In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 192 Will the fish return to the sea and come back to shore?

Roland knew Angelina would agree.

As long as she didn't have any brain problems.

Maybe she would be very angry inside, but in the face of real interests, personal emotions were not worth mentioning.

She only sold unnecessary food at a low price, but she was able to take back more than 30 intelligence personnel. This deal was definitely not a loss.

Roland got a stable food supply channel to prepare for the war in the second half of the year, and Angelina took back the dispatched intelligence personnel. This was a win-win situation.

After the negotiation, Roland returned to the Governor's Mansion. Just as he was about to check the schedule, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in, the door is not closed."

There was no footsteps, but the air was a little more humid.

Roland turned around in surprise and saw Munina.

Sirens mainly breathe through gills. Although they can use skin to assist breathing, they will feel dizzy and dizzy for a long time. In addition to the strict management system, few Sirens leave the Great Lakes area, with Munina as the only exception.

Since being adopted by Norton, she has stayed in Norton's laboratory to accompany Nana most of the time, and returned to the Great Lakes to manage the surrendered tribesmen at other times. She has never met Roland.

Since she was Norton's adopted daughter, Roland didn't want to put on a dignified face to scare her like before, so he smiled and asked, "Miss Munina, you look good, you have been doing well recently."

"Thank you for your concern, Governor. I am fine, and the tribesmen have also gotten used to the new life. You also built a new house for them, and they all hope to build a career for you as soon as possible."

Although Roland's attitude was very gentle, Munina was still a little frightened when she thought of Roland's methods.

A smiling devil is also a devil, and she dare not provoke a devil.

Roland pointed at the sofa opposite, and suddenly remembered that Munina had no legs and it was inconvenient to sit on the sofa. His fingertips froze in the air, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Fortunately, Munina swam to the sofa very obediently, curled up her tail and sat on it.

Although it was uncomfortable to sit like this, she didn't dare to object at all.

Seeing her trying to straighten her upper body, Roland smiled and said, "Munina, relax a little, don't be so restrained. What do you want to talk to me about?"

"I want to talk to you about the tribe and the seabed."

Hasn't it been told? Roland was a little surprised. He knew that Munina probably had something to ask for, but was too embarrassed to say it directly, so she was just making small talk.

He smiled and sat down, posing as a listener.

"Okay, I just like listening to stories."

Munina cleared her throat and said softly, "You should have heard me mention General Haiao, right?"

"I have, but you also said that the Gram clan is not an important role in the seabed, so there is not much to know."

"I don't know much, but I have friends."

Munina said softly, "Our Gram clan is just a marginalized little role in the seabed, but the Grim clan is different. They are the confidants of General Haiao. I have a very good girlfriend who is the granddaughter of the chief of the Grim clan. I want to go see her."

Roland frowned and instinctively wanted to object, but he held back.

"What did Mr. Norton say?"

Munina is now Norton's adopted daughter, and Norton's feelings must be considered.

"Godfather agrees." Munina said softly, her hands twisted together because of nervousness.

"Since Mr. Norton agrees, I naturally have no reason to object. Be careful outside, and come back quickly if the situation is not right."

Munina was a little surprised. He let her go so easily?

Seeing her unbelievable expression, Roland explained softly: "Maybe you think my methods are cruel, but that's only for the enemy. If you need anything in the future, you can tell me directly."

"No, that's all. I will bring back the news of General Hai'ao as soon as possible."

Seeing Roland agreed, Mu Nina didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly said goodbye and left, as if escaping from a devil's cave.

What's so scary about me?

Thinking of the methods he used to deal with the Siren before, he also knew that Mu Nina had reason to be afraid.

Although he couldn't find a reason to object, Roland was still a little worried. He immediately found Norton who was busy in the laboratory.

As soon as he saw Norton, he couldn't wait to show off his recent research results to Roland.

"Roland, the steam tank drawings you provided have been restored by me! It's just not very successful."

Roland's eyes were a little more surprised, "Really?"

"Let's go, follow me to the test site behind."

Norton couldn't help showing off, and grabbed Roland and ran to the test site.

Seeing the "steam tank" Norton mentioned, Roland didn't know what to say for a while.

Steam engine, there is. Armor, too.

But the huge size is too different from the blueprint. This thing weighs at least dozens of tons.

Because of the lack of high-quality steel, wood is used to replace armor in many places.

Norton jumped into the tank cockpit excitedly and started the tank.

The steam engine slowly heated up, and thick smoke billowed up, choking Roland and making him retreat continuously.

As coal was continuously loaded, the water was heated to boiling point, the steam engine started, and the tank slowly moved its huge body forward slowly.

After a lot of tossing, the huge steam tank broke down after only moving less than 50 meters.

Norton climbed out of the cockpit with a dark face and kept coughing.

"Although, although it is a bit embarrassing, this is a great first step!"

Roland did not mock the tank's bulkiness like a fool who rode a carriage to mock the slow train.

As Norton said, this is a great first step.

He clapped hard and offered his heartfelt blessings.

"Very good, Mr. Norton, I will continue to add funds. Do you have the confidence to put this thing into actual combat within three years?"

"Three years? Of course no problem!" Norton is always so confident when it comes to research topics.

Although Roland appreciated Norton's progress in restoration, the huge noise and unpleasant smell of coal smoke from the steam tank still discouraged him.

Norton happily asked Roland, "The steam tank has no name yet, do you have any good ideas?"

"Just call it a water tank." Roland said calmly.

"Water tank? Boss, although I am not good at naming, your naming level is obviously worse."

Although Norton complained crazily, it still could not change Roland's firm determination to name the first steam tank a water tank.

According to the current level of technology, it is quite difficult to be on the battlefield in three years.

In the history of another world, there were indeed armored steam tanks, but steam tanks were a farce in front of efficient internal combustion engines and were soon eliminated.

The heavy and inefficient steam engine made the steam tank also synonymous with heavy.

But in any case, this thing is a crushing blow to infantry. So Roland asked Norton to focus on anti-infantry and anti-trench in his research.

As long as this thing can be mass-produced and used, queuing for shooting will become queuing for death, and trench warfare will become a big joke.

If steam tanks are used to carry elite knights and magicians, the war situation will change.

If you want to defeat Sophia, you must have a unique skill.

If there is a super-heavy steam tank like a fortress with excellent cold resistance to protect Sif, it can prevent beheading on the battlefield and turn the confrontation between the two sides into a contest between armies.

This is Roland's ultimate goal.

As for how big this fortress tank is, it depends on the upper limit of the plain ground.

In this era, there are no cement roads, and asphalt, a byproduct of petrochemical energy, does not exist. There are still some slate roads in the city, and neat hardened cinder roads outside the city are considered good road conditions.

The biggest enemy of steam tanks is not guns and mines, but broken roads.

Thinking of Guderian's past in the muddy ground, Roland also had a headache.

Fortunately, he didn't have high requirements for the steam tank. If he could save Sif, it would be a victory. If he could also break through the enemy's position, it would be perfect.

Roland quickly ended the debate in the field of scientific research and turned to the main topic.

"Norton, do you really plan to let Munina return to the sea?"

Norton avoided Roland's gaze and coughed lightly and said, "Munina is just looking for friends. She will come back sooner or later."

Roland certainly didn't believe this nonsense, "Will fish return to land after returning to the sea?"

Norton sighed helplessly and said in a whisper, "Munina is a pitiful child. She is like a fish caught on the shore here. She feels uncomfortable every day. Although Nana can accompany her, she is a creature of the sea after all."

"I'm sorry, boss, I shouldn't be willful. If you don't agree, I'll go and call her back. She is very well behaved and won't mess around."

Seeing Norton's timid look, Roland didn't know what to say.

It doesn't matter whether Munina is there or not. It's important for Norton to work with peace of mind.

He patted Norton on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Since she is your adopted daughter, do whatever you want, but don't do it again."

Norton quickly promised Roland that there would be no next time.

He knew that Roland's "never do it again" not only meant letting Munina go, but also adopting a foreign race.

After sending Roland away, Norton wiped the sweat from his forehead fiercely and sighed helplessly.

Munina, there is only so much I can do. Will you keep your promise?

The end of the canal.

Munina, who had swam all the way out, stood by the sea, looking at the dim moonlight in the sky with a solemn expression.

She couldn't help but look back at the lighthouse near the mouth of the canal.

This is a busy golden waterway, with countless ships passing by every day. Normal people swimming can be easily discovered, but this doesn't bother Munina.

After all, she is still a fish in essence.

Although sirens can also use their skin to assist breathing and their living habits are closer to amphibians, their destination is the turbulent sea.

The ocean is dangerous.

Even sirens have many natural enemies, such as giant sharks about ten meters long with terrifying teeth, and various strange giant octopuses.

These are the enemies of sirens.

But these are not the natural enemies that kill the most sirens.

Just like the natural enemies of humans are humans, the natural enemies of sirens are also sirens.

The Gram clan is just an ordinary clan in the underwater world and cannot be ranked at all.

Their territory is very close to humans, and the living conditions are relatively poor. Clan members are often captured or even killed by humans.

Just like her.

She did not deceive her adoptive father Norton, she really went back to take a look.

She knew very well that she could no longer integrate into the clan with her semi-mechanized body. In the eyes of the clan members, she was an absolute monster.

No one would support a monster like her to lead the clan, even if she became her father's only daughter.

The clan members would only re-select a new clan leader after her father died.

But she did not feel sorry for her father.

The family affection between her and her father had long disappeared. Since her sister's talent surpassed her, her father was extremely indifferent to her.

She didn't expect her father to love her much, but she was still a little disappointed that there was no family affection.

She did go to find the daughter of the chief of the Grimm clan, but this lady Ulanni happened to be the wife of the wise man in the clan.

She didn't lie.

Wagging her tail, Munina swam faster and faster in the seabed, not feeling tired at all.

With the help of her adoptive father Norton, she took back the two natal scales stolen by her sister, and also took away two scales that belonged to her sister.

Her current talent is rare in the history of the entire siren tribe.

If she wants to take back everything that belongs to her, is there a chance?

Munina looked down at the mechanical parts on her body and smiled and shook her head.

She has no chance. After all, she is not a pure siren, and she has even lost the ability to give birth to offspring with male sirens.

How can a monster lead a tribe?

After the transformation of her adoptive father Norton, Munina's swimming speed and endurance are far better than before. In addition, she always has a strong desire to fight for her reputation in her heart, and her strength has improved a lot.

Even the patriarch father is not her opponent.

The combat effectiveness of ordinary women in the Siren tribe is not as good as that of men, but those who stand at the top are all women.

Munina, who has mastered the second movement of chaos, can easily deal with the patriarch father whose strength has not improved for a long time.

This is also her confidence to go home.

She wanted to talk to her father and discuss the possibility of joining the human race.

If her father refused, she would not have the heart to kill him, and they would just be strangers in the future.

She did not tell Roland these things during the day, and she also wanted to see Roland's tolerance.

If Roland could tolerate her little rebellion, he would definitely be able to tolerate the tribe.

If Roland could not accept the tribe, she would go back by herself.

Roland's generosity touched her a little.

She decided to bring the tribe ashore.

The wetlands and lakes near the lake were enough to accommodate more than 100,000 tribesmen, far exceeding the upper limit of the tribe's population.

Living with humans, they could share the fruits of human civilization, and they did not have to live on the cold seabed and lonely islands.

After swimming for hundreds of miles, Munina was a little hungry. She quickly grabbed the passing small fish and stuffed it into her mouth. The strong fishy smell made her frown suddenly.

She was used to eating cooked fish and shrimp during this period, and it was really a little uncomfortable to eat raw fish.

The first thing to suffer when she returned to the tribe was her stomach.

She sighed, let go of the half-bitten fish, and watched the fish struggle in vain. She silently apologized to the fish.

"I'm sorry, little fish, but you're really too fishy."

If the little fish could understand Miss Siren's thoughts, it would definitely be angry and curse.

If you don't want to eat, don't hurt me!

Fortunately, a passing giant whale gave the poor little fish a good time.

With its big mouth, the whale swallowed everything. The half-bitten fish and the surrounding small fish and shrimp were sucked into its stomach and soon became the giant whale's dinner.

In the dim seabed, Munina finally returned to her hometown after several months away.

Looking at the ruins of the abandoned city on the seabed and the tribesmen living here, she sighed softly, shook her tail and got in.

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