Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4608: The only lifesaver

Just as Gu Fei kept deducing this world-shattering bureau, this world-shattering bureau had already begun to show off.

The five Great Dao sages who broke into the Great Abyss of Heavenly Wolf were trapped in the burial ground of Heavenly Wolf. The five Great Dao sages joined forces to barely protect themselves.

This is still temporary, because the power of this peerless killing is constantly soaring.

The power of the ancient stars above the nine heavens continued to converge towards the killing game, and one after another starlights larger than the mountains fell from the sky, not entering the Sirius killing game.

That was the power of Extreme Dao level, which made Gu Fei feel a dangerous aura.

Although he borrowed Chu Shaoyun's physical body to walk in the realm of Taishi, his realm was actually at the extreme realm. He also cultivated the eye of eternity, which could see through all falsehoods.

Under the glance of his eternal eye, there is no secret in the entire killing formation.

It is precisely because of this that Gu Fei was able to deduce this perfect killing array, but the killing array is always moving and changing.

At this time, Pan Jianming, the **** son of the Five Elements Heavenly Sect, had already turned pale with fright.

Although he is the son of God, he has never seen such a scene.

Pan Jianming knew very well that if he wanted to survive, he could only follow Gu Fei.

At this time, where the coffin of Sirius was located, the five great sages joined forces to open up an alternative world.


The power to kill the game is constantly soaring, and it will soon be unable to hold it.

At this moment, You Yuan Zhizun beside the giant coffin was suddenly pierced through his chest by claws extending from the giant coffin, grabbing the heart of You Yuan Zhizun.


You Yuan Zhizun looked up to the sky and roared, and the next moment, he was directly caught by that sharp claw into the giant coffin.


The coffin lid flew back, directly covering the giant coffin.


Seeing this scene, the other Jidao Saints were a little dumbfounded.

The giant coffin was constantly shaking, and soon, the giant coffin stopped moving, and blood bursts out from the giant coffin one after another, and the giant coffin seemed to have completely recovered.

"You Yuan, bastard!"

Boss Yi was shocked and angry. He couldn't think that You Yuan Supreme had actually died here. That was You Yuan Supreme.

Back then, Youyuan Supreme fought with Sirius Supreme, and it was earth-shattering. In the end, the victory was not even distinguished, and the battle was a loss.

It can be said that this Youyuan Supreme has also calculated Sirius Supreme, he is the black hand behind the scenes.

"How to do!?"

The Extreme Sword Immortal was not calm anymore. After the giant coffin swallowed You Yuan Supreme, the power fluctuations revealed from the coffin became even stronger.

At this time, the Four Great Dao Saints were far away from the coffin and did not dare to approach it.

This huge coffin is extraordinary, it is to eat people.

At this moment, Gu Fei and Pan Jianming had already arrived nearby.


Gu Fei saw the four great sacred immortals struggling in the middle of the killing array.

"These four guys..."

Gu Fei was able to sense that the power of the immortal Dao in the four great sacred sages was constantly weakening, and the void that the four great sacred sages jointly supported was shrinking.

"Brother Chu, why did you stop?"

Pan Jianming asked carefully.

"There is no road ahead."

Gu Fei said calmly.


When Pan Jianming heard the words, his face became pale again with fright.

"How is this good? I don't want to die here!"

Pan Jianming immediately counseled, and it wouldn't work if he didn't counsel. This peerless killing game can kill even the ultimate holy immortal, he is not even the ultimate holy immortal.

"Cut, again?"

Gu Fei glanced at Pan Jianming, this guy is still a bullshit!

"Brother Chu, when is this, you are still in the mood to laugh."

Pan Jianming was about to cry. He worked hard and practiced all the way. He didn't know how much he had gone through and how many competitors had been killed before he could sit on the position of the **** of the Five Elements Heaven Sect.

However, unexpectedly, it was nothing in the end.


At this moment, a sword rang sounded on Gu Fei's body. The next moment, a ray of sword light rushed out of his body, and a sword weapon appeared above his head.

Although this sword weapon hasn't been out of its sheath, a sense of cold sword aura has already come out, and it is extremely fierce.

"this is……"

When Pan Jianming saw this, he was a little surprised. Why did this little guy use such a sword?

The breath emanating from the sword is not very strong, but when this sword is released, the whole world seems to be different in an instant.

And the terrifying destruction power that was eroding them from all directions was actually blocked by the soft sword glow from the sword on the top of Gu Fei's head.


Pan Jianming was stunned. No wonder this Chu Shaoyun has always been there. It turns out that he has long been prepared, and he has no fear of this super killing formation.

Although he couldn't break the formation, it was not easy for this killing formation to trap him.

"Brother Chu, it's terrifying, why don't you use such a Taoist tool earlier!"

Pan Jianming calmed down, and started not to persuade him again.

The power fluctuations spreading from the sword that hovered above Gu Fei's head happened to envelop Pan Jianming.

"The fellow daoist outside, can you borrow the sword in your hand for a use?"

The wing boss has sensed that two uninvited guests are coming outside.

It is definitely not easy for a person to come to the core area of ​​the Sirius Tomb.


Gu Fei directly refused, wanting to borrow Lao Tzu's Nine Heavens Sword? Dream it.

The Jiutian Xingchen Sword was Gu Fei's self-refining Dao tool. It was an eternal Dao tool, which had already surpassed the scope of the Extreme Dao Dao. Therefore, this super killing formation could not be better than the Jiutian Xingchen Sword.

"Friends, if you can save us, we can agree to any request."

Ji Dao Sword Immortal said quickly.

"Yes, we can promise all your conditions."

The middle-aged supreme nodded and said.

That day, the extremely bad old man also agreed.

Although Tianjizi seemed to be unable to wake up forever, he knew better than anyone in his heart.

"Any conditions agreed?"

Pan Jianming next to Gu Fei saw the four great sages vying to please Gu Fei, and couldn't help being dumbfounded. The supreme sacred celestial celestial celestial body had time to ask for help.

"Hand over everything on you, and I will think about it."

Gu Fei glanced at the four powerhouses trapped in the array, and then said.


The four Great Dao Saints looked at each other and were very upset, but they had to hold on to this only life-saving grass. At this time, they had no choice.

With the constant loss of the immortal power in the four great sacred immortals, they simply couldn't last long.

"No? Then forget it, let's go!"

Gu Fei was about to take Pan Jianming away.

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