Following the gaze, a white-haired woman was fighting a monster emitting black air.

The monster was not a hillbilly, but a mutated animal. It still retained the characteristics of an animal, and its original form could be vaguely seen.

Jiang Xun also knew about monsters with such characteristics: a raptor that was twisted and mutated because of gnawing on a great life form. The great life forms mentioned here refer to the demon gods. After the death of the demon gods, their corpses are often mixed with a will that can never be quiet. After being mistakenly eaten by animals, the murder and tyranny mixed in them will naturally enter their bodies.

While gaining powerful power, they become bloodthirsty and violent. However, this kind of monster is rare in Liyue, but there are many on the neighboring Xumi land.

After all, there are not many scavengers of this kind who eat corpses on the land of Liyue.

As for the identity of the woman, Jiang Xun also knew it. Whether in the past life or now, the name Shen He must have a place in the hearts of many players.

Not only because of her status as a big crutch with ice attributes, but more importantly, it also meets the XP of many players. After all, who doesn't love a tall lady in a tights?

However, Jiang Xun's attention was not focused on this at this time. After all, he had experienced many battles, so it was naturally impossible to be attracted by the scenery in front of him.


The monster was very angry and suddenly roared, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes. Then the next second, a large amount of thunder elemental power emerged from his body.

Jiang Xun, who was in the dark, saw this and watched with great interest. He only knew that this thing had gained physical enhancement because of eating the remains of the demon god, but he didn't expect that it could also use elemental power.

If it can be allowed to grow, will it grow into a real demon god?

However, Jiang Xun quickly concluded that there is such a possibility, but the probability of success is like finding a needle in a haystack.

How difficult it is for ordinary creatures to achieve a leap in the level of life, and not everyone is like Jiang Xun, who can move the truth.

But even he dare not use it casually now. This ability that violates the rules of the upper level still has great side effects.

Jiang Xun doesn't want to experience the state of being possessed by a virtual god again.

Boom - a wave of air spread across the ground, mixed with the power of ice and thunder. The surrounding trees and land were either frozen or charred by lightning.

At this time, the battle below had reached a white-hot stage. Both sides used elemental power, and the impact it produced was more than one level greater than before.

Fortunately, there were few people here, otherwise accidental injuries would be inevitable.


The two separated again, but the situation at this time was a bit obvious. Although Shen He was strong, she was still a human body in the end.

At this time, her clothes were also somewhat damaged, and her fair skin had many more blood-red wounds.

On the other hand, the monster's wounds were more serious than Shen He's because it fought by instinct.

But the advantage of monsters over humans lies in their physical bodies, not to mention that they are alien monsters that can absorb the power of the earth veins.

I saw it roar, and there was another flash of lightning on its body, and the original huge gap was also disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feeling his body gradually recover, the monster's ferocious eyes showed a hint of teasing. He knew that the human in front of him could not absorb the power of the earth veins like himself.

As long as he continued to recover, the other party would be dragged down by him sooner or later.

" Trouble."

When Shen He saw the monster's appearance, she naturally understood that she could not give it a chance to breathe, so she immediately gathered her strength and rushed towards it.

The monster was absorbing the power of the earth veins at this time. If the connection with the earth veins was cut off forcefully, the power in it would inevitably get out of control, and the consequence of this loss of control would be its damage.

Shen He kept killing the other party with a gun, but the monster seemed to have been prepared, and the thunder element bombarded it wildly, hindering the other party's progress. Shen

He is now injured, and all physical abilities have declined. Under such intensive attacks, he can't get close.

In the end, he had no choice but to retreat to his original position. This move was more like a play in the eyes of the monster, as if a powerful creature was playing a game against a weak creature.

Shen He's rainbow pupils had a hint of anxiety, she She knew that the current situation was not favorable for her.

But she was a little hesitant. If she ran away, it would not only mean that her training had failed due to her master, but this monster would also pose a threat to the creatures around her.

But if she didn't run away, she would most likely die on the spot. For a moment, she was caught in a dilemma.

On one side was her own life, and on the other side were the creatures of Liyue. For her, who had rarely experienced choices, she didn't know how to choose for a moment.

Jiang Xun also noticed the situation off the field. He knew that if no external force intervened at this time, the final result would definitely not be good.

But he was not in a hurry to take action, because there was a fourth person on the field.

Jiang Xun looked deeply at a corner covered by branches and leaves. Looking inside, a blue and white crane was staring at the field with some uneasiness. He was still muttering in his mouth.

" Shen He, didn't I tell you that you must run away first when you encounter an enemy stronger than you? Why are you still hesitating?!"

There was some dissatisfaction in the voice of Master Liuyun Jiefeng. She had told her disciple before the trial that he must not show off his strength.

But now it was obvious that he didn't listen to her words.

"Alas, when will this child finally listen to me? I have to study it carefully when I get back."

"Maybe, I can give you some suggestions"

Jiang Xun's voice suddenly penetrated Liu Yun's ears.

What's the noise?!

This sudden scene really scared Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun, and he subconsciously flapped his wings to fly into the sky.

But when he turned around, he saw Jiang Xun with a smile on his face, and he saw that he was looking at him with a playful look.

I didn't expect that Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun, who seemed to be arrogant and didn't care about anything, was actually so worried about his apprentice behind his back. It was an interesting thing

" You are...The one beside the emperor"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun obviously recognized Jiang Xun's identity. He would chat with Zhongli from time to time, which naturally attracted the attention of these immortals.

They all knew that the person in front of them was the emperor's best friend. Not only that, he seemed to have a close relationship with the five guardian Yakshas and Guizhong.

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