In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 193: The thought of seeking refuge came to me, and I suddenly felt the world was wide open

When approaching the tribe's residence, Munina suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood.

The surrounding seawater exuded an uneasy restlessness.

Countless fierce sharks were swimming around the periphery, as if they smelled a delicious delicacy.

Munina's heart was beating wildly.

Although her relationship with her father was dull, he was her father after all, and she was of course worried about her father and the tribe.

Munina shook her tail desperately to speed up.

Soon, she passed a shortcut home that only she knew, and quietly came to the stone pillar behind the tribe's central square.

Looking at the scene of the fierce fight, Munina was stunned.

Countless vicious marine life was besieging the tribe, most of which were sea sharks and horseshoe crabs waving huge claws and wearing heavy plate armor.

Horseshoe crabs and fish are natural enemies.

In the long history of evolution, the horseshoe crabs without spines did not evolve civilization after all, and only a very small number of individuals with a very long survival time evolved intelligence.

General Hai Ao is the leader of the horseshoe crab clan.

These huge plate-armored horseshoe crabs are all subordinates of General Hai Ao.

They do not have high intelligence, but they are extremely ferocious. Their huge claws can easily split the leather armor of their tribesmen like a giant axe and cut off the unlucky tribesmen.

The Siren clan does not have body organs directly used for attack, so they must use naval weapons such as tridents.

However, the trident is a man-made weapon after all, and its flexibility is far inferior to the claws of horseshoe crabs.

Under the joint attack of plate-armored horseshoe crabs and giant sharks, the sirens were in a mess and retreated step by step.

The female siren sang the first movement, but it was useless.

The song of enchantment is only effective for intelligent life, and it is meaningless to these simple-minded guys.

In the aesthetics of sharks and plate-armored horseshoe crabs, the siren's song is not pleasant.

Munina rushed out without hesitation and sang the second movement of chaos.

The song was full of anger and hatred for the enemy.

Her chanting even exceeded the range of sound waves that ordinary people can hear.

This was the first time she used ultrasonic shock to transmit chaos.

Under the ultrasonic shock, the huge group of sea sharks was instantly in chaos, and some sharks even flipped over and slowly sank with their white bellies exposed.

The plate-armored horseshoe crabs were slightly better, but they were also in chaos and at a loss.

Munina glanced at her father and signaled her father to evacuate with the tribe.

Without her saying much, her father knew what to do.

The old patriarch did not waste any words and immediately commanded the tribe to evacuate from several passages.

Fortunately, Munina came back in time. Although the tribe lost a lot of people, it had not yet hurt its vitality.

Thinking of the confused future, the old patriarch was still a little dizzy.

After watching the tribesmen evacuate one after another, the old patriarch returned to the square and quickly evacuated with his daughter who was still chanting desperately.

The sea sharks and plate-armored horseshoe crabs fell into a coma, and a small number of humanoid warriors were killed by the sea monsters, and the enemy's pursuit force temporarily disappeared.

On the sea not far away, the bewildered old chief looked at his daughter and muttered to himself:

"What should we do? Where should we go?"

"Go to the human territory, I have a way!" Munina gave the correct answer without hesitation.

The old chief Murak was shocked, opened his bloody mouth, and couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Nina, where is your sister? Why did you come back alone?"

"My sister is dead, I took some of my people to join the human race. There is no time to explain, father, hurry up and follow me."

"Wait, humans are our enemies, can we go there?" Chief Murak stammered.

"You don't believe me, or do you think we have many choices?" Munina looked at her old father mercilessly and said lightly.

Murak was choked and speechless.

What my daughter said was right. The tribe was besieged by the army under General Haiao. However, no one in the tribe could understand the second movement. They could not stop the attack of Haiao's army. The escape route was blocked. If Munina had not returned home in time, the tribe would have been exterminated today.

He really had no choice, but he still looked at other tribesmen unwillingly.

"Tribesmen, do you want to wander or rely on humans?"

"I don't want to deal with humans, I want to wander!" A rough voice sounded.

"If you want to die, go by yourself. I have a family. I am willing to rely on humans as long as humans provide us with decent treatment!"

"Miss Munina, tell me, what treatment can humans give us?"

The opinions of the tribesmen were not unified.

Most tribesmen believed that the tribe was at the end of its road. It was a good thing to be accepted by someone. How could they be picky.

Some people also believed that so many people relied on humans, and they should be sold at a good price.

There were also a few stubborn fish-man supremacists who believed that relying on humans insulted their glorious traditions and firmly disagreed.

Facing these tribesmen with different opinions, Munina coldly reminded them: "I remind you that the Governor Roland I know is the smartest person among humans. Anyone who wants to fool him will suffer serious consequences."

The old tribe leader Murak raised his right hand and signaled the tribesmen to continue moving forward.

Swimming away from the team, the old tribe leader swam side by side with his daughter and asked softly: "My dear daughter, tell me the truth, what happened? Where is Muniya?"

Munina knew that her father had a lot of questions, so she did not hide them and directly told him everything she encountered after going out to sea.

His face changed again and again. He was relieved to hear that hundreds of tribesmen were settled in the big lake and not all died.

But he was still a little curious. Munina's talent and potential were obviously not as good as Munia's. How could she return to the tribe, and what about Munia?

When he heard that Munina had killed Munia herself, his face was very ugly.

Munina looked at him frankly without any extra explanation.

She said the truth. It would be best if her father could accept it. If he couldn't accept it, it didn't matter to her.

She just wanted to have a clear conscience.

Looking at his daughter's frank expression, Murak sighed and said softly:

"Munina, maybe you will think I am indifferent, but I am really embarrassed. That woman wanted me to focus on cultivating Munia, who has more potential. I didn't expect them to do such a shameless thing."

"My daughter, you have suffered. Now only our father and daughter depend on each other, I, I."

Munina bit her lip and wanted to hold back her tears, but she couldn't help it after all.

Her father's words may not be very sincere, but there is one thing he said that is right.

Now only their father and daughter depend on each other.

No matter what they think in their hearts, they must rely on each other.

Without Murak, Munina could not suppress the elders in the tribe.

They were not necessarily willing to "suffer" on the human side. They used to be the leaders of the tribe and their status was extraordinary. After joining the human race, their status would only plummet.

Everyone has selfishness and will prioritize their own interests. This is normal.

With Murak, these dissidents have to restrain themselves.

For Murak, no matter whether what Munina said was true or not, even if she set a trap to kill Munia and peel off her scales, what can he say?

He didn't know whether General Hai Ao attacked the Gram clan as a personal act or instructed by the top leaders.

If it was the latter, no matter how big the ocean was, there would be no place for the clan to stand.

Even if it was the former, General Hai Ao was high above, and it was not something that the small Siren clan could touch.

No matter how you think about it, joining the human race is the best choice.

Now he needs his daughter more, how dare he delve into the truth behind the two daughters killing each other.

As a person, you should be confused when you should be confused.

Munina, who has mastered the second movement of chaos, is a super genius in the history of the sirens. Maybe she has a chance to avenge her dead tribe members.

They have a blood feud with General Hai Ao, and there is no turning back.

In the last section of the sea close to the human territory, the sirens slowed down.

Murak summoned the elders of the tribe to discuss the future.

Although many people opposed, the vast majority of elders believed that no matter what the reason, the feud with General Hai Ao was a fact and could not be changed.

Although the ocean is large, there is no corner that can accommodate them.

The Sea King is the master of the ocean. Now the Sea King and several generals are sleeping. General Hai Ao is the master of the northern seas.

To offend him is to offend the Sea King Palace. There is no place to complain.

They have no choice but to join the human race through Munina.

Most of the elders' requirements are simple. With so many people joining, they must be sold at a good price.

Munina did not object.

Through Norton, her godfather, she knows Roland a little better.

As long as it is valuable to him, you are qualified to fight for benefits.

He is a shrewd businessman, and no one can take advantage of him. But he is also a generous leader, and as long as you do things for him, you will get benefits.

After everyone finished arguing, Munina slowly said: "Believe in Governor Roland, he will offer a price that matches our worth. But no matter how much his price is, please accept it."

"Under the command of the Governor, as long as you make contributions, you will be rewarded."

After hearing her words, the elders were silent, and only a few people whispered: "It's a pity that Lord Roland is only the Governor, it would be better if he was the Emperor."

Munina almost couldn't hold back her laughter, but she didn't speak.

She didn't want to tell these guys that although Roland was not the Emperor, he could make decisions for the Queen.

But this can't be said casually.

Although everyone knows that Roland is the Queen's lover.

With the idea of ​​joining humans, the more than 20,000 surviving sea monsters suddenly felt that the world was spacious, and the turbulent sea surface also seemed particularly full of vitality.

The tribe slowed down and continued to move forward. Munina left the team alone and sneaked back to Hansa from the canal.

When Munina didn't bother to wipe the water off her body and stood in front of Roland in a somewhat embarrassed manner, Roland was shocked by her tired appearance.

"Munina, what's wrong with you? Are you in trouble? Just tell me if you have something to say. Even if I don't look at your godfather's face, I recognize your loyalty."

Roland was not just comforting her with empty words, he really recognized Munina's loyalty.

He originally thought that Munina was looking for an excuse to run away. For Norton's sake, he didn't want to investigate further and just pretended that he had never seen this person.

Unexpectedly, Munina came back, which shows her loyalty.

Roland handed Munina a dry towel and poured her a cup of steaming black tea, "Don't be in a hurry, drink some tea first and talk slowly."

Munina was flattered and held the teacup in both hands, patting the floor with her tail to express her gratitude.

She drank a few sips of tea, and her somewhat cold body gradually warmed up.

Black tea is still better.

Compared with warm black tea, sea water is cold, salty, and a bit bitter.

Although the mermaid can filter sea water to obtain nutrients, she is used to drinking tea and doesn't want to drink sea water at all.

Not only sea water, but also the strange smell of canal water on the way back, she can't stand it.

The water quality of the big lake is still good, clear and delicious, slightly sweet, and very good for making tea.

Munina took the time to tell her about her experience when she returned.

She repeatedly emphasized that she was only returning to visit her family and had no intention of fleeing for a long time.

She muttered a little embarrassedly: "My stomach has already taken the shape of human delicacies, and I can't eat raw fish at all."

Roland was stunned for a moment and laughed.

If you want to capture a man's heart, it may not be effective to capture his stomach. But if you want to raise a group of fish well, delicious bait is essential.

Is this also considered a kind of fishing?

Munina's expression was a little gloomy, and then she talked about the tribe being ambushed by General Hai'ao's men, and her father and tribesmen escaped by chance and were brought here by her.

"Governor, are you willing to take in my people?"

Roland was stunned for a few seconds and hesitated.

If there were only a few hundred or a few thousand people, he would accept it without hesitation, but this was an established tribe of tens of thousands of people after all, and it would be a big deal if something happened.

Seeing Roland's silence, Munina thought he was unwilling, and quickly pleaded: "Governor, the men of our Gram clan are brave warriors, and the women can also produce pearls, fish and raise fish. My people are all useful!"

Looking at Munina's anxious expression, Roland smiled and said: "Since you are sincere in coming, I will certainly not refuse. My principle of employing people is to give priority to talent, not background."

"If I can accept 500 people temporarily living in the Great Lake, I can accept more sirens."

Roland pondered for a moment and slowly asked: "What do your people want?"

Munina relayed the tribe's requirements with some embarrassment.

They can go to Roland and work for him, but Roland cannot use them as cannon fodder. At the same time, he must guarantee their basic living and let them continue to live together.

Roland was a little surprised. There are tens of thousands of sirens in this group, and they have the capital to negotiate, but the requirements they put forward are so simple?

Looking at Munina's determined eyes, Roland probably understood.

The sirens are now at the end of their rope and only ask for shelter, so naturally they dare not make too many requests.

After thinking for a while, Roland gave his answer.

He accepted the Gram tribe, but there was no lake in the territory that could accommodate all the people at once, so they had to be dispersed and settled in several settlements.

The basic living security in the early stage was provided by the Governor's District, and they would make money to support themselves after adapting to the environment.

Roland did not support useless people, let alone support masters.

There are many ways to support yourself, joining the army or running a freshwater farm are both good ways.

These details are not urgent, and we will talk about them later, first stabilize people's hearts.

Roland decided to settle the sirens in multiple locations, among which the largest number was in the Great Lakes area.

He did not put Chief Murak here, but handed over these tens of thousands of sirens to Commander Munina.

Munina was about to say a few humble words, but Roland interrupted firmly:

"Loyalty is above all else. I don't trust your people, but you are trustworthy."

Munina's eyes were slightly red, and she nodded vigorously.

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