In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 179 This story is too stupid

"Teacher, is it really okay for Roland to directly announce the magic crystal veins in Baishan?"

"Sura, sit down."

The kind old magician smiled at the indignant disciple and asked softly: "Did you secretly open the Eye of Gross?"

"I'm sorry, teacher, I..." The young magician who was named by the old magician lowered his head and didn't dare to answer at all.

"Did you destroy the eye after using it?" The old magician asked kindly.

"No, no. Teacher, I am very sure that no one found it. This is a new eye that I secretly put down in Val City a few days ago. The price of an Eye of Gross."

"Confused!" The calm face of the old magician suddenly turned red, and he slammed the cup in his hand heavily on the table, and the light red Sorano juice splashed out and spilled all over the table.

The young magician Sura was startled by the rage of teacher Anthony.

He rarely saw the teacher so angry, and hurriedly apologized to the teacher in a whisper.

"Teacher, I'll destroy the Eye of Gross right now."

"No need, give me the location information, I'll do it!" The old magician was obviously very angry.

After a lot of trouble, the old magician Anthony finally completely destroyed the Eye of Gross used by his disciples for observation.

Even if someone found it, they would only see a burnt nut seed and would not think much about it.

After the Eye of Gross is activated, it will emit magic ripples, although it is very weak and the radiation range is very small, but what if?

No matter how small the probability is, as long as the number of repetitions is enough, it is possible to happen.

Sura is good at everything and has excellent talent, but his vision is too small.

Let him be responsible for external reception in the magic shop in order to have more opportunities to communicate with the outside world. However, this job also made him develop the habit of calculating small accounts and pursuing cost-effectiveness.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing cost-effectiveness, but not everything can be pursued cost-effectiveness.

Anthony was not angry because Roland made the magic crystal vein public, and even admired it a little.

To be fair, he thought about this way of disposal, but he might not be able to make up his mind so quickly.

What if he could make a profit from it?

What if we can share the spoils with the Vladimir Empire?

Roland's idea is very simple. The Val City-State is closer to the Sussex Empire. As long as the Sussex Empire defeats Vladimir in the future, there will be a chance to take it all.

At that time, the White Mountain will be the territory of Sussex, and they can mine it however they want.

If the Vladimir Empire wins, of course, it will lose everything.

Sura is definitely not good at this kind of gamble of either winning or losing.

Looking at Sura's timid look, Anthony sighed in his heart.

Sura is his disciple who he has brought up since childhood. In terms of feelings, he is of course closer to Sura.

If Sura can succeed, he will not look for someone from outside.

However, Sura's character is that he is more than enough to do small things, but he dare not fight for big things.

Roland made the magic crystal vein public, and the final outcome is likely to be sealed.

As long as the future strength is strong enough, this vein will be his sooner or later.

If it is divided with the Vladimir Empire now, it can only be divided in half.

If there were no other magic crystal veins in Roland's territory, this would be somewhat impulsive.

But there are magic crystal veins in Roland's territory.

Just use the ones in your own territory, freeze the disputed areas first, and take them when you are strong enough, which means they are still yours.

As for what will happen if you lose, it doesn't matter.

If you lose the war, you are basically not qualified to live to the next round of return day, so it doesn't matter where the magic crystal veins go.

This principle is not difficult to understand. As long as there is no obsession in your heart, Sura must understand it, but he knows that Sura still has obsession in his heart.

Sura is not stupid at all, he just can't let go of the obsession of restoring the glory of the Magic Empire.

"Can't you let it go, Sura?"

"Teacher, if there is no magic crystal vein, I can give up. But now the magic crystal vein reappears, this is obviously an opportunity for the Magic Empire to revive!"

Seeing that Sura finally couldn't help but speak his mind, Anthony sighed and said helplessly:

"There is not enough time, Sura."

Sura was silent.

The teacher is right. The biggest enemy of the Magic Empire's revival is not the sparse population and insufficient resources.

These three magic crystal veins are all super-rich mines, and the total amount of resources is not inferior to the Talia mine and the Western mine.

In addition to the energy-saving and production-increasing technologies that the Magic Association has studied in recent years, as long as the role of these mines is maximized, the glory of the Magic Empire will be restored in the near future.

But time is running out.

If the Magic Association is given hundreds or thousands of years, plus these three rich mines, it is indeed possible to revive its former glory.

But no.

With the acceleration of the return, more and more powerful races that have disappeared will return, and there is not much time left for the Magic Association.

If Sura and Roland were swapped, he might take a gamble.

Unfortunately, he can't.

If the Magic Association wants to land safely on the final return day, the only choice is to gamble.

You can't even bet on one door.

Anthony puts the future on Roland and Sussex, and Julius, the helmsman of the Far East Association, puts the future on the Vladimir Empire and Sophia.

No matter which side wins, the Magic Association has a chance of survival.

But there is a difference between survival and death, and Anthony does not want to go to the Far East Association to beg for food.

Even if he has to beg for food, it should be Julius, the old friend, who comes to him to beg for food.

While Sura was still digesting the teacher's words, Anthony had already stood up.

"Sura, you stay here to look after the house for a while, I'm going out for a while."

"Where is the teacher going?" Anthony looked up alertly, looking at the teacher's body that suddenly stopped.

"Of course I'm going to go up there to take a look."

"Teacher, didn't you say that someone doesn't welcome you to go up there?" Sura was a little panicked.

"I'm just old, not weak." Anthony twisted his long beard and said with a smile: "Sura, do you think the teacher is not their opponent?"


"But I'm only one person, right?"

Anthony laughed and said: "The day of return is getting closer and closer, they are afraid of getting hurt, but I'm not."

Sura's face suddenly changed, and his voice was trembling.

"Teacher, let the disciple do it for me."

"I want to see an old friend I met on the battlefield, can you do it for me? Look after the house obediently."

Anthony didn't give Sura a chance to refute, and left gracefully.

Sura looked at the teacher's back, his lips trembling, unable to say a word.

The teacher's words were very tactful, saving his face.

In fact, he was too incompetent and could not handle the complicated situation outside. The teacher had to drag his old body to do it himself.

It was easy to say that the teacher was not afraid of getting hurt, but it was actually very difficult.

A powerful magician could use magic props to replace body organs.

As long as the head was not blown off, even if the heart was damaged, it could be replaced.

However, there was an unwritten rule during the Magic Empire.

Once the magic props exceeded 50%, they would no longer be considered a member of the human race.

A wave of hatred surged in Sura's heart.

He hated his incompetence, unable to help the teacher, and unable to take charge of the association.

He hated the ruthless passage of time even more. He had a blueprint for reviving the Magic Empire in his heart, but he had no way to implement it.

He would rather fail in drawing the future than give up directly like this.

But he had no choice.

He could understand the teacher's decision.

Except for being a little aggrieved, it was indeed the best choice.

Just when the whole world was in an uproar, Roland returned to the loyal Governor's Mansion.

Looking at the busy officials at all levels, Roland's lips were more smiling.

Professional matters should be left to professionals.

He was only responsible for overall strategic planning, never interfering with the work of his subordinates, and giving them a stage to fully exert their subjective initiative.

Under the spur of the performance appraisal system, those who usually slack off also became furious.

Dai Long got the title of Royal Knight for free and obtained the fief of two villages, which made them envious.

Of course, they were not looking at just two villages, but more.

Since Dai Long could get the title of Royal Knight, they could get the baron or even more.

The income of the two villages was not much, and it was not even as much as the fraction of a business deal they negotiated at a certain drinking party, but it was legal and could be inherited by future generations.

Some money came and went quickly, just like a dream, which was gone when you woke up.

Some money came slowly but would not be lost, just like a house, which was still there when you woke up.

Only with permanent property can you have perseverance.

The Queen and the Governor-General wanted to give them permanent property and give their descendants the wealth and prosperity of the same life as the empire. Who could refuse this?

In the past, in the three overseas provinces, government officials might not be found after get off work, and they could only be found in various luxurious entertainment venues after get off work.

In the current governor's jurisdiction, administrative efficiency is very high during working hours, and there are many people who take the initiative to work overtime after get off work.

Roland brought the epoch-making involution culture to the governor's jurisdiction.

Of course, the efforts of these people will not be in vain.

Someone is watching them.

Because of the more than 30,000 people recruited by Alina, the intelligence network was quickly established, and the main task of the scout knight Raikkonen now became to supervise officials.

He and Ms. Elaine have their own division of labor, and their complementary cooperation has greatly improved the intelligence capabilities of Roland's subordinates.

Roland stood at the door of the governor's office and happened to see Sif buried in reviewing documents.

Perhaps she felt someone at the door, Sif did not look up, but just whispered:

"Come in, the door is not closed."

No one responded, Sif looked up in surprise, but saw Roland standing at the door.

She stood up happily and greeted him.

"You have been away for several days. Are you okay outside? Have you encountered any trouble?"

"Why is it trouble instead of danger?" Roland asked with a smile.

"If someone becomes your enemy, I will only mourn for him."

Sif's eyes drifted around, as if looking for something.

After confirming that Roland did not bring any gifts, she was a little disappointed, but did not say anything. Instead, she asked Roland to sit down and started sharing work.

"Roland, Stanley came once while you were away, and he brought new news."

"New news?" Roland was a little curious. He picked up the teacup, sipped the tea carefully, and waited for Sif to share.

"Someone took action faster than us."

Sif said with some annoyance: "Sophia took action first. This woman summoned merchants to attend the palace dinner, and then called the death roll at the banquet. Those whose names were called were taken away and hanged. Several of the prey we marked were killed at her death night banquet."

"Damn, that was the prey we targeted first!"

Roland almost spit out a mouthful of old tea.

Do you have to rob for such things?

"How many did she hunt?" Roland asked curiously.

"There are no specific statistics. According to Stanley's estimate, Queen Sophia has received a total of more than five million pounds in cash, and her assets are worth thousands of pounds."

"So much?" Roland was a little surprised.

"Not much." Sif sighed lightly: "The business environment in the Vladimir Empire has never been good. Those who dare to do business there are people who are not ranked in the business world."

"None of the largest families and chaebols will go there."

Sif murmured in distress: "I heard from Stanley that other major countries are also brewing civil hatred, blaming the suffering of the people on these businessmen, and are ready to harvest."

"Damn it, we don't have time at all. By the time we do it, there will only be soup left."

Roland shook his head slowly and said with a smile: "I can't see it. If we do it correctly, we can get the biggest piece of meat by taking the last step."

Sif's eyes lit up and she said with a smile, "It's great to have you back. I've been staying up late every day and couldn't sleep well these days. I'm worried about what I can do, but you're the best."

Roland said with a smile: "It's not that you didn't expect it, it's just that you didn't open your mind. You are most worried about these fat sheep being cut off by other families now, and we won't be able to drink the soup, right?"

"Yes, these fat sheep are scattered in various countries. We can't kidnap them in other countries."

"We can't go, so we can let them come over on their own initiative."

"Is this okay?" Sif's eyes flashed with curiosity.

As expected of Roland, he can always think of ways that no one else can think of.

"It's quite simple. We first find a way to notify these fat sheep and let them run away. We should exaggerate the cruelty of the Vladimir Empire to make them afraid and take the initiative to come to countries with a good business environment, such as our country. "

Sif nodded frequently.

To kill the fat sheep, you must first ensure that these fat sheep are not killed by other countries.

"But how to prove that our business environment is the best? I'm afraid the effect will not be effective if we directly promote it." Sif was a little distressed.

"It's not just bad, it's even counterproductive." Roland liked to see Sif thinking proactively. For people in the growth stage, the thinking process is often more important than the result.

"Let me think about it, let's find some literati to write articles and praise them?" Sif lowered her head in embarrassment as soon as she spoke, not daring to look at Roland.


Roland patted the table and gave a thumbs up in appreciation.

"Yes, that's it. We can use media channels to imply that this is an investment paradise, and then find someone to write some soft articles to make them feel like they belong."

"What is a soft article?" Sif's curiosity danced in her eyes, and it was a novel term that she had never heard of before.

"To put it simply, it's just making up stories."

Roland thought for a while and said softly: "What do Samaritans most want others to praise them for? Of course it's not business. They already know this, so there's no need to praise them. You have to praise something they don't have but really want others to recognize." ”

"Martial spirit?" Sif said casually.

Roland sighed and reminded softly: "This is a bit too much. Sif, remember, praise must be moderate. For example, if you praise others for being more beautiful than you, that is not a compliment, but a yin and yang."

"I probably understand." Sif nodded frequently.

“Samaritans have little cleverness but no great wisdom, so they like to be praised for their wisdom.”

Roland pretended to think, but in fact he was sorting out the essays written by Yi Lin and the readers.

"Let me think about it, let's tell a story about a book covered with honey."

"It is said that in order to make children fall in love with reading, the Samaritans would smear honey on the covers of books so that the children would associate reading with sweetness, thereby stimulating their enthusiasm for reading. Let them develop the habit of reading as early as possible.”

Sif was silent for a moment and said slowly: "Roland, please be serious. No one will believe such a retarded story."

Roland looked at Sif with a little more surprise.

"Why do you say that?"

"Books are precious, but the ink and lead used to print them are poisonous. If you put honey on a book and let a child lick it, is the child your biological child?"

Roland laughed and clapped vigorously.

As expected of you, Sif, what you said is so good.

Sif snorted softly and continued to hit hard, "Secondly, even if children are really attracted, they are only attracted by honey. As long as their intelligence is not too flawed, they can find a book and lick it afterwards to know that the book is not sweet. The sweetest thing is honey. Educating children in this way can only teach children who like to eat sweets.”

Roland couldn't hold it back any longer, and he almost burst into tears while lying on the table laughing.

Sif was a little angry. She glared at Roland angrily and said unconvinced:

"What did I say wrong? I have read books and I also like honey, but I will never be happy about smearing honey on books, and I will angrily denounce such acts of destroying books."

Roland finally stopped laughing and gave Sif a thumbs up again.

"You are right, your wisdom is beyond the times."

"Are you laughing at me?" Sif was really angry this time.

"Absolutely not. But the story had to be written that way."

Roland explained calmly: "Not everyone is as beautiful as you and is also blessed by wisdom."

Sif's cheeks turned red instantly, and her anger disappeared.

Although Roland didn't even bring a small gift, he was quite good at talking.

Forget it, he must be too busy to forget, so I won't bother with him.

Seeing Sif's shy look, Roland thought to himself, this is the art of compliments.

She only praised Sif's beauty, and her joy was only three points.

If you just praise Sif for being smart, she will doubt how sincere it is.

Putting two advantages together, you can't just accept half, so the second half of the sentence was sent out.

Roland sighed lightly and said faintly: "People are always easily deceived. There are people who believe in stories more outrageous than this one, and this is still a relatively reliable one among these stories."

With his insistence, this small soft article was quickly written and prepared to be published in the overseas edition of the Sun.

Unlike the domestic edition, the overseas edition of the Sun is relatively more serious.

The current affairs news here actually publishes current affairs seriously.

After adding the pre-task [Fishing Operation] to [Hunting Operation], Sif talked about some other things.

In summary, all plans are proceeding in an orderly manner.

There is only one problem, lack of money.

The hunting plan will take some time, and there are so many funding gaps now, where will it come from?

Sif said helplessly: "I've sold everything that's suitable for sale. After all, I'm the queen, so I still need the necessary pomp and luxury goods."

"I know, you don't have to worry about the money, I'll find a way."

Roland's words always reassure Sif, and since Roland promised, she has no reason to doubt.

After Sif finished talking about her side, it was Roland's turn to tell the story.

Before Roland started, Sif said calmly: "Remember, you can keep it to yourself, but you can't lie to me."

Roland raised his hands to indicate that it was okay.

Fortunately, he did not encounter any danger on this trip, so he was not lying.

When talking about exploring the White Mountain with Lisa, Sif clenched her hands nervously.

Although Roland appeared here very safely, she was still a little scared.

"You shouldn't go deep into the White Mountain. It's too dangerous. Those giant bears and wild beasts may not threaten you, but the strong men from other countries will not be polite."

"You're right, so I just stayed outside and didn't go deep."

Roland said calmly: "Although Lisa felt that something inside the White Mountain was calling her, I still brought her out."

Sif was stunned for a few seconds, and a smile quickly spread across her dimples.

Even if his sister Lisa wanted to go, he was unwilling to take the risk.

Great, she just liked this story.

Next, Roland talked about the long street conflict with Camille, but did not mention his own treatment. He just smiled and asked:

"Tell me, we can't monopolize the magic crystal vein in Baishan, what should we do best?"

"I would rather seal it up!"

Sif said firmly:

"We and the Vladimir Empire will fall out sooner or later. Val City is near us and far away from them. As long as we drive their forces out, this vein will be ours!"

"Not only that, we can also use Val City as a battlefield and wait for the enemy to tire out!"

Roland looked at Sif in surprise, with a bit more incredible look in his eyes.

He really believed that Sif could win.

He couldn't help her by himself. Sif had to stand up and learn to walk by herself.

Now she can not only walk, but also jog.

Seeing that Roland didn't speak for a long time, Sif thought she was wrong, but still explained unconvinced:

"This is what you taught, don't fight in the battlefield set by the enemy, let him come to our home ground."

"Yes, that's right."

Roland smiled and said: "You thought it through very well. So I announced the news of the magic crystal vein in public. I think it won't be long before Mr. William has a headache again."

Sif also laughed.

Thinking that Mr. William would be busy again, she laughed happily.

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility.

Since the Prime Minister is temporarily acting as the emperor, the pressure that the emperor should bear should naturally be borne by him.

After listening to the story of Baishan, Sif said with some regret: "Miss Lisa is a transcendent, her intuition should be very accurate, but it's a pity that there is no chance to go to Baishan to take a look."

"No, there is a chance. Let's go together."

Sif's eyes lit up.

Of course she didn't want to miss the opportunity to take risks.

Roland brought good news.

It would be nice if there was a small gift.

Bad news: Roland didn't seem to understand the girl's mind.

Good news: He understands no one.

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