In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 154 Princess, it's your turn to save the hero!

After dealing with all the remaining werewolves and cleaning up the bodies at the scene, Jace trotted all the way to Roland and Sif.

While trotting, he suddenly found a problem.

He knew that the earl was the queen, but Her Majesty the Queen probably didn't want him to "know".

If the queen was the earl, he should report to Roland.

If the earl was the queen, he had to report to Sif.

What to do now?

In a flash, Jace figured it out.

Since Her Majesty the Queen is now the earl and the deputy governor, she is younger than Roland.

What game she played with Roland was not something he, a small light cavalry major, should worry about.

Do your own thing, Jace!

He stood up and saluted Roland, reported the results of the battle loudly, and then began to review.

"Governor, you were attacked nearby, and I came to rescue late. Please punish me, Governor."

Roland admired this attitude very much.

He did not shirk responsibility when there was a problem, but took on the problem first. He was a responsible young man.

Roland took out his pocket watch and looked at it, smiling and said: "It has been less than eight minutes since the gunfire. It only took such a short time from assembling the duty squadron to setting off to the scene of the incident. You should have slept in your armor."

Jace's nose was slightly sour.

That's right, Governor, you still understand us.

Compared to the mean and shameless Minister of the Army and the brigade commander, the Governor is a good leader.

Faced with Roland's praise, he said calmly:

"It's not just me. All members of the duty squadron are on standby because we are worried about accidents."

"Very good, from today on, your name will also be included in the performance appraisal. Today's timely dispatch counts as 10 performance points."

Roland took out a small bag of gold coins from his arms and threw it over.

"Take this money to treat the tired soldiers tonight to a beer."

Jace jumped lightly and took the purse with a stretch. Seeing that Earl Sif didn't speak, he quickly said goodbye to the two leaders.

"Governor, I will go back to the camp and hand over the captives to the Knights. It is not safe here after all. Please return to the flagship as soon as possible."

Although it was a bit excessive for him to say such words, as the captain of the cavalry who came to rescue, it was appropriate to remind him kindly.

Even without his reminder, Roland did not want to spend the night in the city.

Entering the city was just a procedure, indicating that he forgave the rude behavior of the Val City-State for maliciously blocking the ship.

Since it was possible to ambush once, who dared to guarantee that the enemy would not place bombs and poison gas in the room?

Returning to the flagship, Roland looked up and saw that the lights in Bridges' command room were still on.

Obviously, the gunshots just now also woke him up.

A very dedicated and excellent general.

This is Roland's evaluation of him.

This time, Roland found that Sussex's national fortune was still on the rise, and there were talents everywhere, but the masters of the imperial capital lacked the eyes to discover talents, so they felt that no one was available.

As long as these people are used well, the three overseas provinces plus the talents from the mainland who came here for their reputation are enough to form a new administrative system.

When Sif returns to the imperial capital, it will be the time for the old guys to collectively explode their gold coins.

As soon as he returned to the room, Roland sensed someone behind the door.

"Miss Vengeance, how is the situation?"

At this time, there would be no one hiding here without making any noise except Alina.

Alina walked out of the shadows, stopped Roland from lighting the lamp, and said softly:

"Sorry, it's not going well."

She had to stop Roland from lighting the lamp, otherwise she couldn't hide her ugly expression.

With a sigh, she said faintly: "You got it all right. Robert raised the team under the banner of his father and recognized my identity, but he didn't intend to hand over the leadership to me."

Roland thought to himself, isn't this nonsense.

Although most of these 30,000 people are old, weak, women and children, there are also several thousand young and strong people, and there are also many administrative and technical talents. This is a huge wealth and Robert's bargaining chip.

Although there are a lot of burdens, as long as the right price is offered, someone will naturally be willing to take it.

If these burdens die during the long journey, the remaining people will all be wealth.

Roland had guessed this result long ago, so he was not surprised.

He just thought it was too cruel and didn't want to personally shatter Alina's dream.

He asked softly, "What else did he say?"

"He wanted to meet you tonight, but he didn't say what to talk about." Alina was obviously a little depressed.

"It's not hard to guess. He has bargaining chips and is qualified to sell at a better price."

Alina grabbed Roland's sleeve fiercely, her voice trembling with grievance, "Roland, I'm sorry for you, and let everyone go for nothing. You can punish me however you want when you go back."

"What are you talking about? Who said it was a wasted trip?"

Roland struck a match and lit a candle.

In the slightly dim candlelight, looking at Alina's tearful eyes, Roland pointed to the seat opposite and said:

"I know you are very sad, but don't worry, listen to my analysis slowly."

Alina turned around and wiped away her tears with her sleeve, sat down suspiciously, and looked at Roland in disbelief.

Can this be reversed?

Roland sorted out his thoughts and asked softly, "Where did you meet Robert?"

"I sent a secret signal to contact him, and then we met in a secret valley outside the camp."

Roland nodded and continued to ask, "Did anyone else know about your meeting?"

"Definitely not, he said my identity is sensitive and cannot be exposed for the time being."

Roland clapped his hands happily and said with a smile, "That's great."

Alina looked at Roland in astonishment. Robert clearly wanted to exclude her from the core circle of exiles. Is this good?

Roland smiled and said, "Robert has selfish motives, and they are very serious."

Alina was speechless. Isn't this nonsense?

Looking at Alina's somewhat messy eyes, Roland patiently helped her analyze.

"Tell me, who wants Robert to die the most now?"

"The Golden Kite government." Although her mind was a little confused, Alina would not answer such a simple question incorrectly.

"Very good. Let me ask you again, are werewolves a secret weapon unique to the Golden Kite?"

"I'm not sure if other countries have them, but only our country raises and uses werewolves on a large scale."

"If the werewolves kill Robert, what will the other people in the wanderer camp think?"

Alina's eyes lit up, and she thought of Roland's plan.

Since Robert has selfish motives and hasn't told others, just kill him.

The other leaders of the camp are far less ambitious and prestigious than him. In the panic of the leader being killed by the Golden Kite, Alina made a brilliant appearance, and the overall situation was certain.

Alina whispered softly: "I just saw you and Sif dealing with those werewolves. I believed you were fine, so I didn't show up. I didn't expect you to even take their strength into account."

Roland smiled and asked: "Can you lock my position?"

"If you put the tickets together, I can sense your approximate location. If you don't want me to know, then take them apart."

"That won't work. I need Captain Alina's support at any time." Roland said half-jokingly, revealing the matter.

"Let's go, let's go meet Mr. Robert. He must want to get a new offer from me and then compare it with other forces."

Shrugged, Roland's eyes gradually became colder.

"He is your father's most respected student, but he used your father's political legacy for personal gain. If it were just that, it would be fine, but he doesn't even care about the lives of these people."

"It's normal for people to be selfish, but it's despicable to use the blood of your companions to make profits for yourself. He deserves to die, and you don't have to have any psychological burden."

Alina said in a deep voice: "I understand, I will kill him myself."

Everyone will experience ups and downs on the road to growth.

Robert's blood will make Alina more aware of the indifference of the world.

He will not die in vain.

Roland changed into black clothes and walked with Alina to the nameless valley where they met just now.

Alina went to meet Robert, and Roland waited here.

He didn't call Sif for this operation.

Sif was very tired tonight and just went to bed, let her have a good rest.

He could also feel that Alina probably didn't want to be helped by Sif when she was so embarrassed.

She was once a proud girl, and it was sad to fall to this point. If she was "helped" by the equally young and excellent Sif again, the pain in her heart can be imagined.

Roland doesn't understand girls, but he understands people's hearts.

The more distressed a person is, the more fragile their self-esteem is, and they need to be protected.

They are friends, so they naturally have to protect each other.

Just as his thoughts drifted to a few eras ago, footsteps sounded.

Robert is here.

He is not the only one coming.

Judging from the footsteps, there are not many people, so they should be his trusted guards.

Alina and Robert walked into the valley together, leaving four guards outside.

Alina, who was walking side by side with Robert, winked at Roland, suggesting that there were people outside the valley.

Roland didn't say anything, but gave her a knowing look.

He looked at Alina's father's most proud disciple with some curiosity.

Robert's lips are a little thin, his facial features are very delicate, and he has the standard appearance of a Golden Kite. His biggest feature is his eyes.

The pupils have no color at all, and they are dark and empty.

As if there is no emotion.

Robert smiled and stretched out his right hand to Roland.

"I have heard a little about Mr. Roland's style of doing things. I dare not come to see you alone."

"Mr. Robert really thinks highly of me."

Roland stretched out his hand and shook it with Robert. It was cold and not human.

He felt something was wrong. He retracted his hand and pinched the white rose pendant that Sif gave him.

It was too hasty.

Alina had no idea what her father's good student really was.

There were irreconcilable conflicts between them and Robert, and tonight was the best time to kill him.

Only by killing Robert tonight could they frame the Golden Kite without any flaws, and even resonate because both sides were attacked by werewolves.

Maybe Sif has gone to bed now, but there is no way, she is needed here.

White Rose Knight, come on at the call of a friend.

When Robert smiled, there was no trace of human emotion in his eyes. The cold chill made the already cold winter night even colder.

Roland always had a feeling that maybe Robert was not a human.

Since the Golden Kite Kingdom can conduct experiments on sirens, raise werewolves, and form cavalry with centaurs, it is reasonable for other non-human beings to exist.

I didn't expect Robert to hide so deeply that even Alina didn't know his details.

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts.

If he is a human, he would feel guilty about selling the survivors who escaped side by side. If Robert is not a human, it can be explained.

Alina stood at the entrance of the valley, and Roland and Robert began to negotiate.

Just as the negotiation was going on, Sif, who was having a concert in her sleep, suddenly woke up.

The heart-shaped pendant that she refused to take off when she slept suddenly became hot.

Roland pinched her white rose pendant hard!

She felt a palpitation.

With Roland's character, he would never ask her for help unless he encountered a problem that he could not solve.

Sif quickly put on her armor.

She did not even have time to slowly put on the three-layer armor, but directly wrapped the cotton armor tightly, picked up her weapon and set off.

She felt a little regretful.

No wonder the troops on duty had to put on armor and rest.

It was really too late to encounter an emergency.

Never sleep so soundly in the war zone in the future! Sif remembered this lesson silently.

She was galloping in the open wilderness, and the other pendant was like a firefly flashing in the night sky, although it was weak, it guided the direction of her running.

Sif's breathing was a little unsmooth while running, and her heartbeat was messy.

She secretly blamed herself.

Roland protected her so well that she could put on soft pajamas tonight and sleep well.

Is this a place to enjoy?

Of course not.

Roland never blamed her, nor did he let her be ready to fight at any time like the soldiers on duty tonight.

Sif's eyes sparkled with stars-like brilliance.

Fortunately, Roland remembered to squeeze the pendant hard to call for support.

She moved quickly and arrived near the valley in less than fifteen minutes.

In the dark, she turned on [Insight] and observed the surroundings, without rushing into the valley.

Soon, she saw several strong men guarding the entrance of the valley.

These men looked difficult to deal with, with cold faces and each of them was equipped with a gun.

There was no movement in the valley, and it seemed that the battle was over.

Sif's heart was pounding, but she tried to calm herself down.

If she guessed correctly, Roland had been captured or pretended to surrender.

With Roland's character, he would definitely not suffer a loss.

If he escaped, these people would not stand stupidly at the entrance of the valley.

There was only one truth, Roland was captured.

The warrior was waiting for the princess to save him!

After determining the battle plan, Sif's heart was slightly settled.

Although she was anxious, she did not rush in.

She had to kill these people silently and rush into the valley to save people.

If she was a little slow or alarmed the people inside, something would happen.

Fortunately, her current extraordinary profession is [Elven Princess]. Although it is not as suitable as the elves, it also has many elf characteristics.

For example, it can be invisible at night.

Sif squinted her eyes and looked around, and found a little raccoon foraging at night.

"I'm sorry, little guy, please be the bait. I will try my best to keep you alive. If you die unfortunately, I also promise to add more seasoning to make you more delicious, and never waste it."

She prayed silently and waved to the little raccoon. The little raccoon ran towards Sif happily, and was picked up by Sif and touched on the head, showing an expression of enjoyment.

When approaching the entrance of the valley, Sif tried very hard to communicate with the little raccoon. Although she learned how to communicate with small animals in the ruins of dreams, she had never tried it.

Fortunately, the little raccoon was very smart, understood Sif, and moved towards the valley obediently.

With the cover of the little raccoon, Sif sneaked over in the bushes.

"Who is it?"

The four guards at the valley entrance were startled at the same time, and soon found that it was a small nocturnal animal.

One of them was about to go over to check, but was stopped by the leader.

"Bode, don't waste time, it's a forest raccoon."

The strong man called Bode shook his head with some regret.

"It's a pity, forest raccoons are very rare, and it is said that the meat is very fragrant."

Just as they were teasing each other, they suddenly felt a chill on their backs.

The four people quickly dispersed and turned around one after another, showing extremely high tactical qualities.

Unfortunately, they were unlucky and met Sif who was determined to kill.

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