

Ming Ye seemed to have turned a deaf ear to the blond youth's words. He continued to walk straight towards him. When Ming Ye approached him, the blond youth realized that the high school student in front of him was actually taller than him.

Moreover, the broad shoulders and muscles that could not be fully covered even under the wide school uniform made the blond youth unable to help but stare at him.

But the blond youth still had no intention of retreating.

He continued to say to Ming Ye in a threatening tone:"Little boy, I warn you one last time, get out of my sight quickly, and don't disturb the precious time alone between me and this lady!"

In response, Ming Ye said nothing, but stood in front of Wu Fengshui with his hands in his pockets, blocking her behind him, and looked down at the blond youth in front of him with indifferent eyes.

When Wu Fengshui saw the broad back blocking him, his eyes rolled.

As if pretending to be injured, he staggered to his feet with the help of the wall, then carefully put his hands on Ming Ye's back and leaned his head out, looking at Ming Ye pitifully.

This made Mingye glance at her briefly, but only for a moment, and then he turned his gaze to the blond young man.

Mingye's performance made Wu Fengshui slightly frustrated. She had just wanted to take the opportunity to say a few words to win Mingye's sympathy.

In the end, he only glanced at her?

""You really don't understand romance!" Wu Fengshui muttered in her heart, but she didn't say much, just standing obediently behind Mingye.

Her mother taught her since she was a child that if she wanted a man to fall in love with her, she couldn't just keep pressing him, but had to find the right time to strike at the critical moment.


But what Wu Fengshui didn't expect was that although her action didn't affect Ming Ye, it did cause a big shock to the blond young man beside him.

"Why, why is this girl so close to this high school student? I was the one who saved her!" The blond young man looked at Wu Fengshui who was leaning on Mingye's back, and felt a sudden emptiness in his heart, as if something that belonged to him was taken away.

This also made a sense of humiliation arise from the bottom of his heart, and anger gradually appeared in his eyes when he looked at Mingye.

But even though Mingye was stared at by him like this, he still had no reaction, and his expression was still indifferent, as if he had never taken the blond young man seriously.

This made the blond young man even more angry.

The atmosphere in the field also gradually began to change, and this change made Wu Fengshui's eyes light up.

She had thought that the blond young man was just a slightly more powerful trash.

Unexpectedly, he seemed to have some skills.

"This is a good opportunity to observe Fujii Meiye's strength!" Thinking of this, Wu Fengshui decided to stimulate the blond youth again, and test Mingye by the way!

Then he pretended to be frightened and hugged Mingye from behind. Although the difference in size between him and Mingye was too huge, he could only hug half of Mingye's waist. (Height 164cm, weight 49kg).

But this action still completely hurt the blond youth's heart.

He finally couldn't help but yell at Mingye:"Bastard! Don't come to steal my woman!"

As he said that, he punched Mingye in the face.

The blond youth's behavior made Mingye speechless.

"You showed up to beat up the gangsters, but you started playing the role of the gangsters, and then you automatically regarded the person you saved as your woman? Do you think I am the bad guy? I came out to steal your woman?"

"This logic is simply explosive!"

So Mingye didn't say much, just fight if you want to!

At the moment when the blond young man's fist was about to attack.


Mingye blocked his face with his palm and took the punch.

And took advantage of the situation to grasp the blond young man's fist firmly in his hand.

This made the blond young man's eyes change. He didn't expect that the high school student in front of him could actually take his fist!

So he struggled hard to escape from Mingye's hand.

But no matter how hard he tried, that hand still held his fist tightly, and he couldn't get rid of it at all!

At this time, Mingye turned his wrist, and the young man's fist turned with it, and the whole body and wrist turned together, which made the blond young man's body gradually bend towards the ground.

The sudden change made the blond young man's face look not very good.

At this time, Mingye took off his glasses with his other hand, and then let go of the blond young man's hand.

The blond young man quickly took this opportunity to distance himself from Mingye



The blond young man gasped violently, looking at Ming Ye with eyes full of vigilance. His forehead was covered with cold sweat. He never expected that Ming Ye would have such a strange power.

Ming Ye didn't care about the reaction of the blond young man.

After putting his glasses in his pocket, he raised his head and said to the blond young man lightly:"You can continue now!"

"He just wanted to take off his glasses? And he let me go even though he had the chance to subdue me?"Thinking of this, the blond young man couldn't help but tremble violently.

Not because of fear or terror.

But because the behavior of this person in front of him simply didn't take him seriously at all! In his eyes, he was not a worthy opponent!

A mere high school student! He treated him like this!

"You bastard!"

"How dare you look down on me, Master Li Ren! I will make you pay the price!"

Li Ren was so angry! His eyes were bloodshot and he shouted angrily at Ming Ye.

Then he opened his hands, his five fingers formed into claws, and swung at Ming Ye while sprinting!

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