Immortality: I can absorb the memories of the dead

Chapter 40: The executioner cut open the belly, peeled off the skin and pulled out the bones

"You can't even be a ghost, you idiot!"

It was late at night, and I was walking alone on the street. It was obvious that I was not someone to be trifled with.

Zhou Yi shook his head and went back home.

After a while, a chicken with shiny golden eyes and blue eyes flew in, and turned into a young man in human form, with a hooked nose and deep eyes, which looked a bit like the star official of the Pleiades in the previous life of Journey to the West.


When it came to Zhou Yi, the golden-eyed blue-eyed chicken immediately knelt on the ground, with piety in its eyes, as respectful as a god.

As the saying goes, people are born by their mothers, and chickens are born by their mothers. People have divine bodies and holy bodies, and chickens naturally have those with extraordinary talents.

Some chickens are just one step faster in cultivation than other chickens.

Zhou Yi developed them into his subordinates, saving worry and effort, and he didn't have to pay wages, and the effect was surprisingly good!

"I have already found out that the matter of Wangjiang City was driven by Yanri Sect behind the scenes."

"Sure enough."

Zhou Yi guessed the truth, but he was not happy.

A few years ago, there were more than one force coming down. Li Tianmen, Qiufeng Valley, Kaoshan Sect, and Shenjian Sect divided Daqian and replaced the original aristocratic families, civil officials, generals, and noble groups.

Emperor Cheng seemed majestic, but in fact he was just a puppet of several major forces.

The major forces seemed to just treat this world as a breeding farm, just like they had opened up and cultivated various "delicacies" in the Daoxian Gourd.

They could recruit the trained warriors into their own sects and expand their power.

The monsters that reproduce in nature can be supplemented with blood and flesh, their demon pills can be used to make pills, and their bones and skins can be used to make weapons and protective gear.

But the advancement of monsters is definitely not that fast. After all, the spiritual energy in this world has only been revived for a few years. In order to speed up the progress, some forces drove the monsters to swallow people to accelerate their evolution.

How can a beast be so terrible?

"The spiritual energy in Daqian is thin, and most of the people who come here are ordinary sects. Ordinary people are so cruel and take human lives lightly. I wonder how terrifying those ancient families and ancient holy places are?"

In the past few years, Zhou Yi has naturally sent his little monsters to explore outside Daqian, but the result is that they are all dead or alive.

The golden-eyed and blue-eyed chickens he raised have tender meat and crisp bones, and are just the right amount of fat and lean. Not only are they delicious, but they are also full of spiritual energy.

Nine out of ten were caught and eaten.

Zhou Yi was particularly wary of the outside world because of this. He was as quiet as water in the Daqian prison and worked hard to improve his own cultivation.

Fortunately, every time he sent out a chicken monster, he planted a spiritual imprint. Once someone wanted to search the soul, the soul would be directly detonated, so there was no need to worry about being discovered by others.

"A Kun, you have worked hard."

"It is the honor of the subordinates to work for the master."

Zhou Yi nodded.

"I have a way outside of Daqian. The risk is a bit high, but the benefits are very high. If you go, although you are in danger of death, you will be a demon king if you survive!"

A Kun's eyes lit up and he immediately bowed and said:

"I am willing to go."

Zhou Yi showed a relieved smile and shot out a porcelain bottle with his fingers, which was full of high-quality elixirs.

"Recite the rules of survival?"

"Yes! The first rule of survival - if you can avoid fighting, you must not fight, if you can avoid trouble, you must not cause trouble, the way of survival is supreme, and survival comes first.

The second rule of survival - if you have to fight, you must kill the whole family, cut the grass and root it out, and leave no future troubles. If you can fight in a group, never fight alone, and if you can attack by surprise, never fight head-on.

The third rule of survival - if you really can't win, remember not to reveal the identity of the master, and wait for the master to avenge me!"

"Yes, you are worthy of being the strongest chicken in your lineage! Back then, your grandfather and your father were different from ordinary chickens, with tender meat and chewy meat. Ahem, they are smart and clever. When it comes to your generation, they are even smarter, and can be called the smartest chicken in the contemporary chicken clan!

Go, the map is already inside. After you go, you must keep a low profile, travel more, and learn as much as possible about the outside world."


A Kun bid farewell to Zhou Yi and left, and Zhou Yi released a long-trained chicken demon from the storage ring again.

"Liu Neng pays respect to the master."

"Dawn is coming, and our era is about to begin. Are you, the smartest young man of the Divine Chicken Clan, ready to enter the world?"

Liu Neng's eyes were like torches.

"Liu Neng has been looking forward to this day for a long time. He will do anything for his master, even if it means risking his life."

The next day, Zhou Yi came to the Tianlao, and saw from a distance a team of warriors wearing white crane flying costumes escorting prisoner cars to the Tianlao.

The prisoner cars were all covered with black cloth, and the contents inside could not be seen, but Zhou Yi scanned them with his mental power and identified that they were demons with intelligence.

"Hunting demons. White crane flying costumes. I didn't expect them to move so fast. I just heard about it in the tavern yesterday, and today I saw the captain of the Demon Slayer Division."

Come to think of it, there is often a time difference between what ordinary people can access and the notice issued by the court. By the time they know the policy, who knows how long it has been implemented?

Wen San, the warden, seemed to have received the notice and had already brought a group of jailers to greet them.

"Warden Wen, these demons are now in your hands. Their dantian and limbs have been locked, and they will be disemboweled by the executioner, and their bones, flesh and fur will be stripped off before being handed over to the Ministry of Property."

"You have worked hard along the way, and I will leave the rest to you. Zhou Yi, quickly take people to transport these things in."

The captain of the Demon Slayer Division said goodbye and left. Wen San ordered everyone to pull the prison car into a newly vacated courtyard of the Tianlao. Inside, there were already expert guards composed of Tianluo guards waiting. There were knives and iron hooks placed around the yard, which looked like extremely The slaughterhouse.

The prison van was brought in and everyone was driven out.

Zhou Yi heard his men communicating in low voices.

"Hi~! It's so scary. I just secretly opened a little of the curtain. Guess what's inside? An upright werewolf with a little finger between his teeth."

"My mother, the demon is so terrifying, how dare those people kill them?"

"Those people just now are no longer the guards of the heavenly prison. They are called executioners. From now on, they will be responsible for killing demons, peeling off skin and cramps, and separating flesh and blood. I heard that there are eighty taels of moon silver in one month."

"Holy shit, so much? That's almost a thousand taels of income a year."

"Do you think anyone can do it? Those people are also top-notch masters among the guards. Almost all of them have entered the acquired realm. They have copper skin and iron bones, and are as strong as cattle. People like us, let alone kill monsters Well, it’s good if you don’t get killed by the demon.”

While they were chatting, a jailer trotted up to Zhou Yi.

"Boss Zhou, the warden is calling you."

"I see."

Zhou Yi came to Wen San's office. Wen San was writing something. When he saw him coming, he immediately smiled and said:

"Old Zhou, you are in for a lucky break."

Zhou Yi was slightly confused.

"What good luck?"

"Hey, didn't the imperial court open a demon-slaying prison in Tianlao? It also opened a Ministry of Things, which is specially used to send and receive the daily harvest of demon resources. I recommended you to be an official in the Ministry of Things. This is a fat job."

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