Immortals are not like mortals. They have a long life, and the immortals care least about human relationships.

Especially for immortals like Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun who are obsessed with mechanical arts, a strange colleague is not worth her time to remember.

But Jiang Xun is different. He is remembered not only because he is the emperor's friend, but more importantly because of what he has done in the past.

Whether it is the battle of Guiliji or the one with Yaksha, he played a role in turning the tide of the battle.

Although it is unknown how the other party survived and reappeared beside them, doesn't this just show that the other party's strength is unfathomable?

Whether it is the affirmation of strength or the respect for achievements, it is worth her remembering.

But why is he here?

"Good evening, Mr. Liuyun"

Jiang Xun nodded and then said

" I just heard you say you wanted to discuss how to teach apprentices. I have some experience and I can discuss it with you."

The disciple Jiang Xun mentioned was naturally the salt god Heulia. She had grown from a weak demon god to what she is now. Jiang felt that his teaching must have contributed to her success.

" Really? Mr. Jiang has done this kind of research. It would be a great thing to discuss this with Mr. Jiang."

" However, I need to help my apprentice now, otherwise there will be problems.".....

"Oh? Master, aren't you worried that your disciple will be disappointed in you?"

Jiang Xun's sudden words made Master Liuyun, who was about to take off, put away his wings and looked at Jiang Xun with a puzzled look.

"What do you mean?";

" Master Zhenjun, you might as well think about it. This is the practice you arranged for her, but in the end she was saved by her own master because she did not listen to the master's advice. Will this plant the seeds of self-blame in her heart?";

"Will I reduce communication with you because of self-blame from now on?"

Jiang Xun talked nonsense with reason and evidence. Although what he said was just speculation, he never said that it would definitely happen. After all, he always used"whether".

In the end, it is up to the person involved to think about it. If the other party insists on saving him, then he can't do anything.

However, Jiang Xun seemed to underestimate Liu Yun's concern for his apprentice Shen He.

After hearing his explanation, although she didn't completely believe it, she found that there was nothing wrong with it. It was indeed possible.

She was also very concerned about this apprentice. He had grown up with her since childhood. Shen He was also the one with the most similar personality to her, so naturally she had different feelings for him.

" Then please tell me, what should I do?"

Liu Yun asked modestly.

Her arrogance was only directed at mortals and enemies, and she did not show it to Jiang Xun, who was also an immortal.

" Simple, I have a way to destroy the evil spirit without her finding it, so that I can complete my cultivation and destroy the evil spirit at the same time."......

" Is this possible? That would be troublesome."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun thought about it and found that it was indeed possible. Because she was obsessed with mechanical engineering, her attack methods were relatively simple. Once she attacked, she would definitely not be able to hide from Shen He, who had lived with her for many years.

" No problem"

Jiang Xun saw that the other party agreed, so he agreed immediately.

Then he turned his eyes to the monster that was still absorbing the power of the earth veins like a toad.

During the time the two of them were talking, it had recovered almost completely. After all, absorbing the power of the earth veins was already a piece of cake for it.

With proficiency, the efficiency would naturally not be bad.

" I've let you get away with it for so long, you should pay the price"

Jiang Xun said to himself, and then he swiped his finger slightly in the direction of it.

It was like cutting off some connection.

The finger slid across the space with a trace of barely detectable lightning, which could not be found if you did not look carefully.

This action also confused Master Liuyun Jiefeng, because Jiang Xun did not move after swiping.

Instead, he looked at the monster with a smile on his face.

After a few seconds, the monster, who was originally proud, seemed to feel something shocking.

The huge eyes widened, and then the lightning on his body instantly dimmed, and then various other elemental powers appeared on his body.

This is the backlash of the earth vein.

Jiang Xun's previous stroke cut off the transmission of lightning elements in the earth veins to it, which also led to a large increase in the number of other elements transmitted.

This monster itself can only use lightning elements, and was suddenly infused with other elements. At this time, the wound was torn open again, and dark blood flowed out, which was even more miserable than before recovery.

The monster instantly let out a shrill scream, and this scream also attracted the attention of Shen He who was still hesitating.

She looked at the monster with a puzzled look at this time. She didn't understand why the other party became so miserable in such a short time.

But this was obviously not what she should care about. Now was the time when the other party was weak. No matter what the reason was, her master taught her that she couldn't talk about morality when dealing with enemies.

Almost in an instant, Shen He picked up the spear and ran towards the other party quickly.

While running, she cast immortal magic, and the talisman formed by the ice element appeared in her hand, resisting the attack that was weakened by more than half. In a blink of an eye, her figure appeared in front of the other party, and without hesitation, she stabbed it with a gun.

The disaster relief in her hand revealed a faint cold light at this time, like the arrival of the god of death, wanting to harvest life.


The sound of the collision between the sharp weapon and flesh and blood, the spear pierced the heart, and the blood rushed, and in an instant it stained a large area.

Wherever the blood passed, all the flowers and plants withered.

Shen He glanced at the lifeless monster, pulled out the Zai Xi, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

She shook off the blood on the weapon, turned around and left, but there was still a trace of contemplation on her face. She was still wondering why the monster was suddenly seriously injured.

Was it really an operational error?

" Well, let's go back and ask the master."

" It's over. Thanks to Mr. Jiang for his help."

Master Liuyunjiefeng seemed very satisfied with the result. I don’t know if he was really fooled by Jiang Xun’s words just now and thought this was a good ending.

" No problem, I will go to Master Liuyun to discuss the details of teaching."

Jiang Xun waved his hand and said

" Mr. Jiang wants to come, I will definitely welcome you, then I will leave first"

Jiang Xun nodded, and then the other party left quickly.

Watching the other party's figure leaving, he was already thinking about how to get the lazy cooking artifact.

That's right, Jiang Xun's goal this time was the other party's mechanical technique that could automatically cook.

He has always wanted to try it.

It's just that he is not familiar with Master Liuyun Jiefeng, so he just took this opportunity to build a relationship with him and borrow that thing to play with for a few days.

Although the principle of the invention is a bit strange, the taste of the food seems to be good, and Jiang Xun said he is looking forward to it.

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