In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 153 Full Moon Night, Werewolves Dance

Why not accept the talent? Because it's too dangerous.

Although the young man just now was completely different, it still brought back Roland's bad memories.

Attacking the Samaritan merchant does not mean that he will cooperate with more terrible demons.

If the young man had a beard, he would have already taken action.

Roland said calmly: "Sif, did you see his eyes? Those are a pair of eyes burning with flames. He will not be loyal to anyone."

Sif did not speak, vaguely feeling that this was not Roland's true thoughts.

She narrowed her eyes slightly.

Roland's head was covered with fog.

It was completely impossible to see through, but the kindness was as good as before.

Sif chose to give up thinking and believe in Roland!

Walking out of the beer hall, Roland whispered: "Do you want to go to the dock to visit the soldiers who are still on guard?"

"Of course, let's go."

Sif and Roland walked side by side, squinting their eyes and began to search around.

As long as you observe carefully and cooperate with the power of [Insight], you can find malicious targets.

Under the effect of insight, pedestrians on the street become small dots.

These dots are almost all transparent.

A few dots have different colors, some are kind or malicious, but they are not aimed at Sif.

Roland did not look around, but completely trusted Sif's judgment.

After walking for a while, Sif whispered: "The suspected target appeared in the shadow of the alley behind us on the left."

"Got it, don't stop, keep going." Roland said calmly.

He and Sif looked relaxed, and if passers-by saw them, they would not care. There are too many young couples who go out for a walk after dinner at night.

It's just that some are long-term couples, and some are just couples tonight.

When the two were about to leave the city, Sif whispered, "The observer just now disappeared."

"Don't worry, he just went to tip off. Now there are two choices, the first is to go back and sleep peacefully, the second is to go out of the city to visit the warriors and lure out the venomous snakes in the shadows."

"I choose the second one."

Sif frowned and whispered, "I don't like the smell of that furniture."

Roland looked at Sif in surprise, looking at her clear eyes, vaguely felt that she was not joking.

He shrugged and said with a smile, "The opportunity to practice that you lost yesterday is now here."

No matter who is hiding in the shadows, it will not be more dangerous than Christine.

This is Roland's intuition.

What's more, he has a backup.


As long as you squeeze the old ticket hard, Alina will support.

Three level eight extraordinary people remained on guard and were killed by the killers hiding in the shadows, so there is no need for the extraordinary people to exist.

Alina will meet a few people tonight.

The leader of the refugees.

Several countries will fight for their belonging, but their own opinions are also important.

If the stalemate continues, someone will definitely jump out and say that they respect the refugees' choice.

According to common sense, the refugees will definitely not return to Jinyuan, but long-term hatred also makes it impossible for them to choose the Sussex Empire.

Whether they are resettled in the Weimar Federation nearby or in the Wende Empire, which is more powerful but requires a long journey, it is an acceptable result for the Jinyuan people.

As long as they are not intercepted by Roland.

Tonight, they will try to physically solve the problem of Roland.

If it doesn't work, they will find ways to lead the argument to the result they want.

This is not difficult to guess.

Roland is just a little curious about how many surprises will be waiting for them tonight.

There is a small forest on the way to the dock.

This is the best ambush site and the most likely place for the enemy to ambush.

When Roland and Sif walked to 300 meters away from the small forest, Roland stopped.

"Sif, how can we get through this forest safely?"

Sif pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Keep a high level of alert and use various reconnaissance methods to find out the enemy's situation in advance."

"None of them are right. Remember, don't fight in places where the enemy has ambushed."

Roland smiled and said: "The scenery of the Rodinia River at night is nice. Are you interested in walking there?"

He pointed to the north.

This small forest is not big. As long as they take a detour, they can't stop them from getting close to the river.

As long as they get on the Mary Rose, the mice in the shadows can only squeak anxiously.

Roland and Sif changed direction and walked along the path to the river in the north.

Soon after they left, there was a commotion in the small forest.

The night walkers in the shadows began to run fast.

The sleeping forest birds were awakened and flew into the sky in a panic.

Roland didn't look back, but the birdsong at night was enough to indicate an ambush.

Sif smiled and said, "You are really good. You easily blew up these idiots."

"Don't underestimate the enemy. Since they dare to ambush us, they must have prepared enough combat power. I don't want to call for reinforcements in a panic."

"Don't worry, I'm here. Let's get closer to the river bank."

"It's inconvenient to move too close to the river bank."

Sif's mouth corners slightly raised, and she smiled and said, "Believe me, I have a trick."

Since she said so, Roland naturally wouldn't object.

The two gradually approached the river bank.

In the deep grass on the bank, there was a rustling sound.

If you don't listen carefully, you might think it was a small animal running, but Roland knew it was the enemy coming.

He and Sif looked at each other, and at the same time took out the smoke bomb with added materials and threw it into the grass.


A slight explosion sounded, smoke filled the surroundings, pepper, chili powder and quicklime blew the grass into a mess.

A violent cough sounded.

Roland and Sif pulled out their throwing knives at the same time and threw them over.

The moonlight is beautiful tonight.

The scattered moonlight not only illuminates the earth, but also ripples on the river.

With the moonlight, Roland saw the true identity of the ambusher.


"Damn humans, all go to hell!" The stunned werewolf howled angrily, transformed on the spot and pounced on him.

Tonight is the full moon night, their home court.

For this hunt, they buried traps in the forest, wanting to give Roland a big surprise.

As a result, this pair of human dogs and bitches did not play by the rules, leaving the main road behind and taking the small road.

They had to change their tactics, from ambush to strong attack.

Roland narrowed his eyes and stared at the werewolves appearing from all directions.

This strange creature is half human and half wolf. They claim to be the darlings of the moon god and are different from humans.

In the past few hundred years, werewolves have only been legends and rarely seen in real life.

However, as the return day approaches, these special beings hidden in the dark have appeared one after another.

It seems that everyone is in a hurry.

Facing the extremely fast werewolves, Roland did not use a dagger, but took out two pistols from the moonlit silver armor.

This special cloth armor that looks like a robe has a hidden space.

Roland unceremoniously loaded a row of pistols in it.

Since the pistol is slow to reload, think in reverse and prepare a few more pistols.

Although Sif only has one pistol, it can be pre-loaded with five rounds, and there are three extra magic bullets after the bullets are used up.

These three magic bullets are the killer of this pistol.

The werewolf leader couldn't help laughing when he saw Roland and Sif both took out their pistols.

He knew the power of the pistol.

The power is okay, but the accuracy is very poor, and the reloading is very slow, and it is almost impossible to use it a second time in a battle.

Pistols are nothing compared to the swift speed of the werewolves.

The werewolf leader let out a long howl, signaling a general attack.

The river was full of humans, and they dared not delay. They had to solve the problem as quickly as possible and then escape quickly.

The reason why the werewolves act at night is that they like the night, but they are also afraid to show their faces during the day.

Come on, brothers!

The werewolves all transformed and surrounded Roland and Sif in an arc.

Roland and Sif stood back to back against the river bank, without any blind spots for shooting.

The werewolves charged.

All of them turned into wolves, and they were larger, faster, and more powerful than ordinary gray wolves.

Ordinary people would be torn into a large piece of meat by their claws.

If their throats were bitten by their fangs, they would suffocate quickly.

Adult human men can defeat gray wolves with their bare hands, but they are no match for werewolves.

An adult strong werewolf can deal with three ordinary human soldiers at night, and ten soldiers on a full moon night.

There were more than 30 werewolves dispatched this time, with a combat power close to that of a full-strength human battalion.

It was definitely an overkill to deal with just two people.

Their plan was correct, but unfortunately they didn't meet the right people.

Roland and Sif were not ordinary transcendents.

Under Roland's leadership, Sif's combat concept became more and more flexible.

She was not panicked at all, and waited quietly for the werewolves to get close.

The accuracy of the pistol was very poor, but it was within seven steps.

The werewolves attacked in batches.

The werewolf leader found a small hill and served as the commander.

The other werewolves had red eyes and gradually lost their sanity, but they still remembered one thing in their deep consciousness, listen to the leader's words and kill the humans.

Sif stared at the werewolves that pounced on her and calculated the distance.

Fifty meters, thirty meters, twenty meters.


Seeing that Sif and Roland did not take action, the werewolves, whose brains had lost their sanity due to the transformation, could not think too much, but instinctively thought that the two humans were scared silly.

Since humans have given up resistance, let's go!


A werewolf jumped high, clawing at Sif's delicate face.

A werewolf galloped close to the ground, aiming at Sif's calf.

Another werewolf approached with snake skin, aiming at Sif's waist.

The last two werewolves circled left and right, attacking Sif's throat and arms respectively.

Although they were unconscious, they still made the best choice based on instinct.

Five meters!

The werewolf's bloodthirsty eyes flickered like lights under the night sky, which was particularly creepy.

The fishy smell on their bodies hit her face.

Sif frowned.

It smelled so bad, not as good as the little golden retriever raised in the palace, who was bathed every day.

She was angry.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Five consecutive gunshots, almost one at a time.

Seven steps away, the gun was fast; within seven steps, the gun was fast and accurate.

The most powerful traditional martial arts, American Iai, was performed under the moonlight.

All five bullets hit the throat.

The five werewolves howled in pain, unable to maintain their wolf form and return to human form. They died with wide eyes after a slight struggle.

Five shots were fired in succession, and each shot was fatal.

Whether it is human or wolf, the throat is an absolute vital point.

Roland cheered secretly and killed the werewolves who rushed up almost at the same time.

The werewolf leader standing on the top of the hill was dumbfounded.

The other werewolves who were charging were instinctively afraid and slowed down their charging speed.

What happened?

Aren't pistols only capable of single shots? How come this human can fire five times in a row?

Although the human male over there can't fire continuously, he can change guns very quickly.

The werewolves are just reckless, not really stupid.

If the guns of these two humans can fire continuously, their charge would be in vain.

The werewolf in the front died, and the werewolves in the middle slowed down and even wanted to retreat.

Seeing that their morale was damaged, the werewolf leader rushed over quickly and howled angrily.

This is the way werewolves communicate.

The other werewolves received very clear instructions from the leader.

"Charge, they are out of bullets!"

Seeing Roland and Sif reloading bullets at the same time, the werewolves knew that what the leader said was right.

We can't give the damned humans a chance to breathe, charge!

More than a dozen werewolves continued to charge.

They were faster and their roars were louder.

The werewolf leader looked anxiously at the ships moored at the dock.

He knew very well that as the gunshots rang out, Roland's men would definitely come to rescue.

They didn't have much time left.

He didn't care about that, pushed aside a werewolf that was blocking the way, and charged into the team.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Three magic bullets flew out.

Sif's pistol had five rounds of ammunition and could fire continuously.

But this could only be considered a top-level mechanical weapon, not a magic weapon.

The real killer was these three magic bullets.

The special magic of arcane, void and annihilation attributes had excellent penetration power on any armor.

Even a warrior wrapped tightly in an iron can could not withstand these three magic bullets.

Sif remembered what Roland said, "To capture a thief, you must capture the thief leader."

She aimed at the werewolf leader's eyes, throat and lower body without hesitation.

As the magic bullets flew out, the werewolf leader was frightened.

Fortunately, the full moon night gave him extremely fast speed.

He barely dodged the void bullets shot at his eyes and the annihilation bullets shot at his throat, but did not dodge the most deadly arcane missiles.

A lavender missile accurately hit the bulge in the thick thigh of the werewolf leader.


A shrill scream sounded, and even the other werewolves were frightened.

Roland drew his sword and chopped off a wolf claw. He saw the bleeding position of the werewolf leader from the corner of his eye, and inexplicably felt a slight chill deep in his thigh.

Isn't this too cruel?

She is the queen after all, how can she be so vicious?

Who did she learn this from?

Roland silently complained as he stabbed the flying knife into the lower body of another werewolf.

As the werewolf leader lost his fighting power, the battle was actually over.

Then the werewolves showed their brave side.

They bravely chose to escape in the unfavorable situation where the battle was one-sided and the leader was captured alive.

He was the leader when he was alive, and the former leader when he died!

No one's life is more valuable than his own!

The werewolves scattered and fled.

Sif didn't have time to clear her throat and started singing directly.

Roland looked at Sif in astonishment.

This, is this the song of the siren?

A bit like it, but the rhythm is a little different.

It is more like a fusion of the song of the elves and the song of the siren recorded in the classics.

Accompanied by the song of the elves, most of the werewolves stopped.

They were intoxicated by the beautiful music, and they all lifted their transformations and returned to human form.

Under the temptation of the song, they regarded the river as their home and walked slowly.

Seeing that these werewolves were about to fall into the water, Roland reminded loudly:

"Werewolves can swim, let them dance, dance hard!"

The sound of horse hooves rang out.

The light cavalry camped at the dock galloped over under the leadership of Jace.

When Jace wanted to support with a spear in hand, he was shocked to see Roland beating the beat, the queen singing, and a group of werewolves dancing foolishly.

What is going on here?

No matter what, these damn wolf cubs dared to sneak attack the queen, they are all guilty of death!

Catch them all!

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