In fact, after entering the sect, Chu Ning found that everyone was busy practicing and farming.

In addition, low-level disciples also have limited information and resources, and there is not much they can communicate with each other.

Although it cannot be said that everyone is alone, it is true that few people are in groups.

Like now, Chu Ning really didn't see many people suddenly appearing within the scope of the spirit field.

And Chu Ning discovered that he knew all these people.

It was the Lingzhifang disciple who passed the examination with him in the past few months.

Walking at the front was Yuan Guang, who was assigned to the Superior Spiritual Field with him.

Behind them were Chen Youdao, Zhang Hui and others, and even Qiu Shunyi and Lu Xingyuan, who had been to Fangshi together before, were also there.

When Chu Ning saw them, this group of people also saw Chu Ning coming towards them, and the expressions on many people's faces became rich.

"Hey, is it Senior Brother Chu?"

The first person to speak was Chen Youdao, who was closest to Yuan Guang.

"We are about to take a look at Senior Brother Yuan's Purple Sweet Potato Fruit. I wonder if your Black Spirit Bamboo is mature. Can we all go and have a look too?"

As soon as Chen Youdao opened his mouth, others immediately agreed.

"Yes, Senior Brother Chu, we haven't seen mature Mo Lingzhu yet."

"I heard that this black bamboo can be used to make talisman paper. I'm really curious about what it looks like."

Everyone looked like they were just watching the fun and didn't mind the trouble.

In the crowd, Yuan Guang heard everyone's words with a hint of pride on his face.

Qiu Shunyi's expression changed slightly. He was about to open his mouth to speak to everyone when he saw Chu Ning wave his hand and said:

"Forget it about my Black Spirit Bamboo. It's growing in average and can't be harvested yet."

When everyone heard Chu Ning's words, the expressions on their faces became richer, and Chen Youdao continued:

"Senior Brother Chu, that's such a pity. Senior Brother Yuan Guang's purple sweet potato fruit is growing really well.

A few days ago, Senior Brother Tianzhuang Yundezhuang said that it exceeded the standards required by the sect.

You and Senior Brother Yuan have the same cultivation level. If you also grow these purple sweet potato fruits, you might be able to grow them well. "

Chu Ning looked at the other party's arrogant appearance and shook his head secretly, but did not answer.

Seeing Chu Ning like this, Yuan Guang suddenly felt very happy.

During the previous assessment, Chu Ning chose to plant Black Spirit Bamboo, which was a higher level than his Purple Sweet Potato Fruit. Now he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Thinking of this, Yuan Guang also said: "Junior Brother Chu, why don't you also go and have a look? Can you give me some advice?"

Yuan Guang looked like he wanted to invite him with good intentions, but he called him Junior Brother. How could Chu Ning not hear the show off in it.

However, at this time, Chu Ning really didn't take people like Yuan Guang to heart. The other party was not at the same level as him, and the things he pursued were no longer at the same level.

Chu Ning chuckled and shook his head, "Forget it, I have other things to do, so I won't go."

With that said, Chu Ning stepped forward and continued walking.

These people didn't really invite them in the first place.

Moreover, they also believed that Chu Ning must have overestimated his ability when he chose to plant Black Lingzhu, and now he has no shame to stay with everyone.

Seeing that Chu Ning was about to leave, naturally there was no one to stop him, so they continued to the Superior Spirit Field area together.

However, after Qiu Shunyi saw this appearance, he took the last two steps and came to Chu Ning's side. He said with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face:

"Chun Ning, Xingyuan invited me to go and have a look. I guessed that you might not want to go, so I didn't call you."

After hearing this, Chu Ning smiled slightly and reached out to pat Qiu Shunyi on the shoulder.

"It's okay. You can go and see it. You've reached the second level of Qi Refining. You might have a chance to grow this purple sweet potato fruit soon."

After saying that, Chu Ning left happily.

Qiu Shunyi looked at Chu Ning's appearance, and doubts flashed through his mind.

Why do you think Chu Ning doesn't look like a bad Mo Ling Bamboo seed, but looks down on the purple sweet potato fruit?

Chu Ning didn't think so much at this time. He was in a hurry to go to the medium-sized spiritual field where he grew spiritual rice.

This spiritual rice is completely mature, and this is the first time he has harvested it since he came to this world of cultivation.

Chu Ning entered the middle spiritual field area and saw a figure in front of him standing beside his spiritual field from a distance, and he immediately quickened his pace.

When I got closer, I realized it was my next door neighbor, senior brother Qi Chongmao.

"Senior Brother Qi." Chu Ning greeted Qi Chongmao, who still had his trouser legs rolled up and looked like a farmer.

Qi Chongmao turned his head and smiled at Chu.

"Junior Brother Chu, your spiritual rice is not bad, and it seems that your spell cultivation is also good."

Chu Ning immediately said humbly: "Senior brother, it's funny. I'm just taking care of it more diligently."

"That's true, Junior Brother Chu is indeed very hardworking." Qi Chongmao nodded with a smile, paused, and then continued.

"But you seem to have come less often recently. I saw insects and birds a few times, so I helped you get rid of them."

Chu Ning was startled at first, and then thanked him repeatedly.

Recently, he has indeed visited this middle spiritual field less often and spent more time in the yard.

As for the reason, it is naturally also because of the Seven Star Spirit Fruit.

The two chatted for a while in the field. Qi Chongmao turned around and returned to his field. He continued to roll up his trousers and went straight to the field to start cutting rice.

This blade technique can obviously harvest from a long distance, but the opponent seems to be happy to stand in the dirt.

"This Senior Brother Qi is really a bit like those peasant uncles on Earth in his previous life. He is also simple and warm-hearted."

Chu Ning muttered secretly in her heart, and then came to the edge of her spiritual field.

It is different from the red rice grown and harvested by Cao Dongxin before.

The spiritual rice planted by Chu Ning not only grows more rice, but also the spiritual rice is fuller and obviously has a better quality.

On the one hand, this is naturally because the medium spiritual field in Chu Ning has a much richer spiritual energy than Cao Dongxin's, and the spiritual rice seeds themselves are also higher than the red spiritual rice.

On the other hand, it was because Chu Ning's Qingmu Chunhua Technique was more effective.

Looking at the growing Lingmi, a smile appeared on Chu Ning's face.

This spiritual rice is different from the red spirit rice. Because the taste of the red spirit rice is really average, and because it contains less spiritual energy, it is rarely eaten directly.

And this spiritual rice can be directly eaten by immortal cultivators. Speaking of which, he has never eaten such good food.

Judging from the amount of these spiritual rice, in addition to handing it over to the sect, I should be able to keep a lot of it. I can eat it for at least half a year without any problem.

Standing at the edge of the field, Chu Ning used a blade technique, and suddenly a piece of spiritual rice fell down.

Chu Ning took advantage of the situation and used the object-repelling technique to pile the fallen rice in one place, and then started the next harvest.

Although blade magic has not yet reached the level of wood magic.

But Chu Ning does not have to hide his strength in his spiritual field. After all, he is at the fourth level of Qi training, so naturally the harvesting speed will not be too slow.

First cut the rice, and then use a clearing technique to get all the rice into the basket. The cultivator can harvest the rice without getting his hands dirty.

In less than two days, Chu Ning harvested all 5 acres of Lingmi rice. This was because he also took care of his daily cultivation.

The straw left in the field was directly burned with several fireball techniques and allowed to fertilize in the spiritual field. Chu Ning picked all the rice back to the yard to dry.

It doesn't take long to dry. After a few drying techniques, the moisture in the millet will almost evaporate.

Then use the clearing technique to remove all the rice husks. After a few days, Chu Ning's room had a lot of spiritual rice piled up.

At noon, Chu Ning grabbed a handful of spiritual rice and cooked it into rice.

Looking at the extremely white, steaming, and vaguely spiritual rice, Chu Ning couldn't help but twitch her index finger.

He stopped cooking anything and started eating directly with the white rice.

As soon as the rice cooked by Lingmi took his mouth, Chu Ning felt a fragrance reverberate in his mouth.

"It smells so good! This is what immortal cultivators eat!"

Chu Ning almost started to devour it.

As he ate the two bowls of spiritual rice, a faint spiritual energy vaguely surged from his stomach to his limbs.

Feeling the gathering of spiritual energy in his body, Chu Ning immediately started meditating.

A long time later, Chu Ning slowly opened his eyes.

[Aoki Changchun Kung (lower yellow grade), second level (179/900)]

[Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, Volume 1, Immortal Skin 103/300]

“The practice after eating the spiritual rice is indeed more effective than the direct practice.

However, it is still not as good as the blessing effect of Aoki Chunhua Technique. "

Chu Ning roughly estimated that it might take two days and six meals of spiritual rice to barely achieve the effect of the Qingmu Chunhua Technique.

But even so, Chu Ning also plans to completely replace his daily staple food with spiritual rice.

It is one thing to be able to slightly increase the speed of cultivation. On the other hand, it is naturally because it smells good!

Anyway, after handing it over to the sect for harvest, you should be able to keep a lot, enough for your own food rations.

Just when Chu Ning was thinking this, a cry sounded outside the yard.

"Chun Ning!"

As soon as he heard this voice, Chu Ning knew that Zhuang Yunde was coming and hurriedly walked out of the house.

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