Immortality: I can absorb the memories of the dead

Chapter 39: Strange appearance, Demon Slayer Division

One evening in winter, after reading the Book of Changes, I came to Xinghualou to have a few snacks.

The wine he drinks now is all the spirit wine he brought with him, and he just orders some dishes to go with the wine and listens to the chatter of the diners.

As an immortal, Zhou Yi has gradually felt the invasion of loneliness. Going to the restaurant every day to kill some boring time has become an indispensable item in life.

"Hey, Mr. Zhou, you are here. I have reserved the seat by the window for you."

The shopkeeper is extremely polite. In the past few years, Zhou Yi has often given Xinghualou good ideas, such as hot pot, barbecue, and roast duck. Xinghualou has made a lot of money, and diners have to queue up every day.

The shopkeeper did not dare to neglect Zhou Yi, the God of Wealth, so he gave him a seat by the window for his daily entertainment.

Zhou Yi nodded.

"Still the same."

"Okay, you go and sit down first, we'll serve it to you in a moment. For those in the back, let's have a mandarin duck pot, two plates of tripe, two plates of beef slices, and mutton rolls."

The shopkeeper ordered the dishes to the kitchen, and Zhou Yi sat at the window, looking out at the heavy snowfall, feeling surprisingly peaceful.

The diners at the table next to him seemed to be members of the officialdom. They were quite well-dressed and chatting about the latest gossip.

"Have you heard? A demon disaster occurred in Wangjiang City, Jingzhou. Almost 70% of the people died overnight."

"Really? Isn't this too scary?"

"It's absolutely true. I heard this from the cook of my uncle's brother-in-law's aunt's son's house. He said that His Majesty was so angry because of this incident that he wanted to set up a demon-slaying department to deal with this kind of thing in the future."

"Not to mention Wangjiang City, what has become of our majestic imperial capital now? Many people have died recently. Some people said they saw ghosts, and some said they saw Huang who walked upright and became a spirit. All in all, he’s very evil!”

"Oh, this world is really getting more and more chaotic."

"Demon Slayer Division."

Zhou Yi had already guessed that Da Qian would take this step.

Back then, Li Qingxuan shattered the core of this heaven and earth formation, the Imperial Seal, which caused the formation to gradually fall apart.

This allows strong men from more powerful worlds to enter this world, and in the ‘Chengdi Liting’ there are martial saints and sects from the big world to help.

At the same time, a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth also entered this world, causing the warriors in this world to progress faster, and even gave birth to demons and monsters.

The bad news is that the world is gradually becoming more dangerous and turbulent, there are more powerful people, and people may die if they are not careful.

The good news is that he can also hit!

Moreover, his progress will be greatly accelerated.

In just a few years, Zhou Yi has realized the ways of wind and rain, the ways of thunder, the ways of sun, the ways of earth, and the ways of wood, and created many powerful magical means.

Such as the Qingdi Immortality Technique that can heal wounds extremely quickly, the Burning Sun Flame that can kill invisible people, and the Zixiao Divine Thunder Technique that can forcefully kill all evil spirits.

His dragon-elephant power has even exceeded 400 levels. Regardless of realm, it is estimated that he can even press down and beat the land gods on the ground.

It's a pity that he has never seen the land gods come to this world, but he vaguely feels that he is about to break through to that realm.

The current content of spiritual energy in this world is ten times what it was a few years ago. The scale of the spiritual energy absorbed by my Dao Immortal Gourd has increased to a hundred times the previous concentration of Daqian spiritual energy!

The Dao Immortal Gourd absorbs ten times the spiritual energy regardless of the category of spiritual energy. It can be said that it becomes stronger when it encounters strong ones.

It originally took a hundred years to raise a batch of thousand-year-old ginseng and thousand-year-old chickens and ducks, but now it only takes ten years to complete.

Now the chickens and ducks within the Immortal Gourd of Zhouyi Dao have become great demons with hundreds of years of cultivation. When released, they will become an army of demons, enough to easily overwhelm a large state.

At first, Zhou Yi just wanted to raise some meat reserves, but he did not expect to raise an army of demons who were good at conquering and fighting.

I have to say that eating is really the number one motivation in the world.

"Master Zhou, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

Just as he was thinking about it, the shopkeeper had already walked over with the waiter carrying the dishes.

He served Zhou Yi the dishes one by one, put the small copper pot on, and then brought a jar of wine.

"Master Zhou, I know you are a lover of wine. Could you please give me a taste? How do you like this wine?"

Zhou Yi hadn't taken the drink yet. He only glanced at it briefly and knew what was inside.

There is a trace of spiritual energy in this wine, it is obviously spiritual wine.

The resurgence of spiritual energy caused some rice to mutate and become spiritual rice, which can be used to brew spiritual wine.

My own spiritual wine is currently brewed using this method, but the level of the two is vastly different.

Even if it is a large amount of his spirit wine, you may get drunk after drinking a few bottles. After digestion and absorption, the effect is comparable to taking an elixir.

This kind of spiritual wine is no different from water to him.

He took it over and took off the cork, put it on the tip of his nose and pretended to take a sip.

"Spiritual wine?"

"Hey, as expected of Mr. Zhou, he is well-informed and can see the mystery at a glance."

After a pause, he spoke again:

"I was lucky enough to collect some spiritual rice from a rice merchant a while ago and use ancient methods to brew a few jars of spiritual wine. You know, now everyone is promoting improvements, the court has established martial arts, and the number of warriors is gradually increasing. Ordinary Xinghua Brewing is like boiled water to them, so I naturally want to ride on this wave of improvement.”

"That's right. Improve and improve. The more you improve, the more brilliant it will be."

With such a business approach that keeps pace with the times, he deserves to be rich.

"Master Zhou, you are joking. Do you think there is anything that needs to be changed in this wine?"

Zhou Yi took a sip.

"Not bad, let's take this one."

Although the recovery of spiritual energy has made many people stronger, most of them are still low-level warriors. This level of spiritual wine is enough for them to get drunk.

"Hehe, thank you Master Zhou, this jar of wine is a small gift to you."

Zhou Yi nodded and immediately put it into the Daoxian Gourd.

It's too light, and it needs more spiritual energy to brew it.

Halfway through the drinking, the drinking buddies in Xinghualou had gradually dispersed, and Xinghualou returned to silence. Zhou Yi then left Xinghualou.

He walked on the dark street, and the white snow in the sky flew away automatically half a meter above his body, as if separated by an invisible aura.

The same was true for the white snow under his feet. Every step Zhou Yi took, he did not leave any footprints. If someone who didn't know saw it, he would probably think he was a ghost.

"Bai Xue Raotou has changed again..."

Just as Zhou Yi was walking towards home, suddenly, accompanied by a "snap", a pitch-black claw suddenly grabbed Zhou Yi's ankle.

Zhou Yi slowly turned his head and saw a human-shaped ghost with a green face and fangs, which was drooling and looking at him greedily.

"Hungry, I'm so hungry! I want to eat, I'm in pain, I'm so hungry! I want to eat meat, I want to eat."


Before he finished speaking, the evil ghost exploded into powder.

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