After Jiang Xun nodded, he felt a special energy surrounding his body, and the space around him began to distort.

Then, he felt his eyes blurred, and he appeared in a wasteland.

\"System, where did you take me?

Jiang Xun looked at this barren place, confused. Where was the promised rescue of Yaksha?

How did he end up in a wasteland?

He couldn't just cut off his head and eat Zhenjun. Should he consider saving himself now?

\"The host is currently in the Demon War period of Liyue\"

\"Mission 1 has been started. Please protect yourself and complete the mission.\"

The random ability of this mission is: Devour

Jiang Xun: ???

Are you forcing me to do something?

Self-protection, how do you want me to protect myself?......Wait, did it give me an ability?

Jiang Xun reacted at this time. He found that there seemed to be something different in himself at the beginning, but he didn't recover because he couldn't adapt for a while.

Then Jiang Xun clicked on the ability called Devour.

Looking at this super cool name, it must be something that only super VIPs can have!

This is indeed the case.

Skill: Devour

Introduction: It can absorb all the power of everything in the world to strengthen itself. (Note that the body's tolerance must be considered)

After reading the introduction, Jiang Xun felt invincible, and a burst of invincible BGM sounded around him inexplicably.

This ability is simply an extraordinary existence!

No matter what kind of power it is, it can be swallowed. Doesn't that mean that you can become stronger by eating anything?

Of course, except for Aoli!.....

Buka guru (I'm hungry)

Ya!! (People!!)

Jiang Xun didn't feel proud for long before he heard a few words coming from behind that he couldn't understand.

But it felt very familiar, so Jiang Xun quickly recalled it.

Oh~ It's QQ people. After figuring it out, Jiang Xun ran away.

How arrogant he was just now, how fast he ran now.

Although he did get a perverted ability, he still had to give it time to develop, right?

Mosi mita! (Eat meat!)

The hill people behind him didn't seem to want to give Jiang Xun the opportunity to say"Don't bully the poor young man", but wanted to directly advance to"The dead are the greatest".

It can be said that he didn't follow the ethics of martial arts!

But even though Jiang Xun was running, the distance between the hill people and him was still getting closer and closer.

After all, he was just an ordinary person, and the group behind him were the hill people during the Demon God War.

Under the influence of the power of the Demon God, their physical fitness was generally strong, so Jiang Xun naturally couldn't run faster.

Seeing the shouting behind him getting closer and closer, Jiang Xun's lungs were working at high speed, and adrenaline was constantly secreted, making his speed a few points faster than usual.

But it was still useless.

Just when he wanted to turn around and give it a try, he heard the hillbillies behind him screaming.

Jiang Xun heard the noise and couldn't help but look back. He saw a woman with waist-length blue hair standing in front of him, and the hillbillies were all lying on the ground.

The woman's claws kept dripping with blood, but Jiang Xun knew that it was all the monsters'

\"Which demon god's people are you from? Why are you here? \"

The gentle voice like water entered Jiang Xun's ears, and he enjoyed it just by listening to it.

\"I....The god I believe in was killed by other demons, and now I don't know where to go?"

Jiang Xun lied casually.

The reason why he didn't talk about surviving in the wilderness was because it was impossible. During the war between demons, demons were rampant, and humans would not survive without the protection of demons.

Sure enough, after hearing what Jiang Xun said, Fa Nan believed it, and his blue eyes showed sympathy.

In the war between demons, no matter whether they win or lose, humans will suffer in the end.

\"I see, then have you ever thought about changing your beliefs?"

Fanan asked.

\"As long as I can survive, I don't mind changing my beliefs\"

\"Well, you will become a believer of the Emperor in the future. The Emperor is very strong and he will definitely protect you!"

Fanan was full of confidence when talking about the Emperor.

Jiang Xun naturally knew who the Emperor was.

Morax, the most secure man in Teyvat!

But Fanan would never have thought that the powerful and majestic Emperor she was talking about would become a credit expert who went out without money thousands of years later?

\"Okay, then I will believe in the Emperor from now on.\"

Jiang Xun replied with a smile.

He has a clean and handsome appearance, and his smile can really make people like him at first sight.

This is also one of the subjective reasons why Fanan is willing to believe him.

\"Let's go. I'll take you back to Liyue Harbor first.\"(Liyue Harbor was built before the Demon God War)

Fanan said and walked in another direction.

Jiang Xun hurriedly followed.

However, when he took a step, he felt a sharp pain in his leg.

Looking down, he found that he had cut it when he was running.

Fanan, who was walking in front, found that Jiang Xun had not caught up, and went up to check and found that Jiang Xun's leg was injured.

\"Wait a minute\"

Fanan said as she turned into a blue light and disappeared.

But soon, she came back with some herbs in her hand.

As a guardian yaksha, it was inevitable to get injured when fighting monsters, and she had some experience in bandaging.

She asked Jiang Xun to sit down, and then Fanan squatted down and began to do some simple bandaging.


The irritating substances in the herbs kept irritating the wound, causing Jiang Xun's legs to tremble.

\"Don't move, it will be fine soon\"

The voice of Fa Nan Rou Shui came.

Jiang Xun endured the pain and tried to control his thigh from shaking.

Soon, the bandage was completed, Jiang Xun stood up and found that he could walk normally.

\"Thank you\"

\"Nothing, let's go.\"

Along the way, Jiang Xun found that this land was very desolate, with traces of war everywhere. It was naturally incomparable to the Liyue land of later generations......

There is a guardian who is trying to defeat this���With the guidance of Cha, the journey was quite safe.

Back at Liyue Harbor, everything was in its most primitive state. Under the war, the development of Liyue would not be good.

\"Okay, go report yourself, take care of your legs, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first.\"

After Fanan finished speaking, he turned into a blue light and disappeared.

Along the way, the other party also explained to Jiang Xun some of the current things in Liyue Port.

He was still clear about who to report to.

All the way to the General Affairs Department, Jiang Xun directly stated the purpose of his visit.

Because it was a special period, there were many people like Jiang Xun who came to seek refuge every day.

Therefore, the registration process was much more convenient than that of Liyue in the future.

\"Okay, your formalities are complete, welcome to join Liyue Harbor\"

\"Thank you\"

After taking the ID card with his name engraved on it, Jiang Xun thanked him and left.

But next, he needs to think about how to carry out the mission.

The purpose of the mission is to save the Yaksha clan.

But he is an ordinary person now, and he can't even beat the Qiuqiu people, let alone save them.

But at this time, he suddenly thought of the ability given by the system, swallowing.

Most Yakshas die because of the loss of control of karma entering the body, so wouldn't it be over if he just swallowed the karma?

To put it bluntly, karma is the resentment left by the devil, and it is also a kind of power.

His ability is said to swallow everything. Isn't swallowing a small karma as simple as drinking water?

But as the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and he still needs to give it a try.

So he began to use the ability he has cultivated in the past two years.

\"Hey everyone, Jiang's medical stall is open for business. Do you often have nightmares? Are you tortured by pain all the time? Do you sometimes lose control of your desire to kill? Come to me, I guarantee to cure all diseases!"

Jiang Xun found a chair and moved a table, sat directly on the street, and then started shouting.

His three conditions can be said to be completely set up for the situation when the Yaksha is sick.

When the time comes, as long as a Yaksha comes, there will be hope for him to open the stall!

As for being asked why he knows the symptoms of the outbreak of karma, just say that the master taught him. Anyway, in this era where demons are running all over the place, this reason is more convincing.

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