In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 180 What are you missing?

Just as Sif watched Roland leave and sighed secretly, Roland suddenly stopped and turned to look at her.

"I bought a small gift in the store. I wonder if you like it."

"I like it."

Sif said calmly: "A real lady will not refuse a sincere gift."

She hadn't said half a sentence yet.

Only for people she likes.

Roland took out the jewelry box from his pocket, opened it carefully, and a beautiful jade necklace appeared in front of him.

Jade can store natural power and is the favorite gem of elves who advocate nature.

Although Sif is not an elf, she chose [Elf Princess] as her extraordinary profession, so it is appropriate to give her jade.

Roland came to Sif holding the necklace.

Just as he held the necklace in both hands and was about to hand it to Sif, Sif raised her head and closed her eyes.

Obviously, she meant to let Roland help her put it on.

Roland certainly wouldn't be hypocritical.

He put down the small box, unfastened the buckle lightly, and held the necklace close to Sif.

The light girl's body fragrance came from Sif.

There was no peculiar smell, but there was a bit of vanilla freshness.

She seemed to be taking a bath with vanilla instead of roses during this period.

Compared with the fragrance of roses, the smell of vanilla was also different.

He could even vaguely hear his heartbeat, as rapid as drumbeats, even double drumbeats.

It turned out that she was also nervous.

Looking at Sif's trembling skin and blushing cheeks, Roland seemed to understand something in an instant.

He smiled and put on the necklace, fixed the buckle, and took a half step back.

"So beautiful, even if the real Elf Queen existed in the world, she could not surpass your beauty."

Sif slowly opened her eyes, reached out and touched the emerald pendant under the necklace, with a smile on her lips.

"That's not necessarily true. I heard that elves are a beautiful and intelligent race. It would be great if I had the opportunity to see them."


Roland smiled and said, "As the Day of Return continues to approach, those lost races will also return to the material plane to welcome the final Day of Return."

Sif's smile gradually disappeared, and her expression became a little solemn.

According to many classics and prophecy books, the three goddesses will also return to their hometown, the loyal Theia plane, on the day of their final return.

Will the goddess accommodate her and Roland?

But she quickly dispelled this concern.

Why think so far ahead? Let's get past Sophia first.

Leaving the Governor's Office and sending Sif to the door of the building, Roland returned to the bedroom on the third floor. Just as he was about to light the candle, he sensed someone in the room.

No hostility, and still able to appear at this time, it can only be Lisa.

The fire lit up and the candle was lit.

It was Lisa who lit it.

"Sister, are you worried?"

"I, I"

Lisa knew that she couldn't hide it from Roland at all, so she had to say faintly: "Roland, I want to go to Baishan. There shouldn't be too many people in Baishan now, I can go secretly by myself."

Roland shook his head slowly.

Lisa was a little anxious. She stood up suddenly, bit her red lips tightly, and her tone was a little tragic.

"Roland, I know you are worried about my safety. I have always been timid and unwilling to take risks, but I have to try! My talent is far inferior to Sif. If I don't take risks, I will only be left behind."

"I don't want to hold you back. Please don't say that cooking is also a skill. I can be a chef, but I can't be a chef for life!"

The flame danced in Lisa's palm, illuminating her face.

"I want to make progress with you."

"I am not against you going to Baishan, but I am against you going alone."

"Are you willing to go with me?"

Lisa's eyes were full of surprise, but she quickly calmed down.

This was a call she felt, and it had nothing to do with Roland. It was not appropriate for him to accompany her to risk his life.

She smiled and said, "I feel the call, but you don't, which means it has nothing to do with you. If you insist on going, it might be bad."

"It's not me, it's us."

Roland said calmly: "And Sif, Christine and Sura."

The iron triangle of an excellent expedition team is a warrior, a mage and a priest.

The offensive warrior is Sif, and the defensive warrior can be played by his secondary profession Knight.

Christine is of course a priest.

Lisa is a fire mage, and Sura is also a magician, with unknown abilities.

Since you are going to the dungeon, you must be fully prepared, not to send your head.

After Roland's explanation, Lisa's impulse gradually calmed down, and she asked a little embarrassedly:

"Sif is the queen, is it really appropriate for her to accompany me to fool around?"

"Why not, it's very appropriate!"

Roland said with a straight face: "Remember, everyone is equal when they go on an adventure together. Without the queen, it's the White Rose Knight."

Lisa smiled happily.

She knew that this was Roland's protection for her.

There was a little regret originally, but now it's all gone.

Roland waited patiently for three days, and waited for several news and an unexpected person.

The first news, a polished small soft article was published under the name of the world's busiest writer Anonymous.

The overseas edition of the Sun and several other media reported it.

The second piece of news was that Stanley cleverly spread the news through other channels that the Golden Kite, Wende and other countries were preparing to follow the example of the Vladimir Empire to crack down on Samaritan merchants. Although it was not stated explicitly, there is evidence that the Sussex Empire did not show a tendency to exclude Samaritans.

The third news is that the continental countries held a summit in Val City to discuss the disposal plan of the White Mountain Magic Crystal Mine. It must be another fierce quarrel.

The fourth news came from the Court of Light. The temple warriors and high-level temples promised to him are all in place and deployed in Val City.

These 5,000 people may not seem to be many, but their combat effectiveness is very strong, which also makes Roland a powerful existence in Val City.

After sorting out these news, Roland finally waited for the guests from the Magic Association.

What surprised Roland was that the visitor was not Sura, but the gray-haired Master Anthony.

Looking at the master's ruddy complexion and deep eye sockets, Roland knew that he was in high spirits when he was happy, but he couldn't sleep at all if he was too happy.

He could understand it completely.

The importance of the magic crystal vein to the Magic Association is comparable to that of oil to modern industrial countries.

It is simply the lifeblood.

Seeing Master Anthony coming in person, Roland did not dare to neglect him. He invited the old man into the secret room, served him a pot of fragrant tea, and then closed the door.

"Master Anthony, why did you come in person? If you have anything to say, just send someone to tell me."

"Will sending someone to tell me stop you from disclosing the magic crystal vein?" Anthony said with a smile.

"If you send someone, you will definitely not be able to stop it."

"Then can I come by myself?" Anthony stroked his gray beard and smiled even more.

Roland seemed like a monster made of cunning, but he was particularly frank in front of the elders.

Anthony was a little curious about how Roland would answer.

"If you come in person, you will definitely support my approach. I believe in your wisdom."

Roland did not explain, but just looked at Anthony.

The old and the young looked at each other for a moment and burst into hearty laughter at the same time.

This word has a bit of flattery and kidnapping, but Anthony will not be angry.

Because Roland's flattery is very accurate.

If the other party is Sura, it may be misjudged as aggressive and sarcastic.

But Anthony is different. He is indeed a smart elder.

Unlike Old Deng, who gets more confused as he gets older, Anthony has gained experience and calmness over the years.

Anthony did not continue to test him, but said directly: "It seems that you are planning to go to war with the Vladimir Empire head-on."

"Yes, the Theia plane is very large, and there are still many unexplored areas, but there is not much space suitable for human survival. The return day is approaching, and Theia cannot accommodate two overlords."

Anthony did not expect Roland to think so far, and was a little surprised.

"You help that little girl so much, have you ever thought about how to get along in the future?"

Roland thought to himself, of course he will be the prince.

What else can he do, rebel or become a powerful minister to undermine the emperor?

Isn't it tiring?

Of course, this cannot be said to Anthony.

Some things must be kept strictly confidential before they are done.

Seeing that Roland did not answer but was confident, Anthony suddenly realized and seemed to have thought of something.

He knew better than to continue the topic, and instead asked with a smile, "It's not easy to go to war with the Vladimir Empire. If Sophia wasn't there, I would certainly believe you. But Sophia does exist, and she is the spiritual pillar of Vladimir."

"I have a comprehensive plan." Roland said with a smile.

In fact, his plan is very simple, just wait and see.

He does have a lot of plans, but plans can never keep up with changes.

But in front of the old man, he has to show that he has it all figured out.

Anthony didn't see these, he saw confidence and determination in Roland's eyes.

This is what Sulla didn't have.

He sighed in his heart and asked with a smile, "Are there any difficulties?"

"Yes, and a lot."

Anthony was a little stunned, so he had to pick up the teacup to hide his expression.

He originally thought that Roland would be polite or cover up a few words, but he didn't expect that this guy didn't treat himself as an outsider at all.

In addition to being confident and determined, he was also very thick-skinned.

Anthony silently raised his evaluation of Roland.

"If I can help, the Magic Association I lead will definitely go all out."

"I lack everything. I lack money, equipment, and people, and I lack them badly." Roland's eyes were very frank.

Anthony smiled and said, "I can't help you because you lack people. People from the association can't help you directly, but I can provide money and equipment."

Roland stood up, put his hand on his chest, and thanked Master Anthony.

"Master Anthony, I never swear, but I have done what I promised. I will treat you and the Magic Association as my own family. If we go to the end, the descendants of the Magic Empire will have completely equal citizenship and political status."

This should be promised by the head of state, but it is well known that Roland can make the queen's decision, so Anthony naturally will not doubt it.

He smiled and asked, "How much do you need? You can make a list for me, and I will try my best to meet it."

Roland did not rush to quote, but made a gesture of invitation.

"Master Anthony, before the quotation, I would like to invite you to visit a place."

"Could it be..." Anthony could no longer maintain his composure, and his expression finally became excited.

"Yes, that's it. Let's go. We can get there in the afternoon."

Although Anthony is old, he has excellent physical fitness and riding a horse is not a problem.

Roland did not call others, but accompanied Anthony to the nameless valley alone.

"This, this is..."

Standing outside the nameless valley, Anthony's hands trembled with excitement and tears filled his eyes.

The tempting fragrance of magic crystals wafted in the air.

That was a powerful explosion.

How many years have passed!

To be precise, since he was born, he has only heard of the legend of the magic crystal rich mine, and has never seen the real magic crystal rich mine.

Although the Magic Association insisted that the magic crystal veins have been completely exhausted, there are actually some.

There are still a small amount of magic crystals that have not been mined in the underground mining area 5,000 meters deep.

But there is a reason why these magic crystals have not been mined. They are of low purity, difficult to mine, and extremely inefficient to mine underground.

All the inferior magic crystal veins underground in the Magic Association are not as good as a fraction of this rich mine.

Unfortunately, there is no time.

If there is still a thousand years before the sixth return day, he will definitely kill the local barbarian lord without hesitation and take the magic crystal vein for himself.

Even five hundred years will do.

However, there is no time at all.

According to the results of divination and calculation, the sixth return day will come in five years.

At that time, those hidden old things will come out of the dog hole.

All grudges will be settled at that time.

Under Roland's guidance, Anthony followed into the valley.

He carefully observed the traces of the magic crystal veins around him, and his emotions could not calm down at all.

His eyes were red, his lips were trembling, and his whole body was filled with joy, as happy as a hungry tiger breaking into a butcher shop.

Looking at the old magician's excitement, Roland thought that he would definitely be able to sell it for a good price this time.

It must be much higher than the direct offer price.

When the old magician was happy, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with the trees around him.

He frowned.

Did Roland know about this?

He quickly concluded that he should not know.

How could humans live in peace with tree demons? Humans' attitude towards trees is to use resources, and trees are brothers of tree demons.

It would be strange if they didn't fight.

While these damn trees didn't notice, they took action fiercely, doing Roland a favor and letting him see the power of magic.

Of course, Roland didn't know what the old magician was thinking. He smiled and introduced the various rare plants in the valley.

It wasn't night yet, and the golden ginkgo was still a red pine.

"This red pine is very special, you will know it later."

I know it now!

Anthony roared in his heart. He pushed Roland away, and a huge fireball as big as a house was suspended above his raised palms.

Roland's face changed drastically.

Lisa's fire control skills gave him a wrong stereotype of the magic power in this world.

But Anthony taught him a lesson.

This house-sized fireball hit the golden tree demon and burned it into charcoal.

Roland hurriedly called out: "Master Anthony, stop, this is also my subordinate."


Anthony looked at the red pine in front of him in astonishment. The huge fireball was not released in a hurry, but he roared coldly at the red pine:

"Monster, show yourself!"

He was afraid that Roland would be bewitched. These damn tree demons have many tricks.

If Roland is in a bad situation, he will immediately attack the tree demon.

This is a magic crystal vein, and there is no room for error.

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