"Hi, hi, hi, good morning, everyone. Today I want to recommend the 8848 titanium alloy Dudu communicator. This is imported from Mond. The quality is very guaranteed. It can not only make calls, but also be used as a bomb. It can be said to be both offensive and defensive......Hey hey hey, what are you doing?!"

"Brother Xun, I'm still recommending it, the Qianyan Army is coming!"

The accomplice next to him said hurriedly

"Oh, I thought it was......"Fuck, hurry up!"

Jiang Xun quickly picked up the package on the ground and ran away.

But the next second, a flash of lightning flashed, and a purple-haired, twin-tailed cat girl appeared in front of Jiang Xun.

If it was normal, Jiang Xun would naturally find this purple-haired, black-stockinged, long-legged girl very pleasing to the eye, but the situation was different now.

Because the other party was here to catch him.

"Humph, Jiang Xun, it's you again. How many times have you violated business regulations this month?"

""Master Keqing, there is nothing I can do. We need to eat!"

Seeing that he could not escape, Jiang Xun shrugged helplessly.

"Why don't you find a proper job? Why do you have to stay here?���"Illegal business?!"

Keqing was speechless for a moment.

He had hands and feet, and looked good, but he just didn't want to find a proper job.

In the past two years, he had been setting up a stall here every day, selling some goods that he didn't know where they came from. It can be said that her workload increased a lot because of this guy.

" Isn't this asking you to boost your sales performance?;

"What did you say?"

Keqing glared at him.

"Ahem, um, Master Keqing, I think what I am doing now is more legal than some serious jobs."

Jiang Xun said intentionally or unintentionally

""Oh? Really? Then go back and tell me. Take him away!"

Keqing gave an order, and the Qianyan Army behind her came forward, holding a pair of handcuffs.

"Brother Wang, no need. We are so familiar with each other. I won't run away."

"Hey, Xiaoxun, it's just a formality, just put your hand in, I won't lock it.

Qianyanjun, who was called Brother Wang, said to Jiang Xun quietly.


Although he was a little reluctant, Jiang Xun still put his hand in.

He led them all the way to the interrogation room, and Keqing turned on the interrogation light.


Jiang Xun was blinded by the light and screamed like a pig being slaughtered.

"Stop shouting and tell me, what do you know?"

"Did I mention there's a bonus?"

"How about I reward you with a ten-day trip to the cell?"

Keqing said with a gloomy face.

"No, no."

Seeing that the other party seemed a little angry, Jiang Xun stopped joking and said

"Ahem, there's a lot of information this time. You know the two fishmongers at the port, they maliciously raised the price, and there was an old man who diluted the wine with water to deceive consumers. And......"

Jiang Xun listed several vendors' criminal records, which he learned by chance when he was setting up stalls.

It seemed that except for not having formal business procedures, he was more law-abiding than them. After all, the things he sold were real and the prices were not high.

Keqing also took up a pen and wrote down the names of the people Jiang Xun mentioned one by one.

She would investigate them later.

""Master Keqing, I have said so much, can you let me go?"

Jiang Xun said in a flattering manner.

"No, wait until I find out. If you didn't lie to me, then it will be considered as making amends."

Keqing rejected Jiang's request without mercy.

Then she turned and left.

Seeing her posture, Jiang Xun knew that she must have gone to investigate.

Looking at her back as she left quickly, Jiang sighed.

Then he entered a cell very skillfully, locked it, and his movements were so smooth that the cellmates next to him were stunned. It was obvious that he was the big brother, with experience! Seeing

Keqing leave, the guard standing guard at the door also took the opportunity to slip in, took a stool and sat in front of him.

"Brother Jiang, what are you selling this time?"

"Oh? Brother Zhang, are you interested? My stuff this time is high-end Mondstadt merchandise, and it's also an alchemical product."

"Hey, remember to leave me a....I left first. If someone saw me, they would think I skipped work."

After saying that, the Qianyan soldier named Zhang left.

The cell was once again calm.

Jiang Xun closed his eyes with a bored look on his face and prepared to go to sleep.

According to the previous process, when he wakes up, Keqing will come back and let him out.

Jiang Xun came to the continent of Teyvat inexplicably two years ago.

As a player of the original god, although he once fantasized about traveling through time, he would still be confused when the day really came.

However, with the idea of making the best of it, he originally planned to rely on his advantage of knowing the plot in advance to see if he could make a name for himself in Liyue.

But the facts proved that this was difficult. After all, he was just an ordinary person, and suddenly he made some remarks about the future. Whether anyone believed it or not was not the point.

But before he succeeded, he knew that he would definitely be arrested as a charlatan.

Jiang Xun did not want to find a proper job, but he had neither a skill nor anything special.

Of course, except for being handsome! (Self-admitted)

"Alas, where is my system?"

Jiang Xun couldn't help but sigh.

Why do other people who traveled through time have systems, cheat all the way, and then reach the top of the world, while I am still arguing with others about why a greenhorn should be paid two yuan per pound.

Is this reasonable? This is unreasonable!

" Ding Dong, the host is detected to be dissatisfied with himself, and the dissatisfied system is activated"


"Ahhhh, who is it?!";

" I'm telling you, don't play tricks, I know a criminal in the law, be careful or I'll let her sentence you to death!"

Jiang Xun suddenly heard a sound in his mind, and he jumped up in fright, and threatened directly.

His eyes looked left and right from time to time

" This system is a peace system, the purpose is to change those unpleasant things that have already happened."

" System?!"

Jiang Xun was no longer afraid when he heard these two words, and the tension on his face instantly turned into joy.

" Tongzi, you are finally here. Do you know how I have been living these past two years?"

Jiang Xun complained directly to the air, no matter if he had done it or not, he would just say it no matter how miserable it was.

" Please don't make up stories, I know all your experiences"

Jiang Xun:......

" You should have said it earlier, you cheated on my feelings"

System:? ?

However, the system didn't seem to want to argue with him, and directly threw out a panel.

Mission 1: The Sorrow of Yaksha.

Liyue has the prosperity it has today, and behind it there is a group of people who have sacrificed their lives. However, even if these people have sacrificed their lives, they are still unknown to the people. Please save them and save the tragedy of the Yaksha clan.

Reward: Unknown

Penalty: None

Yes/No Accept

Jiang Xun thought about it, and then clicked yes.

He also felt uncomfortable about the sacrifice of the Yaksha clan when he was going through the plot before. Now he has the opportunity to change all this, why not take action?

What's more, there is a reward but no punishment.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has a soft heart, and he definitely didn't agree because of the reward.

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