Immortality: My talent for cultivating immortals can be refreshed

Chapter 30 Who says he can’t do it (please read it!)

Chapter 30 Who says he can’t do it

"Senior Brother Zhuang!" Chu Ning bowed his hand.

Zhuang Yunde's round face was still full of smiles as before.

"Junior Brother Chu, the harvest of spiritual rice is okay. I am here to collect the harvest on behalf of the sect."

Chu Ning nodded, "It's okay. Lingmi is inside. Senior brother, please come with me."

Zhuang Yunde followed Chu Ning into the house, reached out and grabbed Lingmi, then nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Well, junior brother, this spiritual rice is of high quality.

According to the sect's rules, half of the average harvest of spiritual plants grown by disciples is handed over to the sect.

The average harvest of Lingmi per mu is 700 kilograms of rice, and the rice yield rate is 70%. One mu is 490 kilograms, and 5 acres is 2,450 kilograms, and the yield is 1,225 kilograms. "

Speaking of this, Zhuang Yunde smiled and said:

"Junior Brother Chu, this spiritual rice is of high quality. According to the sect's regulations, the quantity can be appropriately reduced, so please hand over 1,100 kilograms."

Hearing Zhuang Yunde's words, Chu Ning smiled and thanked him.

The price of this spiritual rice is about 50 kilograms for a piece of low-grade spiritual stone. Zhuang Yunde saved Chu Ning two and a half pieces of low-grade spiritual stone.

Of course, Chu Ning did not tell Zhuang Yunde.

The spiritual rice he planted was due to the diligent use of Qingmu Chunhua Technique, and the harvest from one acre was 800 kilograms.

Moreover, the rice yield rate has reached 75%, and the total amount of rice is about 3,000 kilograms, so the family actually has some extra.

Later, the two divided 1,100 kilograms of spiritual rice.

Zhuang Yunde took out a leather bag from his waist and patted it, and the 1,100 kilograms of spiritual rice disappeared immediately.

Seeing this, Chu Ning's eyes subconsciously fell on the bag.

"This is a storage bag." Zhuang Yunde saw Chu Ning's gaze and explained.

"This one was specially given to me by the sect, and it has a larger space.

Generally, you can buy a storage bag with a small space for 20 spirit stones.

Junior Brother Chu's harvest of spiritual rice and black bamboo is so good that he should be able to buy one. "

Chu Ning was a little moved, but she still shook her head and said, "It's too expensive. I can't afford it now."

He didn't mean to be low-key when he said this, but he really didn't have that many spirit stones.

After the spiritual rice harvested this season was handed over to the sect, there were still 1,900 kilograms left.

Converted into spiritual stones, it was 38 yuan. He was not willing to spend 20 yuan to buy a storage bag at once.

After all, Chu Ning has not even tried to practice with spirit stones.

Of course, going forward, being able to make talisman paper after harvesting the Mo Lingzhu is another matter.

Chu Ning thought of Mo Lingzhu, and immediately took out a bag from the side and filled it with another bag of about 50 kilograms of spiritual rice.

Then he handed it to Zhuang Yunde calmly, who was about to leave.

"Senior Brother Zhuang, thank you for taking care of me during this period. This bag of rice is a little thought from me."

"Junior Brother Chu, you are too polite!" Zhuang Yunde said, but did not refuse.

Instead, he reached out to take it and put it into another smaller storage bag with extremely skillful techniques.

"Junior Brother Chu, I will leave first and come back to collect the Black Spirit Bamboo in a few days."

"Senior Brother Zhuang, walk slowly."

After seeing Zhuang Yunde out of the courtyard, Chu Ning slowly closed the courtyard door and returned to the house.

It is said that the world of immortality is not only about fighting and killing, but also about human relations. This is true.

Although this Senior Brother Zhuang is a bit greedy for money, he is really willing to help when he is busy.

With his performance today, the other party should be able to take care of the next harvest of Mo Lingzhu.

Moreover, Chu Ning also had other plans for the deal he had made with the other party regarding the recommendation.


But on the other side, after leaving Chu Ning's courtyard, Zhuang Yunde began to go to other people's residences.

After a while, they arrived at the place where Yuan Guang lived.

Zhuang Yunde collected Yuan Guangling's rice harvest as usual and was preparing to leave.

Yuan Guang coughed slightly and called Zhuang Yunde:

"Senior Brother Zhuang, I heard that the room can regularly recommend a handyman disciple to learn skills. I wonder if this news is true?"

Zhuang Yunde, who was about to leave, turned half around and looked at Yuan Guang with a smile.

"Oh, Junior Brother Yuan wants to recommend himself?"

Yuan Guang rubbed his hands and replied quickly: "I hope Senior Brother Zhuang will make it happen."

Zhuang Yunde immediately shook his head.

"You're too late. This recommendation qualification has already been given to Chu Ning."

"Chun Ning?"

Yuan Guang exclaimed.

"He...what was he recommended to study?"

Zhuang Yunde didn't hide anything and said directly: "Making talisman paper. Chu Ning grows black bamboo, so the most suitable one is to make talisman paper."

When Yuan Guang heard this, he immediately said anxiously:

"However, the quality of the Mo Ling Bamboo he grew is not good at all. How can he still be recommended to learn how to make talisman paper?"

"Who said the quality of his Mo Lingzhu is not good?" Zhuang Yunde glanced at Yuan Guang in surprise.

Then he remembered what happened when he took everyone to the spiritual field, and he seemed to vaguely understand something.

I sighed secretly in my heart, "This Junior Brother Chu is really very low-key. He hasn't shown off to anyone for so long."

With this thought in his mind, Zhuang Yunde looked at Yuan Guang with a smile, his tone a little more playful.

"Junior Brother Chu Ning is very good at practicing the Qingmu Chunhua Technique, and the Black Spirit Bamboo he grows is also of high quality."

Hearing Zhuang Yunde's words, the anxious expression on Yuan Guang's face instantly turned into astonishment.

Immediately, his stunned expression turned into embarrassment.

Thinking of the scene they met on the road two days ago, and thinking of everyone showing off his purple sweet potato in front of Chu Ning, Yuan Guang's face felt a little hot.

At this time, Yuan Guang was still unclear, since Chu Ning's planting of Mo Ling Bamboo could be approved by Zhuang Yunde.

That must be a higher level than him in spell cultivation and spiritual plant cultivation.

Fortunately, he specially asked others to come and see him harvest the purple sweet potato fruits in two days.

Thinking again if other new disciples knew the truth in the future, Yuan Guang's lowered face suddenly turned red and white.

Under Zhuang Yunde's smiling gaze that seemed to see through everything, he felt like he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

So much so that Zhuang Yunde was not even noticed when he left.

When Yuan Guang raised his head again and wanted to ask more questions, Zhuang Yunde was nowhere to be seen.

Two days later, Chu Ning accidentally met Yuan Guang on the road.

The other party left in a hurry with a complicated expression on his face, which surprised Chu Ning.

However, Chu Ning did not think about this. He continued to focus on cultivating the Seven Star Spirit Fruit and the Black Spirit Bamboo that was about to be harvested.

After completing the harvest of spiritual rice, Chu Ning stopped going to Zhongling Field.

Every day he either cultivates the Seven-Star Spirit Fruit in his yard or practices the Nine-Evolution Body Refining Technique.

Or, go to the spiritual field of Mo Lingzhu and practice the Qingmu Changchun Technique with the help of Qingmu Chunhua Technique.

Ten days later, Mo Lingzhu also ushered in the harvest time.

Although the harvesting of a single plant of Black Spirit Bamboo is slightly slower than that of Spirit Rice, this is because the overall quantity is not that large.

So the harvesting time is actually quite the same, just a few days.

Chu Ning has been waiting for this day for a long time.

So all the Mo Lingzhu were harvested without waiting for Zhuang Yunde to come and collect the harvest.

He couldn't help but start making talisman paper.

Dear book friends, it is very important to read during the new book period. Please read the latest chapter in time, please! !

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