Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2769: Mystery prisoner

In the depths of the unknown and mysterious area, there was actually a huge city suspended above the sky. This huge city has not known how many years it has been suspended in the void, and it still has not fallen from the sky.

"how is this possible……"

When Gu Fei came here, he was really surprised. A giant city suspended in the void for endless years. The reason why this giant city does not fall is that there is only one possibility that there is a force that prevents this ancient city from falling. come down.

This kind of giant city that can be suspended in the void is actually branded with an array inside. Relying on the power of this array, a giant city can be suspended.

Could it be that the formation inside this giant city is still not working.

Gu Fei did not hesitate, soared directly into the sky, and flew to the giant city. He stood on the broken tower and looked at the giant city.

He discovered that this was a semi-destroyed giant city. Most of the buildings in the giant city had collapsed, but some buildings were different, standing in the giant city for endless years.

"That is……"

Gu Fei suddenly saw a skull roll out of a street blown by the wind, and the sound of the skull colliding with the ground broke the silence in the giant city.

It was the skull of a human race. Obviously, there was a human race here, maybe this is a huge city left by a human race.

Except for the countless broken bricks and tiles in the giant city, Gu Fei did not sense any strange aura in the city.

He was about to leave, but at this moment, a faint breath of life spread from the center of the giant city.

"what happened."

Gu Fei was surprised. He took a direct step, and instantly appeared in the depths of the giant city, coming to the sky above the area where the breath of life was spreading.


Before Gu Fei could react, the ground below suddenly exploded, and a big hand directly grabbed Gu Fei in the sky.


Gu Fei was taken aback, his figure disappeared into the void in an instant, the big hand grabbed it empty, and then retracted.

The next moment, Gu Fei's figure appeared hundreds of meters away, and the dust was flying in front of him, a large hole exploded on the ground, and the entire giant city shook.


Cracks spread from the big pit.

In the big pit, there was a stone platform. On the stone platform, there was a thin figure sitting cross-legged. It was an old man, to be precise, an old man who had been imprisoned for endless years.

The clothes on the old man are almost all rotten, skinny, like a skeleton in a layer of human skin.

"this is……"

Gu Fei was shocked. He never expected that such a mysterious existence would be imprisoned in such a huge city.

He found that the old man's body was wrapped with several iron chains, and those iron chains wrapped the old man on the stone platform.


The old man looked up to the sky and roared, the iron chain on his body clanged loudly, and the next moment, the heaven and earth spirit of the whole world gathered towards the old man like crazy.

Gu Fei didn't stop him, letting the old man swallow the essence of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the spirit of heaven and earth in the entire mysterious region was aroused by the old man, who was forcibly seizing the spirit of heaven and earth in the entire unknown region.

Even in the outside world, there are some peerless experts who have sensed the astonishing changes in the unknown area.

"What happened in that place."

Some were talking to themselves, but no one dared to enter the unknown territory.

"Are those people getting out of trouble."

The heavenly messenger, who had been walking between the great clans and great religions in the northern snowy area these days, was also alarmed. This heavenly messenger seemed to know what had happened.

The Snowy Heavenly Palace is mysterious and unpredictable. It has existed since ancient times. Naturally, many people do not know the secrets of heaven and earth.


At this time, in the depths of the unknown region, the huge city suspended above the sky shook, and the endless heaven and earth essence gathered from all directions and was swallowed by the old man.

The old man's thin body was undergoing amazing changes. The blood on his body gradually became stronger, his flesh and blood grew rapidly, and the entire thin body "swelled".

The old man's messy white hair was turning black quickly, his whole person gradually became younger, and his skinny body became stronger.

The old man was shifting towards his peak state. A strong middle-aged man stood up from the stone platform, and his eyes flashed sharply like a blade and glanced at Gu Fei in the sky.

"Haha, I was lucky, I was about to get out of trouble, and there was such a prey here."

A wave of divine consciousness spread from the middle-aged man, and he regarded Gu Fei as a prey.

"who are you."

Gu Fei looked at the middle-aged man who was locked on the stone platform and said calmly.

"It doesn't matter who I am, because I will eat you, haha."

The man laughed and said, with a crazy expression.

"Are you sure you want to eat me."

Gu Fei was still very calm.

"Little guy, it's your honor to be eaten by me. Come over and let me eat it."

The man said frantically.

"You can come out and talk."

Gu Fei said, with a trace of disdain on his face.


The man rose into the sky, the iron chain on his body clanged, and runes appeared on the iron chain, entwining the man tightly on the stone platform.


After the middle-aged man swallowed the essence of the endless world, the whole world was so powerful, and with a roar, the whole world was shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

Runes also appeared on his body, antagonizing the runes on the iron chain, this strong force was colliding, and it was terrifying, because this was a duel of two great powers.

Soon, the rune on the iron chain was wiped out by the power of the great road that broke out from the middle-aged man, and the power of the middle-aged man took advantage.

The iron chain entwined with him began to be refined by him.

The original rune on the iron chain was obliterated, and then the rune rushed out of the middle-aged man was branded on it.

The iron chain entwined with the middle-aged man is not a mortal thing, otherwise he will not be imprisoned in the giant city for endless years. The middle-aged man will refine the iron chain into his own weapon.

Gu Fei kept watching, he didn't mean to stop, he wanted to see what the middle-aged man had.


Void shook, and the iron chains that entangled the middle-aged man were gradually refined, and then turned into a few **** snakes, dancing in the middle-aged man's hands.


The iron chains broke free from the stone platform, and then the middle-aged man rose into the sky, waved the iron chains in his hands, and rushed towards Gu Fei.

"bring it on."

When Gu Fei saw the middle-aged man rushing towards him, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then directly greeted the middle-aged man.

The war broke out.

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