In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 353 Three Wishes

Tyrol, the capital of music and art.

This is the literary and artistic center of Rodinia and even the world.

Although the Golden Kite people proudly believe that Xidai City is as good as Tyrol in the field of art, this is just their blind self-confidence.

That is their point of view, not a cognition accepted by the whole world.

In literature, painting and sculpture, they are indeed qualified to compete with Tyrol, but they are still far behind in the field of music.

Musicians who are famous in the continent will eventually choose to perform grandly in Tyrol.

If you don’t present a wonderful performance for the top stream of the upper class in the Golden Hall of Tyrol, you can’t be considered a top musician.

This is the consensus.

The first year of the Rebirth Era, March 15, night.

There is no Consumer Rights Protection Day in this world, only grand music performances here.

This carefully prepared performance is Schuster’s famous performance, and it is also a gift for the honorable Queen Sissi’s birthday, which is about thirty years old but no one dares to ask.

The elegant and noble queen, the king who is very old but well-mannered, they are the protagonists of tonight’s performance.

The third floor of the concert hall, facing the stage, is a series of well-divided soundproof private rooms.

The first floor of the concert hall allows a small number of educated citizens to enter and listen.

The second floor belongs to the second class and small nobles.

Just like their position in the concert hall, the audience here is also between the upper and lower classes.

Middle-class businessmen, top craftsmen with superb skills, leaders in the field of literature and art, and a few middle and lower-class nobles far away from the center of power all sit here.

Above them are the real top streamers.

Only those with hereditary titles above the earl are qualified to sit on the third floor, and only the duke and the king can have exclusive private rooms here.

As the ruler of the Kingdom of Tyrol, Franz Tyrol, who is already in his seventies, is still energetic, and his ruddy face even has a bit of youthful flavor.

If you only look at his appearance, you might even think he is only in his fifties and well-maintained.

His hair is quite dense, and there are few white hairs.

If someone who hasn't seen King Franz for a few years sees his current appearance, he will probably be surprised.

After all, he looks much younger now than he did three years ago.

In his exclusive box, besides himself, there are his beloved wife, Ms. Sissi, two sons and the youngest daughter.

Today is Ms. Sissi's 34th birthday.

According to the human standards of the Theia plane, she has reached the age of still having charm.

The three children presented her with gifts and congratulations very enthusiastically.

But behind the enthusiasm there is a faint alienation.

After all, Ms. Sissi is not their biological mother, but the beautiful stepmother that their father married after their mother died.

The eldest prince Charlie took the opportunity to light a candle for his stepmother and bowed his head slightly.

He was in a complicated mood.

As a filial son, he should have hoped that his father would be healthy and live a long and peaceful life. But he never dreamed that his father might look like he would live longer than him.

He lamented in his heart that if his father continued to be youthful, he would look even older than his father.

He was the child of his father and his mother when he was young, and he was already 51 years old.

Since he was appointed as the crown prince at the age of eleven, he has been arranged to receive systematic education as a crown prince.

How can a crown prince be a crown prince for forty years!

The Kingdom of Tyrol is not a top power, but its strength is only half a step away from several major empires.

The previous kings of the Kingdom of Tyrol, which is half a step away from the empire, dreamed of wearing the crown of the emperor.

As long as the territory is expanded and sufficient legal support is obtained, Tyrol will have the opportunity to become an empire.

This is also the mission of every king of Tyrol.

Grandpa grabbed his father's hand on his deathbed and repeatedly urged him to work hard to revive the glory of Odin and establish a new Odin Empire led by the Tyroleans.

Franz tried his best and did everything he could. During his tenure, the Kingdom of Tyrol had a clear political situation, a thriving national strength, and expanded a lot of territory.

After dividing part of the territory of the Wende Empire, they already had a territory of three million square kilometers, which was the lowest line of the empire. The next step was legal support.

(Note: The land area of ​​Theia plane is several times larger than that of the Earth)

The Tyroleans are descendants of the Odinians. Because of Odin the Great's Declaration of Equality, every citizen of the Odin Empire is eligible to become an emperor.

Good news: The Tyroleans have a strong claim to the Odin Empire.

Bad news: Pruden, Weimar, and even the city-state of Val also have it, and even the Sussex and the Golden Kite can participate without regard for their face.

Francis originally did not have much ambition to become an emperor. He just wanted to leave a strong capital for his descendants.

He had great expectations for the Crown Prince Charles, and felt that the Crown Prince was capable and ambitious, and had the qualifications to be an emperor.

His original strategy was to pave the way for his son.

If he could not become an emperor, it would not be impossible to become the emperor's father.

Charles also felt his father's good intentions, and Franz was gradually giving up power. The authority he had was basically equivalent to that of the executive vice king, so he was very patient.

However, all this changed after his mother died.

His mother died at the age of fifty-three, which was not considered premature death in this era, but it was not considered longevity in the royal family with good living conditions.

Charles once suspected the cause of his mother's death, but after examination, he found that it was indeed a chronic disease, so he had to accept the reality.

The year after his mother's death, his father married Queen Sissi, who was only sixteen years old.

At that time, she was the most famous beauty in the whole continent. People who wanted to marry her lined up from Ireland to Barat. No one could have imagined that she would fall in love with her father who was already in his fifties.

Charlie once speculated about the young stepmother with the worst malice. According to the general routine, the young stepmother would inevitably replace the children left by the predecessor with her own children, and quickly kill these poor children after her husband's death to pave the way for the family to rise to power.

This kind of thing has happened too many times in court struggles.

After all, Franz was only in his fifties and still had the ability to make women pregnant.

However, not long after moving into Schönbrunn Palace, Ms. Sissi summoned Charles and his three siblings and solemnly swore to God that she and Franz were in love and she was willing to accept everything from Franz.

In order to gain the trust of Charles and his siblings, she even swore not to give birth to offspring for Franz.

Charlie, who grew up in the royal family, did not believe in the oath, but the facts proved that the young stepmother did not break her promise.

She gave up having offspring and treated Charles and his three siblings as her own children.

Even though Charlie was more than ten years older than her.

Today is the young stepmother's 34th birthday. Facing the stepmother who "loves" him particularly, Charlie is in a difficult mood.

He doesn't understand why the stepmother wants to rejuvenate his father.

How can he be inferior to the damn old thing?

The candles were quickly inserted and lit.

The magic lamp in the room went out, leaving only the candlelight.

Queen Sissi smiled and said, "I'm going to make a wish. If you have any blessings, you can keep them in your heart silently."

She closed her eyes, and no one noticed the fleeting restlessness when she closed her eyes.

She was inexplicably uneasy.

Not long ago, the dark crow flew in from the window, bringing the latest news from the high-level dark night councilor.

"Pathfinder, we have locked your mortal enemy, she is hiding under the Lasu Ice Cap. Her young subordinates were injured by the Daughter of Light, and they have begun to fight."

The news brought by the dark crow was a bit of a riddle, but Queen Sissi understood it.

In short, Christine injured Angelina and used this to force Sophia to show up.

Sophia is doomed.

The seven high-ranking shadow councillors were the strongest mobile force that could be mobilized at that time. Even if they were dispatched alone, they could complete the killing mission.

Add to that Christine who wanted to take advantage of the situation, she couldn't think of how Sophia could survive.

Even if she was cold-blooded enough to give up Angelina, she would be surrounded and killed by the high-ranking councillors.

Queen Sissi knew Sophia very well, and she didn't believe that Sophia could bear this.

Sophia would definitely stand up and take Angelina away, while blocking Christine and others.

This would further consume her remaining little strength.

Sophia is doomed.

Died of extreme arrogance and blind self-confidence that did not match her strength.

Ms. Sissi, who was sure to win, was already considering the aftermath.

Isn't it?

The Vladimir Empire would fall into great chaos without Sophia.

First of all, the right to inherit the throne.

Sophia had no offspring and no legal heir.

After her death, who would inherit the throne was a big problem.

If handled improperly, it may even cause a protracted civil war.

In Rodinia's long continental history, succession to the throne has always been the best excuse for war.

With the fall of the giant bear, the Kingdom of Tyrol has a greater chance of becoming an empire.

Queen Sissi is worried about who will wear the new crown.

She originally favored the relatively young Charles, but in the past few years, she has become increasingly disappointed with Charles's outrageous behavior.

Charles has many women.

Lust is not a bad thing for royal members, and having many offspring is even a good thing.

Before Charles sneaked into her bed late at night, she did think so.

Until Charles got into her bed and trembled to ask her for it.

Queen Sissi half-heartedly accepted Charles's courtesy and promise, and resolutely made the most common correct choice for the wife of an old king.

The candlelight went out, and Queen Sissi, who had a strong night vision, looked at the father and son, somewhat disappointed.

If there was a choice, she didn't want either of them.

Among the young talents that have recently risen on the continent, she is most optimistic about Roland, but unfortunately Roland is marrying the queen of the last descendants of the wind elves, so she has no chance at all.

Roland is not only powerful, but also flexible in his bottom line. Even if he makes a deal with the devil, he will try to bargain instead of flatly refusing.

He is a potential trading partner.

Although she was flatly rejected by Roland, Queen Sissi was not discouraged at all.

She couldn't seduce Roland, but there are many people who can do it.

Let the tribe send younger girls over.

The kind of girl who looks cold and pure, but is particularly wanton after stripping off her clothes, and can perfectly play the advantages of the race.

Unlike her primitive succubus who adheres to traditional virtues, this pure succubus is a top existence that any human male cannot refuse.

Queen Sissi's lips slightly raised.

She seemed to see the young descendants of the tribe defeat the beautiful but not coquettish queen of the wind elves.

She had no doubt.

When it comes to seducing people, the succubus clan is the most professional.

In short, as a wayfinder, her existence is to mark the coordinates of the Theia plane for all the shadow tribes.

She is a guiding light in the dark night, burning herself to illuminate the way for those who come after.

Queen Sissi closed her eyes and prayed silently.

Sophia is dead, so there is no need to take her with you when making a wish.

Then make a new wish, hoping that Roland can fall into darkness.

It would be great if Roland was not the cowardly father and son who accompanied her on her birthday.

Queen Sissi opened her eyes.

Dark as before.

In the hall, the music performance reached its climax, with a high-pitched and beautiful soprano singing carols accompanied by the performers.

Praise the night.

In the dark night, let tired people close their eyes and enjoy the tranquility.

Without the rest of night, how can people enjoy the busyness of the day?

Queen Sissi slowly opened her eyes and said softly: "My dear, what wish did you make?"

"It won't work if you say it." Franz fondly stroked the ends of his beloved wife's hair.

He knew that he was not the only man Sissi had.

He didn't care, after all, Sissi's race was a succubus and needed many men.

Of course he didn't know that his precious son was also one of Sissi's energy bars.

If he knew the truth, I wonder if he could still be so generous.

Fortunately, he is still a fool and doesn't know anything.

In Franz's eyes, although Queen Sissi had used many males, they were all energy bars that helped Sissi evolve, so Sissi did not betray her.

She had many men besides her husband, but she was a good wife.

Franz thought silently.

In the darkness, Queen Sissi looked at Franz's affectionate eyes, and her heartbeat accelerated inexplicably.

Although Franz is a loser, there is no doubt about his feelings for her.

That's why she gave up Charlie and chose to extend Franz's life and restore his youth.

After the Darkin army arrives, the plane of Theia will become the paradise of the Sons of Darkness.

At that time, she can retire with success and take Franz to find a place to live in seclusion.

Succubi have a different view of love than humans.

Human women carefully look at the candidates and choose the most suitable ones.

A succubus woman will go to bed equally with every male that comes her way, and then choose the biggest one.

Although Franz is old, his sword is everlasting.

This is the succubus' view of mate selection and love.

Of course humans can't understand it.

Except Franz.

A sweet smile appeared on the corners of Queen Sissi's lips, she leaned close to her husband's ear and murmured softly:

"It doesn't matter. You have to work hard to realize your wish. It will be more motivational to say it out loud."

"Well, I want to be with you forever."

The old father's words made Charlie lower his head suddenly.

He bit his lip and secretly cursed the old man for being shameless. Does he still want to live for another five hundred years?

Queen Sissi was a little moved.

The magic lamps and candles were all extinguished, and only she could see Franz's face clearly in the darkness.

There is no falsehood at all, it is all sincere.

Queen Sissi said softly: "My dear, I also have a wish. I decide that it will only belong to you from now on."

"Really?" Franz's eyes lit up, like stars in the night sky.

He is human.

He could accept Queen Sissi's chaotic private life only because he loved her and respected her racial identity as a succubus.

If he had a choice, he certainly hoped that Queen Sissi would only belong to him.

Charlie was shocked.

Queen Sissi's words were tantamount to announcing that he was out and his father had won.

Charlie wanted to roar loudly, but he couldn't find a reason to object.

Perhaps he was in a good mood because of the queen's promise, or perhaps he felt his son's desire for the throne. Franz said softly:

"Charlie, I will pave the way for you and then abdicate. Son, I hope you can become the first emperor of the empire!"

Charlie, who originally wanted to scold her, was slightly startled.

Jun Wu is joking, his father said so, he can finally wear this crown firmly.

This was his long-cherished wish for many years, but he didn't feel happy after it came true.

Is it because of the loss of the young stepmother?

No, how is that possible!

Lose a slut and gain a country, everyone knows how to choose.

Only an old fool like my father would think that a succubus who has no one to live with can be loyal.

Are you kidding me, just because Ms. Sissi doesn't seduce him doesn't mean he can't come to her.

He was so successful before, and he can be so successful in the future.

He will use his father's favorite posture to greet Queen Sissi fiercely. This is his greatest respect for his father.

Although his heart was full of vicious thoughts, Charlie showed a loving father and a filial son.

He was moved and offered his blessings to his parents.

"Father, mother, I sincerely wish you to join hands until the end of your life."

After the wish was made, the magic lamp slowly turned on.

The clear voice sounded softly in everyone's ears.

"This is the most wanton love I have ever seen. Your wishes will come true immediately."

A familiar voice, but the tone was completely different from usual.

Queen Sissi's body instantly stiffened, and her body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Even if the other party used a slightly gentle voice, she could still hear it.

It's Sophia.

"Sofia, you, why are you here?"

"Do you think I'm dead?" Sophia walked out from behind the curtain and sat familiarly opposite Queen Sissi and Franz.

Seeing that everyone present was stunned, Sophia casually took out an empty goblet and filled it with wine.

"Verona Manor, a fine wine from 1782. The weather that year was the most suitable for grape growth in a century, so the 1782 Verona Manor wine is particularly precious."

"After all these years, you actually still have a collection of treasures in stock. You really know how to enjoy it."

There was a slight smile on Sophia's lips, like a guest at a banquet.

But Queen Sissi knew very well that if she couldn't bring up enough chips, tonight would be her last trace in this world.

She did not argue that the Shadow Councillor was not sent by her.

It takes evidence to try a case, but only a target to kill someone.

Sophia is not a judge. She does not try cases, she kills people.

Queen Sissi's hoarse voice was filled with fear, "I, I am the guide sent by the Dark King. Killing me will offend the Dark King."

"Who is stronger, the Dark King or Tia?" Sophia asked with a smile.

The whole audience was silent.

The Dark King is indeed powerful, but his power will not surpass the Goddess of Light.

Sophia called the goddess by her real name and killed all the judges left by the goddess. She didn't even care about the Goddess of Light, so what if there were more Dark Kings.

"The Dark King has the power that is not inferior to the Goddess, and the army under his command is even more powerful. If we cooperate, I mean you cooperate with him, you can deal with the Light Tia!"

Queen Sissi saw Roland appearing right after Sophia, as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"Roland, this is a win-win deal. You should persuade Sophia. She will listen to you!"

Roland, who appeared like a ghost, did not answer her question. He just sat down and filled his glass with wine.

"This wine is so beautiful."

It was as if a touch of scarlet blended into black, just like dried blood.

Sophia said softly:

"His Majesty Franz wants to be with his wife forever."

"Sissi hopes that the future will only belong to her husband."

"Prince Charlie sincerely wishes his parents to walk hand in hand to the end of their lives."

Sophia sighed softly, "Roland, do you think this is true love?"

Roland and Sophia clinked their glasses and toasted together.

Wipe off the remaining red wine from the corners of his lips, Roland smiled and said, "Although it is difficult to judge, their feelings are indeed very sincere."

Queen Sissi did not expect Roland to speak for them, and she was so excited that she almost knelt down to Roland.

"Sophia, Roland, I promise to step aside immediately and never be your enemy. The Kingdom of Tyrol will not be your enemy either."

"I know I was wrong, please let me go."

Sophia put down her wine glass, cast an intriguing look at Roland, and asked softly:

"Cardinal, what do you think?"

Of course Roland would answer this question.

"She didn't know she was wrong, she was just arrested on the spot."

Sophia nodded. If Roland persuaded her to accept compromise, she would let Roland pack up and leave immediately.

If you don't even know the master's intentions, what kind of prime minister is it.

"Three wishes, fulfill them together."

Sophia stretched out her slender eyes, her deep eyes were like a deep abyss, like a prison, containing a breath of destruction.

Queen Sissi's soul seemed to be frozen, she used all her strength to scream shrilly, trying to find help.

Unfortunately, she could do nothing.

Sophia tapped her fingertips lightly, shattering her voice and blending it into the concert outside.

Queen Sissi's screams turned into gentle laughter to the people outside the box.

The waiter outside the door stood quietly.

They didn't know that the Tyrolean royal family was wiped out in an instant just now.

Neat and tidy. (End of this chapter)

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