

"Manage people?"

"Is this guy actually a Li Ren?"

When Ming Ye heard what the blond young man said, his memories of Li Ren came to his mind.

Among them, the most profound impression of Li Ren was his grip strength.

Grip strength can be mainly divided into three types. The first is the squeezing force that flattens an object.

The second is the grasping force that grabs an object.

The last is the pinching force of the fingertips.

Li Ren has a natural strong pinching force. He can easily flatten a ten-yuan coin and climb a steep cliff with his bare hands.

What effect will this natural superhuman pinching force have if it acts on the human body?

That is, he can cut off flesh and bones with his fingertips. His fingers are as sharp as razors!

"The name of that move is……"

Before Ming Ye could think carefully, Li Ren's hand had already swung towards his chest.


As Li Ren's five fingers slashed across Ming Ye's chest, a blood mist spread across the sky.

Ming Ye's chest was cut with several cuts of varying depths.

But Li Ren did not show any joy on his face after cutting into Ming Ye's body, but instead showed a strange expression.

Because just at that moment, when he used the razor blade that he was proud of to slash across Ming Ye's body, the feeling was completely different from before!


This is the feeling when the person just passed by.

"It feels completely different from that of ordinary people. This high school kid seems to have a much stronger body! I was planning to cut off his blood supply artery at that distance just now, but I only cut the skin!"

"Who on earth is this guy?"

After discovering that he is different from ordinary people, this is the first time that Li Ren has felt fear for fame.

He discovered that he is different from others when he was in elementary school. He can do things that others cannot do, such as bending coins and destroying objects with fingers.

Since then, he has always thought that he is special! He even gave himself a code name called Li Ren (a man beyond common sense).

Especially recently, someone approached him and wanted to sign him as a fighter at a high price!

This made Li Ren more convinced that he is special.

But today, he seems to have met someone more special than himself!

Not only can a high school kid easily suppress him in terms of strength, but even his own special skill, Razor's Edge, has no effect on him!

""Defeat!" These two words appeared in Li Ren's mind for the first time.

But he immediately put this idea behind him.

"Although this high school kid is stronger and tougher, as long as I can find a chance to rupture his aorta, I can decide the outcome in an instant! I will definitely win!"

But just as Li Ren thought so and was about to launch a second attack, a huge fist suddenly hit him from bottom to top.



A hook punch hit Li Ren's stomach, making a muffled sound like beating a drum, and also made him spit out a large mouthful of blood.

But Mingye's punch still did not stop, hooking Li Ren's body upwards, and the power of the fist penetrated Li Ren's body without reservation, almost making him lose consciousness!

But this is not over yet!


Before he could react, another straight punch hit him in the face!


"So hard! It's just like being hit by a hammer!" This was Li Ren's only thought after being hit.

The moment the fist hit his head, there was a crisp sound in his head, which was the sound of the bridge of his nose breaking.




After being hit by Ming Ye Ming Ye, Li Ren rolled backwards for several rounds until he hit the wall and stopped.

Then his body collapsed to the ground powerlessly, and it seemed that he lost consciousness.

Seeing this.

Ming Ye turned his head and said to Wu Fengshui lightly:"Let go!"

This made Wu Fengshui, who had just been shocked by the power of Ming Ye's fist, let go of her hand immediately. She looked at Ming Ye with surprise in her eyes.

"Although I've heard from Horisu before that this guy is very strong, the power of this fist is too scary!"

"This power is stronger than the liberation of many people in the tribe! It is indeed a monster!"

Wu Fengshui thought in his heart.

But he still did not lose his acting skills on the surface. He leaned against the wall and pretended to be pitiful and said weakly to Mingye:"Yes... I'm sorry, I was too scared, and my foot was injured, so I couldn't help but hug you. I'm so sorry!"

""Can you forgive me?" She looked at Mingye with her big watery eyes and blinked deliberately. (She had contact lenses, so her eyes looked like those of ordinary people.)

But Mingye ignored her and turned his head away.

Because over there, Li Ren was holding on to the wall and slowly stood up.



A string of thin blood flowed down Li Ren's nose, just like a faucet that was not closed tightly.

The bent and flat nose on his face was also extremely shocking, but Li Ren's eyes were surprisingly calm at this moment.


Spiting the blood and broken teeth in his mouth on the ground, Li Ren opened his five fingers on both hands again and put on that strange posture again.

Then he took a deep breath and rushed towards Mingye.

"I still have a chance to win! As long as I use the razor's edge to cut his artery! The final winner will be me!"

"Superman always defeats the monster in the end, so I will definitely win!"

Li Ren stared at Ming Ye and said in his heart, and a hint of madness appeared in his eyes.

The identity of his opponent and the reason for the battle were no longer important.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, that is, he must not lose!

Seeing Li Ren like this, Ming Ye clenched his fists again.

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