Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4609: Rebirth?

In the Taishi Realm, the Great Abyss of the Southern Territory's first Jedi, the Great Abyss of Heavenly Wolf erupted with unprecedented power fluctuations.

This is the rhythm of slaying the sacred immortals of the extreme Tao.

Then, those sacred immortals who didn't have long eyes really broke into this Jedi, and also touched the super killing array laid by Sirius Supreme.


The endless ancient stars in the depths of the starry sky are spinning frantically, and the entire star field is huge, but this star field has become a killing array.

"Gather the endless stars, condense the ultimate power, a good method!"

One after another powerful divine thoughts rushed out from all over the Taishi realm, and instantly went straight to the Nine Heavens, but between moving thoughts, several divine consciousness incarnations appeared near the star formation.

"That little wolf pup has such a back hand, it seems we still underestimate him."

A magical divine consciousness phantom sent a wave of divine consciousness.

"Huh! Had it not been for you people to intervene..."

An incarnation of divine consciousness that resembled a magic sun in the sky angered.

"Old things, why do you mention him?"

Another figure said disapprovingly, even though he was just an incarnation of divine mind, his body was floating and sinking for nine days, and the vision was amazing.

"A group of short-sighted guys!"

A vague figure said coldly.


The other spiritual incarnations were very upset when they heard this, but they didn't dare to say anything.

The owner of this divine mind incarnation is a super old antique, and all the supreme divine minds present are very jealous of him.

"You guys, who want to go beyond the limit and not allow others to try, are all idiots."

The incarnation of divine consciousness did not put all the supreme divine incarnations present in the eyes.

"Old guy, it's useless to rely on old people to sell old people here."

A black spirit incarnation sneered.

"This guy……"

The other incarnations of divine consciousness were all taken aback. Someone dared to provoke this existence.

In the next moment, the other divine mind incarnations all retreated far away.

"It's just an old guy, why are you so afraid of him?"

Said the incarnation of divine consciousness disdainfully.

"Little brother, you bull!"

The figure of the nine-wheeled Shenyang floating around the body gave a thumbs up directly at the young supreme spiritual incarnation.

"You have a kind!"

Old Antique's divine mind is changing, and an old man in common clothes appeared in the starry sky. If he hadn't known in advance that he was just an incarnation of divine mind, he would definitely think that this was Old Antique's true body.

"The spirit of mind is so condensed?"

The other incarnations of spirituality were surprised.

There are also three or sixty-nine levels among Ji Dao holy immortals. The Ji Dao holy immortal of Ji Dao elementary level is just an introduction to Ji Dao, which is too weak compared to the middle level of Ji Dao and even the great Dao.

As for the existence of the pinnacle of the Extreme Dao, a single finger can pinch a holy immortal of the Ji Dao primary level.

And this old man has existed for endless years and is recognized by the Taishi Realm as one of the longest alive sacred immortals. This kind of existence is extremely ancient, and extremely powerful and terrifying.

The sole purpose of their existence in the world is to break through the shackles of the ultimate realm and become a truly eternal and supreme existence.

However, throughout the ages, no one in the Taishi Realm has been able to break through the shackles of the Jidao and become the supreme existence beyond the Jidao.

Sirius Supreme is extremely amazing. These old antique-level extreme sages think that Sirius Supreme will surpass the extreme dao. However, among the old antique-level extreme sages, some people are afraid that once Sirius Supreme takes that step, they will Kill them in turn.

"Old fellow, you should go back and rest. Your era is over. This is the era of young people like us." The young supreme sneered.

"Your time?"

The old man spoke, not because of divine consciousness fluctuations, his voice was extremely old, his hair almost fell out, and there was no divine light in his eyes.

He is like a dead old man, but no one dares to underestimate this seemingly weak old man.

"Yes, it belongs to our time. Old people should go to enjoy the happiness."

The young supreme smiled, scornfully.

"Do you think I dare not kill you? Feeling confident?"

The old man laughed too. With this smile, the wrinkles on his face were like old tree bark that was cracked immediately.

"Old guy, do you dare? Behind me..."

The Young Supreme's Divine Mind hadn't finished saying a word, the old man who was opposite waved his hand seemingly, and the next moment, the Young Supreme disappeared directly into the void.

More than that, a strange force was actually transmitted along the young supreme's divine mind directly to the young supreme deity's body.


Suddenly a roar of anger and horror came from a sacred mountain in the eastern part of Taishi Realm. The next moment, the sacred mountain suddenly exploded.

A terrifying force of extreme power erupted, and the entire sacred mountain, even with the sacred mountain as the center, everything within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles instantly turned into powder.

"Roar! Who killed my disciple."

At this moment, an old voice rang from the sky and the earth, and the next moment, a big hand dropped from the sky, directly suppressing the extremely Dao-level destructive force that was still surging out in all directions.

"Ming Yao Zhizun is dead?"

The news spread, and the entire eastern region of Taishi Realm suddenly caused an uproar, that Mingyao Supreme, but a disciple of Emperor Haoxuan.

Great Emperor Hao Xuan, that is the oldest sacred immortal in the Taishi Realm, only this kind of existence that has lived for years and has an unfathomable cultivation base dare to call himself the Great.

The title of Emperor is absolutely supreme in Taishi Realm.

There is only one great emperor in the entire Eastern Region of Taishi Realm, and that is Emperor Haoxuan.

Someone killed Ming Yao, which absolutely pierced the sky.

"Daotian old ghost, you dare to kill my disciple, I will never end with you."

An old voice spread throughout the star field.

Soon, the figure of Emperor Hao Xuan appeared in the starry sky. It was a huge figure, and those stars were smaller than his eyes.

"Cut, kill you kill, what do you want?"

The old man chuckles.

"go to hell!"

Great Emperor Haoxuan shot directly at the old man.

However, the old man named Daotian was also taking action.


The two strong forces collided and wiped out each other, and countless stars around them exploded directly. This kind of force fluctuated and destroyed everything.

Although it was a contest between the incarnations of divine minds, the power displayed was like the ultimate holy immortal's full shot, shaking the sky and the earth.

"These two lunatics!"

The other supreme divine consciousness incarnations all avoided far away.

Great Emperor Hao Xuan, Great Daotian, these are the supreme existences of the ancients, but no one would have thought that these two great emperors actually fought.

The war between the great emperors is hard to come across in the ages.

Because the war between the powerhouses of this kind of series is extremely terrifying, and it can easily destroy a region, and hundreds of millions of lives will be destroyed.

"Hao Xuan, you should save some, it's impossible to distinguish between you and me."

Daotian sneered.


Great Emperor Hao Xuan was furious, but he knew that he really couldn't help this guy, even if his true body descended, it was useless.

At this time, in the Southern Territory of the Taishi Realm, Gu Fei extorted a lot of good things from the four Great Dao Saints who were trapped in the eyes of the Great Abyss Killing Array.

"Little guy, you got the benefits, but I won't be a pig, I'll wait to get out of trouble!?"

Boss Yi clung to Gu Fei outside, gritted his teeth, no one had ever dared to lie to himself, this little guy dared to lie to himself, it was damned!

One after another, the extreme power rushed out of Boss Yi's body and was swallowed by the killing array, and they could hardly protect themselves.

"Hey, this is an eternal fire that can burn everything in the world to ashes."

"Well, there is also this thing, don't look at the blackness, this is the nine-day star iron, the supreme exclusive crafting iron!"

Gu Fei was holding a large piece of black iron, his eyes shining.

Jiutianxingchen iron is a rare and divine talent. In those days, he obtained a large piece of Jiutianxingchen Iron, and then refined it into today's Jiutianxingchen Sword.

At this time, Pan Jianming was envious and jealous of Gu Fei. This guy was really bold and dare to deceive the Four Great Dao Saints.

Once these four great sacred immortals get out of trouble, they will die without a place to be buried.

Even if he was the **** son of the Five Elements Heaven Sect, these extreme saints would never let go of themselves.

You know, if the Four Great Dao Sages join forces, it is enough to ignore the Five Elements Heaven Sect, because in the entire Five Elements Heaven Sect, the Four Great Sage Sages can't be found.

"I said Brother Chu, let's slip away!"

Pan Jianming was afraid again.

"Cut, what are you afraid of? These four guys are not good people. Where can the guys who come to dig graves and dig graves get better? Dead deserves it."

Gu Fei said disapprovingly.

"That said, but..."

Pan Jianming wanted to say it again, but was interrupted by Gu Fei.

At this moment, the coffin lid of the giant coffin made of innate hongmeng divine iron flew up again.

At the next moment, a black and mighty figure rushed out of the coffin, and that person was actually You Yuan Supreme, to be precise, the body of You Yuan Supreme.

Youyuan Supreme's body was taken away by others.

"Haha... after waiting for endless years, you **** finally came."

You Yuan Zhizun grinned, and a terrifying killing intent erupted from his body, and saw that between the opening and closing of his eyes, there was a blue divine flame burning.

"Borrowing a corpse to revive it?"

Boss Yi and others were shocked and inexplicably, this Sirius Supreme actually came alive.

"Sirius, give me that thing, I turn around and leave."

At this moment, the old man Tianjizi who had been drunk suddenly stared at the Sirius Supreme who had taken the body of Youyuan Supreme and said.

"you are……"

Sirius Supreme stared at the bad old man thoughtfully.

"Tianjizi, are you a Tianjizi? How could it be possible that you turned into this kind of appearance?" Sirius Supreme said in shock.

"I want that thing."

The old man continued.

Sirius Supreme didn't speak, but stared at Tianjizi.

"What does the supreme want to get?"

Gu Fei watched this scene curiously.

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