Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2768: Angel of Heaven

The Heavenly Palace in the Snow Region is the most mysterious force in the Northern Snow Region, and it is the well-deserved overlord of the Northern Snow Region.

Even the Crazy Zhao of the year had suffered a great loss from the Xueyu Tiangong and almost died. If it weren't for his fate, I am afraid there would be no Crazy Zhao now.

There are not many people who know about this, but anyone who knows knows why Crazy Zhao did not hesitate to use any means to improve his cultivation and combat power.

Even the Zhao Family in the Snow Region, in front of the Snow Region Heavenly Palace, is still a little brother-like role. Only when the Snow Region Heavenly Palace is not born, the Snow Region Zhao Family can rule in the Snow Region.

Once the people of Xueyu Tiangong came out, the overlord of the Xueyu Zhao family would be pulled down from the gods.

The news of the people from the Snowy Heavenly Palace spread quickly in the snowy territory, and everyone was shocked. The Heavenly Palace descendants who hadn't been born for thousands of years were finally born.

Why the Xueyu Tiangong was born? This is something that everyone wants to know, because only when the purpose of the Xueyu Tiangong's birth is understood can we deal with the Tiangong well.

No one would ignore the Snowy Heavenly Palace, because the Snowy Heavenly Palace is the largest power in the Snowy Territory, and it has never been replaced by anyone since ancient times.

Throughout the ages, no force has been able to challenge the dominance of the Snowy Heavenly Palace, even a powerful foreign force.

Just when all the monks in the snowy region were shocked and curious about the appearance of the descendants of the Heavenly Palace, in the Zhao Family Ancestor City, in a restaurant, there was a young man in white sitting.

I saw this young man in white clothes like a crown, sword eyebrows into the temple, and slender figure. He was an extremely handsome and beautiful man.

The current Zhao family's ancestral city has been rebuilt. The Zhao family's ancestral city was almost half destroyed in the first battle, but this is the ancestral land of the Zhao family after all, and the people of the Zhao family will not leave here.

Of course, the current Zhao family had lost seven saints in a battle with the Sirius family, and their vitality was greatly injured. The current Zhao family is no longer in the past.

The Patriarch of the Zhao family did not dare to return to the Zhao family's ancestor city, he was afraid that the Sirius ancestor would directly kill the Zhao family's ancestor city.

However, Zhao Yuntian didn't know that the ancient altar of the Sirius clan could not be used at all times, and that ancient altar was difficult to take away from Sirius City.

Otherwise, the Sirius ancestor would have brought the ancient altar to the Zhao Family Ancestor City.

The strength of the Sirius clan, after that battle, made the world recognize the strength of this race again.

At this time, a figure flickered at the entrance of the stairs, and a middle-aged man came up, and the middle-aged man came directly to the opposite side of the white-clothed youth, and then sat down.

"Why didn't Zhao Yuntian come."

The white-clothed young man didn't even look up, just looked at the white jade cup in his hand and said in a flat tone.

"The Patriarch has something to do with him. If you have something, you can also tell me."

Said the middle-aged man opposite the white-clothed youth.

"Huh, what a big shelf."

The young man in white was obviously a little unhappy.


The middle-aged man couldn't help changing his color.

"The arrival of the ambassador is indeed our fault."

At this time, there was another person flashing at the entrance of the stairs, and another person came up from below. This person was actually Zhao Mu, the elder of the Zhao family.

"See the Great Elder."

When the middle-aged man saw that the person was Zhao Mu, he hurried forward to salute.

"Well, you can withdraw."

Zhao Mu waved his hand and said.


The middle-aged man hurried away.

"Zhao Mu, is Zhao Yuntian dead? If that guy is not dead yet, tell him to roll in front of me."

The white-clothed youth said coldly.

"I also hope that the ambassador can understand that the Patriarch really has something to do and cannot come in person."

Zhao Mu said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hmph, I am considerate of you, then who will be considerate of me."

The white-clothed youth said disdainfully.

When Zhao Mu heard the words, he couldn't help being stunned, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Well, now that the Zhao family imagines cooperating with me, forget it."

The white-clothed youth stood up and planned to leave.

"The envoy stayed."

Zhao Mu hurriedly greeted him and stopped the young man in white.

"I don't think we need to talk anymore."

As the white-clothed youth spoke, his figure instantly became blurred, and then disappeared into the void, as if he had never appeared before.


Zhao Mu couldn't help feeling shocked when he saw this scene. This guy unexpectedly came to this trick. Fortunately, the entire restaurant was contracted by the Zhao family, and no one saw the disappearance of the white-clothed youth.

It seemed that he didn't expect this at all. Zhao Mudai stood for a while before he came back to his senses, then turned and left.

The messenger of the Snowy Heavenly Palace didn't want to help the Zhao family at all.

But the Zhao family now needs the help of the Zhao family in the Snow Region, so that the Zhao Family in the Snow Region can get out of the trough.

The envoy of the Snowy Heavenly Palace was walking in the snowy area, and soon a young man in white appeared in the ancestral land of the Jinpeng clan.

The ancestors of the Jinpeng clan personally took his clan members, and personally greeted the envoys from the Xueyu Tiangong into the ancestral land of the Jinpeng clan.

After more than an hour, the messenger in white left.

Then, the Jinpeng clan took action and began to take over the territory of Zhao's family in Xueyu in a high-profile manner.

The battle is inevitable. You must know that the Zhao Family in the Snow Region will not surrender their territory so easily. As a result, there will be **** storms in the Snow Region.

There are rumors that the Jinpeng clan has received the promise of the Snowy Heavenly Palace to succeed the Zhao family and become the masters of this snowy territory.

As a result, other forces in the Snow Region dared not resist the Jinpeng clan, and one after another declared their allegiance to the Jinpeng clan.

However, there are individual forces who disagree, especially the Sirius clan who defeated the Zhao family in the Snow Region before, and they think they are qualified to become the new overlord in the Snow Region.

Storms are surging in the snowy area, and a big change is brewing.

On this day, a young man in white came from outside of Sirius City. This young man entered directly into Sirius City. However, within half an hour, the young man in white walked out of Sirius City.

"Hmph, I want me to surrender to the feet of the ancestor Jinpeng, is this possible?"

Above the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion in Sirius City, the Sirius ancestor sitting on the throne sneered and said, no matter what he is the messenger of the Snowy Heavenly Palace, Lao Tzu is not your slave.

The Sirius clan is very confident. You must know that as long as the ancient altar exists, even the Snowy Heavenly Palace can't ignore it.

This is also the reason why Sirius ancestors dare not buy the account of the messenger of the snowy heaven.

While the envoy of the Snowy Heavenly Palace was walking among the major forces in the northern snowy region, Gu Fei entered a mysterious place.

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