give financial compensation to the families of the deceased?"

Her political level is indeed beyond that of ordinary monarchs, but the foundation of her governance of the country is still based on the absolute appeal of superior military force.

Her political ability is far inferior to Roland, otherwise she would not have to ask Roland for help.

Since there is no answer, she is still habitually a hands-off shopkeeper.

"You are the cardinal minister, you know better than me, what do you say?"

Roland looked at Sophia with a serious face and said in a deep voice: "What are you talking about, how can we compensate them?"

"I was just thinking whether to let the Kingdom of Tyrol bleed a little to compensate you, why do you want to compensate them?"

Roland picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in the glass, feeling the sweetness and mellowness of the 82-year-old wine, and his smile rippled with the aroma of the wine.

Sophia was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

As expected of Roland, his ideas are different from others.

Asking Roland for help was indeed the right thing to do.

She smiled and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I will directly issue an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Tyrol, requiring them to thoroughly investigate the fact that Queen Sissi is a succubus from the Dark Clan, and to explain why Queen Sissi sent someone to assassinate our emperor."

"In addition to explanations and apologies, they must also show sincerity."

"What if they don't agree?" Sophia asked with interest.

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Roland's eyes, and he was murderous.

"Sophia, do you know the four prophetic poems that Christine mentioned?"

"I've heard of it."

Sophia nodded, as if she was recalling something, her voice was a little low.

"In the sun, war machines crush the city.

In the dark night, shadow tentacles weave a web.

In the deep sea, the awakened trolls are ready to move.

In the temple, devout believers sing epics."

She frowned slightly and whispered to herself: "War machines and shadow tentacles have appeared. The awakened trolls in the deep sea are Poseidon. Who is the devout believer in the temple? Could it be Christine?"

"I don't think so."

Roland interrupted Sophia's imagination and said flatly: "Christine is the announcer of the oracle."

"She is not the revelation of the prophecy, and the awakened trolls in the deep sea may not be Poseidon. You should have dealt with him. Does he look like a troll?"

Sophia frowned, obviously not willing to recall the past of the Second Age.

After a long silence, she said coldly: "Poseidon used to be a very cheerful person, at least before he was hurt by Tia. But he seemed to have become a different person in the years before he fell asleep."

"The troll should be the devil in his heart."

Roland shrugged his shoulders and did not deny Sophia's judgment.

Sophia and Poseidon are friends, and they must know each other better than what is recorded in books.

Roland certainly did not say this to defend Poseidon, and he and Poseidon were not familiar with each other.

He used the inertia of thinking to make Sophia have a misunderstanding that "since Poseidon is not, then Christine, who is also suspected, is not either."

Sophia may have just mentioned it casually, but he was really scared.

He witnessed the process of Sophia killing Queen Sissi's family with his own eyes.

If it were someone else, they would probably do it secretly instead of sending Franz's family to death directly in the concert hall.

But Sophia is different.

She wants to kill people, and even the goddess can't stop her.

The judges were sent by the goddess of light, representing the authority of the goddess. They could kill people without giving them any face.

Christine was also a believer of the goddess, even more devout than the judges.

Roland vaguely felt that the last prophecy poem corresponded to Christine.

Can he find another believer who was more devout and powerful than her?

If it were someone else, he would fully support Sophia, but not Christine.

They had fought side by side, and they had trusted each other with life and death.

Roland vaguely felt that Christine's faith was firm and fanatical, but she had not lost her reason and humanity because of her faith.

She also had a soft spot in her heart.

When he and the super blasphemer Sophia were getting closer and closer, Christine did not become his enemy, nor did she draw a clear line, and she was even trying to help him get away with it.

She was still trying to make up for him, and even hoped that he would prove his piety with practical actions.

No matter what the method was, Roland understood her intention.

Christine would rather be doubted by the goddess whether her faith is firm than to protect him. How could he let Sophia put Christine on the enemy list?

It is terrible to be Sophia's enemy.

She has never been a rule-abiding person.

She is a super strong person who has stepped into the realm of God. The laws and rules of the world cannot restrain her at all.

If she thinks Christine deserves to die, the poor Pope of Light will surely die.

His little thoughts can't be hidden from Sophia.

After a moment of surprise, Sophia came to her senses and whispered: "You want to protect her?"

"She is my best friend. She even wants to guarantee me when the goddess comes. In return, I must protect her safety."

Sophia really wants to ask Roland, you protect Christine so much, does your wife know?

But she still held back.

The title of best friend made Sophia frown slightly, and the air flow in the room was a little chaotic.

The power of winter has been exhausted.

In the process of recasting Azure Fury and killing the Shadow High Councillor, the power of winter that had accompanied her for endless years also completed the last part of the journey.

When she killed Queen Sissi, she chose a new star path.

The original name of the Seventh Era was annihilation, but she forcibly changed it to rebirth.

Only when the decayed old things are annihilated can they be reborn in the ruins.

This is the theme of the Seventh Era.

Her final choice is to annihilate the star path.

Only by destroying everything about the old goddess of winter can she embrace a new life.

Sophia stopped talking and picked up the teacup.

She didn't realize that this was Roland's habit. Picking up the teacup without drinking, pausing for a moment, means seeing off the guest.

Roland stood up tactfully and said goodbye.

I have said everything I should say, and the next step is to see how to implement it.

Before leaving the room, his footsteps paused slightly and said softly: "You are the best BOSS, and it is a very wonderful memory to serve you."

Roland did not lie.

Compared with the other two bosses, Sophia is indeed the best at playing the role of a boss.

She doesn't need his hands-on guidance like Sif, and even has to act as a psychologist for a long time.

She doesn't need to take huge risks and desperately support her like Alina to get to the top.

She is independent and strong.

She never interferes with Roland's decision, but only acts as a solid backing.

She is even more generous to Roland, giving him the art treasure Winter Palace.

Roland, who worked as a worker in his previous life, had never seen or even heard of such a boss.

When Roland's back disappeared at the door, Sophia's slightly stunned eyes returned to calm.

Roland was right, she was indeed the best boss.

But she didn't know that in Roland's hometown, BOSS also meant the number one enemy.

Before turning enemies into friends, Sophia, as BOSS, made Roland dare not neglect for three years. He worked hard to train Sif and others step by step, but in the end, in the Battle of White Mountain,

he still couldn't defeat Sophia.

Such a super strong enemy is naturally the best BOSS.

In his heart, Sophia is a real strong person with potential far exceeding the three goddesses. If he can choose, he never wants to stand on the opposite side of Sophia.

"The best BOSS?"

Sophia murmured and repeated, picking up the wine glass again.

Wine is not a good thing, except for the 82-year-old wine.

This wine is not for the taste, but for the sense of superiority.

Thinking of the original owner of this half bottle of wine, Sophia felt a little depressed.

She certainly knew that Queen Sissi was a succubus.

Everyone has secrets that they don't want to share with others, such as Sophia was once a close friend of Queen Sissi before she got married.

Queen Sissi, who forged her identity, was the queen of the Kingdom of Tyrol and even served as the king for a time, which caused a stir in the country.

The descendants of the Odin Empire have established many countries, and even the three overseas provinces of the Sussex Empire were once the Hansa Kingdom established by the descendants of the Odin people.

There was a discussion within the Tyrol and Pruden Kingdoms on how to rebuild the Odin Empire.

They had countless grand blueprints, but they lacked execution.

The most critical contradiction is to establish the Odin Empire. Who will be the leader of the new empire?

The Tyroleans believe that they have the strongest comprehensive strength and should be responsible for the more than 50 provinces of the Odin Empire.

The Prudens have different views. They think that a chaotic situation requires a strong force.

If we talk about the army and war, the Prudens will not be sleepy.

Although the Kingdom of Tyrol has a large army, there are many internal ethnic, religious, and regional problems, which seriously affect its combat effectiveness.

In the wars within the continent, they rarely win when the power is balanced.

It is also true that a strong army is needed to build a strong empire.

At that time, Sophia, who was still a descendant of the Prudens nobles, was educated to be iron-blooded and tough since childhood, which was also the point of disagreement between her and Queen Sissi.

Unfortunately, all this has become a thing of the past.

They eventually became enemies.

Sophia looked at the scarlet wine, a little dazed. It seemed that this was not wine, but the blood of Sissi, who was once a good friend and later an enemy.

Shaking the wine glass, Sophia's eyes gradually deepened, and the remaining memories melted in the wine glass.

The blood-red wine was drunk in one gulp.

At the same time, the only softness in her heart was also drunk.

From now on, she will not hesitate any longer.

She will destroy all obstacles that hinder the rebirth of the new world.

No one will be left alive. (End of this chapter)

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