Immortal Immortal

Chapter 57 Auction? This is PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Buddhist layman couldn't help but look at Li Mo.

Li Mo was able to master such exquisite weapon-refining skills before he was twenty years old. At the same time, he reached the fourth level of the total horn stage, and he also practiced magic to the point where he could command it like an arm.

It can't be explained by just saying good luck.

His innate understanding is excellent, and he may even be a rare Taoist.

Li Mo put away the desert map and wrapped the magic weapon around his skin again.

If the attack of the Buddhist monk had not been protected by the Desert Map, he would have definitely suffered skin and flesh injuries. This shows the defense of the Five Refinements Desert Map.

Li Mo also noticed that the walls destroyed by the ghost tiger were slowly recovering, indicating that the entire flower building was a magical artifact.

But it should only be a mid-grade magic weapon. After all, the larger it is, the more spiritual materials are consumed, and the difficulty of refining it increases exponentially.

Hu Wen stretched, looked at the bronze mirror with satisfaction and said, "Li Mo, you will stay in Qinghonghua Building these days."

"I understand, Manager Hu."

Li Mo agreed immediately.

He needs to prepare a lot of things. In order to maximize profits, some spiritual materials need to be refined into magical artifact embryos for sale.

The Buddhist layman shook the folds of his right arm, and the damaged furniture disappeared.

He said in a deep voice: "Indeed, it's almost time to clear out the Hualou. Doctor Han, please help the waitress deal with the corpse."

"How can I be a doctor?"

Han Cai looked a little embarrassed, but he still headed towards the lobby.

When the Qinghonghua Building was first opened, it should have been a joint effort by three people. Hu Wen provided the human skin magic weapon, Han Cai was responsible for maintaining the body of the female shepherd, and the Buddhist monks were stationed at the temple.

In a sense, Qinghonghualou is a mine rich in spiritual stones.

"Little Li Mo, what are you doing standing there in a daze?"

Han Cai turned his head 180 degrees, and Li Mo quickly followed after seeing this. The two of them disappeared at the end of the corridor and returned to the lively lobby.

There was a commotion in the Green and Red Flower Building.

The concubines came forward to drive away the guests, and the disheveled monks left the flower building.

They didn't dare to have any objections. Just seeing Han Cai hanging upside down from the ceiling in the lobby gave him a chilling feeling.

At least the monks who are in the Weak Crown stage are likely to be close to forming the elixir.

Moreover, it has been confirmed that the auction will come to the Heart Beast Black Market. If you don't want to wade into troubled waters, you have to stay fifty miles away from the black market to be safe.

Li Mo used pieces of white cloth and screens as covers to dress up the lobby as an operating room.

"Not bad, quite discerning."

Han Cai nodded with satisfaction and signaled the waitress to take off the human skin magic weapons one after another and replace the rotten flesh and blood joints.

The waitress changed her charming look and shivered under Han Cai's remaining power.

Li Mo came into contact with the true appearance of the female shepherd and found that the bodies under the human skin magic weapon were even more serious than ordinary monks.

Think about it carefully.

The monks who came to listen to the music did not care about the appearance of the hostess at all. Those of them who had not lived for hundreds of years should have already expected that no matter how immortal they were, they would inevitably decay.

Although Li Mo knew some surgical skills, he could only do some hand-in-hand around Han Cai.

It was Han Cai who moved too quickly. Eight women were performing the surgery at the same time. A simple joint replacement only took a few minutes.

The waitress didn't even dare to take a breath.

After the operation, they immediately resigned and left the flower building, fearing that they might accidentally offend Han Cai and die without knowing how.

Li Mo also enjoyed his leisure time and chatted with Han Cai about the auction.

The last auction was held more than fifty years ago. It is said that there were many casualties and there were unspeakable dangers hidden in it.

Han Cai participated in two auctions and encountered different situations.

However, one thing is certain, the benefits contained in the auction are enough to take personal risks.

Li Mo's scalp was numb.

He couldn't help but compare it repeatedly. The memory of the auction in the Creation Book was that of taking turns to bid for goods.

What kind of weirdness happened in the auctions of later generations to make people so fearful.

Han Cai finished the operation and before he knew it, it was noon on the second day.

The nursing homes also dispersed, leaving only the four of them in Qinghonghualou. The rest of the shops in the black market were also closed, and the streets were dead silent.

Li Mo looked through the window and noticed that there were many monks hiding in the alley.

They cannot hang out in the store, so they can only wait secretly in the Heart Beast black market and participate in the auction as individual customers.

Someone looked at Qinghonghualou.

Seeing this, Li Mo closed the window and used wooden bars to completely seal the doors and windows to prevent any monks from jumping over the wall to escape into the Qinghonghua Building.

Compared to the relatively quiet lobby, there was always a lot of movement on the second floor of the flower building.

The Buddhist layman demolished all the private rooms, divided the second floor into four areas, and temporarily reinforced the walls with spiritual materials such as paper.

The area occupied by Han Cai and the three of them occupied 80% of the area, while Li Mo only occupied about 20%.

Li Mo naturally understood that the interests involved in the auction were accompanied by dangers. Anyway, his purpose was only to sell spiritual materials and purchase suitable spells, and he was not greedy.

After he confirmed that the doors and windows were correct, he refined the embryo of the magic weapon in the kitchen.

The catalog of magical weapons that Li Mo chose were all defensive-oriented and relatively easy to sell, but they were slightly more difficult to refine.

He immediately immersed himself in refining weapons.

The Buddhist layman had a strange expression. While he was busy pasting charms on the wall, he was distracted by Li Mo's refining, and suddenly noticed something strange.

Although the quality of the magical artifacts refined by Li Mo was uneven, the process was extremely skillful and did not even require excessive thinking.

How could such a skill in weapon refining come from a monk who was less than twenty years old?

Based on Buddhist layman's understanding of Han Cai, the latter would not teach his disciples at all, let alone Hu Wen who did not care about everything.

It seems that I still underestimate Li Mo's talent.

If there is a chance, we must ask Li Mo from Han Cai to help him take charge of the Qinghonghua Tower, so that the Buddhist layman can have some free time.

Li Mo spent ten days refining a total of seven Taoist robe-like magical artifacts.

The magical instrument is called "Golden Engraved Taoist Robe", which is of metal and earth elements. It is a very common protective magical instrument.

Li Mo did not wear the gold-threaded Taoist robe, mainly because his spiritual power needed to maintain the desert map and the caged bird, and adding a magical weapon would do more harm than good.

He put away his weapon refining tools, closed his eyes and meditated to recover.

During the ten days, there were sounds of knocking on the doors and windows of Qinghonghua Building from time to time. It was obvious that a monk wanted to recommend himself to enter the shop, but Han Cai and the other three ignored them and had no choice but to retreat in the end.

After Li Mo's spiritual power returned to Dingfeng, he prepared to go to the second floor of Hualou.

At this time, the drizzle fell in the black market, and it developed into a downpour in just a few breaths, and a fishy smell unique to fresh fish filled the air.

You know, the formation shrouds the Heart Beast Black Market, and the four seasons of rain and snow never affect the streets.

But now, the heavy rain seems to be flooding the black market. It is obviously a strange phenomenon caused by the auction, and the atmosphere suddenly becomes anxious.

In the cracks of the floor tiles, maggots were entangled with each other, and flies were flying all over the sky.

Shops one after another reveal the aura of magical weapons.

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